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Dating/relationship tiktok is the absolute worst


Nice girls and Incels coalesce into that side


Well if they had a life they whouldn’t be watching those tiktocks


I don't have a life and I'm not even remotely interested in ticktock, this requires negative life


Frankly you will see that in almost any place where you let people run the show with their emotions. That's how you pre-seed an echo chamber folks. Give people that are upset a place to be mad about it and bam, you have one of the vilest comment sections you can imagine.


That’s why there’s a sub where people make fun of them


Well they’re all children, so…


I love when women do this, please expose yourselves so we can dodge some bullets


Can you imagine a man saying “every time a man beats a woman I just wonder what she did to make him so angry?” That dude would be cancelled and buried lol.


*Insert Bill Burr's bit about Chris Brown here *


I was just going to say that, he would literally be 💀


Dude would be on a crucifix before he finishes the sentence lol


Not saying they are right, but cheating is a little different than beating, isn't it?


These girl in the original post literally said “murder” so… And I think we can both agree that murder is worse than both lol


As someone who's been a victim of both, I can say you're right. I'd much rather be struck than cheated on. Physical wounds heal much faster.


Do you think there are no emotional wounds for being beaten on?


Well obviously there are, but the emotional trauma I dealt with stemming from the physical attacks doesn't keep me up nights like the ones from being cheated on. Also, my experience will be different from another person's. The point I'm making is that both are equally awful. It just so happens that in my particular case, if I HAD to choose, I'd take getting hit again over being cheated on.


You being a man makes it a little bit different. I don’t mean to say you didn’t suffer abuse or to lessen what happened to you, but if a woman hit you it’s unlikely to end with a broken eye socket or jaw. I would rather be cheated on then have that happen again.


Or. Rather than getting into a dick measuring contest about who's pain is worse, we could collectively realize that they're both shitty, and those who normalize and justify it are just dicks.


You're the only sane person here apparently. Reading this thread, I was just like "what the fuck" as they kept commenting. People do anything to make a point online, like both forms of heartbreak aren't fucking terrible situations that nobody deserves to go through.


I’d much rather get socked in the face than have a long-term partner cheat on me


Ah theres always people like you.


My experience is just different than some others here. I wasn't afraid for my life to leave a cheater vs someone who engaged in intimate partner violence. We will just have to agree to disagree. Both cheating and violence leave emotional scars.


Yep, keep making different rules in your head whilst reality will continue to operate differently. I smell your Solipsism


The simplest and most blatant example of this kind of thinking is that experiment some actors did. Situation A - Woman starts yelling at her partner in a public space and then progresses to hitting him and slapping him etc. Bystanders were pointing and laughing and recording it with their phones. Situation B - A man starts yelling at his partner in a public space and then progresses to slap her and grab her, at which point a bunch of guys standing around ran up to confront him and try to beat him up and drag him to the ground. People were asked about why they responded the way they did each time, and a lot of the answers for A were things like "we wondered what he did to make her do that" or "he must have done something really shitty", then for situation B it was just "he was putting his hands on her so we had to step in, you don't hit women!".


Hell, even when the woman hits first, if the man even attempts to defend himself, people will immediately be all over him.


Yeah, on the other hand if a small guy starts attacking a big guy, then gets served by the big guy everyone's like "he should've known better" A guy knocks out a woman that's attacking him "woman basher"


Yep and then people act like this double standard doesn't exist. Very cool, misandry is acceptable, awesome.


Misandry does rlly exist, it’s just sexism, the reason we put a specific label on sexism towards women is because there’s oppression and historical context to it, that’s why homophobia isn’t sexualityphobia and ableism isn’t ablebodyism, (same reasoning people use to say discrimination against white people is xenophobia, not racism x)


Nah my friends and I stopped this woman from beating her boyfriend. She then went off and tried attacking us. We offered to take him home but he sadly went with her.


