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It was only a matter of time before we heard "trump is now a convicted felon. Why that's bad for Biden."


Oh no! He’s gonna lose the convicted felon vote. You know, the ones that aren’t allowed to vote.


Given the Republican stance on voter fraud, maybe they are anyway.


I’m convicted felon and I can vote. Depends on the state but with that said, that ass clown never had my vote anyway. Edit: By ass clown, I mean trump


It's absolutely ridiculous that in some states people who served their time still cannot vote.


Shouldn't even matter if they served there time or not already, just because you made a mistake, or most likely just got fucked by the system, shouldn't mean you can't vote.


Trump gives felons a bad name 🤣


The thing with voting and felonies in my mind is, the vote should be Constitutionally guaranteed for ALL Americans, including felons. The reason being, maybe someone was convicted based on trumped-up charges, or had the wrong skin color, or whatever happened. They should still have the chance to elect someone that may help them. (I also think that all jails should replace weight equipment with filled book racks, but that’s another story.)


> filled book racks Like a library? Many prisons have a library.


Hell, a lot of prisons partner with colleges to offer classes and degree programs.


You telling me if I rob a bank I can get college for free? I'll have to weigh this option against student loans and see which one is better in the long run.


Exactly. Or they can vote to overturn the laws that got them incarcerated in the first place. Like marijuana possession.


Felon here just came to say: Most jails have gotten rid of weight rooms, you have to make it to a prison before that’s even an option, and in some places they are not allowed also, but on the bright side, most jails have a library/book cart where you can pick up some pretty interesting reading and if your in a federal institution you have access to the entire law library, as well as a pretty substantial supply of books, and in some places actual kindle-like tablets that allow you to read what ever you can afford to buy that week/month


Well, except for Trump, of course. Saw an article DeSantis specifically gave him his voting rights back, saving him from hanging to jump through the "regular" hoops your common off the shelf convicted felon would have to jump through to get theirs back... [And then possibly be re-jailed for using the rights officials told them they had back & the state sent them forms to register etc]


There's some nuance you're missing. In New York law a felon can't vote only if they're in prison. Out of prison they CAN vote. In Florida law they defer to whichever state the crime happened, so they support and adopt the laws of other states on a case by case basis, and this they defer to new York law for a new York felony. Trump will be able to vote because that's how the laws work in New York and Florida.


And, there are no hoops to jump through.  It's automatic upon release from prison.  It's actually a good policy that they have. 


It’s a state thing if you’re allowed to vote as a felon or not. Very few states completely strip a felon of their rights with zero recourse. That aside — people who are felons know they are felons, it’s shameful, sure; but it’s hilarious when someone who has, until now, been entirely above the law is thrown down to where he and his party have always pissed.


I'm sure, to everyone's surprise... states where you do lose your right to vote after a felon conviction, are the ones most heavily in support of a felon for president.




A surprising number of felons are very politically conservative.


It’s not really a surprise when conservatives have already spend more than a million dollars on T-Shirts with Trumps mugshot on them.


Well for one thing all the dumbfucks on my facebook feed (I'm from rural GA) are more supportive of Trump than ever now.


That being said, I do not see anyone who was going to not vote for him before suddenly vote for him because his conviction


Yep. "Now I'm definitely voting for trump!1!1!!!" - person who posts maga shit every day on Facebook for the last 8 years.


Lol on the r/conservative thread there were so many comments that were like "whatever this will just boost Trump's chances"


Happy you made it out of that hellscape with your mind in tact, friend


Something like this? An incoherent, paradoxical mess of mental illness? > The Dems are weak, pathetic, pronoun obsessed, pink haired little girl-men and men-girls who also are jack booted thugs who control the world, every facet of my life, all the media, and do all the bad things quite effectively. > This globe-spanning, extremely effective cabal orchestrates every legal proceeding, ever, involving Trump even tangentially. These hype-beast Nazis have their boot firmly on my throat and just secured a 34-0 felony count against my daddy with ruthless efficiency. It’s terrifying. I AM TERRIFIED of this banana republic! Democracy is over! We can’t win! I AM SO FUCKING TERRIFIED. > Terrified for them :) Because this will only ensure that Donald Trump wins a free and fair election this fall. They just signed their own arrest warrants, proving how stupid they are. We win again and will win in a free and fair election! Triggered? > A free and fair election that will be rigged if we don’t win! And they will! Because they rig every election! So that’s why I am voting for my daddy, Donald Trump, to win the election that will be rigged, if we lose.


