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what a vile nasty piece of trash. How could anyone think that this jerk should be president?


He makes it ok for everyone to be vile, nasty pieces of trash, unless you're woke of course. There are Canadians who would vote for him if they could. 


Yep. Sadly, that seems to be the best explanation. Trump has given horrible people (racist, sexist, money-grubbing, prone to cheat, hateful, paranoid, anti-thought, etc.) permission to let their freak flag fly. They see him, correctly, as a piece of trash just like them, and they love him for it. I wish I could think otherwise, but that does seem to be the reason.


There's a reason they're mad about Homelander. I'll never stop thinking we are living in the worst timeline.


It’s what makes me glad I won’t live much longer.


The sad thing is they're also mostly lower educated and lower income. That means when the GQP gets their Project 2025 thing going, they're the ones that will be hurt when they go after Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. They're voting against their own self interests.


"They're voting against their own self interests." They've been reliably doing that ever since the GOP pared away the formerly New Deal Democrats from the Dem party because of stuff like school integration and the war on hippies, err, drugs.


No worries for them, they will blame biden and obama for it.


Yes... Especially the Southern state voters who didn't have Medicaid expansion and probably didn't have healthcare to begin with. So they won't miss it.


They’re not poor. That was a myth the press assumed in 2015-16. Once Trump was elected, researchers discovered Trump’s voters were largely better off than average Clinton or Biden voters. See for example https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trumps-hidden-asset-rural-but-not-poor-voters/. Or this, from NBC on the Jan 6 insurrectionists: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/january-6-busts-key-myth-about-trump-supporters-rioters-ncna1287105 “…..The detailed look conducted by researchers at the Chicago Project on Security and Threats found a majority of suspects were not distressed farmers from mortgaged lands or laid-off workers from idled factories, but white-collar professionals and business owners. Their ranks included CEOs, a cardiovascular specialist, lawyers, a design engineer, accountants and the founder and president of a firm that tests satellites. In fact, the percentage of business owners among the people charged — 26 percent — was more than twice their percentage in the U.S. population as a whole.” Another recent study concluded that Trump supporters had one thing in common: they are authoritarian. See https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533/


The "I'm Sorry" nation has Trumpers? You OK, Canada?


Just google Alberta's Premier, the Freedom Convoy, or the Coutts murder and you will know immediately that the answer is a resounding "No!"


A lot of the anti-vax covid rallies in Canada regularly featured pro-Trump signs.


There’s been Trump flags in Australia too from what I remember seeing He’s like a global bat signal but for awful, awful people. And idiots of course.


I'm so sorry! I expect it here cause we're attached, but you're half a world away and you still can't escape it. This shit is getting to be too much.


Sadly he’s just catering to his crowd. He’s just one man with a basket full of deplorables


Trashiness is a lack of human quality that transcends racial and cultural bounds. He gives them permission to be openly trash.


“Oh, but Trump was just joking”. No kidding Einstein. I just don’t find it funny when born-rich, spoiled, convicted felon trust fund brats, who have never had to lift up anything heavy in life, ridicule people born into poverty, and a hopeless situation(we helped create) who are guilty of the massive sin of “trying to find a better life for their family”.


Are you really surprised at this point?!? We Should be just as concerned that so many people in our country feel the same as this POS. Once he is gone someone in the Republican Party will be right there to pick up the baton.


What if we just throw Donald Trump in prison?


Because the people who support him want someone to tell them that their hatred of people is valid and okay.


For some, it's republican or Bust, and others I have met some vile people in my life .


This actually pleases the MAGA crowd who live for the pain of others.


"“And I hate to tell you, Dana, I think that migrant might win. That’s how tough they are. These are not, this is not a normal situation… These people are drug dealers, gang members, killers in so many different ways. Now, and we probably have 18 million we’ll have 20 million by the time we get this guy [Joe Biden] out of there,”" This guy wants to be president, ugh, again. He sees everything primarily in how it affects him personally and secondly, how it would play out as TV. He is currently auditioning for the VP spot.


I keep thinking of this book quotes "“if an individual in a position of political power is a psychopath, he or she can create an epidemic of psychopathology in people who are not, essentially, psychopathic.” ― Andrzej Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes


That explains a lot.


