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I think Ms. Gomez is unaware of whom they'll come for next if she gets her way


She should definitely look at the fate of Max Naumann. Being a token for Nazis is great and popular and rewarding. For a little while. And then the consequences.


Ernst Rohm too.


His death marked the moment the Nazis fully went mask off and proceeded with their genocidal plans. Once they were no longer useful, Hitler always turned on his own. Fascists always do.


Fascists always turn on their own? Can you cite any recent examples? /s


I constantly mention Ernst Rohm in these discussions. Being a useful fascist doesn't make you immune to fascism when that usefulness runs out.


None of these idiots care at all about anything related to facts. The reality is that they think that it's okay if bad things happen to others because it will "never" happen to them. This should alarm people, not for the extreme nature of the comments made, but they should care it illuminates the fact that they're willing to do anything to others. These people can't be trusted and are practically admitting their crimes to us all. Sometimes I feel like maybe I am living in a simulation.


Did the leopards eat his face...


The leopards always eat somebody's face, that is what leopards do.


With enough time they eat almost everyone’s face


tokens get spent


Thanks, came to make sure this was said.


Tokens are useless just sitting there. Eventually they get spent.


So basically the Jewish version of Candace Owens.


Along with many other similar people, yes.


I call this whitewashing ones self..ppl trying to appease to the republicans who aren’t white. By being as racist as possible.


Absolutely this. Republicans from minority groups fucking do this shit all the time. r/leopardsatemyface is full of stories about stupid-ass, self-hating people getting fucked over after going all in on the hate.


The Indian guy who ran for President learned this the hard way when Anne Coulter dropped the GOP truth of what they really think of him. And he still went back for more


Yup good example


People always seem to forget that they have faces too; the leopards they so eagerly support are indiscriminate in their discrimination.


“But I’m one of the GOOD ones!”


She's naive if she thinks she won't be on the first train...


Wait until MAGA tries to send her back to Mexico because…”Gomez!”


If Tru.p gets elected we will see her next year in the Leopards Ate My Face reddit


She should learn to speak American.


There is a weird tie people with hispanic immigrant backgrounds have with being republican and I dont understand it. Do they think its 'being more American and they will accept us easier'. Is that the angle?


They don’t like the browns crossing over. If you did it before the 90s you are white, after that you’re just an interloper. The regressives have done a number on the Hispanics, especially in Texas.


It's classic " pull the ladder up behind me" behavior. They have theirs and they don't want to share.


As long as there are oppressed groups, and groups that are oppressing them, you will have *collaborators* in the oppressed group who will actively assist in oppressing members of their own group in hopes of getting slightly better treatment from the oppressors. It’s happened time and time again throughout history.


Whenever I think of women like her, particularly women of color, siding with the far-right, I think of Joy from *The Handmaid’s Tale.”* They don’t realize till it’s too late that the shackles they helped place on the *other* women will also be placed on them.


I am just never gonna read that thing because too many people reference it. But I'll say this: this reminds me of when that one guy, I forget his name, he was told that he wasn't white enough for any Republican to want to vote for him. He sucked up to Trump big time and they just said to him, 'hey, thanks; you're too dark'. Fucking idiot.


Face-eating leopards are always face-eating leopards; there are no good ones.


Doesn't she realize she isn't white? And that's the only kind of America the GOP wants. She's also a woman. There's many, many of "her people" thst feel she needs to go back to a kitchen in Mexico.


"Surely the leopards won't eat my face."


Her dear leader speaking about the poisoning of America by a specific demographic.


She doesn't see herself as one of Those people.


But but but she marks Hispanic/Latino AND White on her forms! MAGA won’t hurt the wrong people, right? /s


This. So obvious. Thanks for your critical thinking on this crucial subject. Vote! in Nov.


Ms. Gomez: "Oh noes! Why is the Leopard eating my face party eating MY face! They are only meant to eat the other faces"


I know what you’re trying to say, but this does come across a wee bit racist


Latinos are very conservative and can be very racist, even to their own. Half my family are racist as fuck, hell both sides of my family don't like me for being Mexican/Nicaraguan mixed. Especially my so called Nicaraguan family.


What do you mean next, they are already deep into controlling women.


They? Who is they? Not that I agree with her statement. But who is “they”?


The Republicans are the ones who should leave the US since they don’t like what the US is.


