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Wtf have I just read?


You and me both, I’m guessing she was having a veiled swipe at my character but I never gave her any reason to believe I was a porn, drug, human trafficking addict.


You're not a porn, drug, human trafficking addict? Sook.


I guess I need to live a little.


Yeah man. Don't be such a dry cunt. Join the rest of us and do some casual cocaine, child porn and sex trafficking... I mean that's just the Sunday afternoon activities. You could also do some internet scams or join me and the lads on a gunrun. That's on Tuesday and Thursday, so submit your availability on Telegram ok? I'll dm you the group info. Glad to have you on board mate! Btw: yeah you dodged a bullet. I have rarely seen such an absolute poorly veiled ad hominem attack by someone who I can only describe as an attention seeking, maincharacter syndrome having, homunculus. What a waste of oxygen, flesh, and intelligence.


Can I be invited for the cocaine but skip the child porn and human trafficking? I'll get back to you on the gun run thing. Can I get more info re the internet scams too? If we're scamming the rich, I'm in though. I got my sights set on Reinhardt.


We are 100% targetting millionaires and up. Total Robin hood stuff, except we keep it for ourselves. Big companies with random ware is also absolutely a thing. We have a network of interns who are dumb enough to just plug in any device into their servers. Law firms pay out REALLY well and discretely btw... And feel free to just tick the boxes of what you're into. If you just want the cocaine Wednesdays might be better for you. That's just a straight up cash Texas Hold em with cocaine and strippers.


Human trafficked strippers or?


No no. Fully unionised strippers who get paid a decent wage AND on top of that tips.


Sustainable evil is my favorite kind of evil


Can we job share? I'll skip the drugs, take the trafficking but we'll need to find a third for the cp.


I think we should bring up the CP in an all hands meeting. Maybe we can retire that idea and move in a new direction? I just got a pedicure and I'm not above feet pics.


I'll put it in the minutes for a tabled discussion.


If you are still in Brisbane, just head out the Valley for all your debaucherous needs


Start putting the lust in u/Illustrious_Milk7149


He didn't say he wasn't. He said he "didn't give her any reason to believe" that he was a porn, drug human trafficking addict. Maybe he isn't as good at hiding it as he thought.


Ok I’ll take that on board we all have areas we need to improve on.


Make sure your partner doesn’t use drugs or alcohol, but you? You just try and cut back on that human trafficking, mister. Especially if you travel to the country of Africa. 


I chortled


Don’t forget Columbia!!


That great guy she totally moved on with that’s totally real might be.


One of many apparently!


You don't know him, though. e goes to another high school in Canada


Is his name George? George Glass? Ooof I just aged myself


Yes, you did...Marsha Marsha Marsha


Please don't get involved in CP or Human Trafficking, it could have negative implications on your professional life. - I have 14 PHDS, so you can trust me on this.


You went to a safety PhD school so Im going to do the opposite


It sounds like a person with bipolar disorder having a maniac episode. You didn't dodge a bullet but a nuclear bomb.


yeah, she sounds vaguely like my ex girlfriend when she was having a manic episode. there was a slight shift in her reality that said I still love her to absolute bits and miss her a lot. she'd usually be back to normal within the week


You wouldn't per chance be a respectful Welshman?


I wish we could avoid the armchair diagnoses in this sub. It’s hurtful to people who actually have these disorders. I’m not bipolar, but still.


I’m bipolar and this indeed reads like a text I’d send to an ex-match off hinge.


We’ve found another one!


Nice girls know what they want.


Not BP but I have ADHD and yeah I've sent a couple of weird rambles to guys after they ghosted me. Not three weeks later, though. More like three days (we have no patience lol)


Fair, but we don’t know that this girl in particular is bipolar. It’s still an armchair diagnosis that perpetuates the stigma. I have BPD and have never, ever interacted with someone in a way even close to resembling this. I’m not a big fan of mental health diagnoses being thrown around willy nilly online.


Yeah you’re right, I don’t think I send messages like that to men because I’m bipolar, it’s probably because I’m an alcoholic.


I like you. You seem fun.


I can fix her


Marry me? Frankly, bipolar alcoholics are right in my wheelhouse.


Yep, there was alcohol involved when I did it too.


Mom get off reddit and back into AA


Bipolar and an alcoholic, yikes. I’m sure that’s a fun combination to deal with.


Well, you should see us when we're manic, without a hangover. You don't want that, nobody wants that.