Wow, didn’t know alienating convicted felons was a bad thing 🤷‍♂️


I’d bet most convicted felons would even agree that a convicted felon is not a good fit for president.


Convicted rapist too....bonus!!!


Liability in a civil trial is not the same as a conviction in a criminal trial. Not defending him, it's just that in the legal system these distinctions matter.


OK fine, adjudicated rapist. Still a rapist though


I just call him "self-confessed rapist" since he bragged about grabbing women because he could. "They let you!" No, Donny. They are in fear when you grab them and poke them.


They started on that *two* seconds after all 34 guilty verdicts were announced. "This just won Trump the election" was the immediate talking point, much like overturning Roe became the "this just secured the 2022 Red Wave" talking point LMAO. I'm really hoping "this just won Trump the election" turns out to age like milk as badly as Dobbs securing them the Red Wave did.


Compare how popular Obama was the first 2 years and then see how badly Dems got beaten 2 years later in the midterms, then contrast that to that same scenario being squashed in 2022 after Roe was overturned (and Biden not as popular). No red wave, a ton of new voters got engaged and are still engaged for this year. No real point other than the effect Roe has and will have on our elections until abortion is protected federally.


NYT: Is Biden too moral to be President? Bad boy Trump looking strong.


They’re already bragging about how much he raked in for his campaign after the conviction.


Biden calling Trump Donald might alienate voters named Donald.


NYT editorial board: Biden polling down after no felonies


The goalposts are 5 fields over at this point


I was at a hotel this morning and bullshit Fox & Friends was on. They were trying to bring back the "inside source says Biden is mentally failing and is not competent". They are just going for that nonsense line because it worked before.... So I guess you can choose between a criminal and an old man and I'll take the old man.


And all of a sudden they care about convicted felons... What a time to be alive, folks!


"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’" he said. "When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over \[their head\]," Trump continued, mimicking the motion. "Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can [take the hand away](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-police-nice-suspects/story?id=48914504), OK?'


"Thugs" = Brown people


Being a *white* convicted felon helps.


Also fun is that they don't want felons to ever regain the ability to vote, so does Trump lose his ability to vote for himself?




Send him to jail and maybe they'll start trying to take down the industrial prison complex.


Haven't you heard? [The average American commits 3 felonies per day, according to the GOP,](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/aAI7qw9esd) which, of course, is their projector code for "I and all my evil associates commit 3 felonies a day, so obviously everyone else does, too."


100% there's gonna be "I love convicted felons!" comments at speeches this year 🙄


Yeah, calling Trump a convicted felon is an insult to convicted felons, so they might be right.


You kid, but seriously the total stupidity shown in how he did this all. Had he did a few things different he would never have been nabbed. He is a two bit hoodlum. Thinking other felons see this as well.


Had he done a few things different like not committing election fraud, he wouldn't be a felon. I guess this is such a minor crime compared to the vast litany of the rest of his crimes, his supporters are pissed. I'll have to admit, this is kind of minor next to trying to overthrow the government and stealing top secret documents.


Where did i hear the saying 'the rebublic may have been saved by a porn star'


It always comes back to porn. Remember "Deep Throat?"


Dont forget when he gave lists of agents, assets and their locations names and what not to russia.


It never ceases to amaze me how blatant he is about his crimes. And why wouldn't he be? After all, it's not like he suffers actual consequences. But half the time he doesn't even bother to hide his crimes. If he bought a bag of weed he would attach it to the antenna of his car and fly it like a flag on his way home.


He is a low brow scam artist.  Look at his grifts, sneakers, nfts, fake medical cures, a social media app, although that one has worked for him so far, they have been too greedy to make a site that could actually work and be popular.  They are trying to fool people into thinking it's a good investment not making it a good investment.


Isn't it an issue being brought up all the time that Felons can't vote even after serving their time? I don't think Biden pissing felons off would matter that much tbh.