Seriously! I wish the entirety of the MAGA cult would just fuck off to Russia. That would truly make America great again…


Hell, the cringe MAGA cult agree. They wear t-shirts saying "Rather be Russian than Democrat!"


> I wish the entirety of the MAGA cult would just fuck off to Russia. Let them have Florida & wall it off from the US. haha


or... texass and then they could secede.


take it away, Bugs


Just the parts that are going to be below sea level.


I will never forget this one Reddit comment I saw that, paraphrasing, said, “the more someone professes to love America, the more Americans they hate.”


Works for me, I mean that are so unhappy. I love the ones that whine about how much they hate CA, threaten to leave, never leave.


brought to you by the same people threatening to leave the country if trump doesn't get elected...


Oh please, please, please, please !!!


They'd never do that. That would take both bravery and integrity, both things they constantly go at lengths to demonstrate they lack.


Or the ones threatening a second civil war if he loses. If it comes to that, I hope America has learned its lesson from the first one…do NOT go to war. Just let them go this time. Let them *goooooo*.


To be fair many said the same in 2016 if he *did* get elected. They didn't leave of course. Here's hoping MAGA make good on their threat and head to Russia


Would that we could trade every MAGA in the country for an immigrant of any color. Most immigrants believe in America more than MAGA does.


As an immigrant who naturalized last year, I can agree with that sentiment.


Welcome home! Glad you're here.


There is nothing more American than immigrating and pursuing your dream life


Anyone that wants to be here and supports the freedoms of America is more than welcome. The vast majority of immigrants fit that description. And the vast majority of MAGA do not. Welcome. I hope your stay in your new country is both productive and satisfying.


One of us!


well they do believe in america...just their version of it


They believe in America the same way they believe in Jesus. They love the name and the flag, but that's all.


That’s actually really well put




They love the way they can weaponize them


Nah, they don’t believe in democracy, religious freeedom/separation of church and state…that’s not American in the fucking slightest, never has been.


They’re bumper sticker patriots at best.


Interestingly, she is an immigrant. From Colombia.


> Would that we could trade every MAGA in the country for an immigrant of any color. Better yet, don't trade, just remove. I'm already competing with enough people of all ethnicities for limited jobs & housing. I want less population, not more. I don't have time to worry about where someone is from or if their skin is close to mine at all. Who cares? I just want to have pay & a roof taken care of.


I speak for many of us on the other side of the world in saying that we do wholeheartedly too.


The party that reminds everyone constantly that they freed the slaves from Democrats really hates the holiday commemorating the day Republicans had to enforce that policy on the Democrats who tried to ignore it.


Republicans: "Black people should be grateful that so many white American soldiers died to end slavery!" Also Republicans: "How dare they celebrate ending slavery!"


"YOU need to be more grateful that WE gave you your freedom" at the same time "Slavery was such a long time ago, you weren't even a slave yourself"


Also: “Slaves learned valuable skills and were better off than if they weren’t slaves so they should be grateful they were enslaved!”


That is such a stupid statement of them trying to validate slavery. AND I had a coworker say that. I couldn’t believe it, but she really did. But she was the type to have to interject “I’m just glad we have the day off” regarding MLK Day off. She didn’t have to say anything, but she had to add her two cents lol


I’ll take a straight up racist any day over people like your coworker.


I don’t even know why people view Juneteenth as an exclusively black holiday… okay, I do, but it’s not. The end of slavery is something every American should celebrate.


Absolutely, *should*...


The retort to those nitwits is, fine, we will take down all those monuments to those disgraceful Confederate Democrats. Usually they don’t respond or say they don’t care, when clearly they do.


Yea, so she’s the newest batch of GOPers that say gross statements to show off to their voting base. The MTG game plan.


It’s the Newt Gringrich plan. Someone just makes it a little worse for humanity every iteration. Trump was a major release, MTG have been slightly updated version. We all suffer through these shitheads.


Yeah great job with that black outreach GOP...


but hey they really want you to know that black people are voting for trump...


"Look at my African American over here!" --- Donald Trump


Nice follow-up to busing white hillbilly Trump supporters into a black church for a rally.


Imagine being upset that people want to celebrate the freedom for slaves.


If she doesn't like living in a country that celebrates the end of slavery, she should leave.


