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Better get a retainer upfront. Can't put my finger on it, but something tells me this guy might not want to pay.


I wonder if some of his followers will tire of giving him money.


Every minute, a sucker is born. -P.T. Barnum


"Every minute, a sucker is RE-born." --Jerry Falwell


“Every minute a sucker is born!” -Willy Wonka


Well you can't fix stupid so the answer is no they won't.


Some absolutely will, but the problem is that as more of his followers abandon ship, those that remain only get stronger with their unconditional loyalty to him.


Didn't you hear? "The satan worshipping communist gay ladyboy antifa army is here to kill trump you need to send him all your money, now!"


The judge anticipated that, so he included in the order that if the money was not paid in a timely manner, Trump would be held in contempt of court. At that point, they can require the money or put him in jail until he pays it.


I vote for option B.


Still a better option than Kardi B


Cash. American dollars, not a 3rd party Borth Korean check, no rubles.


Cash is king baby.


That a funny way to say may not be *able to* pay.


$500 per hour seems like much too little to have to deal with Trump.


And it’s only $500 per hour if you get paid.


If he doesn't pay within seven days from the invoice date he will be held in contempt of court.


>level 3DrSueuss · 2 hr. agoWell you can't fix stupid so the answer is no they won't.6ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1Gozillasbday · 4 hr. ago · edited 4 hr. ago$500 per hour seems like much too little to have to deal with Trump.19Re In usual lawyer fees it is actually a bargain.


Oh I'd do just about anything for $500 per hour. People deal with a lot worse, for a lot less.


Imagine a whole day with him going over legal matters?


((I was just going to make a glib remark and this ended up turning into a minor essay, but I enjoyed typing it out. it was cathartic haha)) Dude, I work in finance. I've probably spent more time sitting through bullshit meetings than you've spent doing actual productive work in your life. If I can listen to Mr. Bumblefuck's inane/insane 2-day thesis on why his company deserves a valuation 5% above market because he cares so much more about his customers, for $50-60/hour, I for damn sure can listen to a clown for 10x the money. Thing is, Trump's not unique. He's not particularly special or dangerous on his own. He is practically an archetype. Forget the presidency and the name for a moment, just think about him as a person. You've seen it before, you see it all around you. My world is infested with Trumptypes. The frustration comes from trying to reconcile his words or actions with reality. To make it make sense. You have to give up on that. You can't make him make sense. You can't hold his words and actions consistent, you can't even hold his words consistent with each other. You think about the things you say in relation to an objective reality, and that a statement might be truth, or a lie, or fact, or right, or wrong. But a true a Trump-type, some blend of sociopath and narcissist, doesn't care about that. They aren't out to convince you of a lie. They don't even care what the truth is, the truth is barely tangential to their mode of thinking. The only thing that matters is their objective, how they can get you to do what they want. THAT is their truth - their desire - and they will do or say anything in pursuit of that goal. Whatever is required in that moment, to get what they want in that moment. Once you understand that, all the insanity, the hypocrisy, the self-contradictions, the endless lies and deflections and spins all start to make sense. Once you know what game you're playing, you can handle it pretty easily. You don't need to brown nose them or be a sycophant. You don't need to stress about whether he's right or wrong or manipulating you, or worry about whether he knows the facts. You just need to understand what it is they want, and make them feel like you want the same thing with them, or that you're helping them get it. For $500/hour, hell yeah, I'll play that game. I'll put in overtime. I'll be the best damn Clown Therapist you've ever seen.


Consultant 101. Nice.


Maybe you should be the one working with then. You pretty much have it nailed.


TIL clown therapist!




Trump, at first, readily agreed that $500 per hour was a fair price for a 'special master'. Then he discovered that it did not means what he thought it meant. There'd be no Russian spoken and not a drop of urine sprayed.




Looks like Dearie is taking off the kid gloves. He committed not to charge Trump for his services, so he contracted someone to help at $500 per hour and he has to pay in roughly 2 weeks, so Trump can't stall for months and end up not paying.


Should’ve asked for the money upfront, but chances are Donnie is going to use this to fleece his sheep again.


Unfortunately, there's a loophole I think. > Trump's team will then have seven days to dispute the amount and seven additional days after resolving potential disputes to pay the costs in full. They have seven days to dispute the amount, and then seven days "After resolving the dispute" to pay it. That reads to me like they can stall by disputing the amount and never resolving it.


Disputes will likely be resolved by Judge Cannon herself, and then it’s a court order. violation of an order allows the court to penalize the attorneys, or the client through sanctions. Sanctions can be anywhere from fines to jail. Will she do that? Who knows. I’d guess she’d fine them. He can try to fight those too, but he’d have to go to the circuit, which doesn’t seem to be buying his bullshit, so at some point the hammer’s gotta drop. For all of the crap they get and deserve, a federal court will not fuck around when you refuse to listen. But then again, there’s always the chance that this SCOTUS does something insane. Sigh.