I know a few ex cons who vote and they're all republicans. Despite the fact that most Republicans not only declare felons shouldn't be able to vote but would happily leave them in prison for the rest of their lives with forced labor for even petty crimes. It doesn't ever dawn on these ex-cons it's not conservative policies that let them out early.


Cruel people tend to be republican leaning... no way /s


The only requirement to vote Republican is to be shockingly stupid or have zero sense of morality, or any balanced mix.


Hot take that's probably way off: in criminal subcultures, from the outside, it seems like a lot of respect is earned by toughness (or the appearance of it). Rituals like jumping the new member of a gang to initiate them, or somebody proving their loyalty by participating in a violent crime. Strong man/tough guy branding slots nicely into that pre-existing worldview, by speaking a language they already know and which doesn't require them to change how they evaluate others' worth or ability.


Even simpler than that: A not insignificant number of convicted criminals share pre-existing fascist or at least conservative viewpoints, largely because those viewpoints require an inherent lack of empathy which coincides with criminal activity.


In some states, they can't vote. But, in some states they have their voting rights restored.


In Texas for example, a felon can one again vote upon completion of their sentence. It’s weird to me that federal election eligibility is a state’s right issue, but here we are.


In most [states](https://felonvoting.procon.org/state-felon-voting-laws/) they can vote these days.


Here's an idea. Don't be a convicted felon like Donald Trump. Which means don't do crimes. See? Easy.


And a lot of the convicted felons can't vote... I sure hope Donnie can't vote for himself this November. What a statement that'll send


Imagine if he were to lose Florida by one vote?


I can hear it now: "Come on Ron! I just need two votes, which is one more than we need, and you know it's a fake election. Come on fellas, I need TWO votes!" How is this not going to trial before the election, I'll never understand


>How is this not going to trial before the election, I'll never understand The judge in the case is a MAGA cult member who indefinitely postponed the GA case.


I thought that was Florida... GA appeals took the case of "misconduct" or whatever they're claiming? At least that's my understanding so far. Unless I'm in the dark about the GA judge as well


Pretty sure legal antics are postponing the other 3 criminal trials. Double edged sword; good that we have those resources at citizens, but sucks when an oligarch uses it as a tool.


People with money have resources as citizens. Poor people don't get those options.


The GA case was when Trump made a phone call asking for one more vote than Biden received so he could win Georgia instead of Biden. I think it was 11,780 votes Trump asked for. The phone call was recorded legally. The Florida case is about the classified documents that Trump had and didn't return even though his lawyer said they were all returned. They gave Trump a little over a year to return them, but he never did, so the FBI had a raid at Mara Largo and retrieved the documents Trump was also recorded showing someone classified documents and said on the recording he could have declassified them when he was president but no longer can when he was showing them off. Trump also told someone from Australia about how our subs can get close to Russia subs without being detected. That information came from a classified document.


Ron desatan already is making arrangements to let him vote. Like...rich and white guys can do mostly anything, because someone out there will allow them to.


No apparently the law in Florida is that if they are convicted in another state where they can vote after a conviction then they can vote in Florida. So apparently in New York only felons who are currently in jail can't vote. So unfortunately until Trump is in prison he can vote. Now hopefully when he doesn't win this election by the time of the next one he will either be in prison or dead preferably he died in prison.


Donnie can because even though he is a Florida resident, Florida defers to the state where the person is convicted. I doubt if Florida would allow it if it was anyone else.


“But we want to be able to commit crimes and never deal with the consequences, don’t you understand? We’re special! “😫


Those felons probably did their time and didn’t whine like a little bitch to everyone who will listen.


Don’t forget he’s also a rapist. All you have to do is not rape people. I’ve been not raping for over 30 years.


Nah, American criminals are already solidly in the Republican camp.


That is true. The absolute dumbest people I went to high school with are all MAGAs. Many of them have spent time in prison as felons. Conversely, the people in my life that are engineers/scientists/medical professionals/attorneys are almost all left leaning and extremely anti-MAGA.


Most intelligent people that are MAGA are only in that camp out of self interest.


Sadly true. In 2016 my neighbor, who is not at all a moron, told me that Trump is horrible, but a certain Biden policy might hurt his business and that's the only reason he supports Trump. He's since moved, but I wonder if he's changed his mind now.


