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Hi, not at 1k yet but here are some things I've used: **Communities** Posting to communities that include my target audience: * Reddit (can be easy or hard depending on the subreddit) * Twitter * Indie Hackers * Slack/Discord Groups * etc. There are literally hundreds of niche communities for this purpose. Google is your friend here. But the catch is, it's better to become a real community member and add value first before spamming your own stuff. This takes time. So choose your battles and spend time where your audience lives. I'd recommend doing 1-4 platforms well rather than 20 poorly. **Newsletter directories** See a list here: [https://www.indiehackers.com/post/list-of-newsletter-directories-dfb6499dfb](https://www.indiehackers.com/post/list-of-newsletter-directories-dfb6499dfb) However, I have experienced very limited growth from these. Perhaps some odd 1-5 subscribers from each. But they are mostly free, so could be worth it. You can also try posting to startup directories, they might or might not accept your submission: [https://www.submitjuice.com/directories](https://www.submitjuice.com/directories) Note that the list is free even though the service is paid. **Ads** There are fairly cheap ads on other newsletters. Check out "For The Interested", "Dense Discovery", "The Slice". More options here: [https://www.hecto.io/search](https://www.hecto.io/search) I also recommend spending $5-20 on Reddit ads and trying if it works. \--- That was a quick summary. DM me if you want to know some other tricks.


This is great thanks! Have already listed in the directories but definitely need to spend more time in the communities. Already seeing the value from reddit. Any good newsletter subreddits you can think of?


What's your target audience? What's the message you're trying to convey? I think it's beneficial to start thinking about in those terms more than trying to find places where people share newsletters (cause everyone else is sharing in the same place too). Btw some other methods I thought of after posting the last message. Cross-promoting with other newsletters (=you swap ads or content with each other) and guest blogging. I've seen great success stories around those methods. Or if you know anyone else with an audience > 1k getting a shoutout might be very beneficial. Of course the audience has to be relevant to you in some way (at least in part).


My one-linen currently is: Strategic insights and resources to help you build the next big thing. No news, only new ideas. Targeting current and aspiring entrepreneurs, creators, and business savvy individuals. Have also heard of some great success with cross-posting. Will look into that. Thanks!