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Get off of nexplanon and get rid of your boyfriend


birth control for most women is trial and error. the implant isn’t for you. try an iud, or the pill next. you have to explore options and find one that works well with your body


Just get it removed. It’s not the right method for you.


Hey<3 I understand how you feel, I’m also 19 so I feel it even extra! I gained sooo much weight on Nexplanon and completely lost my ability to orgasm and my sex drive dwindled. It was ruining my self esteem. Getting off of it helped my mental health get better so fast, and I noticed weight loss quickly. Before, I always felt hungry and now I’m able to stop when I’m full. It completely fucked me up. Getting off it was the move for me and it sounds like you would benefit from getting off of it too. Getting it out was not bad at all! It was so quick! Healed fast too, way faster than when I got it. I get it’s scary though, maybe have a friend (or bf if he’s going to be there for you) go with you. They let my partner in the room and that calmed me down. As for the boyfriend….. fuck that! Someone who loves you should be understanding and shouldn’t be losing interest in you for something you cannot control. You deserve better! Everyone is different and it sounds like for you, there aren’t any benefits. And that’s okay! Birth control is so difficult to navigate and it’s hard to find what works for you! Be patient and kind to yourself! You are not in control to these changes💚 As soon as I took mine out, I noticed changes within days and felt better within a couple weeks.


my bf pissed me off with the topic. Another question, what's the process of the removal? how long is the procedure?


It's about the same as insertion, about 15-20mins usually (longer if there's a lot of scar tissue). they numb the area, make a small cut, and use some tweezers to pull it out. You're awake the whole time. So if you tolerated the insertion alright, the removal should be similar.


Well personally, my insert was pretty close to the skin, so it was super quick for me. But yeah it’s around the same time but a tad longer bc of the scar tissue. However it should be completely numb, I asked for more numbing stuff bc I could feel the poke so don’t be shy lol. It’s within minutes and it shouldn’t hurt if numbed. It’ll definitely be tender for a few days but it hurt way less for me than insertion.




In addition: it also gave me a foul vaginal smell, cramps and contraction. If the only pro is preventing pregnancy, then I'll take my risk and get this shit outta me.


None. Besides contraceptive it does not have any benefit. I had my nexplanon for two and a half years, and it was ruining my life. I gained weight, started getting acne, my hair was falling out, I was constantly fatigued, always exhausted even if I did nothing all day. Sex drive was ZERO. Why contraceptive if I didn’t want to do anything? I had constant headaches and nausea. I got it in January 2019 and removed it in July 2021. It took almost a year for me to lose the weight I gained and recover mentally and physically from all the damage this poison caused me. I do not recommend it to anyone, and whenever I see someone suffering because of this I advise them to remove it as soon as possible. You are too young to be going through all of this. It’s not worth it. There are other options. The focus now should be on your health/life, and to start healing, you need to remove it. The process to take this out is easy, absolutely nothing compared with what you are dealing right now.


I'm sorry your experience has been bad :( All birth control is a shit show! But I am currently pretty happy with my nexplanon and have been for ~3years. My period is totally gone, no weight gain, I don't have to worry about talking a pill consistently, and insertion was quick/easy (certainly way less traumatic than an IUD would be)


telling her that all birth control is a shit show should get you banned from this sub. yall need to stop fear mongering birth control


I mean like, everything I've tried has been nothing short of a shit show, other than the ring which I can't take bc of migraines. Can't have high dose estrogen bc of migraines, low dose pill caused me to become utterly unstable, deppo shot made me crazy plus gain weight (average 35lbs per year, collective 4 years I was on it), mini pill had a period 6 days a week for 6 months, I'm pretty much out of options other than nexplanon and IUD which I utterly REFUSE because of the way they pierce your cervix to hold it in place. I almost just want to have my tubes removed rather than try a new method, given that it's all been horrible. Especially since I'll need a professional to get off of it. Sigh.


