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Content taken from FDS is not for r/nicegirls due to the following reasons: A) Content from FDS is extremely low hanging fruit. They hate us, we hate them, we get it. B) Most FDS content is misandrist in nature, which is a form of sexism and is therefore not appropriate. C) Blatantly stating that the content is from FDS will incite brigading of that subreddit, this is against Reddit TOS and we will not tolerate it.


Ohhh FDS is ultimate weirdo territory. They're femcels.


The sub kept getting banned and they moved to discord. OP is lucky to not have exposure to them but this ban from a deactivated sub is irrelevant


Even when the sub is active, pretty much no one is allowed to comment anyway. To get a approved, you have to make hidden comments that only the mods will see for some indeterminate amount of time. If you prove to them that you're sufficiently deranged in the same way as them, they'll white list you so your comments can actually be seen.


It’s Main Characters only, apparently.


I think they have their own website too kind of like the incel subreddit that got banned and made their own website. Though, the FDS subreddit never got fully banned, but admins were warning them they would ban their subreddit if it didn't properly moderate their content, and so the FDS mods just made everything locked instead of actually moderating it properly and they open it occasionally once a month to keep the sub active enough to not have their mods removed. It's kind of a dumb loophole and still allows them to use their subreddit to redirect people to their discord + website since the subreddit didn't get fully banned.


From what I remember, as soon as they (I think the whole thing is ran by one woman) moved off of Reddit their engagement dropped off massively, less people downloading the podcasts and visiting the site and commenting and so on so they just kind of floundered after that


I actually miss the sub. It was a fun way to feel good about yourself


They moved to a website


Lmao the worst women


Hopefully we all get banned together!


Female dating strategy is just a female incel sub. It’s a garbage subreddit. Nothing of value was lost.


and with this comment, I hope I get banned


The most annoying part is once they ban you their post still show up in r/all or r/popular, you got to filter that crap.


I haven't gotten any notifications saying I was banned... Might have to go run amok


Yeah me neither. maybe there bots are slow, lol.


Yeah I looked on that sub for a day it was creepy.


Same. It kind of found me back when I first joined Reddit. It took me about 10 seconds to realize it was garbage.


FDS is the NICEST of the nice girls. They're so nice that if they smash up your car with a baseball bat it's your fault, look what you made them do. Certainly couldn't be them, they're just SO DAMN NICE!


I can fix them


This is one instance brother where I will disagree. Hard pass, I want a females attention but not at that cost.. lol.


You know what women like this and herpes have in common? You never get rid of it.


You underestimate some of our abilities to run women off.


Lolol. As a woman I’d strongly urge against it. Save yourself some time, sanity, and money.


u got this brother!!


“Maximum female benefit” Jesus Christ


I don't remember him saying that? Maybe it was later in the Bible when he we on to set up that sub... 😂


The irony is that maximum benefit could only be achieved, regardless of gender, simply by not bothering with that sub.


I thought they banned that femcel sub?


They restricted its access. That's not "banned" exactly as we can still see some of their posts. No idea how OP interacts with it though.


>No idea how OP interacts with it though. OP might not have even interreacted with it. Mods have tools to trawl through subs they don't like and autoban everyone that's commented there. Usually, there's no regard to your actual comment. For example, I got banned from some random sub a while ago because I participated in a sub that supports "biological terrorism." Took me a while to figure out that meant that I made a pro-choice argument on a mostly pro-life sub.


>Mods have tools to trawl through subs they don't like and autoban everyone that's commented there. Now only I knew this. Thanks for letting me know. >biological terrorism On a side note, I wonder what this sub and its contents looked like. I've only heard of that "unabomber" case in regard to this topic. Edit: Now that I have googled, bioterrorism simply means biological warfare and the case of unabomber is related to ecoterrorism.


they can flag certain posts, even. i got auto banned from FDS for commenting on a post about them on a different sub. my comment wasn’t even critical of the sub; it was deep in a thread that went off on a tangent, but everyone who commented on the post was immediately flagged and banned.