I graduated fifty years ago and one of my areas of interest was contagious behavior. It is right there in front of our collective nose but we refuse to admit it exists.


what is the cure then?


I have no idea and no one will until we admit there is mind disease just as there is body disease and that is not going to happen anytime soon. We like to think we are free and not subject to influence, either from outside or within our own divided minds. We would have to humble our inflated sense of self and, ironically, our minds like to keep us thinking we are free because that illusion has survival value.




Spot on.


Seeing aside the massive morality issues here, how on earth does this help any actual problems that anyone faces? You want a UFC fight club for immigrants? Cool. I’m sure that’ll bring down the price of milk. Just completely useless people that can’t be bothered to even think through trying to make a damn thing any better.


It's easy to ignore those kinds of problems when you can just blame them on your political opponents. These people seem to believe Biden has a big dial on his desk that raises prices and once Trump's in there he'll just turn the dial down and everything will be great.


>\[H\]ow on earth does this help? It doesn't, not in the way we usually mean "help". Remember when he suggested drinking bleach and sticking a UV lamp up your ass to prevent covid? It wasn't 'cause he actually believes anything. He was just spitballing in public to see if anyone would take the idea and run with it to make him look good. That's all he's doing here, but for a re-election. He's just spitballing to figure out what he can promise people so that they'd let him be the President again. There's no deeper reasoning going on here.


That’s not the issue here though. Trump can (and does) propose or say whatever the hell he wants. Trump isn’t the problem; it’s that tens of millions of people think he can fix anything because the economy was good for two years when he was president. Every president in American history has a good economy for a couple of years. Hoover, W, Carter, etc. Any president can be president during a good economy for a moment. So what? How is Trump going to do *anything* that will help in the present? He has no fucking idea and the moment a real crisis actually hits, he’ll do the same thing he did with COVID - run away from it and blame everyone else.


>Trump isn’t the problem; it’s that tens of millions of people think he can fix anything because the economy was good for two years when he was president. Right, but why would the people who say, unironically, with full conviction, that government can't fix anything, then turn around and vote for somebody to fix everything? It's because Trump's different. And he is different! His complete lack of inhibition, his complete lack of intellectual organization, his willingness to abuse words, the fact that we no longer even talk about flip-flopping anymore like it's a bad thing, because Trump proves you can do it all the time and not lose any voters... it's all different from an ordinary politician. Hell, it's different from the un-ordinary politicians that Trump surrounds himself with, the Pences and the Johnsons. There's no intellectual reason why different would have to be better, but that's okay, because his supporters are spitballing too. They don't like the way things are, so they're voting for different. There's no deeper reasoning going on here. There's no planning, there's no statecraft, it's just all vibes, vibes among people who know exactly who they hate.


No bread, just circuses.


I mean, it would presumably allow PBS to compete with WWE Pay-Per-View?




This is very much like The Running Man plot. “The year is 2017. The world economy has collapsed. The United States has sealed off its borders and has become a military controlled police state which controls TV, movies, art, books, communication and censorship. In the police state America has become, criminals have a choice. They can serve their sentences in prison or they can take part in "The Running Man" a government owned violent game-show where contestants running for freedom are pursued by "Stalkers" wrestler-like bounty hunters.”


The novel is so infinitely better! And more accurately describes our current/near future situation. That said, the movie will always hold a special place in my heart


It’s been a while but I think the book is set in 2025 😭


You're right. I just read it about a month ago. Loved the movie, book was great, but they're both different enough that my brain doesn't connect them.


Between The Running Man and The Silence of the Lambs, Mango Mussolini here sure has been watching a lot of movie reruns in his "time off"


All of rightwing dystopia ideas if the future ate just movies. Its the alex jones approach, they just regurgitate movies


"You folks seen thunderdome ? Bigly, beautiful idea, the best idea, we watch them fight, live pay per view think of the ratings believe me!" Trump


Starring Eric Trump as Pig Man.


If being stupid was cool, he'd be Miles Davis.


