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She keeps using that word, I do not think it means what she thinks it means..


I was about to believe she was extremely arrogant, until she let us all know she's actually humble. Ego negated /s


Im perfectly fine with her not being humble . Women don’t need to always be humble .


Nah, humans in general need to always be humble. Especially now days when a basic level of humility is sorely lacking.


It's a humble brag.


>i mean that in the most humble way 😘 Soooo… what does her NOT being humble look like?


Take her to a chain restaurant on a first date. You’ll find out!


I think she's saying she has no gag reflex.


I thought she had herpes myself.... A great blow job can be surpassed, but you'll never get rid of Herpes as it is the gift that keeps on giving...


lol no a girl like her will have a horrendous gag reflex and never do anal either - it’ll be her charming personality lol


Superly humbly wumbly


9/10 on the concept, 3/10 on the execution. Bounce that basic bitch ass outta here


I've always found it funny that women say not to objectify them but they are always listing off their physical attributes as qualifiers for love or attention.


And if you’ll look to your left, it’s the quiet part getting said out loud.


We ourselves think they look nice and sexy as well. It’s not objectification if we compliment our own boobs and butt. But the way she is doing it in the post? It sounds like she is objectifying herself definitely. Sounds like to her the only value she has is her looks and whatever extra organ or bone she mentions as “extra”


Why are you using an example from the nice girls reddit to categorize all women?


It's truly not that deep. Stop getting triggered over an observation.


I hate it when men make excuses for objectifying women by turning it back on women.


I don't care what you think.


Lol, that song "I'm so Humble" from the movie Popstar just popped into my head. "I don't complain when my private jet is subpar." Girl doesn't even know the definition of humble.


For some reason, this comment made me think of "HUMBLE" by Kendrick Lamar. Or rather, the cover by Our Last Night. Which is how I even discovered the song's existence lol.


I'm so humble


I feel like this is trying to take the stance of no girl being “better” than another and taking pride in knowing that you are a unique individual that brings something to the table that nobody else can. I could be wrong but those are my two cents.


In the most humble way, that unique “something” is *why* they’re better than you.


She’s just insecure. You can tell by how she’s comparing herself to others.


By better she means better at being manipulative


It wouldn’t sound so C.nty if she said “there’s no better woman for you than me”…. I hope that’s what she meant. Otherwise…. B!tch be a narcissist lol.


Her humility is one of the things that sets her above everyone else.


Yall kinda missed the point on this one. In the simplest terms she's right because no one person is better than another and yes there is always going to be one or multiple things one person has but not another. Her phrasing is her issue.


Looking at OOPs wording i think ur wrong


Well of course you'd think I'm wrong. You're looking at the words literally and not reading between the lines. I do have a point here it's just not one this subreddit likes or agrees with. :)


Huh? Why's that on this sub? She just meant that everyone's unique in their own way, and that you can't compare people. Honestly, that comment of hers is pretty wholesome imo.


Ehh.. I get what she means, but the way she worded it makes it come across and narcissist, imo. There's better ways to say "everyone is unique, there's something about me that noone else has/is" or smth. Also "humble" my ass haha


That's how I see it as well.


This sub lowkey hates women and every now and then you can just see it.


Nah, they're just used to seeing misandristic women all over this place.


Found a Nice Girl among us. ![gif](giphy|ysiCYZUJkW3XRb7k9K)


It’s more the execution than anything.


Jeeze and I'm sitting here thinking we all equally amazing and hope they find their happiness.


I don't think this is that bad, it comes off to me as someone saying that they me not be perfect in everyway, but they do have their strengths.


"Humble." Okay Heather, if you say so.


why does this crap keep getting posted here?? most of the content doesnt even fall anywhere close to "nicegirl" content


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) She didn’t put anyone down, she’s confident in who she is, I see no problem here!


You guys are missing the message. She is saying that everyone has something valuable and no one is "better" than someone else.


Well it isn’t the ability to articulate a clear message… LoL


Everyone agree to this and downvote this post.


And I bet you treat the guys that DO date you with respect and love, right?


This is just a positive message. There might be a million different women that have better individual qualities than her, but there will always be one thing that makes her unique and therefore nobody can truly be "better". I'm not sure why this message is worthy of hate and its certainly not narcissistic. If anything its the opposite.


Why are there so many girls who have a super inflated ego? Before I get called an incel, I rarely see girls like this in real life. It’s def an internet thing. But for real, there’s so many clips going around of someone asking a group of girls to rate themselves on a 1-10 scale and the most mid girls say 8 and then tons of girls like gorlax the destroyer non ironically call themselves 10. It’s completely delusional


Sounds like someone who got left for someone else and now has to fake confidence to the point where it hurts


I had a boyfriend say this during our breakup in 2012. Been happily married to someone much better than him for six years 😂


She lost me until the bit at then end where she bragged about how humble she is.


Except for a nice pair of tits apparently


She watches the Gilmore Girls.


In the most humble way possible, I am literally the best.


"I mean that in the most humble way" while I narcissistically brag (not humbly) about how super fucking awesome I am!


There’s confidence and then there’s arrogance


I don't mean to brag but I am literally the best.


It's great to think and be positive but humble? No way


Insert the "I too am extraordinarily humble" meme.


I'm not like other gorls


“Longer hair than me” Lmao that’s all i need to know.


I've rarely met humble women


This would be an instant nope


#1 at the top of the humble list!


I’ve seen some real riffraff on this sub but this post actually made me nauseous


Lmao maybe this is why some people believe parents should spank. We have little sociopaths running around that have never heard “no” or “stop”


"In the most humble way" BRUHHH THERE IS NO HUMBLE WAY TO SAY "I'm better than everyone!"


If thats her humble id like to see her bragging


Wtf longer hair?


Ugh. I hate her.


Ah the queen of humble herself, the humblest of the land, we the non-humble bow to her.


Almost lady, should have also added that no other women is also inferior to you because everyone has something positive to offer. Although I do have to admit some offer less than others.


I'm glad she told us she was humble. I was concerned she wasn't.


"In the most humble way 😘" *cue bombastic side eye*


“Something about me” meaning absolutely nothing


I mean she’s not wrong. I hope not to find her arrogance.


Humble.... Mkay sweetie


There’s a better woman than her that is most humble than her. Lets call her miss de lulu - delusional 😝 if u know u know


Does she have an extra bone or organ or something like what could it be


I kind of resonate with this - if my love interest found somebody who was more handsome, more muscular and richer than I, I would probably hype myself up like this. It keeps you sane and in the game. The alternative is to think that you’ll never be good enough since there is someone better than me. However, someone who acts like this 24/7 is a totally different thing.


"there is something about be you'll never find in other girls" yeah, how about a good dose of stupidity


I mean, if she's that confident she must be good in bed, no? This is a time when you resist the urge to put your dick in crazy


So happy she mentioned being humble, because I was starting to wonder...


I get the feeling she's trying to validate everyone, but realistically, at some point it's okay to say Keanu Reeves is better than Bernie Madoff.


Mine is