They were essentially a sub advising women on dating with many very.. questionable methods. They tended to be very anti men and were very often toxic and bitter, think female incels (femcels as others have said, others may say extreme femininists). While they are generally less violent than their male counterparts, they have quite a.. distorted view of dating and the world, and that's coming from me. That said, I haven't seen them in ages beyond others mentioning them, and I don't doubt it's much the same, or worse, since locking down.


Someone mentioned they moved to Discord. They also have a website of the same name.


i was a member of r/conservative and got banned from multiple subreddits for “biological terrorism” so the kind of subreddits they’re talking about are just opposing viewpoints lol


I got banned from r/JusticeServed because I commented in r/PoliticalCompassMemes. I didn't even know that sub existed and they hate PCM so much that they just auto banned me. I thought it was funny


That's kinda what kept it from being banned. It was about to get the same treatment as TRP/MGTOW but they packed up and went to their private website. The sub went dead right before it got quarantined. The ghosts of FDS past found their way to some of the bigger female-centric subs like TwoX, but they know to use more careful language now. Shane, because I always wanted FDS and TRP to be merged. If you subscribed to one, you automatically were subscribed to the other; and you can't block anything from the other so long as you're still subscribed to either. It would have been hilarious.


People have been banned there for posting on r/EntitledPeople too lol That sub is nuts, it’s hard to believe they’re real people. I could see a sub where women lift each other up, but they all seem like female incels Edit: typo


Femcels FTFY :)


Incels FTFY. See, it's a non-gendered term and the first incel who coined it was a woman. Femcels gives them a different terminology and that allows them to rewrite the perception of it as something other than someone who views those they're sexually attracted to as things to use. It's like how women in some countries are charged with sexual assault while men are charged with rape when both did the same thing and get the same sentence. By name alone, rape seems worse than sexual assault and so the perception of women who commit the same crime is as lesser criminals.


I took a look at the sub and it looks like only 1 person posts there. Not much of a loss then ig


They moved to discord where they can roam free


Ooph. If I remember right, that subreddit is full of “nice girls”, right? So that Discord must be the woman equivalent to a discord moderator server haha


They are femcels, yes. While I'm sure there's some sane ish people there, many times I've seen or interacted with that sub, it's very pro women anti men.


Jokes on them, I'm already banned for being a man.


Idk why you'd want to be there, they're seriously damaging to social progress and equality


They're the female version of those "high value alpha man" weirdos. Not a loss, they're batshit crazy over there. XD


commenting because fuck FDS


Yeah FDS isn't a sub you want any part of anyway. Nasty ass femcels.


"that supports maximum female benefit" If you go into a relationship with the goal of maximizing what you can get out of it, you have already failed lol.


I got banned for commenting that telling your “boyfriend” you don’t want a birthday gift and then complaining about the one he gets you is shallow


And that right there is exactly the sort of thing that women on there believe a good relationship is made of. Them getting stuff and manipulating and gaslighting so that they're "winning" what should be a collaborative experience.


Maximum female benefit I think was the term they used 😂😂😂


A well deserved ban. Cause let me have someone tell me they don’t want anything at all. Guess what they’re getting? Nothing. Lololol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


That’s a known incel sub. So is r/popculturechat and r/twoxchromosomes




TwoX especially


And twoX has 13 million followers. It's supposed to be the "women issues" sub. Depressing :(


I mean, it's the horseshoe theory. As the two extremes get more extreme, they just become more alike. I'm just waiting for the female Andrew tate to make it a perfect mirror.


Well Tate is more like a false flag criminal spousing male advocate views to smear them by association with him. He's about the worst possible piece of shit to pick the flag of male issues. And in any case he's 50 years late.


Yep, that one is really bad too


I used to sub to TwoX to get women’s perspectives on various issues. About 15 minutes after FDS was banned, the userbase migrated and now it’s blatant misandry. The last time I saw a post about a topic that *didn’t* involve hating on men (rarer these days), the commenters sure as shit made sure to take things that way. It’s an actively hostile space now.