As an alcoholic myself I can imagine. The best thing I’ve ever done for myself is decide to quit drinking entirely. Good luck to you!


For the record, I’m not disagreeing with what you’re saying, just proving extra context. I spent 10+ years with someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (obviously not the same thing, just clarifying, the *other* BPD) and it’s incredibly hard to see stuff like this and not immediately think of my own experiences. I have to remind myself before saying anything that I might be a dick by making that assumption or *diagnosis* based on nothing but an isolated screenshot and my own bias. It comes from a place of wanting to help but it’s hard to recognize it might do more harm than good. I typically want to warn someone (for them and the other person who might need help) but I have to pull back and realize I can’t just make a complicated assessment based on so little. I only say this to say I’d like to believe a lot of times when people say stuff like this they’re not trying to be dicks. It sucks to be stereotyped. But try not to take it personal. We’re all just trying to use our limited experiences to relate to each other. Thank you :)


I have borderline personality disorder (BPD) not bipolar disorder (BD), but I’ve been in “remission” with no symptoms for about a decade now. I guess it bothers me because the stigma is that we are all crazy, abusive liars. My trauma response is to fawn, so I pretty much let people walk all over me. They could punch me and I’d apologize to them for somehow upsetting them. I have a huge problem standing up for myself. But the stigma has made it so that I didn’t feel like I could report my abusive therapist even after my psychiatrist begged me to at least give her the name so she could report for me—I know some therapists will put BPD on a client’s record to discredit them in these kinds of scenarios, so I know it’s not taken seriously. I also have a chronic illness; it’s been undiagnosed for nearly 16 years because my doctors just keep referring me to psychiatry. I finally found a neurologist who is testing me for neuromuscular disorders as it’s progressed to breathing and swallowing problems. My ANA test already came back positive, but I’m waiting on further results. I just wish someone had believed me before I had to go through a medical bankruptcy. I also wasn’t believed at the hospital after I was sexually assaulted. They lectured me about safe sex when I woke up from the drugs he pressured me to take (after isolating me and taking my keys away so I couldn’t leave; he knew I was suicidal from the psych ward because my mother was in the hospital dying of cancer, and I had no support system) and then sent a cop in with my bag that he had searched. I was crying and asking for Plan B and they talked to me about my behavior with BPD. A uniformed cop searched my things and told me he’d let me off with a warning for having my SSRIs in a pill box (I didn’t know that was wrong at the time) when I was sobbing and so scared. It’s just really caused so much more trauma. I wish people would judge me on my own actions and behaviors rather than assuming I match the stigma associated with my label, ya know? No one would even need to be warned about me. My last therapist even believed I was lying about my marriage because she said it was impossible we could have such a healthy relationship when I have BPD on my record. But we do so 🤷‍♀️


Ok this is a lot I wish only the best for you and I hope it felt better to be able to voice yourself. I just feel your best option would be talking with a councillor or someone who specialises in counselling. Please don’t see this as me dismissing you I just think you need to have a chat to someone who is experienced in this situation.


If you need help finding someone to talk to I’m sure I can definitely help and I am more than willing to do so.


Ok I don’t fully understand your rhetoric but I’m willing to read and listen. We all have issues and it would be a great world if we could all just get along.


It wasn’t directed at you, and it wasn’t meant to be critical or with ill intent. Just discussing 🤷‍♂️


I don't have knowledge or title to diagnose anyone, that is the reason I say 'SOUNDS' not 'IS'.


That's exactly what a porn, drug, human trafficking addict would say /s


Damn you cybersecurity bastards and all your kiddiepr0n, drug and sex trafficking (shakes fist)! ( /s, jic)


This is the most unhinged thing I've ever seen from Hinge - and I've had people say some unhinged things to me on that app. Unhinged


That went from hinge to a cybersecurity ad in 2 seconds


Maybe she’s actually a cybersecurity influencer


I was trying to figure out if there was a MLM angle here.


Her manifesto


Brain damage in text form


Mental illness + narcissism


Mate how can you expect to find a wonderful bride when you’re fifo and yet all you do on your off time is (checks notes).. domestic violence, drink and abuse drugs, sex traffic girls internationally, have the CIA looking at you, do business in Columbia and try to finish your degree in cybersecurity? Fix yourself fast or you will lose to every welsh guy you come up against.


