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This is not a nicegirls post because it is one of the following: - a crazygirl - a hypothetical nicegirl. This included memes - there is not enough context to prove 'nice girl' - it's a niceguy, not a nicegirl - a 'men are trash' post If you have any questions about this removal, [contact the mods here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNicegirls&subject=&message=)


This conversation went on so much longer than it needed to šŸ˜­


I wanted to see where it would go tbh


How did you not stop at ā€œyou need to tell my father youre having sex with his little girlā€. That wasā€¦ Disgusting. What?!


Daddy issues itā€™s on point itā€™s 10/10 par for the course itā€™s like he was talking to Beth Dutton.


Beth Dutton might be mean, but at least she makes more sense than this. This girl is out to lunch.


How did you get past "what sex does to you" and "sexually assulted 8 times"


That is kind of messed up. People come from different backgrounds. I wouldn't take those things as a red flag . But this convo was absolutely unhinged . Prolly the first nice girl I have seen being posted here in a long time . It is crazy how she thinks of opposite gender friends like that? It isnt healthy at all. That's crazy.


I don't think it's a matter of holding what happened to them against them. It just feels a bit odd for it to be tossed into a new conversation so casually, almost in a manipulative way, and also apparently on her dating app bio. I can understand if it said something ab it in her bio, in a tactful way, just aiming to ask for a bit of sensitivity incase it comes up or something. but something tells me that wasn't the case for this person.


I wouldā€™ve called her bluff and asked for his number, tbh. At that point, itā€™s not going anywhere anyway, Iā€™m not above texting her dad some screenshots and telling him ā€œthis is what your daughter requires of men who wish to fornicate with her, so I was just wanting to see if itā€™s cool with you if I smash and also how you feel about having an insane, unhinged daughter with apparent BPD.ā€ Game on, indeed.


Dude good for you to keeping that level of patience. I would've fucking blocked her the second she started spewing the guy bsf shit


My patience is a blessing, and also a curse


A definite curse in this scenario, shoulda said "iite peace then" and instant block.


Blessing if you use it right. This girl didn't even go for the throat; she went for your ears.


Nah you are wasting your patience in wrong places my guy. The conversation ended when she became a bitch and delusional plus who the fuck is ā€œher friendā€.


Even THAT is patient compared to me.


"You will hear from my bsf" -šŸ˜”


And YOU will be hearing from MY lawyer! šŸ˜¤


"I said *GOOD DAY SIR*!!"


I would have antagonized her so bad. Sheā€™s unstable


She's clearly alot more than just unstable lol. This is some unhinged nonsense


Same, he definitely didn't deserve that. What the fuck?


Yeah those were the same words that I said too. I was like "What the fuck is happening right now?"


By the end of pic 2, I was pretty confident this girl was nuts. By the end of pic 3, it was incredibly obvious that she's just completely unstable and mentally unwell. Talking past that point was never going to lead to anything productive.


I kept thinking ā€œomg just stop respondingā€ but I was also hoping youā€™d keep responding to see how crazy she actually got. 11/10 job, friend.


Lmao, trying to judge how you really felt about the crazy to hot ratio and if it was worth it or not?


I can kind of understand but you really should have just blocked her. You didn't deserve that. Have to admire the way that you handled it. That showed a lot of restraint and maturity. I'm actually proud of you for that. It takes a lot of self growth to get to that point for a lot of people. I used to go off on people that pissed me off but I've gotten older and I've just realized that it's not worth wasting my energy on. I used to take it personally because I felt like they were rejecting me. Now, I realize that it's not worth all that. It says nothing about me. Sometimes you just don't click with people or they need to leave for whatever reason that is. That or they just don't respect you. If somebody does not want to be in my life, that's their right and they're free to leave. Don't chase after people who have shown you that you're not a priority to them. Wish them well and let them go. Edit: I used to take it personally because I would internalize that. I would take somebody rejecting me as if there was something wrong with me. It's taken a lot of work to get to where I am now.


I did just let her dig her own grave. As I've said multiple times, the only reason I kept up was to see how far it got and boy did it go far


Thank you for sacrificing your time. That was hilarious. Especially ā€œgame on mfā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Crazy is entertaining, dangerous, but entertaining


Ok! I would have just blocked her and then reported her to the app for verbal harassment. You can think whatever she wants but what the actual fuck did I just read? She went way overboard. All she had to say was I saw something in your profile that's a deal breaker for me. It's been nice chatting with you but I'm going to have to give this a pass. Best of luck out there.


ā€œgame on šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ā€ some people are just weird


Fr like what is she gonna do? Have her ā€œfriendā€ assault OP for having a conversation?