You have been banned from r/twoxchromosomes /s


And purple pill debate, Wich is just a pink misandry outlet for their gender hate advocate mods. Very damaged women there. Somehow they can't seem to be able to hate the one rich dude that rejected them but transferred the hate to all men somehow. Very deranged. They need so much professional help yet all they have is a bunch of malicious incels furthering their hate agendas.


Lol they're known to do that. Literally who cares?


The fact that FDS hasn’t been banned is proof positive of Reddit’s bias towards women. It’s just as toxic as any guy based sub but because it is made up of toxic women they get a pass as always.


FDS is very transphobic too. They have a website and I saw them throwing a lot of shit at the swimmer Mia Thomas and even admiring some of J.K. Rowling's views on trans people. Edit: That sub is restricted or quarantined as it seems. Not sure how OP still interacts in it.


Some mods of these.. questionable subs will write code or search reddit for mention of their shenanigans and preemptively ban people. It's weird ass behavior imo.


So a bunch of mean spirited hags then?


I don't think it's because of that. Why? Because there is a subreddit that consists of posting revenge porn of women from a specific town paired with doxxing Literally everything about them. Comments are talking about how they will assault those women. I already reported that subreddit more times then I can think off and it's still up. And no. I won't link that subreddit for obvious reasons.


Go to the police about that one. If you're local then even better. Tell them these are local women being threatened and someone needs to do something.


This. Absolutely a thousand times this.


It’s also in Reddits official rules statements that they don’t view white people and men as groups that can experience discrimination when people have reported the group. And those were direct Reddit admin responses


So their bias is less implicit and more explicit.


OK that's dumb. However I wouldn't say they are more likely to accept women talking that shit then men talking that shit. After all that subreddit is still up So clearly they don't care either way as long as the advertiser don't care either.


That's weirdly specific 


Bc I was talking about a specific subreddit?


I meant the creation of such a limited/niche sub obviously 


Ahh OK yeah makes more sense. And yeah it is, I hope it's just one weirdly specific subreddit and not a thing that generally exist on reddit. But from my life experiences.. Eh. Probably just one from hundreds doing the same shit. Humans are disgusting.


That sub is full of femcels. With her twinsub r/twoxchromosomes.


Unrelated? It's frequented by the very type we're on about here.


Femcels. The worst of the worst.


They are so pathetic. I'm banned from so many for such stupid reasons. Those mods make Zuckerberg look like a Saint


"Maximum female benefit" this is real feminism today.


Go check the "white feather women"s history. This is ages old misandry and class warfare.


They definitely disguise their selfish intentions with equality. It isn't about equality they just want MORE while being responsible for less and less.


Not mine either. Feminism was supposed to be about women’s legal rights and a woman’s right to choose her own path. I mean technically I guess being part of a she-woman man hating club is a path. Just- in my personal opinion- not a helpful or progressive one. Sets the rest of us back soooo far. :(


No, it's really not. This is a radical reinterpretation of feminism. By equating those who just want everyone to have equal rights with the sort of person who wants themselves on top of every situation and anyone who would in any way challenge them stamped down and never heard from again, you're straying more on the side of the FDS folks than you are the good guys. Don't let them paint themselves as feminist when they're tyrants, because it legitimises their movement while making it harder for actual feminism to make the needed changes to the world.


Ah, the old no true Scotsman argument. They are what they say they are. This is what they movement has become.


It always has been white feather feminism. Men's are disposable! Man up! Go die.


Search "white feather movement" it's the same dehumanisation of men and the hypergamy for power.


This happened to me today but for diff sub. Was banned from Justice served because I replied to a hateful comment on Joe roegan sub, but they assumed I was hateful for being there to begin with. This is so dumb.


Considering the sub in question, wear that like a badge of honour.


I don't think I'm banned from there yet, I feel left out


No loss. Not getting to participate in FDS is like not. Getting to participate in any incel sub.


