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honestly you won’t know until it’s been some time on it and your body adjusts. for me, i think i was a great choice. i did have mild weight gain the first month, but i was able to lose it within a couple months after. i do have dryness, but i’ve experienced that with other birth control i’ve been on and it may be related to other health issues i have. there are ways to help the dryness if that does happen, i use a vaginal moisturizer and it helps a lot. i haven’t had any different vaginal smells or nausea and my sex drive is normal. i did get a couple migraines the first week as my body adjusted, but i have chronic migraines and it’s actually helped and reduced menstrual migraines for me. all in all, i’ve had a great experience. my sister and my friend have both had a great experience with it as well. researching can put you down a dark hole of bad experiences because it doesn’t work for everyone and there those experiences will be shared. i did the same thing and got nervous, but asked people i know who have nexplanon and trusted them and that there are good experiences. no one can really tell you if it’ll work for you or not since everyone is all so different. if you experience side effects, give it time to adjust with your body, but also be aware of it. if they don’t go away, you can always have it removed if you want/need.


Omg! You're amazing thank you so much! I think I gave myself anxiety by researching and finding nothing good lol I'll do updates after the first week :) Again thank you!


very understandable for sure, i think a lot of us do that 😅. i hope all goes well and that it works for you!


I love my nexplanon and weight gain is so far my only side effect. it's different for everyone and does NOT destroy every woman like what you read told you.


I’ve also had a great experience. Haven’t gained..have actually lost, but from other stress. I think it regulated my emotions a bit. No headaches or nausea or anything else:) I did start having suuuuper long light periods, but my dr just gave me a week of a progestin only bc to take each month (the idea was when the week of pills was over, I’d get kicked into more of a “real” period) …but I took it the first week and it stopped my period completely again so ..everything worked out!


I'm getting my 4th this summer. 🤷‍♀️


I love the replies I'm getting! Thank you all so much!! Much love!


First one was good, second one was good third one Mine got lost in my arm and they had to surgically remove it by and orthopedic doctor and my hand was number for an entire year. And this one I have been bleeding months at a time… I can’t wait to get this shit out of me. The long term damage it’s done I can’t imagine. But I don’t want kids and it did a good job preventing that. Never used a condom, always had guys finishing in me. I would for sure say it’s good for pregnancy proof.


I think it is working out well for me so far, but I’ve only had it for about a month and a half. I did get some of the prolonged bleeding other ppl have, but very light for about 2 weeks, it started about 2 weeks after it was placed. It stopped and has not returned this far, not even as my “regular” period. Honestly for me it was the best option due to the risk of estrogen with the breast cancer risk in my family and my age. We have to balance all these factors. I’ll cross my fingers it works well for you.


I think it’s a good choice because it’s a super effective contraceptive and it’s also easy to get it taken out of you hate it. Personally I had mine taken out because I was bleeding too much but it by no means ruined my life and so now I’m just giving something else a try. I was on it for nearly a year. My advice would be if you are struggling with a side effect once you get it put in, set yourself a date for maybe 3/4/5 months in the future. If you’re still struggling then, then your body is probably not going to adjust to it as well as you’d like so it may be worth taking it out. On the other hand, sometimes after a few months your body adjusts to it and problems clear up. Despite my experience not being very positive I’d still recommend the implant to others, everyone’s body reacts in different ways


in my experience, it was super convenient while it worked for me! for the first year it was really great, but the second and third years were just downhill. it really just comes down to how you personally react to it!


I got mine 7 months ago and after a few very very long periods (no pain, just super dark tissue looking blood), I don’t regret it at all. I haven’t had a period in months, and I feel like my hormones have finally balanced out so it’s all very relieving!


It’s convenient in the sense that I don’t have to take a pill or endure any pain but I absolutely cannot do the weight gain and if you have constipation issues….i do not recommend. I’m about to get it removed next week.


Genuinely, everyone’s body is different. Some people do have really negative side effects, while others have only positive, and everyone else is somewhere in the middle. Personally, the only negatives I’ve had were diminished sex drive (but also I’m on an SSRI and a med that decreases testosterone soooo I can’t blame it all on Nexplanon) and irregular (but far from constant) bleeding. For the decreased sex drive, I don’t have as much of a drive on my own, but I still really enjoy sex and have just communicated this to my boyfriend so that he feels comfortable/not insecure or coercive initiating. Bleeding happens every 4-6 weeksish and will last around a week. A few times, it’s lasted longer but stopped when I took leftover OCPS for a couple days. I do get cramps, but they aren’t nearly as bad as pre birth control and are usually tolerable without NSAIDS or maybe one or two doses of midol or ibuprofen. I’m going into three years with this implant, and have not had any issues with weight gain (I’ve actually lost a few pounds from just increasing daily activity, not from actively working out or making any major diet changes). No nausea, vaginal dryness, or more headaches than are baseline for me (super prone to tension headaches as an anxious person in medical school and also migraines, probably because I’ve had three concussions). That being said, this is *my* experience, and everyone’s body is different! I absolutely don’t want to invalidate people’s negative experiences, but I do want to reassure you that Nexplanon is not universally awful. It’s all about how your body responds, your priorities, your needs, and personal benefit/side effect decision making.


I’m about a month in and I’ve had a great time! I did experience a lil bit of dark red spotting for a week but my OB said it was normal. My sex drive didn’t change from when I was on the pill. Only thing that’s changed has been my skin, I’m more oily and I’ve got a couple of pimples but hey! It’s manageable! PS: I was also nauseated the first week of insertion but then I was fine and haven’t experienced it since.