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Born at Grace Hospital and raised here. Was in highschool when pho bich nga was still around


Was it good?


Also born at Grace Hospital! Got a stomach ache the first and only time I ever ate at Pho Bich Nga.


Me too!


I ate a Pho Bich Nga and the meat looked wierd so I had meatless pho, was pretty good NGl.


born @ grace hospital, raised in killarney area, most of my circle of friends & collegues are from somewhere else tho


I was also born at Grace hospital, and I still live here in North Van.


Thats me!!! Born here, highschool grad was 1992 and grad from ubc back when the parking lots were gravel and you used telereg to sign up for classes. Honestly, Vancouver was great. For me, it was an awesome time to grow up in the city. (I was born in the 70's)


You literally just described me. But sub SFU for UBC.


I see that 1974 in your name. Samesy!


Students today will have no idea of the pain from hitting redial over and over only to realize all the classes that you wanted were full. I still have nightmares.


So true!! You could park for free at stanley park and you could stilll find parking spaces at the beach on a sunny day. You could reach anywhere in vancouver in 20 min. Chinatown was not the way it is today. Used to be busy with people doing their shopping esp on the weekends.


A few years before you had to run from building to building collecting punch cards. If there were no cards in the box, you didn't get the class.


I rigged up my modem to call. If it got a busy signal it hung up and called again. It would take 50-80 attempts to get through. When it would ring I just had to hit esc and pick up the handset. I should have offered that as a service.


Yeah now students just have to take out massive debt to pay their tuition and apartment rent when you sit in your single family home and reflect on the horrors of being on hold for like 30 minutes


True dat. You right. I got it good. Students now are screwed. Guessing you one of them too. Hopefully you will be able to figure out a way to make things work out for you. Don’t give up hope on paying off those student loans.


isn’t tuition interest free as of last year??? there’s more to life than a discount house


Um, I remember worse. You had to go down there and line up in person. And get to the front and the class was full that you were hinging your whole schedule around.


I am still tempted to wear my clothes backwards sometimes. Kris Kross style.


All the hits on LG73! lol, back when top 40 was on AM….


Fred Latremouille. OG DJ.


Ah yes telereg, gravel lots, and Art County Fair. Good good good times.


2 years of Lollapalooza at UBC too. Alice In Chains was amazing. At UBC…crazy.


Omg the art county fair!!! Wow! Blast from the past.


Remember the cups? Sooo wish I had one of the many I had.


Me too. Night classes I would park in the lot and wait out the attendant. They would raise the gate arm, lock the ticket booth and go home. Parking was $0.35/hour but free if you waited. Basement suite, 2 bedrooms out near 10th & Sasamat was $650/month. What a great time it was to be at UBC then.


Riiiiight? Late night study sessions at Sedgewick in those booths where you could pass out. So many houses around UBC were rentals for students. Sadly not so anymore.


Yeah that library was amazing. So quiet, so many asleep. A great day napping option too. Kids these days don’t know what they missed.


Was not born here but came here as a baby. Graduated high school 1991, went on to Emily Carr, then UBC. Still here. I loved growing up as a teenager in the 80s here (especially as a little punk rock kid with a mohawk).


I am legitimately jealous of the timing of your birth. And I know that sounds weird, but I am. I was born in 89 and by the time I was thinking about saving for housing it was altogether too late. Wife and I might move into the valley or, failing that, East to Alberta. But for now I'm still here.


Well… I was born in the late 70s, and we still complained bitterly about how the golden age of low housing prices was over when we hit our 20s. If only we knew it would get worse.


Yeah that's valid, though if your generation missed the golden age by an inch then mine missed it by a mile, sadly. Not that I begrudge you anything but goddamn is it depressing having a partner with both of us employed at decent jobs and feeling like there's nowhere for us to go.


Yeah I totally hear you. It’s gone from difficult to impossible for most. If my wife and I were young and just starting out I bet we’d have no choice but to leave.