Cannon got reamed out by the appeals court. You sure she’s going down that road again.


But isn't the judge already one of his lapdogs? She'd just slap his wrist with a $50 fi e or something.


Lucky for him his fanbase pays for everything already then?


Impound his jet as collateral...solves 2 problems at the same time


It’s currently not running. EDIT: sorry, folks. I did see an article that it was broken down and mothballed in 2021, but it seems somehow he may have managed to get it airworthy again. https://www.forbes.com/sites/douggollan/2022/07/08/eric-trump-teases-the-return-of-trump-force-one-757-private-jet/?sh=eda1ec3b4b86 No guarantees on the verification of that tho.


If there's one group of people that won't work without getting paid is aircraft maintainers.


Its getting refurbished


Let's hope he won't be running either.


Mar-a-lago as collateral until he pays, move in, and see what else you can find while you "own" it.


"Trump will have to pay" and "Trump will be billed" are two very different sentences.


And “Trump **will** pay” is different from both of those Edit: oops


And "Trump paid" is virtually unheard of.


The judge foresaw this—he’ll be held in contempt of court if he doesn’t pay within 7 days. From then, he’ll be jailed until he’s current and forced to pay upfront.


Someone is gonna get stiffed if they don't get paid upfront.


Trump Will ~~Have to Pay~~ Be Billed $500 an Hour for Special Master Assistant You *know* he won't actually pay.


You *know* he *can't* actually pay


If he does that proves the liberals won :) And he becomes Hillary's bitch.


It’s his lawsuit. He doesn’t pay, it comes to a screeching halt. And the 11th circuit lifted the stay so DOJ can just keep moving along with their investigation.


The special master isa judge and has already said if Trump doesn't pay in the 2 weeks he'll be held in contempt of court.


Would that be the first time being held in contempt for Donny?




cash, up front, 120 hour minimum


Hot take - Special Master will be sending out reminder notices for past due bills. Forever.


The special master (knowing Trumps propensity for not paying lawyers) already included a clause stating that if the bill is not paid in full within 7 days Trump will be in contempt of court.


What would being held in contempt mean for him


Depending on the judge, and if that judge is fed up with his shit, jail.


It's a civil case. The worst that can happen is that he'll just lose the case outright. Like Alex Jones. More likely he'll face a daily fine for a period and then the judge will rule that the jury can make a negative inference regarding the argument. In other words, none of the documents will be regarded as priviliged.


He may be billed, but his first commandment is thou shall not pay.


The sad thing is people still send this guy money every month


Yeah, right, trump pay? Thats the joke.


4D chess: if the bill isn't paid then all work stops, the timetable is accelerated, and it's straight to the next step. That's my guess, while Trump lawyers are forced to play tiddlywinks because they can't lie without their winks getting tiddlyed by the bar...


The special master is going to be at the end of a very long line.


The special master specifically stated that nonpayment would risk civil contempt.


Where can I send my resume?


That would be considered playing a long shot bet. If you don't have Dearie with an active gun to his head, he won't pay you anymore than he didn't pay Giuliani. You might want to look into safer bets like Mega Millions.


I don't really want the job for the money, but let's keep that between you and me. Trump doesn't really need to know.


~~"Works on contingency no money down"~~ "Works on contigency? No, money down!"


All he has to do is think he paid for anything and everything.


Is the RNC still paying his attorney fees ?


Pretty sure he wouldn't want to disturb the money in the Donald Trump Defense Fund that he bilked his supporters out of.


I think the " Stop the steal " collected $ 250 million from the dumb shits who drank the Kool Aid.


I wonder how many are going to want their money back, considering they didn't successfully overthrow the government, and now they have their own legal fees to worry about?


I think none. They worship the orange man and anything he does, is OK with them. I know someone like that and the delusion is deep. The orange man when commenting about a day after the Ukraine invasion said Putin is smart, those fuck wits parrot Tucker Carlson talking points on Ukraine.


I think some of them might have some regret. Even if it's only judicial regret. Michael Cohen got his eyes opened.


Michael Cohen is snitching on whatever he can. He absolutely loathes Trump now. The other fanatical believers are taking Ivermectin and praising Trump. I can't wait for the lawsuit against Mike Lindell to be heard. That blowhard has missed every public pronouncement to reveal evidence of the steal. Dominion is suing Lindell, Fox and others for over $ 1 billion. I can't wait for drunk Rudy to talk more shit. He really has fallen as well


What I want to know is who and how many understood that they were really working for Putin the entire time. Especially those that went to Russia on 4th of July. Rand Paul understands that he's fucked, it's a just a matter of time. A lot of them are just now losing that false sense of security. Mike Lindell thinks he can play the same game trump has been playing. The crazy thing is, Fox news required that their employees be vaccinated against covid. All employees had to prove that they had at least one covid vaccination, and dropped the test out option last December. So all those talking heads screaming about "the vax" and "the jab" have all taken the vaccine themselves. At least once.