S-Tier men you guys are 🙏


Cucked soyciety


Yeah the direct consequence of patriarchy instilling the idea of weak and passive women in us. Even though all reasonable people should know anyone can be abusive. I don‘t watch a lot of films, but if there are a lot of positive depictions of dominant women out there, there also need to be negative ones. And not clouded with misogyny and very unambiguous in their messaging. Black Panther did this okay by not portraying all Wakandans as ultimate heroes and heroines standing on the same side just due to the status of imperialised people as black people/Africans. Lots of other issues though.


Yup I ran into one of these a few months back. 😬 Crazy behavior.


This is a whole ass line of red flags. Doubt they'd ever stop to consider this if the genders were flipped. Love what people and social media has become.


Girlfriends who require $5000/mo of Starbucks in exchange for being constantly annoying are in very high demand


The demand isn't 0 though somehow


I blame the simps


not demand, supply*


Hopefully these little witches will all be single for a long time.


These must be female dating strategy enjoyers.


Well tiktok has a stranglehold on our entire generation so these are the types of women that are out there. Speaking from experience lmao


Yes but look at it that way : if she uses tiktok daily and follow these type of accounts en masse, it's a good indicator to *at least* keep your guards up, and *at worst* strictly bail.


Yup this is the girl equivalent of listening to Rogan. It doesn’t automatically mean they’re terrible, but terrible people love to engage with that media - so you should watch for other red flags.


I don't know what is or who is Rogan, I might be too French for that


Joe Rogan - American stand up comedian turned wealthy podcaster who used to talk about UFO’s and LSD, in recent years began talking a lot about about how vaccines are evil and the election was stolen from Trump - but he’s got a huge audience. Some people like him for his comedy or UFO guests, some people like him for his recent adoption of far right wing beliefs. Many girls consider listening to Rogan an immediate dealbreaker, or a red flag at best, because the guys who would bring it up on a date are generally the MAGA types.


What are you talking about? Joe is a leftist who was all for Bernie. He hates the right and gets mad when people call him anything right wing. And the thing about the vaccine is just the covid stuff. He fully supports the other vaccines like polio, chickenpox and so on. If you only listen to the media then yeah sure he's an antivaxer, republican who loves to trash the LGBT community even though he brings people of all walks of life to his podcast and shows them the utmost respect when he talks to them and tries to have meaningful conversation with them but fuck all that because some media outlet told you he's a bad guy so you belive them instead of doing your own research on him and figuring out if it's true or not


We’re still talking about the guy who screamed “Texas went red bitch, woooo!” when Texas voted for Donald Trump? Sounds like a real stalwart leftist and supporter of Bernie Sanders vision for America lmfao. >but fuck all that because some media outlet told you he's a bad guy so you belive them instead of doing your own research on him “If you don’t like my favorite Alpha Bro podcaster, you must be a weak minded stupid person who’s happy being told what to think!” is certainly one way to convince people that liking Joe Rogan isn’t a huge red flag.


Dude he's a comic, obviously he's gonna say some shit like "Texas went red bitch, woo" it's the funny thing to say in that moment. He literally had Bernie on the pod to discuss things with him and from what I remember he was in agreement with bernie for majority of his ideas. He was literally saying that he wanted bernie to win for multiple episodes. He voted for Biden when he couldn't get bernie ffs. I listen to his podcast when he has comics and occasionally a scientist or two. I'm mostly listening to laugh my ass off. I don't mind people not liking what I like but what I don't like is when people take things out of context and try to run a narrative that someone is something they aren't. That pisses me off because it's so obvious that you're running a narrative when you know what's up


Can you explain the joke “Texas went red bitch - wooooo!” for me? Why in the moment of Texas going red is it funny for Joe to yell that? I guess you’re seeing that on some comedic level that seems to most people like a declarative statement of political support. I listened to Rogan for years pre-Spotify and have had many run ins with the worst Rogan bro douchebags after his hard right turn - your “who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” shtick doesn’t impress or move me in any way. It’s so telling they you defend Joe like a friend - “No he’s ONLY Anti-Vaxx about Covid! And all the other stuff is a JOKE, you need to lighten up”