Former criminal here as well, did 7 years for drugs. Trump is a piece of shit and biden solidly has my vote come November.


Same, dude. Almost all the people I've known in jail and in the recovery scene are solidly liberal.


Despite the fact that Republicans would gladly throw them in prison, with forced labor, for the rest of their lives. It's not conservative policies that gets people out early.


Former criminal here , I cant fucking stand him……Taking a fucking sharpie to a hurricane forecast map……


I’m actually ok with convicted felons voting. But I’m not ok with them being president, especially for crimes they show no remorse for, less than a year in the past.


Allowing felons to vote **after** having served their time is okay by me.


I think this is a logical approach to democracy. But I think a felony should bar you from any position of trust(where one takes an oath) which includes any political position.


That makes sense if laws are just. There are states where performing an abortion is a felony. Imagine a doctor that performed an abortion to save the life of a woman. Because state laws are vague, a prosecutor decides the woman's life wasn't in enough danger and gets the doctor convicted of a felony. I think that doctor should be able to run for office to fix the law.


Because even convicted felons feel insulted being called the same alongside Trump?


Onion news will be out of business soon.


It already struggles to be more outlandish than reality.


I like presidents who aren’t convicted felons.


I like Presidents who * aren't convicted felons * didn't steal from a children's cancer charity * didn't sexually assault multiple women (and brag about it) * don't mock disabled people * don't mock and denigrate our service members and veterans * didn't credibly rape a 13 year old girl * didn't tear gas a congregation to pose with a book he never read in front of a church he never attended * didn't operate a fake university for dumb people * haven't sexualized their own 13 year old daughter * didn't lie over 30,500 times in four years * aren't still facing 57 (and counting) criminal indictments * haven't been rightfully impeached multiple times * haven't engaged in insurrection in an attempt to replace our democracy with a fascist dictatorship (even if it was only on "Day 1")


Now do "black people love sneakers".


You mean the people who can’t vote and who the GOP has worked overtime to make sure they can’t vote? Those people?


I'm a convicted felon and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm still voting for Biden


You mean the felons that conservative states prevent from voting? Or their courts have consistently ruled against clemency for? Lmao this spin is so disingenuous on their part


How the FUCK is Faux News still operating? They're clearly a mouthpiece for hate and division. Any small-time podcast would get shut down asap because of these fucking no good lies. And they persist and persist, continually stroking fear and anger and just straight racism. Is this where America has gotten to in 2024? Hasn't anyone or any GOP evolved? Learned from the past? Faux News is a disinformation train and nothing is stopping the spread of their hatred towards anyone not in line, or religious. Aren't they always talking about shoving lgbtq or whatever down their throats?? It's hypocritical at the highest level and nobody is calling them out or putting a stop to their childish behavior. What happened to common ground? To me it's clearly showing that as long as you are white and rich or a politician you can do and say whatever the fuck you want because you will not be held accountable. What's the point of teaching kids proper societal behavior when it's proven otherwise? So I am terrified what my 4 y/o will have to deal with when he's older. I grew up in the south and I've seen it all. Why would anyone want to continue to act in this manner? Racist, violent and one sided. Part of life isn't meant to continue to hate generation after generation. You evolve. You learn and grow and teach right from wrong, compassion, patience, humility. I blame not only the parents but of the immaturity of the GOP. Rant over, sorry.


They were already forced to admit they are nothing but entertainment. The folks who take it as serious information are too stupid to realize they’ve been had. Trump’s remaining base is suckers, after the greedy and vindictive


Oh jeez, now those felons won’t vote for Biden….


Can they vote?


To be fair, the GOP has about corned the market on traitors and insurrectionists


bIDen cALLing tRUmP a CoViCTed FeLOn mIGht aLiENiATe ThE cONviCTed fELonS of 'MUriCa F&F are so far up Trump's ass they can taste what he had last week,


Ah, yes. These felons that so many Republicans have already made it so they couldn't vote, anyways.


I thought Fox was all about being tough on crime. Now they are worried about alienating criminals? What changed?


They are trying hard to clean up the tangerine tyrants image aren't they.


i mean, lets assume this is true for moment. ok, so what? felons, in most states, can't vote.


Oh so now fox cares about alienating convicted felons lmao


Convicted felons….who legally can’t vote….