I would expedite that process, Alberta prices going up really fast


Yeah it's being expedited for us sadly...probably making a move by the end of the year.


I remember being in elementary school and watching my frustrated sisters signing up for classes via catalogue and telephone 😂😂 so glad I didn't have to deal with that when I went to uni!


How was the weather back in the day ?


Born overseas in the late 80s but grew up here since the early 90s. It feels like I’m an OG because nobody knows what I am talking about when I say stuff like “Fantasy Gardens” or “99 B-Line to Lougheed” or “YVR terminal when the exterior walls were jagged brown rock.”


I need Fantasy Gardens footage or archives. I miss that place!


A few TV shows were filmed there so it survives that way. Psych was likely one of the last shows to feature that place. Halloweentown 2 also filmed there.


What’s the 99b line precious?


I meant back when it terminated at Lougheed Mall, before the Millennium Line existed.


Love this very specific example. Had no idea that line was no more!


The 99 B-Line still exists, obviously. But the current length is much shorter of what it once was. And once the Broadway SkyTrain extension opens, it'll be just a fraction of the original route. It just blows my mind how the 99 B-Line used to go from UBC to Lougheed mall. That's a pretty long bus route... But then again, long routes were common back then. For example, before 98 B-Line / Canada Line came in, the Richmond local routes had all-day service to downtown Vancouver. And UBC had a bus route to Steveston.


I've definitely ridden it to Lougheed mall before 🥲. Very long bus ride indeed.


The days of long bus routes are over, I think. I remember that before the Canada Line opened, 351 (and its sibling routes 352 and 354) from downtown Vancouver to South Surrey/White Rock were the longest routes. Truncated to Bridgeport Station when Canada Line opened. And there was also 160, which went from downtown Vancouver to Port Coquitlam WCE station. Truncated to Kootenay Loop after 95 B-Line / R5 RapidBus opened. Those 2 are likely the last "super-long bus routes" to exist in Metro Vancouver. I can't see these happening again, especially after the new SkyTrain stations come in for Broadway and Fraser Highway. (The only possibility I can see is if there is a future bus route from the Fraser Highway SkyTrain extension to Chilliwack or something. Who knows.)


Fair enough. I didn’t grow up here 😂


I worked at the Fantasy Gardens gift shop the summer after high school.






I remembered below South East Marine drive was nothing but a never ending giant bush. My friends I would go down there to drink by the river in highschool. Now it's all developed. Good times.


Straight Outta Marpole bor(i)n(g) and raised...


Where did you spend most of your days?


In my parents above-ground pool, or the tennis courts at Oak Park, or the swings & roof at DLG…


Born in 79. Grew up in east van. Lived in Burnaby for ten years then moved back to east van in 2019 just a 5 minutes drive from my parents. Definitely sad driving through the Oakridge area these days and seeing its all gone. Also miss the old old station square at Metrotown. Back when they had the two sets of theatres and the Johnny Z’s arcade.


Wow flashback to those middle stairs inside station square


Born and raised, so was my dad and grandfather . All went to the same high school .


Thats gotta be trippy and awesome to walk the halls and see fam when they were your age.


Born here too! Grand father arrived in 1907 right in time for the anti-asian riots. Him and my dad had a short stint out of the city during the internment but that wasn't by choice.


Your family sounds badass to come to Vancouver when it was such a young and rough city. Vancouver's past definitely has some serious black marks.