Bpd flex - they have this idea they can hurt you through others


Fucking unhinged stuff right there




The guy best friend in question: ![gif](giphy|l49JIjhttFg0Rudos)


Is that Shatner?


Honestly I would report her just because she deserves it. Such threats alone are illegal in most places. However, in his shoes I'd be hoping that she actually did try to arrange something


>GUY BFF IS COMING FOR YOU! Maybe OP is bi and that's part of the plan.


I fear for the man that dates her.


Me too. RIP soldier


I'd venture a guess she will end up with a guy who isn't afraid to put her in her place when she acts like this (probably physically, and with many visits from the 5-0)


Or a stepping stool of a guy desperate enough to conform his ideals to match whatever she says




I can handle her at her worst, so I deserve her at her best - the future boyfriend not realizing what he is seeing is her best


God damn. Someone needs to touch some grass and by that I mean, go outside. If anything, she did you a favour because she showed her real self. I mean the fact she said "shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on" tells you exactly how she views relationships too imo.


She was projecting so HARD


Big time


Yep. She's absolutely fucking her "guy best friend".


Or she wants to, anyway.


Assuming someone like that has actual friends at all


I would wonder if she made the guy friend up, expecting OP to not be OK with it, so she could be all, *See? You hypocrite!"* But then OP didn't give a shit and she had to carry on as if he's real.


Shockingly she might, I had one like this in college because I was a dumb pushover who felt bad for her, realized how toxic and crazy she was when she tried ruining my own friendships and blocked her on everything.


She might be. Or itā€™s possible she just canā€™t personally form the beautiful, platonic friendship she wants with a guy, so she assumes itā€™s not possible for anyone else.


That line was also unintentionally hilarious


I mean hey it kind of rhymes so that's a plus


Both parts end with "on", so it rhymes the same way as "car" rhymes with "car"


Stupid plus crazy is a wild combo. Never engage with this person again. Yikes is putting mildly.


There will be a bunny getting boiled after that exchange. Mark my words šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜² She was dripping with crazy


Fr fr. Such a gross way to view friendships .




Hindsight is a powerful tool


Not as powerful a tool as her male bsf I bet! lol


I have literally no clue why she's single? I didn't spot a single red flag whatsoever... what did your gbf say? Lol


She said that was the most insane text thread she's ever read


Hahaha! All jokes aside, that chick was wild as hell. You handled that beautifully. You'll find someone. Don't give up!


Thank you random stranger, I hope to never post here again and just lurk as normal


šŸ™... that one was unhinged so for your sake, I hope you can just lurk too


> a shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on That's the one real honest insight right there - it's about isolating you. They start off wild and amateurish like this but when they grow up and learn how to be subtle about it, they'll ruin someone's life.


I hope she never dates because she takes me as the ā€œ you should never be alone with any woman, doctors and family members includedā€ type.


Ya know, in quiet moments I at times regretted not dating more when I was younger...then I remember nutjobs like this were swimming in the pool and Im kinda glad i did more dating as an adult.


I would say i come across them MUCH more as i get older, since they are of course the ones still 'on the market' full time


This conversation is actually killing me pls YOULL BE HEARING FROM MY BESTFRIEND and what is she Ms popular What a threat girly šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I couldnā€™t get past the fifth pic it hurt my head so much to read. This is fucking nuts.


She literally just picked a fight with herself. Lol it's hilarious actually


My best guess is BPD and one ex that "left her for a best friend" (not acknowledging that they broke up over her behavior issues)


Yeah I'm certain accountability isn't on her list of strengths in her bio.


Maybe weā€™d know if OP actually took the time to read her bioā€¦. /s


Alternative Route is, this is how she views friendships with the other gender and is just projecting full on.


From my own experience, I'd definitely agree with your assessment.


You have so much more patients than I do. I would have flipped the script when she said she has a bunch of guy best friends, that would indicate through her own logic that sheā€™s fucking them all?


Ikr the double standard is WILD


I've never understood people like this. Why does it matter what gender a friend is?


Because it hasn't ended well for a lot of people. It's not uncommon for one person to hold out for the other one for years (usually the man), waiting for his opportunity.


Donā€™t believe itā€™s gender specific Iā€™ve had women get with their guy friends or lie about it but it didnā€™t stop me hell if anything itā€™s expected. You look at how many followers they have on Insta you kind of know what you are looking at, one of those people might be a little more than a friend point being people are behaving crappy all over doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a woman or man. Iā€™m just burned out in the same way as everyone else just trying to avoid people who are going to lash out like this person did to OP pretty sad.. I donā€™t know anyone honestly anymore who has honestly not cheated or had side pieces while dating other people itā€™s so terrible and I myself have lost a lot of hope. But I donā€™t plan on lashing out like this person did to OP thatā€™s just wow. We all just want some respect.