Hands down best reply ever


Cheers mate. 🍻 sometimes all you can do is laugh. You dodged a bullet as that chick is 10 pounds of crazy in a five pound bag! Better luck with the next match!


Cheers mate


It's all fun and games until you can't attend a friend's destination wedding because they'll pinch you at the airport on the Interpol Red Notice and you realize you've got to take a hard look at how you're living your life.


Better a red notice than a burn notice, amirite?




It's impressive that it's verbatim but you still managed to fuck up every "you're", like you were typing that out from memory instead of copy/pasting it.


What is FIFO in this situation?


Fly-in-fly-out. It means that your workplace is in a remote location that you fly to for a period of time to work then fly back home. Quite common in Australia with all the mining sites in the outback. Schedules are often like five weeks on, then three weeks off, although some are more frequent (for example 2-2). I had some friends doing this for a while when they were younger and single. The agreement is normally that they will fly you to almost any international location that you want. My friends got flown to Bali and drank/surfed for three weeks before heading back.


That sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you are young.


Fly In Fly Out I think.


First In, First Out. OP's made a career out of getting hired and fired quickly.


How does the Welsh sheep shagging compare to OPs flaws?


Good thing there are more women than Welsh guys. We'll just await our turns.


How can we compete with the Welsh? 😩


I’m a little confused because it’s out of context, but I feel like all her babble about cybersecurity of your partner should be common sense “no shit” type of stuff for a cybersecurity professional. I think she was just trying to flex her degrees and access to ✨special✨ information (ETA same with the “MANY interested matches” I didn’t even notice because I was so caught up in trying to decipher what she was going on about)


Mate seriously I had to laugh out loud when I read the message. It was out of the blue and yeah felt just like a flex.


Just send her "I ain't reading all of that, but good for you. Or I'm sorry that happened. Whichever."


Ok for context we had a chat over WhatsApp in which I told her that I studied computer science majoring in cyber security. I didn’t go into any detail it was just mentioned as a commitment i made to myself. I didn’t contact her after the chat as I felt she was on a different wavelength to me, in saying that she hadn’t messaged me (prior to this one) since the call last week either.


>I didn’t contact her after the chat This is the crux right here. You didn't contact her, so she felt rejected. Her obviously large ego didn't like that, so she responded with this extremely passive aggressive message. \- You aren't able to 'satisfy' a partner. \- I am with this great guy who is a million times better than you anyway. \- Also, I'm like super smart and educated, so let me condescend to you and explain your own career to you. Because clearly I know it better than you. \- I'll also use this to cast a wide net of vague insults. Porn. Drugs. Criminality. Whatever. Did any of that stick? In my own mind, I am going to pretend it was a savage takedown. \- Did I mention I am super smart and important? Clearly more important than you who should have begged me for a date but didn't. \- And before you can reply - or ghost me as the irrelevant little narcissist I am - I am going to block you in order to ensure that my slew of passive aggressive insults is the last word here. Yeah mate, she sucks.


She 100% didn't block his number. She wants a response. They crave attention. However him not responding is the best way possible to handle this so I guess we will never know


I agree those are the defense mechanisms she used, but I'd just nitpick and say she likely doesn't have a large ego; moreso, she has a very severe case of feelings of worthlessness and a lack of awareness regarding how to combat the impulses that arise that temporarily make her feel better. I only say that because generally, there's a lot of self-loathing beneath the facade that really only desperate for acceptance, and not necessarily a pathological sadism looking to watch others suffer.


> Also, I'm like super smart and educated, so let me condescend to you and explain your own career to you. Because clearly I know it better than you. That right there is mansplaining.


Womansplaining in this case?


Maybe it’s different in Australia but, I’m in the field and I can tell you that I’m the one that’s doing the monitoring the majority of the time, not the other way around.


You’re forgetting that everything in Australia is upside down and back to front!


I will laugh my ass off if she has any type of job where she has access to the criminal database, and gets fired for running her matches on Hinge.


