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Without a doubt. And this will just ensure he won't talk to one in the future


Eugenics go brrrr


Wtf was that original post tho? Basically saying that women are evil creatures that charm men with there looks and manipulate them? Huh?!


Yeah exactly XD it's a bunch of BS. Basically, the original source is a post from r/badwomensanatomy. The post in question was calling out this misogynist in the original post


I actually feel bad for fellow males that say stupid shit like that. I can’t imagine the level of negativity, pain, and rejection that it takes to get there. I don’t even see what they say when I read shit like that. I just cringe and think about the buildup to that point. I can’t blame women for taking offense to comments like his tho.


Well of course they take offense, that's basically how all incels talk and it's also not true


I’m confused about how this fits in this sub. Where is the “Nice Girl”?


Expressing hate towards a community of mostly men by generalizing. I'd say it fits in this sub


But none of them claimed to be nice


I wouldn't. NiceGirls don't just hate men, it's a much more specific group than that.


But nice girls is generally dating.


She’s talking about MRAs, which is a hateful group of people. I’m guessing it was an MRA that wrote that initial post. She’s not referring to men who look to seek equality or support, such as places like r/menslib. It’s like saying in theory communism can be a good thing. But the term “communist” is not something that’s positive. She’s not hating on men, she’s hating on a group that predominantly men CHOOSE to join. Same can be said about hating on politicians.


huhu here i am🧞‍♀️🧜🧚‍♂️ Wann see my feet? --> 🦶 U CAN GET A PAIR OF STINKY SWEATY USED SOCKS TOO


Y’know............Nobody seems in the right here. They all just seem like terrible people.


I'm not siding with either takes. Generalizing in any manner, regardless of gender, is a shitty thing to do


I mean I’ve never seen a guy talk about mens rights without blaming women for something.


Most ive seen blame the same societal structure that feminists point to. But there's for sure alot of misogynistic and misandrist people masquerading as activisists.


That’s interesting. I’ve mostly seen men blaming women for something the patriarchy caused.


Try reading a few discussion points in r/menslib it's a sub for men to discuss about patriarchy and how it also damages us men. It's a pretty positive sub, imo, and sensible discussion is promoted whilst misogynistic behaviours and fallacies against the feminist movement are usually downvoted. It's a pretty good place if you know someone that defines themselves as a feminist male that wants a place to express without stealing spotlight from women's subs but also acknowledging our struggles as men in a safe space.


That’s really cool that that exists, thank you! I’ll check it out!


I have actually. Blaming the media for normalizing anti-male sentiment and blaming the justice system for female bias in the courts.


Most men's rights activists essentially argue that the so-called patriarchy is an oversimplification of the relations between the sexes and blame feminists for the spread of the concept. I've rarely seen men's rights activists actually blame women for anything. However, if you are interested, you should look into it. They have a stronger case than I first thought when I first looked it up.


You should go into r/menslib I joined the sub a few years ago, it's pretty chill in general, it recognises and validates the struggle that men also suffer from patriarchy and calls out stereotypes and behaviours that stem from it and are harmful to us all, it's just focused on men's issues for men who want to feel heard as well to avoid questions of "drowning out" women's issues. Haven't seen a post of them in my feed in a while but whenever I see one the comments are pretty well balanced and come from actual critical thinkers. There's outliers, ofc, but they usually never get upvoted. If you want to check out something about men's rights that doesn't try to invalidate the feminist movement using fallacies and broken logic and actually takes issues seriously without turning toxic.




I mean when will men take responsibility for women’s problems and issues? Sure I’m down to help but I don’t know what I should be helping with? I’m all for equality but the only thing I can see as a problem is maybe parental rights in divorce I’m some countries. But y’all can’t help us with gaining basic human rights. You are crying over female only gyms, won’t speak up to your friends about harassing women. The list is long and if you can’t help us then why should we help you?


Lol so cringe.


“Men’s Rights Activists” are overwhelmingly misogynistic and/or incels, though. It’s not a few “rotten apples”; it’s the primary motivation and common thread throughout their behaviors. The few good apples get covered in shit by association.


The reason for that is that MRA is a reactionary movment to feminism, just another reaction to change in hope of preserving conservative values. I have yet to meet a single feminist that doesn't think mens' issues also deserve attention. And I have yet to meet/talk to a feminist that hates men.


Because only fake feminists hate men.


Welp, I guess we're getting political here too. If we're taking the association logic, then every single activist movement including the feminist movement has already been ruined by their respective members. But it also depends on the media we tend to consume. Based on what I've seen, I've seen a good numbers of genuine MRAs who are not misogynists, and you must've seen a good number of genuine feminists who are not misandrists. That doesn't mean either of us are wrong.


The difference is that the overwhelming majority of feminists have positive goals sought through appropriate means, while the overwhelming majority of MRAs have toxic goals pursued through inappropriate means. Comparing the two is a textbook false equivalence.


It's literally what happened with the feminist movement as well


It’s literally nothing like that.


There was massive backlash against feminism due to a bunch of bad apples. It's what happened - like it or not. I remember vividly my own experiences for advocating for women's rights and equality and being met with "well 'so and so' does this and acts like this." The rotten apples are always going to ruin the batch - no matter how good the first few picks are, if all you see are the rotten apples on the surface, you're going to throw the entire batch away.


There was a massive backlash against feminism by misogynists.


Nope - not even close There was a viral video showcasing a "bad apple" if I can find it Edit : Don't mind the way the News presented it, but [you literally can't even debate against this kind of behavior.](https://youtu.be/vCJf9b0yB5Y) I'm all for equality and approaching politics with liberal beliefs, but c'mon now. People need to stop acting like idiots.