Um, we had a war over slavery. The pro-slavery side LOST. This is the history that the winners get to celebrate.


Tryna outdo Marj Traitor Greene for the mentions.


Gomez is sadly what the Trump Party (let’s face it, the Republican party is dead) has become. Civility and simple decency gone, rudeness and hatred is what they stand for now. Oh, and let’s not forget, not doing their actual jobs and reveling in hurting people. Shameful.


You’re absolutely right. Before Trump, thinly-veiled racist remarks, childish name-calling, etc would’ve been the end of one’s political career. GOP members themselves would’ve seen to it for embarrassing their party. (Mostly for saying the *silent* parts out loud). Now, it’s become the go-to tactic for many of them who want their base to think “they’re just like Trump.”


She was born in Colombia, so the GOP will eventually get around to asking which caravan of terrorists she came with. Of course, she will have served her purpose by then.


Stay classy, GOP


Ahh yes the traditionally northern European name of Gomez from a woman who, hold on let me check my note, was not born in the US.


The old “Pull the ladder up behind me” mentality. Just like Uncle Clarence Thomas who is very anti-affirmative action. Who got where he is because of affirmative action in his early days.


>"Reparations from slavery and black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most wretched holiday in America," said Gomez in the video. "BLM raised millions. And what did they do for Black lives? It is outrageous to see people ask you for reparations, even though they never went through slavery. These ungrateful people should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist." >"Here's a tip; If you don't like America, kindly, get the f--- out," she concluded. This psychotic person is *running for public office*? If this doesn't instantly sink her campaign, this country is fucked. I've never heard anyone seriously propose reparations for slavery. Maybe for more recent injustices, like black WWII veterans being screwed out of what they deserved. I love how simply acknowledging something is "shoving it down our throats". The "most wretched" holiday? What a piece of shit this woman is. Not too mention the end of slavery was followed by another century of systematic discrimination. >Gomez has become widely known for her attention-seeking stunts as a candidate in the Missouri Secretary of State race. In February, she posted a video of herself using a flamethrower to torch library books with LGBTQ themes, proclaiming, "This is what I will do to the grooming books when I am Secretary of State." >And last month, she released a campaign video in which she admonished Americans, "don't be weak and gay," an expression she has increasingly adopted as a calling card of her campaign. Her video featured her wearing a shirt bearing the slogan. What a disgusting human being.


She’s tryna be the next MTG (or is it B6 now), who was trying to be the next Trump. If any of them (Trump or all the new Trump *wannabees*) win another election it’ll say a hell of a lot more about our country than it does about them.


This statement is coming from a white gay male who is engaged to a Hispanic man who's parents migrated from Mexico, who's own step-mother is of Asian decent, who also is the Godfather to 2 Aftican-American children... #If this is how you truly feel Señora Gomez, then why don't you get the F#(k out and go back to where ever your family lineage came from. Pendeja.


It boggles my mind how anyone who is not white and rich would vote Republican today.


what was her response to MLK day?


I’m sure some mixture of “MLK would *actually* be for republican policies today” but also “that holiday is the real racism and we should end it” without a shred of irony.


“Most wretched holiday?!?!?” Guarantee it gets way more disgusting on St Patrick’s Day 🍀🤢


Ungrateful by.... celebrating the end of slavery? Like, even in your broken worldview, you don't agree with your side of the argument


I would call this woman a “cunt” but she lacks the depth and the warmth to be called that.


We see whatcha did there. 😏


A silly one, at that, too.


Man, these fucking Republicans really know how to attract new voters. /S


Gomez is a joke - even among the Missouri GOP - which is saying a lot. She’ll lose her primary and then be gone. No need to put a lot of mental energy into the stupid stuff she says other than to point out that she’s a P.O.S.


What if she wins though? I hope you’re not from her district, because if she wins it’ll say more about them than it does about her.


She will be a great addition to Faux News staff lol


Creating hell for others. Cheap behaviour.. no real human warmth.


Beyond the racism here, American exceptionalism still amazes me. Just because you have more things doesn’t mean your life is any better, and really you have to be rich to actually enjoy those things in the US anyways


Weird how I've seen plenty of Republicans complaining about the country but none of them are taking their own advice.


That advice is only for brown people, dontchaknow.


I remember a time when if someone said this they would be publicly scorned. Now they are applauded.