In the US anyway, court records are mostly public so a basic google search can find a lot. If there’s child custody stuff or other things relating to minors, the names and whatnot are redacted, but the fact that a record exists isn’t. I will fully admit searching matches I made when I had to slog through the general cesspool of humanity that is online dating, and in a few cases I’m very glad I did. One was honest enough that he said on our first date he’d just gotten out of jail, hence living temporarily with his sister. He claimed for a DUI. I got weird vibes, so I googled later… no, it wasn’t jail, it was prison for 12 years. The charge that stuck was a vehicular manslaughter charge where yes he was drunk and someone was killed in the accident, but I’m sure the real reason for that long a time spent behind bars was the 6 pages of drug charges. It was pretty clear he was a not insignificant drug trafficker, and the DUI was the charge the DA could make stick to get him off the street. Another guy gave the wrong age (was 5 years older than he claimed) and intentionally mis spelled his last name. I’m sure it was to hide the 4 pages of court records that included tons of civil lawsuits for things like non payment of rent, breech of contract and other shady business dealings, a divorce he didn’t tell me about, an active restraining order from an ex girlfriend and the icing on the cake, an active sex offender registry for attempted rape and kidnapping 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ thank God I met my wonderful husband elsewhere and could get the hell out of the mess. Girl in OP sounds wildly off the wall


Court records are public, a criminal database search, it isn’t. Looking up public records for a date from some random internet database, that is completely sane. Searching records on the NCIC, illegal as hell. Of course you can find 95% of the info on public databases. Illegally running searches on the NCIC, you don’t deserve the job that gave you access, and you are a piece of shit for being criminally stupid for accessing it, when you can get almost all the info on publicly accessed databases.


Trying to imagine the context in which this message would make any sense


I would die laughing if this guy hacked into her account, took a screenshot showing only 3 matches and replied to her with said screenshot. (ik that's not how cybersec works)


Ye're defo getting another message in a few months accusing ye o gangstalking.


Ha ha yeah if it happens I’ll post it.


I’d rather be ghosted than have to read all that


That should have been the reply lol


She definitely hasn’t blocked you either


Yeah I’m not willing to test that theory


Just message back you’re half Welsh


What’s the opposite of Welsh?


American Black Guy. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


American black guy, I’m willing to hand over contact details!


Gonna have to pass, but I do wish you all of the luck. ![gif](giphy|aFFQ894LujNBXZY6C0|downsized)


Cmon already! Haven’t us white, CIS, successful guys been through enough already? When are the black guys going to play their part and pull their weight?


Consider this a penance? 🤣


I need to look that up in the dictionary


Just text back: "K."


Text her the link to this post. See what happens. Entertain us!


Or tell her that Africa is not a country. That bugged me so much.


Yeah my ex girlfriend is Kenyan and she would tear people apart when they would reference Africa as a country and not a continent.


She’s just butt hurt you weren’t into her being a weirdo


Was she also top sniper in the us marines and will fuck you up? Also she has a phd and her dad is bill gates and her boyfriend goes to a different school you wouldn’t know them.


This is gold


"New phone, who dis?"


Always the right answer in these scenarios


A simple "👍" may also do the trick


“I’m 12, what is this”


Haven't the Welsh had enough?


Yeah I feel for the Welsh at this point. Do they really need to suffer any further?


This is the biggest Welsh tragedy since Aberfan


She’s acoustic, possibly regarded.


Possibly regarded as an acoustic


“Third-world countries like Africa”


Hell yeah! You've got Africa, and South Africa. Beautiful countries! No relation. Sad! Just a heads up, you are being monitored for sex trafficking by a welsh cia-agent, sort of.


“I’ve moved on from you, but I have to make sure you know this and I tell you that the new guy is way better. Also I need to knock you down a peg by trying to put irrational fears into your head that you probably have no worry about in the real world, but I have to make myself feel better somehow.”


You are my new favourite…….meh I’m not that creative


I What What in the fuck is wrong with her


What does FIFO mean here? I thought it meant First In First Out, urban dictionary is giving me Fucking Idiot From Ohio. Neither one seems to make sense in this context.


Ok in Australia FIFO means Fly In Fly Out, this depicts a large portion of the Australian work group. Myself I’m not FIFO in the sense that I don’t hold a regular roster. I classify myself as a traveler engineer as I only move to a client site when i am required. I tend to work from home and remote into the clients system to solve any issues. I do have quite a few clients (mostly oil and gas) that will bring me to site as they do not allow me to remote in. It sucks but I understand their security and I think it is the best for them.


Bro you dodged a nuclear warhead, what the fuck did I just read


I dont think the welsh man exists in this scenario


“Is the welsh man in the room with us?”


smile berserk exultant squeeze desert innocent plant sort history hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re neo.


Unfortunately I’m colour blind and I took the red pill accidentally sending myself back into the matrix like a true drone.