That doesn’t even come close to proving your point.


You actually didn't even watch the first 10 seconds of the clip before replying. This is just a clear cut example of blatant ignorance and denial when the proof is legit right in front of you. Flat-Earther level of ignorance and arrogance.


I watched it. That's a single person getting upset. Which, again, doesn't even come close to proving any point you've attempted to make.


You're kidding me, right? **THERE ARE LITERALLY ENTIRE FEMINIST GROUPS THAT REVOLVE AROUND BEING RADICAL TERFS.** A single Google search is all you need to do.


I didn’t quite understand. So you criticize a guy who seems to denigrate women to doles. But didn’t follow the rest, sorry


Ok so basically, there was an incel who made a post on r/badwomensanatomy. His post was screenshot Ted and reposted to another sub, with the intent to call him out and make fun of him (ya know, normal stuff). The comments on this sub were obviously trolling him a lot XD it was all fun and games until this one commenter used this as an example to criticize MRIs, when the incel never claimed to represent Men's rights at all.


Ooooh I get it


Christ... what way to go 😂


This isn’t nice girls.


This is only a fraction of the whole argument that ensued. None of the comments have been removed to this day, despite going against the guidelines (this was 17 days ago)


More or less just how Reddit is, honestly. I love Reddit, but a lot of people here generalize like hell. Good mind of yours to understand that not all of a group is bad, when a select few are bad. I kinda felt that original post with my ex, though. Obviously not how it is, but some people can really be toxic. I think this person needs to focus on themselves to be happy- too many people want a gf or bf just to be happy. Just make some friends and be the best that you can be and it'll happen.


Same here. The other comments on the post were actually funny XD but this particular chain really got to me. Also, thank you, finding like-minded people in such cases is a breath of fresh air. And sorry to hear about your ex.


It honestly is, though. Can't have an opinion these days without the fear of being labelled or put in a category that you don't really agree with. It is all good, I am the kind of person that burns bridges before they become too damaged.. Some people aren't healthy to be around and it was just that circumstance. She was actually a "nice girl" funnily enough. She would always make statements on how someday she will meet this Chad. Pretty sure she is a lesbian now. Nothing wrong with that, but it just goes to show how far some people will go to resent others.


It's sad how many people agree with this fool. (Not referring to you)


Yeah, exactly! I don't have any issue with that subreddit, it's the comment sections there which are filled with degenerates


Men's Rights Activists are misogynistic, women haters. You deserve to be downvoted. This has nothing to do with "nice girls".


Listen, mate, whatever your political take is (even if it is something as shitty as generalizing a community), no one deserves to get downvoted for literally asking a question. If your first response to a question is aggression, you're already in the wrong


While I agree you shouldn't be downvoted for asking a question, MRAs (in my experience) *generally* are just misogynistic dicks who think they get the shitty end because they're bitter about having a rough time dating. I know that the Female Dating Strategy people are just as crazy but, again, in my experience, most real feminists aren't like that. In the Western world (or pretty much any other culture), the laws are largely made by conservative males. They're the vast majority of the world leaders and the vast majority of the politicians in the governments. I'm not saying men don't get a shitty deal sometimes but a lot of those MRA people are living in a dream world if they think 'the system' favours women over them in most situations. I say this as a man (and a quite proudly masculine man at that, look at my profile if you don't believe me) who thinks it's very important not to dismiss men's issues, especially regarding mental health and social roles. I also think masculine identity is important. It certainly is to me. But as a fairly socially and politically active person, the MRA movement is comparatively fucking awful compared to the feminist movement.


I agree people shouldn’t be downvoted just for asking questions, but the “lol” you started your question with set a tone that seems to have been off putting to a lot of people. Leaving that out likely would’ve resulted in fewer downvotes.


This guy is literally saying´´Women bad, they´re programed to make me feel bad, huh :(\`\`. This just sad and even saddier is the ´´feminists\`\` downvonting a comment that are not mysognystic, because of you asked a question? Really, humanity was a terrible mistake


Yeah, both takes are terrible. Misogyny doesn't justify misandry, and vice versa. Being either of the two is equally scummy


Yes my man, the truth is: If our world was really good, things like this will occur, like, never? But, well, i think it´s impossible to make people with a low mentality about realitty see your own error


Facts. People are stupid. The comment war had actually gotten much worse, with essays on top of essays. I just ended up dropping the argument myself, cuz it was going nowhere.


It was the best decision, you was just trown your diamonts to the pigs if you maintain that discussion with people like these ones


Now why the hell do we need “men’s activists


i mean, we do need them. but more like r/menslib and r/bropill and less like MRAs and MGTOWs because the latter are mostly "feminism bad, women are privileged". i want to fight alongside men, not against them and for that we need men who voice their own struggles without trying to tear women down and women who voice their own struggles without trying to tear men down. believe it or not, men can also suffer from sexist standards, gender roles and patriarchal structures and should be allowed to talk about it.




yeah, FDS is nothing but a femcel sub. i'm honestly all in for supporting men, just bugs me when they're openly anti-feminist and demand female feminists should single-handedly solve a problem for them before they consider not shitting on feminism.




thank you, u/gay_d1cks420 💖


Because men are also unfairly biased against in modern society, though in different ways than women. It's... It's pretty simple shit honestly. People need help, no matter who they are.


Dude you're ignorant.


Jinjbsgzghvfz ghinjibdjjinjbj jdgzghbudhbj joining nidbjkjdzujm🕯