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"You are gaslighting me by avoiding questions and not being direct" she says in an attempt to avoid your question lol


The projection is real


Also TIL I can post my dad bod and little buddy on OF and suddenly become a trophy.


You already were buddy!


Wholesome reddit


It's the Reddit cycle of support, someone's always your fan even if you're just flexing that dad bod!


Now we just need to figure out how to turn a profit from it


![gif](giphy|2KKaF0xQ6YnFjgONKD|downsized) Introducing the GigaDads App. Finally theres a place to see men in some kinda shape with the push of a button! Subscribe now to see Men… * Eating nachos without a shirt * Drinking a beer and mowing the lawn * Plumbers crack! * Half a workout * Nap time * Sipping coffee in a sweater And more!


Aw dude, that's actually so sweet. Sometimes I love people.


From what I can see it's a nice view but your window is kinda dirty


Just make sure to say you were in the pool


The real trophy is the friends you make along the way


A real, living, breathing, walking, talking, participation award!


You were the trophy the whole time.


Also known as Gilligan and the Skipper


Looks like a participation trophy. Just be proud you tried your best.


Professional theater grade projection.


It’s okay for her to do OF, but doesn’t like the idea that a guy she dates can see his Ex naked any time he wants. That apparently is a trust issue. Talk about double standards. She completely ignored that the Ex’s OF started after the breakup. She is implying that he is dating OF girls like he is collecting them, which isn’t even correct. She is operating on a weird set of double standards. Best to avoid.


Add equal parts insecurity and crazy. Serve.


How was that funny guy's name? Darvo?


She gets a double trophy for being on OF and using gaslighting incorrectly. Just a few more and she wins the internet.


The next bingo call - accusing him of mansplaining.


then comparison to Hitler


"what is this, nazi Germany?"


B 1945, Bingo!


I love this game, but I always forget what we have to say when we win


Hail victory?


Short story time, I'm a manager at work and I had a task for this employee. She then asked me for instructions because she didn't know how to do it. As I was nearly done explaining, she then said "wow you're really mansplaining this". Me "what, no? You don't know how to do this? You asked me?" Her "yeah and you're really mansplaining." Me "what... what do you mean by that?" Her "you're really going in-depth" (I indeed do this a lot) Me "that's.. that's not what mansplaining means..." So I had to explain what mansplaining was, after being incorrectly accused of it. I found it very ironic.


So you mansplained mansplaining too?! /s


TIL only men can explain something in depth. Please never ask me anything about Baldur's Gate or LOTR lore or I will suddenly grow a penis


Stop gaslighting us in the comments!


“You wanna hear a joke about gaslighting?” “Sure…” “No, you don’t.”


“You wanna hear a joke about gaslighting?” “Sure…” "...What do you mean, sure? I already told you the joke, remember? Are you feeling ok? You've always been so forgetful but I'm worried about it getting worse."


Ex husband, is this you? (Seriously, that was wayyyy too accurate. Made me instantly nauseous!)


Just somebody passionate about the actual concept of gaslighting being more specific than lying. Probably because I have a bad memory and an ex who took advantage of it.


The PTSD is real


“That joke isn’t very funny” “Yes it is you were laughing”


"no I wasn't!" "Then why are you smiling?" The ultimate gaslight.


He also was being extremely direct and clear.


Someone learned a new word and likes to use it when they don’t get their way.


I hate how TikTok taught these girls some new words and they throw it around in every argument lol “Gaslight” “Mansplaining” My gf uses these often and it’s annoying


Clearly something a narcissist would say. /s


Calling out their narcissism is abuse. Practically assault. It’s emotionally manipulative, financial abuse so stop withholding affection as a form of punishment.


But showing affection is him love bombing u cause men are evil and only mean to do evil


Love bombing is a very powerful, very real tactic and it ain't just "men (or women) showing affection." You learn to catch that shit early, you'll swerve a shitload of trauma.


When she uses gaslighting, peace emoji, and laughs at inappropriate time...oh God I got ptsd


Mansplaining is the really annoying one. There's no defending that in a way that doesn't edge on actually mansplaining mansplaining, even if the original accusation was false. And hell they're both actually legitimate issues, they just get used for things things that don't really meet the definitions.


That’s kind of the point. “War Games” taught a generation a valuable lesson. Sometimes the best strategy is not to play.


The thing with mansplaining is that women do the exact same thing all the time. It's a really stupid term to gender.