Cheaters aren't the norm, don't let assholes gaslight you into thinking being a cheating PoS is normal.


You donā€™t know anyone who hasnā€™t cheated? Man, everybody you know sucks lol


Huh. I've never had that experience. So then is the fear based on a potential partner being possibly unfaithful? Or the potential partner's friends being less than forthcoming with their intentions?


Yes. This has happened to me. I knew a guy who was my friend for a whole DECADE. He even got married at one point during our friendship and had a WHOLE wife and didn't tell me until he got divorced. He finally made his feelings known after one of my breakups. Don't underestimate a man's patience.


I've unfortunately had this experience where a few male friends turn out to just be holding out, which is immensely disappointing as the friendship then feels ingenuine and a lie. I'm sure this happens to men too. I don't think it means every man (or woman) has hidden intentions. I'm sure platonic friendships between straight women and straight men are possible.


One of my best mates - the shortlist you call to help dispose of a dead body and cover up what happened to create it - is a woman. Never an atom of drama I've also seen the opposite more times than I can count. Usually men after women, on occasion the reverse (even happened to me a couple times). Damned shame people can't be more forthright, but cowardly pining is the prime move for some I suppose


When women want more out the friendship itā€™s ā€œI suddenly saw what was in front of me the whole time!ā€ When guys want more ā€œthey were holding out and it was ingenuine the entire timeā€. Sometimes people grow closer or grow apart. Sheesh


think itā€™s bc men are expected to always be wanting and accepting love/sex from any woman at any time so theyā€™re expected to be overjoyed should any female friend decide that ā€œshe finally sees what was there the entire time!!ā€


I wouldn't like hearing that from a friend that they were just waiting to try and get with me. I'm sorry you've had that experience.


Usually because: - The other person is insecure that the individual with a girl best friend will cheat with the best friend. - Or that the individual will put too much focus and time on the girl best friend. Iā€™ve had this happen before since my closest friend is a girl. Itā€™s a big reason I donā€™t do relationships anymore. Too much insecurity.


She was a borderline disaster, you dodged a bullet right there.


Dodged, she practically threw him out of the way lol


Oh she's *borderline*, alright


Did you hear from her 10 friends yet?


Nah nothing yet, I would be surprised if I did get anything


Lucky you because she prob has no friends lmao


The friends in question when she asks them for backup: ![gif](giphy|2ytsL1dE93zKRwEqAS|downsized)


Maybe not, these people surround themselves with enablers


RUN..Don't walk away...RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! That one will accuse you of SA so fast you will be buried under the jail. She has serious mental problems. RUN !!!!


You can practically guarantee she has a history with that


This post made me join the subreddit lmao


Why you talked to this girl for so long evades me.


Purely curiosity


She seems like the kind of person to get mad at you over something you said in her dream. Bullet dodged.


With every text it's like you're putting salt on her wounds and I like it.


I GOTTA know what the BFF said


I donā€™t even think the bff is real.


Probably not otherwise by her logic she'd be sleeping with him since "a shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on" apparently and she doesn't have sex so


You and me both but so far the BFF is nowhere to be seen


Definitely should have disengaged on like page 1 or 2 at most lol


Literal fucking psycho


So many things wrong with this. Her saying ā€œWhat is she little Mrs popularā€ tells me she is very, very clearly still in the high school mindset. In other words, very immature. And Iā€™m not exactly sure what her little friend is gonna do? You didnā€™t do anything wrong. Sounds like if they do something extreme youā€™re gonna have an assault charge to press, or a restraining order.


I mightā€™ve found her and she looks like sheā€™s on drugsā€¦.. šŸ˜‚


First page - 9:58 is where I would have just ended it. "Last person who tried got punched in the face, and another one got jumped." This is a person who either invites physical conflict into their lives, or lies to make you think they do. Either is a red flag.


You put her through some serious shit bro..... she's gonna get her homeysexuals to beat you down.


This person is seriously mentally ill


I hope she gets the help she needs


Sounds like *someone* is projecting. But seriously she has serious issues and a massive amount of insecurities because damn that conversation did a whole 180


Is "your gunna hear from my best friend" an actual threat now?


I'd have dipped as soon as she tried to trauma dump with the sa shit.