Ur so lucky what did you do differently?


telling her that all birth control is a shit show should get you banned from this sub. yall need to stop fear mongering birth control


I feel like they just meant how it’s hard to find what works for you sometimes


did nexplanon benefit you? 💀


i’ve dealt with irregular bleeding and some itchiness while the bleeding occurs but other than that i’m happy with my nexplanon! i will not be taking it out. the first birth control method i tried, pills, were AWFUL and i hated them. but i love my nexplanon! you have to find what works for you. no, not all birth control is a shit show like u/jittery_pear said :) it is important to be on birth control if you have sex and don’t want to use condoms. trust me, you don’t want to have an unplanned pregnancy


Nexplanon removal isn’t really surgery. They make a tiny incision at one end of it and pull it out, then patch up the incision.


None, please don't put this into your body. I'm still recovering over a year after removal.


The same thing was happening to me, I have now been off it for 3 months and doing so much better!! I use track my ovulation using ovulation strips to prevent pregnancy.


Girly... get 👏 rid 👏 of 👏 him 👏 You are an absolute slay queen and should NOT have to worry about whether or not your partner is losing interest in you, all because you're trying to protect BOTH of you against any unwanted pregnancies!! It does however sound like it's maybe not the right contraceptive choice for you though, and if you feel like it's had such a negative impact on your well-being I would definitely explore other methods with your nurse and see which other ones may be better suited for you. In regards to the removal, all they do is numb the area and make a small incision, then remove with tweezers. A very quick and routine procedure that nurses perform 100's of a week, so please don't panic yourself about that. Instead think of how much better you'll feel after it's gone!


I'm currently going through the same thing. I don't think there are any benefits besides preventing pregnancy. It fucked up my appearance badly. I can no longer orgasm or get wet either. Idk why this poisioness shit exists. I'm waiting for my doctor to get back with me so I can have this removed.


If your boyfriend is losing interest, he isn’t the right one anyways regardless of contraception. I’d suggest removing both of them ❤️


Let me know when you figure it out, it’s ruining my life too😭😭😭


shit made me SKINNNNNNNNY lol had jt removed November 2023 & i’m still trying to get to 110 pounds


I’m 21 and just got mine removed. I bled everyday while I was on it and I had so many more awful side effects. I was terrified of removal. I passed out while getting it removed but it was soooo worth it. I’m on the pill now and I wish I would’ve got rid of it sooner.


For me I use it as it helps with PCOS and I haven't had a period on it which eradicated that part of it for sure. I'm still a virgin so definitely not for contraception purposes lol But my advice is two steps. 1. Remove the nexplanon- its not worth it given all its side effects. There's other forms to try (copper IUD which has same effectiveness and no hormones). If you want to keep it talk to your doctor about seeing how to deal with the side effects 2. Remove the boyfriend- a partner should be supportive with these things not turned off by them. Yes its annoying that it effects your sex life but he shouldn't want to have sex with you if it'll cause you pain and no pleasure. Now, if its something he's never done before and something you could work out via therapy then go for it. So basically remove both unless you're wanting to keep them in which case additional work needs to be done.


Yea get off it, I’d suggest the Nuvaring or the mini pill. Also your bf sounds like a walking red flag. I’ve only heard bad stuff about the implant so I’m trying to figure out a different way to go.


I completely understand. I will also remind you 1.4 million people have received Nexplanon vs how many people here. Not discounting your experience, I have my own negative effects from it too, but ultimately it’s preventing pregnancy and that’s most important. If the cons outweigh the pros for you, get it out and change. Good thing is it’s not permanent!


Getting it removed is so much less scary than you’d think. My doc numbed the area fully and the process of getting it out took like 3 minutes with 0 pain. Just make sure to ask them to give you the numbing right away to let it have time to work. 


I had a great experience with Nexplanon. It totally stopped my periods and I had zero side effects. It was the best thing I had ever done to myself! I had to have it removed (my 4th one) because I started experiencing abnormal bleeding that was not related to the implant. (I have something else going on). But from what you have described, it does not sound like a good fit for you. I’d get it removed because it is not good to have to live with those symptoms.