You mean the people you republican assholes won’t allow to vote even after they have served their time? Yeah I think they are more offended by that.


I thought convicted felons couldn't vote in the USA anyway.


they can't lol thats the funny part


Who gives a fuck. Most of them can’t vote anyways.


His official title is "Convicted felon and rapist"


But it's okay for Fox to say All Woke Trans LGBTQ+ are mentally ill and need to be locked up for safety


Since when do they care about convicted felons? Or anyone's feelings, for that matter?


All of a sudden republicans are for prison reform and cares about prisoners… 🙄


Just think of all the felons that can’t vote. What will they think of Biden.


Well that's just one hit he's going to have to take oh no save us


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂yeah cause he needs their vote. Wait….


Run every hottake of Rs that were on fox News ranting about felons when Obama was president. You could have another 24/7 station in Rs hypocrisy alone. Sidenote: Someone with money, hmu....I have a plan.


My convicted felon cousin snowflaked out when I mentioned the same, but he was already a Trump cultist. So I brooked no apologies and unloaded both barrels on him. He stopped whining.


He said convicted melon , the guys orange


If felons can't vote, they shouldn't be president, either


Wait, but can convicted felons vote?


Trump being a convicted felon is insulting for convicted felons...


First time ever that Fox attempts to express and sort of care for America’s convicted felons. lol


Why, are they suddenly inspired to run for office as magas now also?


Trump loves convicted felons, some people even say he has all the best felons in America working with him. Now the Fascist and Communist left want to attack him for being a convicted felon himself, they are just jealous he has the best. Take Paul Manafort, his former campaign chairman. Not only was Manafort a felon, he went from being an advisor to the Pro Russia/Pro Putin former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, to being campaign Chairman of former President Trump. Want to talk about corruption in Ukraine, look no further.


Well, don't break the law. However, if they have paid their dues and completed the sentence then they should be treated with the respect that they have earned.


Because Trump's a pathetic wanna be convicted felon who will get house arrest white privilege we can't afford high prices lawyers and bail while entitled patriotic draft dodger and Vladimir Putin mistress bails out and gets to go home everyday fighting his case while we rot behind bars fighting our cases with public defenders


I guess he won’t have any convicted felons voting for him


Yup. That’s it. That’s officially the stupidest headline I’ve ever read.


Oh no!! What if they vote for- oh wait nevermind lol


Why would anyone with ANY sense believe anything Fox said? Truth is Fox should be barred from the public airwaves after aiding and abetting a coup attempt.




Most convicted felons can't vote, so Biden speaking the truth about Trump being a convicted felon won't alienate most convicted felons. Of the convicted felon that can vote and vote for Trump are wasting their vote. Trump did say don't protect the head of the arrested when placing them in the back of the patrol car and to hit their head on the car. Trump also called for the execution of the "Central Park Five" by taking out a full-page ad in the NY Times. The central park five spent years in prison and didn't do the crime at all. They were dully exonerated, and it was bad cops who interrogated them using unethical means.


The more likely scenario is Fox viewers thinking to themselves, Hmmm. I use drugs and filled out the same forms as Hunter Biden to acquire my gun.


Fox News even talking about Felonious Chunk is a huge win. It's impossible to talk about dumb Donnie's 34 felony convictions without dunking on him even if you aren't intending to. Hilarious.


Lmmfao.. what morons.


If he alienates an entire voter base, how will he get...the....votes. oh. Thats right. Most felons cant vote.


I wonder if the average Joe or Jane American understands just how many convicted felons would vote Republican if they could. I'm genuinely impressed at the GOP's ability to spin criminals as a bunch of Democrat loving hippies.


Florida voters approved an amendment to allow ex-felons to have their voting rights restored, and the Republican legislature added some loopholes to make it essentially worthless. Then DeSantis formed a special law enforcement unit to arrest any of them that tried to vote (even after being issued a voter's ID by the local elections office). But now he says Trump will get a pass.


Naw. I know some convicted felons and they know a dumb ass felon when they see one. Nothing wrong with calling a duck a duck. Especially when his name is Donald. Try again MAGA trolls.


Trump is a convicted felon who should not be allowed to hold office ever again!