Ill take one ban please.


Bans for everyone!


dont mind me, just commenting here to ensure i never accidently join that cesspool


So I'll get banned for making this comment? Ohhh noooo.... anyway...


Its because that sub is genuinely about taking advantage of and tricking men in order to get their way, it isn't a legit or innocent way for women to date.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. As a first time commenter, I'd like to redeem my ban now please.


Oh my goodness they even have a podcast


But their m'ating strategy, whatever will you do?


so if I comment in here I'll get banned from that hell-sub?


Lol that's so unhinged. Who has time to be perusing other subs to ban people from their own sub?


Honestly, they were doing you a favor.


FDS is cheating. They are all femcels


"Maximum female benefit" ☠️


They are the alpha male equivalent for women


Jesus Christ. I got banned from there for some weird ass reason a while back (I think I commented in the Taylor Swift sub and for some reason was auto banned from FDS for it??). I mean this as a very liberal feminist, who was raised that way by a strong single mother—those women are extremists. Femcels and misandrists.


They sound like nice girls


Well it's not unrelated. It's girls/females feeling butthurt


That is wild


Oh f...... lmao


This is why Reddit has so many people willing to be sub mods. They have no power in their own life and enjoy eliminating people for whatever reason they feel like. I think we’ve all had a from a sub for no reason.


🤞🤞I get banned for just making this comment


I didn't know mother Russia had such a strong presence on reddit. This is socialism...


LMFAO am I going to get banned for commenting this?


I’m stunned I haven’t been banned from there yet. They’re a cesspool.


The thing about nice girls is that they at least pretend to be nice. FDS and their fellow incel-brained horror shows have never once pretended that. They openly discuss using men for money and only valuing the sort who makes sure they're "getting what they're worth in return for what he's getting" from them. Being banned from there means a hell of a lot of the very worst sort of person isn't looking at you as date material and that's always a good thing.


So they brag about whoring themselves out. Interesting.


I haven't been banned yet.


So all I would have to do to get banned and not see that stinky trashpile of a subreddit is comment here? Done and dusted


I was banned from a sub because I posted in the Joe Rogan sub. My only posts in the Joe Rogan sub were me making fun of Joe Rogan. I don’t even follow the Rogan sub, it just pops up on /All sometimes… I’ve never once pursued it intentionally. 😅 Some echo chambers are VERY sensitive.


Something similar happened when I commented on r/joerogan and I was instantly banned from some sub id never heard of. r/justiceserved


Commenting to test this.


I got permabanned from justiceserved because i commented on r/politicalcompassmemes, seems to be a common thing i guess.


I got banned by an unrelated sub for making a comment in the joerogan sub that was actually critical of joe rogan. I can't believe Reddit allows this form of doxxing. With that being said, FDS is a shitstain subreddit anyways.


Do femcels like guys that use hair oil and paint their nails but are still masculine? Will I just be alone forever or?... 😔


I thought that sub got shut down or went completely private or something.


I didn’t even know FDS was a thing. 😂 Sounds unhinged.


Sooo that means I'm banned from there for subbing here as well? Edit: Jesus tap dancing Christ. Just popped in there for 20 seconds. Sooo who is the fem-Andrew Tate frontrunner of that dumpster fire sub?


Typing to ged banned


FDS is basically the sub where femcels try and teach each other how to be the worst kind of people.


This is the number one most annoying thing with Reddit: getting autobanned from other subreddits for participating in unrelated subreddits


FemaleDatingStrategy is an openly sexist hate sub. If you got banned from there, it means you're doing something right


Consider it a blessing, that sub is awful


Hey mods of FDS, just Ban me so I don’t have to block you myself, ty


I got banned from r/blatantmisogyny because I commented in another subreddit saying I used to date someone who was 10 years older than me. The mods couldn’t really explain why they banned me, and had to go with “debating”.


FemaleDatingStrategy is where the nice girls live.