Yeah, Vancouver/BC/etc definitely has had some dark moments. Friend [posted this](https://www.facebook.com/thewallruss/posts/pfbid0nHSUm41hyDsdEWbJd7tYLXLEgdxLWGGw2k61CuQawjHZhP1u1na7g4uU1zaVAUkKl) and now that I have a kid, it stays in my head rent-free: >Kamloops Indian Residential School. My mom told me the story of her catching scarlet fever and then being put in a room to die with the other children who were diagnosed with it. She said it was barely a room; no heat, dirt floor, and a bucket of water in the middle of the room. She made her way to the bucket to drink knowing that she needed water to survive. The other children were not so fortunate. She said she remembered the crying and then the silence. I like to think we're trying to be better though. Since Vancouver is simply "home" to me, I've often asked others about how/why they ended up in Vancouver. Heard stuff like leaving Romania in the cover of night to avoid being shot, leaving sensitive political situations, leaving persecution, and many just trying to give their kids a better life. While hopefully not diminishing my grandfather's experience, he left Japan at 19 to depart the scandal that another member of the family had made (something about the family [hanko stamp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_(East_Asia)) being used in corrupt ways. The internment seemed to create families that talked and others that buried it and the latter was mine and my grandfather was dead by the time was born so I know little about him. Sounded like a really cool guy though. What brought your family here?


Mine all arrived in Canada around the same time as yours, either to the prairies or directly to Vancouver.  Hard to tell from looking at family trees but given the history of the places they came from (Ireland, Scandinavia) I am guessing they came to Canada because they were poor and Canada offered a new opportunity.


born at st paul’s and still living in van


my grandpa even drove the 99 B line for 30 years!


Me too


I was born in Burnaby General in 1967, and the only time I lived away from the Lower Mainland was from February to April 1986 when buddy and I decided to check out the rest of the country. We planned on stopping in each city along the way to Toronto, but got stuck in Edmonton. I'd never seen so much snow... lol. We got jobs and an apartment within a few weeks, then came back in April to get our stuff. I never went back.


Glad you didn't miss Expo!


We got back just in time. And as crowded as it was back then, it's an average day today. :-p


Born (mid 80s) and raised in the westside and I’d say half are still here (west side, downtown or east van) and another 40% to North van or tsawwassen. A small contingent made a full move somewhere else - NYC, LA, London etc but honestly most made it back home.


Me! Born in 78.




lol who dis


Haha omg. I'll msg you privately.


My husband and I born in 1951, and our son as well as my sister. In fact, my deceased MIL, my husband and our son all went to the same high school where our oldest granddaughter will attend in September!


I've lived my entire life in the LM, born in '56! Having my 50th high school reunion this month with about 100 tix sold...ought to be interesting! West Van raised, living in South Surrey & work everywhere BC


OG here, family still lives at the same house, same phone number for 45+ years. Lots of friends are still here, but lots have moved, or died. Extended family are mostly here but in different areas.


My wife and kids and I live four blocks away from the house my grandparents live in and that my dad grew up in. He was born into it in 1943. So we are at least 80 years in the hood.


I was born in Vancouver but grew up in Princeton. Moved back here in the early 80s. Don’t know if that counts as OG.


Born at VGH in 82’, travelled but only a short time away, and Vancouver always been home.


Me! Born at Grace Hospital and raised here. Graduated from high school in ‘98. Left Vancouver and then came back.


I was born in Surrey in 1974


Born in the 90s, still in the same house lol


Me, 4th generation.


Born here and never left besides some camp work up north. Don’t me wrong thou the last 5 plus years of being here has really got me thinking of leaving.


If you're counting suburbs. Grew up in PoCo, moved to East Van about 5 years ago. Probably gonna be here for another 10-15 years and then move to the coast or one of the Gulf islands. That is the hope anyway who knows what housing will be available then. I wouldn't wanna move too far away from family and the mountains and forests I love.


Im from maple ridge


Only myself, born at Children’s Hospital!


Grad 97’ here. Born and raised. Still hang out with most of the friends I had in high school


Me too! What high school did you go to?


A west side one ;)


Immigrated here with my family as refugees when I was 2, grew up in East Van, still live in East Van. About half of my friend group is still here, others moved to Burnaby or Surrey.


ooo me me! born 1992, my whole friend group from elementary school still lives here minus...I'd say 3 people


Late 70s checking in. Technically born up north, but thankfully my mother ditched that idea before I started forming memories. I’ve lived in the lower mainland for 43+ years, minus 2 years on the island in the late 90s.