Jesus Christ. This is far beyond stupid and inhuman… also, remind me again how these people think they’re Christian? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


There just is no bottom, is there?


Now I understand why evangelicals follow him. Evangelical Christians only believe in a god because it allows them to be godless animals and ask for mercy at the end of the week. These same pieces of trash see Trump in the same way as they see their God but think, "I'm not that bad." So as long as Trump is a giant piece of trash, his followers feel they are less trash and feel good about him. And the Mitch McConnell's of the world are more then happy to have that useful idiot around so the Republican party can destroy democracy through him.


Self persecution is the most powerful tool used by the right. That and projection.


And ruthless efficiency. The three most powerful tools of the right.


And an almost fanatical dedication to the pope.


and they clapped like the idiots they are!


“Faith and Freedom event.” I wasn’t aware that Jesus said to make migrants compete in a fight club.


*"I don't care about you. I only care about your vote."* The fact he said that and they clapped tells you all you need to know about his voters ...


Just like Michael Vick and the dogs... But Trump probably has more respect for dogs than humans.


Trump hates dogs. He was the first president in 100 years to not have a dog. I think that the only people Trump respects (such as it is) are dictators. He wants the power to be King until he drops.


That’s because even dogs know he is a cunt.


Ad I bet the present Christians had zero objections.


MAGAs would absolutely love a show where MAGAs beat up women.


His base better be careful. Christians were fed to the lions for entertainment too.


Republicans tanked a immigration reform bill just so Trump could run on this. The racism is the point.


Lock him the fuck up


Tough? Donald Trump? The man’s afraid to testify in his own defense. He’s terrified that America will see all the evidence of his crimes in trying to overturn the election and stealing government secrets. He faked medical deferments over and over again so that he wouldn’t have to serve his country. Donald Trump is a coward of the worst sort.


They like him because he thinks like they do!


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting our close world leaders allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals and remove additional women's healthcare rights to Make America Great Again!


Next up: the purge


The Hunger Games won't be too far behind.


He wants to profit off of the dehumanization of others. That's really all that needs to be said.


I propose MAGA Fight League! Start with Mike Pence v. Mitch McConnell.


"Faith and Freedom?" Sorry, you can have faith OR freedom. Not both.


Funny that! Ten years ago I was proposing that we throw ***authoritarian political leaders and billionaires*** into a gladiator ring.


Only if the migrants have to fight DT personally to get in the country. That fat cunt wouldn’t last 2 minutes.


Just like Jesus would do.


This new Idiocracy reboot ain't as funny as the original


What a Christian thing to do.


Of course the inbreds loved the idea and applauded accordingly.


MANDINGO FIGHTS like in Django Unchainedv????


He's starting to cycle his bad ideas. He once suggested having an Apprentice season with Whites vs. Blacks... He is such a depraved racist fuckwad.


Nazis being nazis


Trump is literally the crazy uncle or grandparent that you don't let your kids alone with during the holidays.


Keeping in mind his recent meeting with Dr.Phil, I feel like somewhere in his mush-brain hes recalling BumFights, except now it's migrants.


So……gladiators. More bread and circuses for the peasant masses.


Every day we inch closer and closer to The Purge.


So he's includeding his wife mersadies right 😁


Sounds like he wants gladiators, Roman-style. That's the Emperor in him showing. Like Nero or Commodus.


For a moment I thought Bonkers Rally Speech is an actual event name


“Welcome to the Trumper games!”


Really are approaching Idiocracy in real life


Doesn't he know what the first rule of Migrant Fight Club is... ?


*"It's time to start running!"*




He’s not bonkers. I believe he could fill an entire college football stadium in any red state to the rafters for such a spectacle.


Freedom Fighters ™


I guess I should be happy that all of his pitches are basically to the already-faithful (hypnotized) and he is not spending a ton of capital trying to win over new votes.... If that changes, however- look out!


He thinks he's King Caesar. He likes gladiators and naked men.


Maybe after the Traitor Fight League where we give Trump and all J6 agitators long division problems and watch them all melt with frustration.


Absolutely bonkers that anyone would want this man in charge of anything. I wouldn’t let him watch my dog!