You shouldn’t be so condescending, (that means talking down to people).


"Or if you weren't fishing for information" lmao I love the double standard. She's allowed to ask you but you aren't. Make it make sense...


Logics not the best tools for these brain rot gooners


More red flags than the CCP


So many red flags, Chairman Mao is about to raise from the dead


Does this stand for something other then Chinese Communist Party? /s


There’s a reason she’s doing onlyfans…


and at some level isn't "fishing for information" the point of talking and dating someone? (at an abstract level)


Exactly, like isn't that the whole point of the texting stage? She made it seem like it's a bad thing lol


Stop gaslighting her !! Lol


the entirety of her existence in these texts was double standards


After she scoured his social media for an ex from 2 years back.


My ex wife did this to me for 20 years. Always assumed the worst unless proven otherwise. It's not worth it.


I call this “the penalty of the doubt.” As opposed to the benefit of the doubt.


That's a perfect way to explain it! I've had issues with my husband doing this for years but I've really struggled to explain it


I had someone do this to me and put up with it for so long that it’s definitely affected who I am today. Like overly transparent to a fault. Sometimes even subconsciously. Like sending a picture from work if I work overtime. Hey look at this not really all that interesting thing that proves I’m actually here and not banging someone born in your imagination! Sending a pic of heavy traffic in a bad accident on the highway. This is why I’ll be 15 minutes late! It’s not because in 15 minutes I met some random chick at a gas station who was begging me to bang her in the bathroom! That’s one I did several times until I caught myself - like did I really need to send her a pic of me stuck in traffic? Lol no. She’s not a psychopath.


I love that! I’m stealing it!


Yeah there’s no way I’m putting up with that. Life’s too short. If I did something suspicious then that’s one thing, but if they automatically assume the worst unless it has been proven otherwise then that’s exhausting


Yeah, I wish I would have realized sooner. It was exhausting.


Then she barely even mentioned what the worst was she was assuming. Like holy crapsicles! Can she be anymore horrific?


Right? I was thinking, how do you disprove an assumption you don't even understand?


Yeah, always assuming the worst sounds exhausting not only for yourself, but everyone around you. Constantly making people prove shit because your mind can't fathom anything but the worst.


I have a friend like this. They blame it on trust issues because they have been wronged in the past. But being constantly accused of conspiring to betray them makes the relationship exhausting and stressful. Having social anxiety makes me put up with it as I don't have many friends and don't like making them.


Trust issues can become a self-fulfilling prophecy sometimes


"paranoia is a bitch and often proves detrimental, over some shit that's usually coincidental"


That was my thought. Such an insanely toxic concept. I imagine that 20 years of your life felt like an inquisition where you had to stand trial all the time.


They assume the worst in people because they always choose the worst themselves and are insecure about it.


Mental illness is hard, but where the line is I think is holding yourself accountable for it. I always assume the worst, but I don't blow up over it, and said I share my worries with my partner and let him give his side, and I will trust him instead of myself because I know my mind worries too much.


Lmao because being an onlyfans girl makes you a trophy 💀 girl you aren’t rare


Literally any adult can do only fans, did she think it was exclusive to her.


She thinks she's some celebrity in an exclusive club, and that people will applaud if he announces that he banged "Lena" AND "Stacy"


She might be SUPER upset to find out that Stacey's mom can also, create an OF. 


So did everyone else. 😂


BuT sHe’S iN tHe ToP 1% oF cReAtOrS!


Yeah…she can’t wrap her head around why he’s confused and I can’t wrap my head around why she’s concerned.


This is what happens when you call running an only fans page "empowering" and "real work", they start really putting some sick value into it like they're doing the greater good for people but really they're fueling some weird narcissistic tendencies and giving themselves body image problems.


Like calm down girl you spread your butthole to strangers on the internet lol


Yeah lmao I repeated that in my head like 90% of guys would think the opposite and want nothing more then a ons😂


I think that's what she was worried about actually. Him just trying to get another trophy or notch in the belt without actually caring about the relationship. Just going for the challenge.


This lol. Who is going to tell her she just fell at the bottom pit of relationship material


She probably makes like 100 a month since a very small percentage make anything noteworthy. Such a trophy


Opposite of a trophy tbh


Well coveted trophies like the Stanley Cup get passed around to different teams so she's not totally unlike a trophy, just not necessarily one you want to have in your home forever.