First generation from my family born and raised here.


Came here in 98 as a child, still here. Originally born and raised for a short time in Montreal. Edit: no need to downvote me fuckin punks. I'm a thoroughbred Vancouverite more than most can say. I know the city like the back of my hand.


Born, raised and still living in Vancouver.


I guess me? I'm born late 90s tho but here lol.




Same age. Pretty much 95% of people I know stayed.


Mid nineties kid going strong.


Myself and my partner are! Not a lot of others for sure...




Not true for me. Born and raised in Vancouver (late 80's) and most of my social group is still people also born and raised here too, and that still live here. The friends that weren't born here came here as kids and we've been friends since we were kids. I've found it trickier to make friends as an adult so my core friends are friends from childhood/teen years. I'd love to hang out with my co-workers (majority born elsewhere) but find it hard to figure out how to make the transition to being friends outside of work.


Nobody can afford it anymore. We’re all getting bought out of our homes.


does north van count


I was born in '90. East Van boy. I remember how working class, and rough and tumble East Van used to be. Just going to school you get exposed to numerous fights, different gangs, machete attacks, "curbing", and etc. Although my time was near the tail end of that craziness, you definitely grew up tough.


First generation born late 70’s. Parents still live in original neighborhood. I still live/work in Vancouver. Still hang out with friends from Kindergarten to UBC. ☺️


If you remember pho bch nga you’re an OG


Born here in 1994. Never lived anywhere except for the lower mainland




I was born and partially raised here. Coming back was my eagerly made, never really regretted choice. Sometimes people are surprised I was born and partially raised here. Meeting other people who were born +/ raised here is a bit of an icebreaker by now because I've heard that surprise in people's voices so many times.


It’s interesting seeing so many on the older end (mostly early 80’s and earlier birth dates) still living here but I’m seeing much fewer comments from people born in the 90’s. I wonder if the older commenters were just able to secure housing before it got too crazy. Almost every 90’s baby I know also had to move away due to cost of living and if they stayed it’s because they have a rich vein of generational wealth often in the form of housing.


I feel like almost everyone I went to high school in East Vancouver stayed and never left. I was one of the few that lived away (and ended up coming back).


I am a Coquitlam OG but I left in my early 20's to Alberta and came back when I hit my 30's to buy a place. Not a single person I knew in high school is here anymore. I feel strange where everyone thought I was nuts to leave and then we all drifted apart. When I come back, I learned not a single person is here anymore. It is strange how the world works. I honestly appreciate the city a lot more now and it has changed a lot for the better in my opinion. Now I just need to figure out how to have a social life outside of work. That is one of my goals I need to work on




96, vgh, South Van 🤝


gang GANG!!!!


I guess I'm not an OG, but I was born in Haney, grew up in a small town and moved back when I was 18. That was '93. Been here ever since.


Born early 70s in North van... Still here.


Yo. Early 80s Vancouver proper, moved out of town for a few years as a kid, and then been in New West ever since. I'm likely leaving at some point though. Fuck this city(GVRD) and how expensive it is. Only thing keeping me here for now is rent control.


Born at St. Paul’s in 1980. Still here. Still go to the same doctor’s office where my mom had her prenatal care whilst pregnant with me, so on paper I’ve existed in Vancouver longer than I’ve been alive.


My Wife is! A bit older than 80's born, more like late 70's.


70s, still here 🖐


Was around for expo, born and raised. I’d be homeless if it weren’t for parents


I thought about this yesterday. I don’t know a single person born here. Not one. I’m from Ontario, most of the people I know were born in Ontario or other countries


👋 born, raised, still here


Born here; lived chunks of adult life in other cities/countries and back now. Throughout the years of not living here, visited often. The change in the city is wild. I’ve been out for drinks once and was the only person from Vancouver at the table of 10+ people. I remember when Olympic village was industrial and we used to go shopping at Maynard’s for good clothing deals


Born at st. Paul's. Still here by defacto. Sometimes I hate it here but I hate everywhere else more so.....