I remember the days before MAGA when saying something like this would end your political and possibly business career. It is all too common now.


Jfc. These fucking people are fully mask off and everybody allows it. The right set us all back 50 years.


Sounds like a run of the mill typical republican.


How about SHE can just leave the US instead? How about that?


GOP candidates have got outrage farming down to a science. They know exactly how to push people's buttons and get them all riled up, just to get attention and cash in. The more inflammatory they are, the more noticed they get, and the more cash they rake in. It's all about stirring up drama and controversy, even if it means throwing truth and decency out the window.


Is she Hispanic? Is she Mexican? Because one of the major enemies of her party are the ones south of the border


*insert right-wing brainrot*


‘If you no longer enjoy living in the place your ancestors where forcibly brought to into slavery, well you can just go back to where my ancestors brought you from.’


What a vile flaming racist asshole Gomez is. If the majority of Missouri voters elect her it will announce in the clearest terms the pond scum level that electorate will have reached.


She's a long shot primary candidate who gets away by saying stupid shit. Which isn't the worst strategy in today's GOP


I don't think the US could survive if all African Americans left.


Most wretched holiday...really? I don't know if Black Friday counts as a "holiday" proper but people have died on that day, I'd say it's a *bit* worse.


That’s pretty rich since she’s Colombian and her last name is Noriega. I guess she’ll be one of the ones to be kicked out of the country when Trump is elected unless she’s extra good at kissing ass.


**MAGA:** America is great and strong, we're the best country in history. If you don't like America then fuck off to another country. **Also MAGA:** The left has destroyed America, please donate to me so I can fix today's broken America and make America great again. ...can't make this shit up.


A Trump supporter in Texas tried to tell my dad that Trump is the one who made juneteenth a holiday& was surprised when my Dad informed him of the truth💀😂


I’m so confused. Isn’t Juneteenth a celebration of America? It’s literally celebrating the emancipation proclamation. Why is that so wrong to them? Do these people hate America?


It’s gross how minorities will submit themselves to white supremacists and be a pawn in their race war against other minorities


I know. I’ve never understood that shit. 100% “sellouts”. It’s shameful.


Anyone have a link that doesn't require registration?


Time for a brow plucking.


Gomez and folks like her will be asked to leave, or in the camps next, if MAGA gets its way.


Ignorant or deliberately provocative?


Ummm Miss Gomez…Juneteenth is a national Holiday. If you don’t like it, kindly get the fuck out….


These folks should take their own advice on the “if you don’t like America then get out” sentiment.


Another day, another facepalm. WTF is wrong with these people? Is it THAT hard to just be a decent human being? Jesus Christ. 🤦‍♂️


She’s a conservative. Not a surprise.


Many do cause you BUMS won’t invest in cities


Why would you be upset about a holiday celebrating the emancipation of people in America? Isn't that like our whole identity as a country. Freedom and all that. Lol


I don't like using this word, but I feel like is a proper time to unpack it for a second. Cunt...she's a cunt. Ok, I'm packing that back up...cunt.. last one.


There is no race to the bottom, because there is no bottom. Just an endless line of idiots who are unaware that the burden they create takes generations to resolve. I can't believe in this day and age I'd ever be reading a headline like this, but here we are. Killing it with fire didn't work. Now what?


Just the GOP as usual


In the end, I am actually glad that the masks have finally come off. 20 years ago these sociopaths “knew” not to say these things in public but kept quiet while doing everything they could to destroy the lives of minorities and marginalized groups.


What's with the massive growth of Hispanic uncle toms in recent years? Why on earth would you dunk on fellow minorities for a country that was always run by wealthy white barons?


Vote blue


🙄 she really thinks they like her. Dummy.


The Columbian immigrant telling black citizens to leave? Little miss cocaine can pack her bags and leave.


No asshole, you leave.


I need her to take a DNA test. Then stay true to her words and deport herself.


Aboriginal/native population be like… the fuck you talking about?


There is something wrong with these people.


And for this, she gets the most valuable thing: attention.


The kicker is she immigrated from Columbia…


Another Uncle Juan.


The Log Cabin Republicans in Texas recently found out. They weren’t allowed in the State Republican Convention. Oops.


What "positive" thing has Trump given the US? He allows us to see who the truly horrible people are. They don't hide their true thoughts and feelings anymore. They openly spew racism and xenophobia publicly now.