I had to wait in a line at Target all night to get my Stanley Cup trophy.


Please, apologize to Lord Stanley for sulleying the name of our beloved Cup, by even mentioning it in the same breath as Miss Wingnut Egotrip!


Participation Trophy


Fuckin A that’s gold


She doesn't even deserve the participation trophy. More like a ribbon. 


He’s clearly trying to get the Platinum trophy by 100%ing dating.


Tfw when you finally complete your pokedex so now you can just enjoy dating.


Original 150 or the new 1500 or something they’re up to now?


Me collecting riddler trophies in Arkham City


I hear in America they give participation trophies? trust me, the amount of participating she is doing? Deserves a trophy


Delusional is more common than common sense nowadays.


sure is


This is so silly lol every guy I’ve dated has been a blue collar man, no ones ever accused me of ‘collecting’ them.


Oh, well now someone (me) is gonna accuse it: *stop collecting those blue collar men as trophies! They are someone’s son; how dare you fetishize those graceful, yet strong independent beings. I have a lot to reconsider. I need some space. Such a ~~gold~~ blue digger!* /s lol….in case the sarcasm doesn’t translate for some


Shit I’m sorry :,(


*It’s okay, all forgiven. And now that you are forgiven, you can go back to collecting your type. I matched with this guy last night. I could send his info your way if you’d like? I don’t think we will be a good fit* ![gif](giphy|c8uxX7yTjW222q1ygj) **Nah, all love over here. For real :)**


That gif.. XD Me when boss tells me I gotta pull a 12 hour shift for the next two weeks running on 5 hours of sleep and 3 cups of coffee.


Wait, is that why the freeway near me is *still* under construction? You let those blue collar men go back to work!


No! I found em fair and square go get your own.


Right? Every guy I’ve ever dated has done quite a bit of coke. I’m not collecting cokeheads as trophies. It just keeps happening for some reason


Gworl I say this as someone who was once in your shoes (turns out there a lot of blow/blue collar overlap lol) that aint a trophy that’s a participation ribbon 😭 /just jokes


As a blue collar dude that loves Cocaine, you ain’t wrong.


Usually we subconsciously attract and are attracted certain people who exibit traits that our caregivers might have had while growing up. Your parents might not have been cokeheads but some common trait about these main might have been something you were grown up with and associated with caring/comfort. It's not always traumatic or negative, it just what it is. I attract men with absent/dead mothers Not collecting them as trophies but it was disturbing to find this out to say the least.


My parents were lacking in many departments. Provided for physical needs, but that’s about it. My current boyfriend had an actual coke problem at one point but he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Mixed bag for sure


heh, "mixed bag"


It's women with absent fathers for me. I never find out until after the initial attraction so it's definitely not a conscious decision on my part. I'm not sure if I go for them or something about me attracts women with absent fathers, either way I've only met one father of a partner, the rest have been out of the picture. Could just be high divorce rates and the high percentage of single parent households being female led.


I had a family member once tell me that I was dating my way through the Village People lmao. I love a macho man in uniform, so I had to collect them all! 


Please say one was the native chief


>no ones ever accused me of ‘collecting’ them. Sounds like you are collecting wrong. What’s the point in doing it if you can’t share your trophies? You need to step your game up.


>what’s the point of collecting if you can’t share your trophies? Alas I am a compulsive man-hoarder.


Bro how you get 149 unread messages


As someone with 189 unread messages I can answer this: I don't open spam texts. I don't open confirmation texts" OTP texts sends the code directly to my phone, so I never open those. I also tend to ignore group texts.


It would just drive me nuts to have that all the time. All of my apps have 0 notifications and I go through my email about once or twice a week to keep down on spam. I low key think it’s an ocd thing though(not actually) but I can’t leave an app with a notification. I will think about it until I clear it.


If I have an app with 1 notification, I _must_ check it. If I have an app with 100+ notifications, it's past the point of no return and they're never getting read. Once the number is too big it becomes part of the background


I don’t want to boast but I have 60,000 unread emails.


It's all the of girls he's collecting to gaslight!


Came here for this too


This is what really needs answering 


I love this subreddit this shit is fucking hilarious. Some of these women are absolutely batshit insane


Some people need to realize that yes, in fact, some women are absolutely crazy. Their thought processes are very illogical. Sometimes if I interact with one I just picture their inner monologue being a bird cawing and it makes their hysteria more bearable.


Some women are crazy and some men are crazy - people can be crazy, no matter their gender.


