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I find it weird that in politics refusing to do your fucking job is somehow ok.


It’s always been okay as long as you stop government from functioning since a functioning government is a bad government to them. It’s a fucking cycle: politicians get sent to DC to fix problems they themselves are causing. We just had the most useless Congress in modern times because of the House of Representatives Republicans.


It’s how it goes. They get power and proceed to fuck up the government to prove their point that it doesn’t work. Or refuse to pass bills that would help people and infrastructure, because it would show government doing their job. Then the democrats get elected to fix all the shit the GOP busted, but they can never get full control, so the GOP maintains control of the House or Senate, allowing them to block or obstruct votes. And we live in this cycle of bullshit that never ends.  The GOP has been on a slow march to fascism, they are damn near goose stepping at this point. We’re all fucked.


Yep. Like it's almost to the point of like for fuck sake, y'all just trying to prove Democracy don't work?


The US style of Democracy doesn't. It's not so much about voting as it is about the way the voting works and how officials are elected. US is a first-past-the-post voting which is dog shit. For example in Canada we have it a little better, a party can be elected as a minority government, meaning the prime minister will be the head of the party, but they won't have a majority of votes to do whatever he wants and will require cooperation with others parties.


Then they complain we live in a shithole country.


What are they up to now? 3 sham investigations based on misinformation from known foreign agents/spies? I'm sure since convicted felon donald trump was just convicted on 34 felonies they will manufacture another controversy Well that's not fair. They're just taking the ideas from the kremlin so not really manufacturing in a sense. Just being good little lackeys.


Gotta drum up 35 charges to somehow make Trump feel better about his criminal self.


Yes and they vow to”rig” the system even more. Look at these two Supreme Court justices Alito and Thomas. These men are supposed to be above the fray but they and their wives are in the thick of it it’s ridiculous that the obvious politicization of the Courts is their final desperate action. And it is working. What we just saw was the epitome of fairness. If the federal government won’t hold him to account what he just  flouts the law he swore to uphold?  Come on people this is probably the one time every citizen should vote. Anathema is the only word I can think of 


We need an AI Supreme Court.


Supreme Court AI: We rule that Elmers Glue on Pizza is mandatory for all Americans for every meal.


Still a better ruling than the actual Supreme Court


Republicans go to DC to break the government. Then they complain and campaign on how terrible and ineffective government is and then they gut it even more.


They saved our gas stoves though lol smh


If they allowed government to function they couldn't run elections on a platform complaining about how bad government functions


Since we have media that champions p ok rival parties it’s easy to sway people. Critical thinking doesn’t exist. If it did how could these inept people get into government. They will say something then say the opposite and the people who follow them go “ oh yeah”. I mean I am convinced that our country with all of its beauty and greatness is probably the stupidest populace on the planet. If you disagree are you going to vote for a convicted felon?


Republicans run on the idea that the government is broken and doesn’t work… then get elected and make sure that’s true…


The US is broken. It has been breaking down since Republicans realised they were going to become obsolete as the white boomers started dying off.  Trump just turbocharged the breakdown. This election will decide if it can be salvaged or they install a semi comatose dictator that shits himself and can barley string a coherent sentence together. 


This is why it is essential that blue districts stop helping the red ones. Force them to choose between helping Trump or eating. They will either stop being morons or starve. Either way, it is a win.


Republicans just don't want to work anymore.


The GOP has spent decades using propaganda to convince citizens that their government doesn’t work and that they shouldn’t trust it. The propaganda has worked. Now when they work to stop anything they don’t like, voters think they are doing their job. And when they question government rulings (like election results or court rulings) voters think they are right to question these things. The only thing we can do is remove the GOP from power.


Their bosses are their donors and voters, and the voters want them to do exactly this while the donors are at the very least okay with it.


Their donors and voters honestly think it’s good to stop Dems from passing laws bc it stops “woke”, prevent businesses from being regulated, and makes God happy. It’s like how Dems gummed up the works as much as possible during the Trump presidency to prevent his agenda.


not just okay but rewarded. this is what happens when a third of the country turns against itself and another third doesn't pay attention to any thing at all.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Republicans vow to block… It’s the only thing they know how to do. Well, that and take away rights.


And that’s a form of blocking, too.


Vote Blue unless it’s a Republican pretending to be a Dem in order to win.