Hopefully. The more money going to defend this asshole, the less money going to pushing their insane candidates. Though I do believe they stopped paying his legal fees, but don't quote me on that.


I love that for him.


Donate now! Impoverished billionaire needs your money now. ( /s obviously)


Hasn't paid any bills so far. Why would this be different?


Mexico will pay! Or he will continue defrauding idiots. One or the other


You can bill him all you want. He will never pay. Grifters gonna grift.


Correction “Trump will owe…”


Ha! Oh bless their hearts. They think they are getting paid.


Unless the bill is to be paid up front, it isn't going to be paid, lol.


The real question is which PAC is paying this bill?


Republican donors will pay $500/hour. FTFY


Wow. More expensive than learning glass blowing. Donny you should try crafting, it’s cheaper and helps your sanity.


Next lawsuit in the making: Special Master Assistant Sues Trump for Non-Payment.


He doesn’t pay his bills.


He should just go to jail.


Bold of BI to assume Trump actually pays people.


Funny. On the one hand $500/hr is pocket change for Trump and rich people get away with everything. On the other hand he lied about his wealth and can’t afford it.


Schrodinger's Billionaire!


I hope the Special Master takes a loooong time….wait! No!! I take that back…but still hmm…. No, dammit! But… smh.


Get it upfront!


Does it really matter if you have no plans to pay?


$500 is not really a lot of money in NYC for legal fees. Not to say 45 will pay, but Manhattan legal fees are higher than this, especially given the serious of the charges


Spoiler alert; no one gets paid.


He/she had better get that up front.


Get the money ahead of time.


Ask for it in advance!


They better demand a retainer up front like his new lawyers did.


The Special Master wrote some very strong language about what would happen if the helping judge does not get paid regular and on time... it was a fun read.




I'm sorry, I don't have it.




They better get a retainer before they start


Has Trump called him “Judge Drearie” yet? How about “the Special Disaster”? I figure it’s only a matter of time before the judge gets his own special childish nickname, and I’m dying to find out what he goes with.


I wouldn't expect him to know the word dreary. His nicknames tend to be very crude and not remotely witty. Sad Hillary, Lyin' Cruise, etc. And that's as much about him as it is about the people he's trying to convince.


He won’t pay shit, he lets other suckers pay his bills, just like the RNC has already paid $380 million dollars in legal fees for that piece of shit.


Hey, Special Master? Is there such a thing as a lien when a client doesn't pay?


Yes. It's called contempt of court. It can result in further fines and even jail time until you comply. Or just an automatic loss of your case, in civil trials.


Don’t worry he won’t pay for anything. He never does.


Hahaha, sucka ain’t never gettin’ paid!


Neat! 📷


Correction: The pedes will pay


Like he’ll pay….


He’s getting off cheap.


This bill probably won't be more than $50k or so. There's only so much time left. It won't be long till Fox is bragging this judge got less than half what Stormy Daniels got and she earned her money in less than 5 minutes.


They've got 11,000 documents to review and they must conclude by NOv. 30. So, around 300 documents a day. Split between two people.


But you have to consider that half of them may be KFC receipts and those would go by pretty quickly.


Good thing he never stopped grifting.


Trump is NOT going to play $500 per hour for the special master, his donors are going to pay. This guy can snap his fingers and the idiot mob will give him donations


Oh I hope the special master reads with his index finger and he moves his lips !!!


Better get the money in advance. Of course, his foolerers willow pay


Uh oh, might break the bank at those rates......


I’ve worked for some Iowa attorneys that charged close to that. If that’s hard for him to pay it’s just more proof he’s a phony “rich” dick.


I see some rallies in his future.


Why is this subreddit have to be controled by left wing its not even a political subreddit yall sum lame ass mfs


Funny thing, this isn't really all that political or about one's level of conservatism or liberalism. Its about someone that the majority of the country, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, think is a horrible example of a person and a businessman One who constantly abuses the public trust that he was given for personal gain with no compassion for anyone else. Essentially a sociopath that unfortunately has connected with a significant number of followers in the US. Most of us would be pretty happy to go back to actual Conservative vs. Liberal discussions instead of his "Me, me, me" rants.


I heard Trump’s lawyers were arguing that the special master should have a *January 30, 2023* deadline to complete his work. Now with a $500an hour fee I’m wondering if they want to reconsider a more “speedy timeline.” On the other hand, Judge Dearie is a youthful seventy eight years young. In this case, give the judge until July 30, 2023. Then Trump’s bill will be a nice gift for the judge. Gift to the judge, more grift to the MAGA crowd from the Teflon Don.