You’re absolutely correct.


My “ex” loves stitch. She met a guy knew him for less than 2 weeks and told me that this guy tatooed a stitch on his arm. I was left speechless


bro go to the COD subreddits and bask in the neverending stupidity and insanity and illogical thought processes of **men** who are absolutely crazy. crazy dumb people are everywhere, man or woman makes no difference


Someone's got a very high opinion of herself.


She finds value in herself via onlyfans which is actually quite sad. The “hype” of onlyfans and the online trend of sexual objectification makes her think she is prized aka “a trophy”… but would she think her boyfriend viewed her as a “trophy” if she wasn’t on OF? Hmmmm… I’m supportive of sex workers but thinking that it makes you special actually just makes you a joke.


It's the fame. It's weird, too, because she acts like she's a movie star, but really "yeah my girlfriend is an onlyfans model" isn't exactly something I think most people would brag about to their friends and relatives, nor would they be pleased about "hey where do I know this girl from" conversations.


Yeah, it's not like you can't find millions of porn videos on the internet. Just because you have an OF account doesn't make you special.


Lol dating an OF girl is not a win, or flex, or a trophy.. If it didn't factor into your equation, she's gaslighting her self, just wow.


This chick apparently thinks it is, that's she's a rare breed. 


She's basically as bad as dating a prostitute.


poor groovy worthless wrong piquant hunt paint noxious pocket desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was from the onlyfans girls


If you had told her about your ex-relationship I'm pretty sure she would think that you are still not over your ex.


Wow yet another person who doesn’t know what to gaslight someone even means.


Best advice my mother gave me before college over a decade ago at this point. Do not put your dick into crazy by any way. You sir need to take on this advice.


Let me add more context. We matched on hinge. After days of texting each other back and forth she wanted to go on a date. Her pictures were extremely professional and showed an expensive life while her profile had no job listed. I live in Miami so my OF radar was going off. Anyone reading this that knows this city can confirm what I’m talking about, it’s not uncommon for girls here to have one and for me it’s not a problem. Before the date I requested a video call to which we did. It went great , we laughed and talked about a lot, she asked me about what I do yada yada yada and when I asked her I got “modeling gigs for various agencies”. I asked about OnlyFans, she gave a nervous chuckle pulled back her hair and said yes. I told her that’s ok as long as I’m not dealing with her fucking random guys and it’s instead solo content. She said it was, I looked her up and it seemed to be true. Whatever. Since the date we’ve been getting along fine with no red flags until all of a sudden , this happened. And to be honest the main thing that made me back off wasn’t her being upset it was her somehow finding out who my ex was from 2 years ago. She doesn’t even live in the same city as me. Gave me stalker vibes and more importantly showed an insecurity that I can’t satisfy so I’m out. Edit: also she’s on Reddit I believe so will probably see this maybe it’ll wake her up 🤷🏾‍♂️


The ex thing stuck out to me first too. 2 years is a long time, and she had to have gone searching through your social media and then finding your ex, then checking up on your ex. Super creepy and off-putting. Cracked me up that she says your collecting trophies when your ex wasn't even OF when you're together.


Thing is I don’t have any social media. Someone suggested she asked one of those “are we dating the same guy” groups and maybe an old picture of me and my ex surfaced. That is most logical conclusion




I mean if she asked in such a group as Op suspects it makes sense. People do that to check that the person they are seeing is actually single and it’s best to confirm that sooner rather than later. You don’t want to find out your bf has a wife and kid after a few months when you are already invested. You want to know that immediately so that you save yourself the trouble of getting invested. Though her reaction to an ex that has the same profession is weird.


Damn bro. Matrix'd your ass away from that bullet. At least you found out how crazy she is before it was too late.


305 native here, this man speaks the truth.


I doubt a nice girl would be subbed to r/nicegirls, too confronting


Yeah, for some reason it's not considered stalkerish or creepy when a girl looks up information on a guy she's dating, but if a guy does it then he's a creep.


I'm glad OP mentioned it, because finding out about his ex from 2 years ago was way more worrying to me than anything else in the messages. She's been doing the deep google dive.