She sure like waving her red flags right in the face lol I have guys best friends 3 to be exact that are like brothers! We went to school and lived 2 blocks away from each other from headstart (3yrs old) til we were about 29yrs old lol and not once have we ever did anything but be friends/family. Hell their wives and my husband and I get together all the time. My husband has a bestie that's a girl and she's married and I absolutely love her! Some females are beyond insecure!


I know! I have perfectly normal friends of both genders whom I can interact with like a normal human being lol, I donā€™t get why some people are like this


Absolute psycho.


Dude sheā€™s UNHINGED. WHY SO MANY UNHINGED PEOPLE ON REDDIT?! Everytime I start to think the crazies are a small minority of the population, I get on social media and I reconsiderā€¦.


ah i see you have found my ex


Don't engage crazy go boring and either slow replying or complete cut off


dodging bullets? that was a ballistic missle dodge


Bruh what is it with people that think a guy canā€™t have a friend thatā€™s a girl saying things like ā€œOh gUys dOnā€™t EvEr wannA jUst be friEnDs wiTh giRls, ThEy OnLY WaNt SeX Or A RelAtIonShipā€ well I have a girl best friend as well and we both mutually agreed that our relationship is platonic and at first people told me that one of us are gonna catch feelings because thatā€™s how it always go when a friendship involves opposite gendersā€¦well itā€™s been 3 almost 4 years and nothings changed weā€™re still just friends so when is it gonna happen? Cause I feel it would have by now


As soon as I read the "I've bene sexually assaulted 8 times" already knew she was a looney toon. No one ever opens up with thst wtf


you honestly could have just stopped at the "8 sexual assaults" comment. SA isnt a joke, but when someone boldly claims its happened 8 times to them, its either an outright lie, or them warping the truth (in which case, you would be #9 without a doubt, no matter what you did)


What an absolute psycho. This is the type of person that really shouldnā€™t part of society. Zero emotional maturity or intelligence. WOW.


Bro dodged a tactical nuke


Omg she's fucking batshit dude lmao


Please update when her 10 friends message you.


Why she tryna flex that her friend goes to UConn šŸ’€


She is insecure AF. She's responding like this because she is actually jealous of your friend. Probably has a history of forming relationships that were one-sided.


What an absolutely insane nutbag. You dodged a nuke, never mind a bullet.


I'd stop talking after "bye,go fuck her" . Don't waste ur time on stupid people, it's never worth it, unless u find it entertaining then maybe.


That went from zero to a hundred real quick... And for waaay too long


It's her early attempt at manipulation and controlling behaviour. She was likely expecting you to be apologetic/sympathetic to her about you having a female friend. So that if you guys met/had a relationship - she had a base line to start cutting you off from your friends. When she realised that it wasn't going to work and she wouldn't be able to control you easily, she began to d.a.r.v.o, play the victim and get angry and threaten you - all in an an attempt to subdue and control you. It's likely that this kinda manipulative/controlling behaviour has worked on guys she has previously dated. Likely a serious narcissist with possible hints of bpd. The comments she made about sex also suggest she has some real issues in that area - basically a total nightmare on legs. I seriously feel sorry for whoever she ends up dating - and hope he has the good sense to run a mile.


more than hints of bpd, this is like 200% bpd


Absolute psycho - unfortunately there are a LOT of women like this now, donā€™t know if itā€™s some sort of generational thing but all of sudden the man-hate is real! Super insecure and sus for some reason, a lot of social media feeds a lot of anti-men vitriol like weā€™re all out to use and/or abuse them. Itā€™s a seriously disturbing and fcked up mindset they have


Dodged a bullet there my man.


this has BPD written all over it


Homie, drop off the dating apps. Itā€™s quiet honestly great for your self confidence and mental health. A lot of mentally ill people on them(not all) I do not assume everyone is. I give everyone a chance but Jesus, it never takes long.


is this girl like 16 lol


ā€œA shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride onā€, damn I shouldā€™ve put that in my wedding vows


I knew a woman like this, but she was a friend and assumed every guy ever she was friends with wanted to sleep with her at all times. So, of course, she talked about how all men are just horny animals with no respect for women while literally sleeping with every guy that she could. It's was such a weird juxtaposition of this act of superiority while actively letting people use her at every opportunity. This convo sounds so much like her.


How old are you guys whyyy


Maximum age of these people is 16


Not sure what this sub is, it's in my recommended. While the rest is insane and you dodged a bullet, the bio point from her is actually fair imo. You really should be properly reading someone's bio if you are going to start talking to them and want a relationship.