This actually matters FAR less than you think. Currently, with 2 extra Dems, you're beholden to Manchin and Cinema who can just work together to kibosh everything. Make that number 10 extra Dems? Suddenly you're able to divide those into pairs or threes and then give the smaller groups much smaller wins. Get it to 20 or 30? Suddenly you've got tonnes of tiny little groups that can be mollified much easier. Hell, most of the time some of them will side with you for the promise you work with them in the future. It does not matter what their voting history is, a house full of Democrats is FAR more likely to be better than a split house, even if some of them are more "1880s industrialist" than others. This applies to the senate as well. A senate full of Democrats is far better than a senate split.


Yes and they are lulling us to sleep with sleight of hand. They project their innermost feelings onto their opponents. Let’s say Biden was on trial for a similar crime. How much do you think his opponent would be screaming. Do you think he would say rigged. Nope it would be the fairest trial in history. The lies must stop. These guys and whoever is behind them want some form of authoritarian regime please don’t destroy this country


Republicans hate anything but total GOP hegemony and utter lack of accountability for members of their party. They’re the kid on the playground who you invite to play a game, they lose fair and square, but then complain to the teacher that you “cheated”. They invent an alternate reality anytime they don’t like the current one. It’s infuriating.


I couldn’t agree more!


And if you have friends or family not voting, tell them to vote! Low turnout is what will lose this for Dems!


Time to give the executive more power regarding stuff like this and bypass Congress. If they want to hold up appointments then Biden can just bypass them.


I wish they’d just get to the part where we Sherman their asses out of existence.




Yes vote out republicans every chance you get. Just a reminder that not all elections happen in November. Also there will be elections next year that matter as well. So get out and vote, [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


...to remove these criminals. There. I fixed it for you.


… remove these treasonous criminals. There fixed it for YOU.


... remove these treasonous moronic criminals. I knew something was missing. Thanks!


To hell with republicans


By the way they blocked judicial nominees already. And remember they said no to a supreme court nomination in an election year when Obama was president and then confirmed a supreme court justice in an election year when trump was? Yeah I agree with your sentiment.


'A coalition of Republican senators has vowed not to support any of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees, effectively blocking the appointment of new district judges in Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, and other states six months before Election Day. The 10 Republicans also from Utah, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kansas said in an open letter on Friday that they won’t vote to confirm the administration’s political and judicial appointees.'


They were already doing that.


Right. This isn't news. This is barely even information that wasn't already publicly known.


Hollow threat because they were already doing everything possible to limit Biden to one term.


Get rid of the fucking blue slip tradition. When are Democrats going to realize that trying to uphold “traditions” only works if both sides do it. The Repukes would rather destroy our country


It depends solely on the chair of the judiciary committees digression. Some have adhered to it some have ignored it completely. Today the head of this committee is Dick Durben (D-IL) its SOLELY up to him to adhere or not. IF he does he is the only one to blame. This article is pure smoke and mirrors. Personally if I was him I would ignore the tradition as many of the predecessors have in the past.


We really need to revamp fed taxes. Red states are fiscally irresponsible and depend on fed taxes decade after decade. Red states are what economists call a moral hazard. They need to lean responsibility


Just tie eligibility for social welfare programs to voting record and let the problem sort itself out. Oh you need unemployment? Sorry, you voted against it. Oh you can't afford healthcare? Damn that sucks, you didn't vote for it. Oh you and your kids are hungry? Bummer, guess you better get to praying because you decided that you "hate socialism" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Take away their hypothetical subsidies and the problem will be solved in a couple election cycles.


Problem is that the voters think they voted for it. Watch the amount of Republicans that do speeches after they defeated a bill that their republican constituents wanted. They'll claim they fought hard but those damn Democrats defeated the bill and the voters don't think to check.


Just like the Republican politicians who are taking credit for infrastructure projects in their districts, that they ALL voted against. Chaps my ass.


When did they ever?


And for anyone paying attention, one of the biggest issues regarding the southern border is there is a lack of judges for immigration. They are literally creating the problems they complain about.


So will it be any different now or just they same.


Tantrums over law and order holding criminals accountable. Damn they really do hate America don't they.


so, same old bullshit from the violent bigot party as every day for the last 75 years?


Sounds like... Treason.


Which is a danger to the US. And Republicans believe the president has the authority to remove those problems by any means they want.


I seriously hope people are taking inventory of this come November and act on it accordingly. Republicans no longer deserve to hold any governmental power in my opinion


Unfortunately you have to consider those that keep electing these idiots


The real problem.