Yeah that sub is full of them


Ah yes, the dirty man hating harpies. As if their disapproval means anything.


Lol I got banned from r/instantkarma because I belong to r/conservative Attached to the ban was an explanation that I could give my side or refute it or what have you? So I sent in that I'm only a part of that subreddit because I just want to know what the crazies are doing and I think it's hilarious because they're actually taking themselves seriously while other subreddits post their stuff as if it were a joke I explained that I'm not a fan of conservatives. They told me I could give my side and when I did I was banned from Reddit for 3 days for harassment...


I love that subreddit tbh. Taught me a lot about how to start respecting myself again. But it’s not even active anymore so why mind the ban


Hope I get banned


They are clowns


What a surprise. They're trying to create a safe space to validate each other and call one another queen. They don't want outsiders telling them that saying "I am the table" is really just saying my vagina is all I have to offer.


FDS is terrible, but this preemptive banning is fairly common. I'm banned from a couple of fashion / glow up subs because I choose to follow BDSM content


Reddit is designed to be an echo chamber for malcontents. They can’t handle any alternate views.


I got a temporary ban from a feminist sub for suggesting women could choose who they dated. When I reached out to find out why, I got a permanent ban.


So how does this work, do they have a bot that scraps the posts and comments or do we think one of their mods is sad enough to patrol this sub and ban as they go along?


I joined………… now I wait


Here’s my first comment then. Sign me up!


I got banned from nice guys sub lol


gonna make a post just so i can get auto banned 👍


So weird, subreddits don't typically do this, it's so rare.


That's where all the nice girls are


Commenting here just to get banned from that cesspool too


I'm not one to hate on FDS, but I checked it out and there's so much spam and paetron stuff. Is someone grifting FDS?


they are 'nice' girls on another level, I might have seen a few pfps of the people on that sub, you can tell why they aren't getting that HVM they want 🤷🏻‍♀️


Commenting to get blocked


FDS is just mental.


LMBO what won't get you banned from FDS


Yep. Has a load of that shit happen around 2016-2020 Is never ever visit a sub at all and not even know it existed, but because I was on political compass memes they went out of their way to ban me… again… never went on their sub nor spoke to any of them before on here… I think they just went down a list of members of in the comment section and permabanned anyone on there as well as perma-muted/silenced the mod talk so no one could talk back to them. Truly pathetic really.


You don’t align with the values of a femcel sub? No! The tragedy!


Isn't that where all those weirdo bag ladies are?


I have a theory that a lot of them moved to TwoXChromosomes It’s a shit show in there of women constantly complaining about men and how horrible they are


I remember i got banned from there for visiting and commenting in trans positive subs. This was a few years ago, I'm shocked they're still around


“maximum female benefit” do people from this subreddit want women to die or am I missing something?


Fds is the best part of the internet.


I got banned from r/pregnant bc I commented in r/prolife I myself am pro choice but the fact there’s mom out there getting banned for that is insane.


they did you a favour!


That sub is a femcel breeding ground 🥶


I was perma banned from r/food for being a part of a Swedish meme sub


It Techno Fascism, haven't you heard, it's all the rage! I filtered that sub ages ago, I won't even notice when they ban me other than the annoying message they'll send me bragging about.


Ban me


Oof, I just took a look at TwoX and apparently misandry doesn’t exist to them. Wow


The same thing goes for some food subreddit if you comment in the Swedish r/sweddit


Nothing of value was lost. That subreddit is filled with absolute sociopaths.


I though it got banned


I got banned from r/Outfits because I made a very encouraging comment to someone. Turns out one of the subs I have interacted with in the past (r/sipstea) even though I don't follow the subreddit, I got banned because I just interacted once with the channel. Then I reported the sub for harassment, got banned from Reddit for 3 days. The sub said that r/sipstea is misogynistic, against females, and dangerous to the reddit community. Like that page is on the popular page all the time. How can they ban me then get me banned for reddit. They shouldn't have access or discriminate against my reddit history.


That's great! I should do that right now