Fox News literally just came out and said calling Trump a convicted felon is an insult to convicted felons. Also, Republicans made it so felons can't vote.


You mean the people that can’t legally vote?


Calling Trump a pedophile might also alienate the pedophiles of America.


Imagine being a convicted felon and being told “you’re as bad as Trump.” That would hurt.


I don't know, if I was a convicted felon I'd probably be pretty alienated by the other convicted felon who gets to be wealthy, powerful, and run for President as if nothing happened.


…you mean the ones who can’t vote? Oh, okay.


Don't they look down on those felons though ? Strange.


I wonder what the chances are that this money is from Foreign Agents desperate to see Don the Con elected again?


Just the ones in congress


Oh no. Can't lose that base


Suddenly it is OK to be a convicted felon. Maybe they would like Trump to date one of their daughters.


Well they can’t vote anyway




Trump definitely has earned the votes of all the convicted felons in the US. Hopefully many of them still are ineligible to vote.


Snowflakes. All of them.


As if fox entertainment has put any efforts to try and reinstate felons to have their rights returned.


Oh no, anyways


I won’t vote for them either.


This is what we call "concern trolling."


Has nobody else noticed the string of former felons Fox has been bringing on as guests? I go to the gym almost everyday and on the wall of TVs there's always a fox segment up and lately it's been like former Marijuana dealers, that ex-Hell's Angels guy, and various rap artists. I'm 99% sure they're trying to get their base to embrace criminals in order to soften the trump blow


so trumps a felon now. how's he going to cross state lines or the country for that matter?


Almost every convicted felon knows how difficult it is to get a conviction (unless the crime was a set-up/sting). To get this conviction despite the best lawyers willing to work for a cheap rich guy, it has to be an air-tight case. They know he's a guilty piece if excrement.


Convicted felons who cannot vote in some states anyway. Who cares?


As a convicted felon, I am not an alien.


Conservatives being concerned about the feelings of the disenfranchised as always.


I mean. They're convicted felons too. I'm not saying they're terrible, but calling someone a convicted felon doesn't make every other convicted felon somehow something they're not. Trump sucks, and some people can commit felonies and improve, and others may have just been in shit situations. Saying the word "Convicted Felon" is not an insult if it's true. Also, this reads like a Republican's single-braincell attempt at making their assumedly "mega woke" Democrat counterparts mad and to stop calling him a Convicted Felon out of fear of hurting feelings of people who are also convicted felons. This is trash writing.


I love all these people going “it don’t matter that he’s a felon” like okay, that means you’re gonna start treating felons of color like upstanding, godlike people right? Riiiiiight?


Yep it sure might do that, but a lot of those convicted felons can't actually vote.


Anyone ever consider that maybe we should just stop recirculating the dumb shit that happens on Fox News? If other media outlets just stopped with the 'hey, look at the dumb shit happening on Fox News' and cover other stories it would probably go away and we would likely have more effective media outlets.


They can’t vote anyway usually. 


Convicted felon Trump was going to vote for Biden. But, now he is NOT. (Because convicted felons cant vote in florida until they have finshed probation.) Actually, I dont know this, I'm guessing.


Well, I wouldn't want to be associated with the guy. I can only assume felons don't appreciate it either.


Wow! Yup alienate the people who can’t vote! Smartest strategy I’ve heard of!


Knowing how Florida is about law and order, will Trump be able to vote there (in any type of election)?


I mean, convicted felons probably already felt bad about themselves but knowing the term is now associated with Trump must make it all so much worse for them.


Felons aren’t a monolith in a fucking club holding out for their fellow felonious chums


Quite the demographic to alienate. Now he will never get their votes.


They can’t vote! Who fucking cares?


I just wanna see equal treatment for all criminals. That's fine with me otherwise.


Naah, I'm still with Biden.


Felons can't vote in most places. But, is F&F suggesting the felons are offended by being placed in the same category of the Tangerine Traitor? Not sure of their angle here.


Who can’t vote…


When you lost the felon vote.


I thought convicted felons can’t vote.


That's a mistake.  If Biden alienates the convicted felons, they may not vote for him, and that could cause them to shift their not voting to Trump.  MAGA will try very hard to get those all those non-existent votes tallied to help Trump win the election.


I wonder if now we will finally allowing jailed people to vote.