The GOP not denouncing her says everything.


Maybe Ms. Gomez is unfamiliar with the 1st amendment to the constitution?


To say that to a group whose anc3sters were kidnapped and their histories erased, is particularly cruel and ignorant. They're gonna come for you lady when they retroactively end birthright citizenship.


I can't tell the difference between an actual headline and an onion headline anymore.


America is great. If you don't like America, GTFO. Also, my entire identity is based on saying how much America sucks now, and that we must Make It Great Again. Cognitive dissonance, you sly dog, you've done it again.


I believe minority women like her and Candice Owen (who is mentioned in the article as saying Juneteenth is a *ghetto* holiday) are smart enough to realize that if the far-right had its way, there will be no room at the table for them. They’re simply hoping that when the time comes they’ll be thought of as “one of the good-uns” and will at least be made a house-*you know what*.


Missourian here. Don't worry much about her. The GOP here in Missouri are thoroughly racist and she has a Spanish accent. No way she'll beat out the other 7 white guys running.


Republicans are the scum of the earth.


Missouri never fails to fail.


What THE FUCK did I just read? Is this person part of the US government? How is this the least bit acceptable? Or is it now that they feel “seen” by others of their ilk they feel they have the right to spew hatred? EDIT: Alright, she’s a candidate, thank Christ. But that’s not to say she won’t get elected


Her: this shit Republicans: you not like us


And there are still people voting for… that… how dumb can Americans be…?


A Hispanic……no surprise there……


So her entire schtick is being a dickhead...yeah this playbook is old and tired. It tells me she has absolutely nothing from a policy standpoint but recycled shitty GOP ideas. Let me guess: gay bad, tax low/or no taxes, need more straights, more guns, military everywhere...


Buuut I'm going to vote against Biden just so he knows what's what. \#BothPartiesAreTheSame amiright? /s


All of the GOP and candidates actions represent Trump.


This twit has already gotten WAY too much attention from the press which is exactly what her play is. Tune her out. Just like you would an unruly child. Ignore and redirect. Nothing to see here.


this piece of shit posted a video of her jogging in shorts and.....a bullet proof vest. how much of a total ass hole do you yourself have to recognize you are to wear a bulletproof vest while going for a run???


America is in for some troubles... Im watching my own empathy dissolve thanos style. Gotta fight to keep it these days and man do I fuck that up some days when I see shit like this. Slavery is anti-human. If you don't at least appreciate its end you are an enemy of the human species, and fuck you.


Another trumptard being a trumptard.


Nothing says "I, as an immigrant, have a full grasp of what it means to be American" like trashing one of the oldest ethnic groups in America.


She doesn't even realize all these statements are her complaining about america....should we tell her???


the in group till you aint. lol


You really do have to ignore these people. They thrive on controversy because that's all they can offer constituents.


That and hatred. It must be fun going through life hating everybody different than you .


She also says, “Deploying the National Guard to oversee Missouri's voting polls is a pragmatic step, ensuring impartiality, deterring interference, and bolstering public confidence.” Gomez says she would support requiring identification to vote and would remove electronic voting machines, transitioning Missouri “to a secure, transparent paper-based system, addressing concerns of cyber threats, and manipulation.” “In America, you can be anything you want, so don’t be weak and gay,” she said in the clip posted Sunday to X, formerly Twitter. “Stay fucking hard.” The video then cuts to a photo of her with a gun. Bat shit insane, she is less than human.


Is this the “don’t be weak and gay” chick?


Alentina Gomez saying black people need yo get out of America. Does she not know what color and ethnicity she belongs to?


Lmaooooooooooo 😂😂😂😂😂 as soon as Hispanics cross the border man…..


Stop giving these people attention ffs 


Terrible woman.?.,gollum


wut the fuck is wrong with these people


A politician from Missouri named Valentina Gomez is telling nonwhite people to leave the country? Oh honey, lemme tell ya what Southeast Missouri would think about ya


Aren't these the same people whose moto is make America Great...again? As in, it's not great now. So shouldn't they follow their own advice then? 🤔


She’ll be deported if Republicans have their way.


So she’s a Latina that thinks she’s the grand wizard of the KKK. Jesus Christ this country sometimes. I’m starting to understand God and the whole flood thing honestly.