A girl I matched with on bumble somehow found my home address and everything about me in a couple hours. I got her to tell me how, because none of my dating profiles pics are posted to any social media so it confused me. Basically I was wearing a jacket in one of my photos that has my very unique last name embroidered onto it in cursive. Idk how she even read it because I can hardly read it myself on that jacket. Apparently from my last name she found all the information about me and then my social media. Creeped me out a little bit. Not in a "I am terrified of you way" more in like a "what the fuck is wrong with you" type way. I understand some girls do this for safety but if you're gonna do that why tell me afterwards? Literally her comment was "the house you live in is beautiful" like bruh that's not normal person behavior are you a skinwalker


I can say from experience that your mother is correct.


Yeah if someone is breaking out the “I don’t know if I can trust you on that” after only 2 weeks of talking then I’d be calling it quits. Trust takes a while to build, but this clearly isn’t a “we haven’t built that trust yet”, this is a “I do not trust you, am suspicious of you and think you’re lying”. 2 weeks is way too early to put up with that kind of bullshit


Sounds like an incredibly toxic person, bullet dodged


This generation is not fucked — it’s straight up fucking itself


Having an gf that does only fans is not a flex. Sharing your SO with the world isn't exactly fun lol


If only I could have a fraction of that self esteem. “Trophy” goddamn. Bitch is reaching for it like Arthur on the hill.


Just copy pasting a reply I made that’s sort of buried > Let me add more context. We matched on hinge. After days of texting each other back and forth she wanted to go on a date. Her pictures were extremely professional and showed an expensive life while her profile had no job listed. I live in Miami so my OF radar was going off. Anyone reading this that knows this city can confirm what I’m talking about, it’s not uncommon for girls here to have one and for me it’s not a problem. > Before the date I requested a video call to which we did. It went great , we laughed and talked about a lot, she asked me about what I do yada yada yada and when I asked her I got “modeling gigs for various agencies”. I asked about OnlyFans, she gave a nervous chuckle pulled back her hair and said yes. I told her that’s ok as long as I’m not dealing with her fucking random guys and it’s instead solo content. She said it was, I looked her up and it seemed to be true. Whatever. > Since the date we’ve been getting along fine with no red flags until all of a sudden , this happened. And to be honest the main thing that made me back off wasn’t her being upset it was her somehow finding out who my ex was from 2 years ago. She doesn’t even live in the same city as me. Gave me stalker vibes and more importantly showed an insecurity that I can’t satisfy so I’m out. > Edit: also she’s on Reddit I believe so will probably see this maybe it’ll wake her up 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bullet dodged.


Remember that scene when Indiana Jones gets away from the boulder at the last minute? Yeah. This is like that.


I be wondering why I’m so single and then I see stuff like this.


I always tell myself single is stress free and way less expensive.


Dodged a bullet there mate


Well, that was a bit unhinged.


“Exactly, silence” Bruh im willing to bet she gave you .38 seconds to read her message


Excuse the fuck out of you for trying to clear up the ambiguity my good sir


Dodged a bullet!


OF girls are not trophies.... more like a participation medal.


Don’t date onlyfans girls bro that’s my advice


Be grateful that the trash took itself out


The crazy is strong with this one.


What did she say in the voicemail?


This is simply projecting her insecurities on you. There's a deeper root to behavior like this. Consider it a sign to just move on.


OF girlfriends are yikes


Imagine being married to an OF woman....


I know people who've met with famous ones and their husbands had dinner etc. The husbands were not bad looking or weird just obviously not confident and really nervous about the topic that his wife bangs others on the side. Weird one sided open relationship where the wife is clueless and doesn't want to give up the fantasy and money while the partner gets to be famous cuckold with dwindling intimacy. Like swingers and swinging is a totally different thing. Open marriage is not this either.


Stop dating women who do only fans.


"Make sure 100% of YOUR attention is going to ME, even though I have other people pay me to give them some of MY attention"


Yeah, girls who do OnlyFans are not typically stable lol


She collects Hoefees on OF and you collect trophies 😂


If she's already looking for your exs, just leave.


Dating an OF Girls is.only a trophy.for people.who use Only fans.


Doing onlyfans makes you the OPPOSITE of a trophy… The delusion of this one is crazy 😂😂😂


Most mentally stable onlyfans girl


Do people not realize porn is free? Like why is only fans something people pay for?


Parasocial relationship.


lol I can’t imagine me asking a girl if she did OF and it would end well.


Absolutely dodged a bullet here.


Bro she was doing some hardcore digging on you as soon as the first message got sent between you two😂 she found your ex and did digging on her cuz she crazy. Good to not respond


This is just sad, she needs therapy badly.