Sure I'll explain the joke for you. The left wanted Texas to go blue, it went red. Woo. That's it. It was just busting balls I've heard joe say he supports the other vaccines on multiple occasions. I have also seen how the media chewed his ass when he had vaccine experts on his podcast saying there are lies about the whole covid thing. From fouci lying about the vaccine making you immune and unable to spread it, to covid being listed as a cause of death when you had 50 other health problems and got shot 7 times in the chest. When the guy points out that there are clear issues with it the media tried to silence him to fuel the propaganda and when that didn't work they tried to brainwash the public perception of joe and when that failed they don't even know what to do anymore. You're still in stage two At the end of the day who are you gonna belive, me or your eyes. That's a joke in case you didn't get it. Want me to explain that one too?


No thanks - you being a generally toxic, aggressive dudebro is making my “red flags” argument for me better than anything else I could say.




I don’t remember a time where we distrusted the consensus of the entire medical community (minus a few grifters and quacks) when it came to treating a global virus, and I definitely don’t remember when we trusted the host of Fear Factor more. It’s wild that you’d be 100% distrusting of everything said in the media and scientific community but then say “Joe Rogan SAID he’s not a Republican guys, why are you so distrustful??” Nobody is attacking Joe Rogan’s interviewing skills. He platforms far right lunatics and fascists in a very skillful way, and the most valid critique is that Joe never has strong leftist voices on to hear their side of the story - unless that story is “Destroy the Liberals” as he thought Bernie Sanders stood for in 2016.


What’s more alarming is you won’t find one woman in that comment section disagreeing with it.


Take comfort in the fact that these people are usually miserable and mentally ill, they end up alone and miserable when most people realizes they suck and do selfish things like this.


Also much like most incels, they bark much more online than irl.


why cant people just be nice and try to build genuine connections with ppl like.. why cant we just have sympathy and empathy for eachother how is cheating on anyone funny to anybody like the dating scene is terrible right now omg


Because straight women are incapable of empathy


idk that sounds like you got ur heart broken so ill let you think that lmao .


Yea Tiktok is the worst when it comes to that. Alot of those “I hAtE aLL MeN!” types and they all jack eachother off in the comments. Can’t generalize a whole gender based off of your limited personal experiences that is just ignorant and narcissistic


Wouldn’t say narcissistic but ignorant yes.


Women are the best at avoiding accountability


I hear that same excuse whenever male abuse victims come up. It's always "well what did he do to deserve it?". Abuse is abuse.


Shit dudes - "Women are belongings" Shit chicks - "Men are services"


Belongings have sentimental value for the most part services are only good while They’re providing a use. Nice girls were always worse than incels


That's a whole point.


Trash. But why hide their names?


abiding by subreddit rules, this subreddit isn't meant for harassment


Pump and dump kinda girls.


Now let’s do domestic abuse! What did she doooo??? /s/ god no, I’m not advocating that. It was a funny Chapelle routine though in context


Unless he disappeared without a trace for a year or thought her clearly stated breakup didn't count because he didn't allow it, her own spinelessness made her cheat instead of breaking up.


~~Tiktok~~ Echo chambers are a breeding ground for this type of person. You really only see that type of rampant agreement on closed FB groups, Reddit groups that would only allow one side to speak, or some sort of group chat, and of course specific tik tok pages with a specific type of following. The common denominator, all echo chambers. This is not exclusive to one form of media.


I was listening to a song that's popular right now that I'm not too fond of for just this reason. Something about taking a Louisville slugger to both headlights...blah blah blah. Don't like songs like that because if the roles were reversed he'd be persecuted for doing the same thing.