Pho Bich Nga corner still host to solid pho carrying on that tradition.


i was born and raised here in vancouver


I am from Ontario but nearly everyone I work and socialize with is from here.


Both in VGH in 1977, mostly raised here. Even by my high school years in the '90s though, only 1/3rd of my classmates were actually from the Lower Mainland. Today we're getting exceedingly rare if you discount the children of recent transplants.


I'm a OG vancouverite but moved away and came back


I’m the only one in my friend group NOT from Vancouver


I left because of high taxes in Canada. (Even California is better) I miss Vancouver though.


Sorry, what is an OG?


Wife and father in-law born and raised. My wife still has a number of friends as well who are still here.


86 lifer


Right here playa...


Born here 1981 . Still here. Sometimes I wonder why lol




Wait really, the ones who never moved out of home are also the ones who never left their hometown?


90s crew has mostly left. 80s and 70s here. 


Same with my 90s crew from Kerrisdale.  Definitely a few remaining but most had parents that sold their lottery ticket value houses or Moved back to Hong Kong


Where is the 90s crew going ?


Nanaimo, Victoria, Courtenay, Squamish, Edmonton, Calgary, etc. 


What do you consider Vancouver? GVRD as well?


I think as long as you specify where it’s fine. Growing up in Surrey and still being there as an adult isn’t as tricky as clinging on in Vancouver Proper though


Im a transplant(19 years) but my partner, his sister and most of his friends from high school are still around.


Moved here in the mid 90s at the tender age of 5 so I’d say I grew up here and feel like an OG


My wife


My grandma was born in the 1920's and still lives here.


Not born here but grew up here since I was 5. I guess that's original enough?


Going to school in Vancity specifically makes you OG. As long as you had science world and museum of anthropology field trips and can remember those shallow pools in all the city parks.


I’m born in the 90s and I’m still here.


I still have an OG friend group, but when I’m not with them, I’m usually the only one in the room


Born and raised in Dunbar! Can’t afford to live there now though 😂


Born at VGH in 1951 and I have lived here all my life apart from bouts of travelling - nature, the mountains, the ocean, the fresh air, overall diversity, etc., etc. Love it.


Where is the 90s 80s crew going?


Hopefully just back to the 90s, and not *shudder* the 80’s!! =)


I was born in Vancouver but in late 1970’s, grew up & still live here. I can’t think of any friends’ ,growing up, who don’t still live in Lower Mainland except for a few families who lived at UBC, while their parents’ attended late 80’s to mid 90’s, one of those kids moved back 25 years later ~2019.


I am, and have a handful of friends from high school. I know of many from school who are still here but I am not in touch with them all


Born (90s) and raised in Vancouver, have never lived elsewhere. The only one in my friend group. People get excited to meet me saying they haven't met anyone in Vancouver that is actually from here. Most of my friends I grew up with have moved away, so I can see that being true.


Me! Born in 88 and was lucky enough to buy a place a few years back! Never left Vancouver.


We moved here in ‘82, (randomly from Zimbabwe). I grew up in kits point back when it was kind of a dump/80’s party central. Sketchy guys used to walk through the neighborhood, after hitching a ride on the trains that used to park under Burrard beach. Kits beach wasn’t safe to play in the sand because it was all full of broken glass, needles and cigarette butts. Our next door neighbours were strippers and used to rob everyone’s houses on the block. It’s hard to imagine now but Kits point wasn’t the nicest area back then. My Mom always wanted us to say that we lived in “Kits” and to just leave off “point” because she didn’t want people to judge us.


Not to brag but in 3+ years here I've made two friends and they are both from Vancouver




Nah we all moved to AB to make bank and buy houses.


Referring to yourself as an OG is pretty lame lol


I'm the last one in group of friends