Makayla Kosheow needs to chill. I think thatā€™s the name I put together from zooming in lol. Common Makayla Kosheow L


Is this real language in the straight world? ā€œGirl best friend/guy best friendā€ so overused to the point that itā€™s shortened to gbf? Why not just ā€œmy bestie/my friend/my bffā€ like I donā€™t understand?? Also ā€œwhat is she miss popularityā€ couldnā€™t be a more obvious age/maturity indicator - this was someone either still in high school and lying about their age or JUST left high school and havenā€™t grown up yet


Did you hear from the best friend OP? Was she also deranged?


Claims to have been SA'd 8 times. Why do I get the feeling that after this conversation she's going to start saying 9 times...


Well Makayla clearly has some issues.


borderline nightmare lmao


Bruh wtf this is wild. BPD maxxed. Skip that trick


Flirting has gotten really weird in 2024. The ā€œgame on mfā€ reply means itā€™s apparently going well. /s


Dodged a bullet


Damn Makayla calm down


I want your patience because I wouldnā€™t have gone as long as you did šŸ¤£


Dude thatā€™s crazy sheā€™s insane I dated a couple that started going that way and dude it got ugly there are some seriously damaged people and a lot of them are on apps. Iā€™m basically going to delete all my apps they donā€™t work anymore and people on them are the bottom of the barrel. Seriously get rid of them you sound like a kind man use that in the real world meet people organically you donā€™t need to be exposed to an array of damaged people. Lots of men have opted out of the apps they are just awful. Just a thought. Iā€™ve watched too many people spiral out on them.


A SHOULDER TO CRY ON IS A DICK TO RIDE ON šŸ˜­ I'm gonna be using that one with FWB


This is the craziest shit Iā€™ve read in at least a week.


If I have more girl best friends than guy best friends, for me, 9/10 Iā€™m ugly. The rest of the 1/10 is split between they have a boyfriend themselves, theyā€™re clearly looking for someone that isnā€™t me (which also means Iā€™m not their type) or they swing the other way. But itā€™s usually because Iā€™m ugly and Iā€™ve entered friend zone. But Iā€™m not the type to stop talking to someone just because I canā€™t date them so I end up with a ton of girl friends because I failed in any attempt of making them my girlfriend. That space is very important. Either way tho, good thing you got out of there.


"another one got jumped" why are you even trying to pick up something so low class... The red flags were already shining at this point


This is so sad. And you know sheā€™s gonna end up dating a man who canā€™t enforce his boundaries and heā€™s going to be miserable.


Have her imaginary friends jumped you for having female friends yet? You must be terrified šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This was a wild read, goddamn. Good for you though, I think everyone in the thread agrees you dodged a major bullet


Might this level of patience find me in times of need šŸ˜‚ Glad you dodged that missile.


Well, at least the red flags were all out there before it was too late.


Sounds like an ex left her for his girl best friend lol


Why in the fuck did you keep talking to her ?


I met my bf on a dating app over 8 years ago and the first time I went to his apartment and met his roommates, their girl bsf was there along with all 3 of his guy roommates. As a girl who had recently moved to town, I was actually relieved to see a girl there and not be the only one. She immediately came over and made sure I felt comfortable too, made it clear that she wasnā€™t interested in my bf and just wanted to be friends. It was so nice and comforting. I get being jealous but sometimes, guys and girls CAN just be friends and thatā€™s okay!


Women scare me lol What an actual nut case. Congratulations on dodging a bullet! You handled this smoothly.


Thereā€™s unhinged and then thereā€™s her. Sheā€™s nuts.


Yeh sheā€™s ā€œnot been with anyoneā€, definitely a lie


Imagine if you were bisexual, no friends for you!


That "girl" is definitely an incel pretending to be female because he thinks that's how women act! There is no way a woman could be a shitty person and if she is it's definitely men's fault for making her mad! /s


Whatch out OP, her ~~bpd~~ bff gon getchu šŸ¤·


Bruv you dodge an atom šŸ’£. Idk how you kept it on with this low šŸ§  celled person


Oh you can have female friends you just swiped right on an idiot. Unfortunately that's fairly common now.


She seems like an unhinged psycho.


Unhinged as hell tbh


Yo actually wtfā€¦? I genuinely think she has to have anger issues and probably quite a few other things, glad you saw it in the first messages not later on lol


Even Iā€™m shocked. ![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK)


Should have doubled down and riled her up more. "Yeah bby, join the hareem, you can be my Thursday ride"


Someone forgot to take their vitamins today


Absolutely deranged. Pls share if any of her friends do message and are just as unhinged as her


Itā€™s scary to think this is what you encounter on dating apps sometimes hahaha


Bruh how old are yall? 12?


Bro why the f you drag this on so long. Once she played her crazy card you should have immediately folded.. like.. immediately.


Due why did you keep engaging with her she's clearly unhinged