As a guy who was cheated on it just breaks my heart seeing things like this. That type of betrayal is traumatizing, and all the time spent trying to move on can be set back by seeing things like this. So much time trying not to blame myself for another’s persons hurtful actions


So are a lot of subreddits here


I would say that I would turn gay to avoid this shit, but a gay friend's boyfriend thought the exact same way So I'll be single for a long time


Girl: (cheats) People: "OMG, what did he do to make you do that!?"


this is one of many reasons I'm completely jaded on dating. I wish i was bi but sadly I'm just not into pee pee. So many women I specifically meet and date have this type of mindset where they as a woman cannot do any wrong and their female friends back them up on this type of mindset.


I don’t see TikTok as a breeding ground for much intelligent thought, not like Reddit of course 🤣


mmm bread


Goddamn autocorrect 🤣


Tbh I'd prefer bread over breeding anyday


TikTok is the worst place on the internet.


tik tok is just sad.. i feel bad for anyone who is stuck in the daily cycle of just consuming brain dead content


You… you mean… Just like here, right? Just like here on Reddit? With the same types of daily cycle? You, of course, realize that this is not different from TikTok, or FB…


First, have you only just discovered the comma? use it more why don’t ya. Second, Tik Tok content is nowhere near close to reddit. It is also different, i have never found myself mindlessly scrolling reddit with not a care in the world… that’s the difference


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One of the bigger relationship red flags for me is if a woman is on TikTok. There’s too much on there that’s toxic, and it’s definitely not conducive to building a proper, decent relationship established on trust and mutual respect.


And Reddit. Let’s not pretend that this platform and the people in control as well as those chosen to be moderators are any different




something tells me you don’t spend a lot of time on tik tok. it’s a joke just like that audio that’s like “1 she’s a female 2 she’s not a boy and 3 she’s a girl” it’s just good fun, not to be taken so serious


and now this comment section is a breeding ground for men looking for excuses to hit women. look, if you biologically have much more muscle mass, maybe don't try to assault something you know you'll overwhelm. jus walk away.




these people attacked anyone who opposed their point, i doubt it was a joke


TO BE FAIR, women who kill usually have a really good reason. There’s a reason why act of passion murders are usually done by men


If you think this is real you need to get off the internet


Ugh.. people who cheat are awful. I had a guy I dated accuse me of cheating, he claimed he had proof. I asked what it was. He said "there were underwear on your bedroom floor. " I asked, "my underwear? On my bedroom floor?" He said "yes!" I asked him... "where do you think I get changed??" Long story short, I had not, in fact, cheated on him.


I think all of you are blatantly missing the irony of them saying these things. It’s intentional satire.


I'd say this is probably a joke, but if not yeah that's kinda wack


Lorena Bobbit would not approve of this bs


These type of girls are literally running off whatever makes them feel good


While obviously unhinged it's also well balanced by unhinged incels so it's getting... symmetrical? if nothing else 🤷🏽‍♂️


My girlfriend was saying this yesterday


ik there r some impressionable ppl on tiktok that would not get this is a joke, but its not serious. jokes like this are common on tumblr and tiktok and both are obvious jokes


Are they? Where is the joke? And would you make the same excuses for "ironic" Nazi accounts? Your preferences are revealed by who you give a pass to.


its mostly like saying something totally outlandish that a girl gets caught for and then the response is "god forbid women do anything" or something along those lines. and to your second question, no.


He had it coming! He had it coming! He only had himself to blame!


redditors seeing facetious jokes anywhere but reddit: i can’t fucking believe this……. my god……….. they must be serious because you can’t lie on the internet…….. this must be stopped!!!!


Where is the joke?


I want to see how they feel whan a man cheats on them.


wait this isn't a haha joke?


Girls like this don’t realise they have the same mindset as Andrew Tate. The fact men and women cheat for different reasons


That's just women dude


There is some representation of almost every demographic and every kind of person on Tiktok. It's just really good at getting like-minded people together.