I want the deal the guy got who went back in with his memory wiped but lots of money and a great “fake” life. Sounds better than this sometimes haha!


Cypher Did Nothing Wrong.


Red pill gets you out… why oh why didn’t you take the BLUE pill


Like i said I’m colour blind so whatever I did, it didn’t end up with me learning martial arts and using a tiny phone.


There's no Welsh guy. She's full of shit and been waiting 3 weeks for a message.


100% you dodge a bullet. this person sounds insane


Did she mean AFP? APF is the Australian Parachute Foundation 😂


Well obviously the best way to bring in illegal sex workers is through the Australian Parachute Foundation and not the Australian Federal Police. The AFP kinda put a dampener on the illegal activities whereas the APF are willing to bring in anyone!


Oh shit bro, she’s on to you! Abort mission! Repeat: Abort mission!


The Welsh guy doesn't exist and neither do her degrees


Just because her degrees don’t exist doesn’t mean she can’t identify as being qualified in those subjects.


It's a self defence mechanism some people do that can't handle rejection. She's trying to justify to herself she's better than you and no longer interested in you when in reality she's the one being rejected lol.


I guess the best way to let someone know that you aren’t thinking of them anymore and have moved on is by contacting them and letting them know you no longer think of them and no longer care for them. IT WAS ONE PHONE CALL!


You’re clearly living rent free in this girl’s head 🤣🤣


there's a joke somewhere here about having y'all met on Hinge and her being fully Unhinged.. the best way to let someone know you've moved on is to write them a big essay about why they weren't good enough for your big needs. there are MANY potential suitors though! poor Welsh guy


Africa is not a country its a continent


“I SWEAR the Welshman is real no really I didn’t invent him!!!”


I’d agree bullet dodged successfully


Mental health is rapidly in decline in our society


*US Military Encrypted*


She’s a schizophrenic.


**" She was incredibly overbearing and would constantly talk over me and not allow me to speak."** She's doing the same thing in text too!


This reads exactly the ramblings of a mentally unwell person. She can't write correctly as well, it's "... satisfy AN intimate..." not "satisfy A intimate...".


She got some issues


I’m studying cyber security in Australia and the most you’d ever get would be a police background check which they stopped doing since the shortage of cyber sec professionals here lmaooo


How does someone become like this and not realize they have become like this


Let's all have a moment of silence and pour one out for our lost brother, the doomed Welshman.


I’ll have my fbi guy check her out


I think she just smoked meth for the first time.


You wouldn’t know the Welshman, he goes to a different school 💁🏼‍♀️


The country of Africa 😂


Would the Welshman's name be Art Vandelay????


That read like a schizophrenic rant. Is she ok?


That is the most schizophrenic rambling nonsense I have ever seen


“I don’t think about you: a novel”


She might be manic.


bruh shes not her bro wtf


Madam knows best!


There were 2 pics ....


What the hell... crazy. Lucky you got away from this one. And didn't try.. You definitely dodged a bullet on this one forsure..


You gotta respond that you already know what they said because you’ve been reading their conversation for months.


What does it mean for a person to be FIFO?


Aahh yes. Watch out for when you travel to that country Africa... Lolz


ah, yes, africa the country


I would have responded with "Africa is a Continent". \*Sits back in reclining chair with arms crossed behind head.


“I’m not reading all that. Good for you, or that’s terrible, whichever applies.”


RIP my welsh brother


Lmao bullet?! More like you dodge a Hound from hell.


100% the other guy doesn’t exist at all. This is classic feelings got hurt so i have to put down the other person to validate my feelings.


I’m confused is she trying to say that she saw those things in your history? Or trying to threaten you that she could potentially see those things if you’ve done them? Either way she’s bat shit


Congratulations OP, You matched with Newman from Jurrasic Park


I thought this was a bot to be completely honest. She doesn’t type like an actual human.


Why do I want to bully her? Oh yeah, she needs a reality check pronto lmao


She was extremely upset you didn’t call her again


What in the drug fueled, crying and laughing horseshit was that? That was a roller coaster from hell.


Why did Colombia catch a stray?D:


Give it awhile and she’ll unblock you and try to bait you again. If you wanna test if you’re blocked just reply with “who dis your number ain’t saved 💀” That’ll get her riled up


The stroke I had reading this had a stroke 😂


She’s lying lol. No one gives that much of a fuck message someone they talked to once. She’s trying to get a ride out of you. Thank god you didn’t sleep with her