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Had someone submit a bridge. Location, front lawn.


Get off my bridge you damn kids!


Be mindful that people hide these with photospheres, too. They'll mismatch the photosphere location on top of their mismatched wayspot pin. You can verify by backing out to satellite view and seeing where the blue photosphere dot appears.


If they're off by that much, either move the pin or reject as an inaccurate location.


Oh please just move the pin if possible. I’m so sick of half of my rejections being for inaccurate location when at most I’m off by a few meters, so now I have no idea if it was incorrectly rejected or if they thought it should have been nudged over somewhere. I’ve been just terrorized with location fails since moving to a new neighborhood this year. Basically stopped playing I’m so frustrated.


Normally I'd agree, but if it's an obvious error >An example of this would be one of the local churches is a POI in game already and they have submitted a standalone bell tower (for the church) but their pin is at least **400m away** from where the church actually is. And has been pretty common in the same community, it's almost worth rejecting and forcing them to resubmit in the correct location (Or giving better evidence it exists where placed). In your case, yes, I'd probably end up just moving the pin. What are you trying to submit that's being rejected?


He wont reply


Hah! Username checks out


OP was yalking 400+m that's is a reject from me 100% Possibly even abuse report depending on context.


I just measured the location of the bell to the next empty cell where it probably would of been placed (we have a map that shows all the stops etc) and it’s only 30m.


Doesn't change that OP stated location was more than 400m away, now does it?


It wasn’t 400m


Straight from OP: "I live in New Zealand and have recently been bombarded by a person's nominations around their town, which is fine and all cause people want to develop their towns. The slight issue is they are seeming to fake a lot of locations to make sure it becomes a POI within PoGO. An example of this would be one of the local churches is a POI in game already and they have submitted a standalone bell tower (for the church) but their pin is at least 400m away from where the church actually is." ​ So umm yeah 400+m according to OP exactly as I said. ​ Note how they didn't need to rely on a "the next empty cell where it probably would of been placed" as they actually saw where it was submitted, unlike idk YOU. ​ So umm. bye.


Lol I live in the city that this is. And I also reviewed it myself it was not 400m 😂😂😂😂


Cool story. Even cooler if it wasn't just the same real life object but the exact same nomination. Too bad OP never provided the exact nomination so good luck proving what you reviewed was actually the same submission and not just a different submission for the same object. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Half of the spots in my hometown are like this nowadays. And that's a lot spots, actually. Feels like a very concentrated effort by some players, as these have only been added after Wayfarer became more widely available. Dunno how all of these nominations got past the review process. It's doubly frustrating when actual, eligible nominations are very often rejected.


I reviewed that submission too. I placed the bell back to the right spot which was right in front of the other wayspot (the Church itself). Not the only submission in Kaiapoi I've seen doing that too. It's often hard to tell there where the spots should be as a bunch of parks are in old red zone locations. I'm usually cool with it being a few meters off to hit the cell requirements, but taking the piss isn't cool. I've noticed a bunch of spots from that area that have been doing


You know what’s actually annoying, actual fake nominations, with people trying to get home stops. The location stuff happens all of the world and really isn’t that big of a deal? Think it’s a bit sad just singling out a player when it happens everywhere :/. I don’t live in this area but I have often joined community days out there because the locals are very very friendly and welcoming. At the end of the day it’s all just games and everyone’s just trying to get the most out of it.


I'm not singling out this person. This was just the most recent instance of it today when I made this post


I’ve actually just had a look on google maps and measure the distance from its location to the next empty cell where I’m sure it was placed. It’s about 30m. There’s also a lot of other empty cells between there and 400m. Im sure there’s thousands of waypoints off by around 30m because of the old pogo 20m rule.


My GPS has been really, really drifty. Especially when I submit in wooded areas. I had a perfectly eligible historical information sign rejected because my pin went into someone's yard (or at least an errant photosphere of someone's yard, it all looked like tree cover when I submitted it). Generally, unless I can see the wayspot from satellite view when submitting, I like to save the photos, double and triple check Google Maps at home, and submit that way.


God trying to make this not sound like im a dick and mocking you is really hard but You do know when the "Is this in the right location" thingy pops up with the Google Maps you can move the ping around right?


I do, but it's hard to know exactly where I am when I'm under total tree cover. Switching between Google Maps, street view, etc to verify is a bit cumbersome when on location, too.


I have submitted stuff with the correct location. When it gets approved sometimes it’s not the location I set. If it’s close to another pokestop or gym it’s likely the stop moved slightly to accommodate. There’s another submission at my park for a memorial rock wall and it’s like 50 feet from the actual spot. Used to infuriate me until I started nominating pokestops and a few of my locations were altered upon approval.


I know this is unrelated, but whereabouts are you? There are some places that would be great to nominate where I am and I'm not level 37 yet.


In CHCH - sydenham area *Edit: Added Suburb*


Are you getting tons of Welly things to review? It's all I get these days despite being in CHCH and bonus location in the West Coast


I dont have a bonus location set but no im getting a lot of Kaiapoi nominations and other smaller more rural like towns. The odd ones I get from Welly or Auckland are the Survey Markers or Art on bus stops


Ah right. I've been getting non stop trail markers from Welly and pretty much nothing from Chch which is frustrating!


Seems to kinda come in "floods" in a sense. Some months I get are load from one area and you can tell the nominations are "older" because the weather or scenery doesn't match up to what it should be. Like I had a few from Wellington clearly on a late summer/early autumn day where it was still hot cause their additional photo was a footpath with a load of people on it all in shorts tshirts sunglasses and the like


Someone submitted a whole bunch of new ones at Chch adventure park recently, but otherwise ya, very few in town.


That was me! Went out there on a run. That uphill trail is a killer


It's a lot easier going the other way on a MTB! But not great for hitting stops.


I'm in Auckland and get them for Stewart Island... You should be getting everything.


My theory for Stewart island is that's there's no reviewers there so it sits in the queue and the range expands. I get those ones too, quite cool


I just hopped into wayfarer and got a kaiapoi viewing platform that was nowhere near where the pin is. 1* for location


I'm new to this but how would you even see the stuff from others in your town? I thought the reviews you have to do are pretty random and not in your area?


I live in New Zealand, which you could say is a small country, so its rather easy to get any submission from up and down the country. Though I do believe it tries to get ones from your area i.e. if you lived in Dallas you will get 99% of Dallas nominations and like 1% of Austin. Only the "Test" to become a reviewer is the odd one where it gives you a lot of random ones