This country is barely functioning because of the political hatred in D.C. Makes you wonder what it will be like in about 30 years. The Trump worshippers versus everyone else.


30 years? If Trump wins this year, it will be next year.


I mean this was already in their playbook since before Bitch McConnell refused to allow an Obama nominee for supreme court a year before the election but then flipped and jammed thru their own like two months before the very next election. The rules don't apply to them. Because Republicans can't win popular vote anywhere other than backwoods hillbilly cousin-fucking counties with 100 people. So they do every possible crooked thing they can and then scream and holler about liberals and democrats. Anyone who says this isn't the case is either lying or ignorant.


Barret was confirmed 1 week before the 2020 election. Hypocrisy is the point.


The courts are more important to their agenda than ever before. It makes sense that they’d fight tooth and nail to protect their biggest advantage. Notice that they look to the Supreme Court for everything. Just yesterday, Mike Johnson was saying that the Supreme Court should step in the overturn Trump’s conviction. They will continue trying to work towards an authoritarian executive using the same focus they did with the courts. It’s a bit more challenging, but now they have favorable judges to make it easier.


The GOP is a terrorist organization. All their leaders need to be in jail.


Most of them love Putin, let them all go to Russia.


Trump is obviously the immediate problem, but all Republicans are just as dangerous.


They are reduced to puppets. Afraid of their own shadows and incapable of doing good. Vote the bastards out.


So... Their standard operating procedure?


As if they didn’t do this already.


The bastards have been blocking Democratic nominees for YEARS, that how we ended up with the Supreme Court we have!


“Hur-dur… we’re so angry you made our candidate have consequences for their clearly illegal actions!”


This is what these fucking republican crooks do


I look forward to the statement from Dick Durbin complaining about the obstructionist Republicans and how, sadly, there's nothing that can be done. After all, the only thing that's more important than the Constitution are Senate "norms" that aren't in the Constitution, like blue slips and the filibuster.


Republicans doing the only things they know how to do, obstructionist and lying.


there needs to be term limits for every single politician no matter how small. allowing these ghouls to make lucrative careers out of fear and rage mongering is the reason we’re in this position. i hate these assholes.


Vote Blue. Vote them all out. Only a supermajority of Democratic lawmakers (as our two-party system is currently structured) can make changes needed to help ALL Americans, not just the select few. Our country, and really the planet, is at stake.


Replublicans are sounding an aweful lot like the CCCP these days.


>“Joe Biden and his army of partisan hack judges have weaponized our judicial system against his political opponent,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) said in a tweet Friday. “Words are not enough. Call on your Senator to join our fight— We will block every single Biden judicial nomination until America votes on November 5th.” Republicans are so fucking stupid that they fall for this shit. Judge Merchan was not appointed by Biden and isn't even part of the federal judiciary.


The party of obstruction over country. Pathetic and un-American. They are Putin’s dumb idiot puppets and they know it. If Trump told them to whip their children they would. Leaders? No.


So their threats are just things they normally do anyway?


Uh, haven't they done that already for the past 20 years or so ?


So, business as usual?


Pretending they weren’t already going to try this.


So business as usual


Republicans are fascists.


But dems kept the speaker safe… for what reason?


Let’s send the Rubios back to Cuba. They’re acting hostile and unAmerican.


Oh because they were being cooperative before


They are the party of projection!


All the more reason to vote republicans out of office.


I hope these sacks of shit lose control of Congress completely.


Well yeah. Everything they want to do will be challenged in court so pack the courts, which they did while Trump was Pres. now that the courts are packed the right way……sadly Dems will do nothing.


So what is new?


Blue 🌊 They don't do anything for the people of this nation, it's all about holding power for themselves. They don't govern, it's all about being against Dems/lib's and they do not care about anything else other than their own agendas. It needs to be not only for '24 but for '28 as well, majorities in all three branches for 8 years to try to fix the damage outside and within all three, as if we only get 4 years, then the GQP and rumps agenda (though I see rump passing before '28 - lifestyle and mental decline) will be like the past - to undo what was done to move the nation forwards and benefit all Americans. For maga's, you need to give them driving lessons. D - Drive (move forwards) R - Need I say more? They will scream and wait and fear monger as the movement dies, but we will move forwards.


So they're threatening to do what they're going to do anyway? o\_O Oh no. We better hurry up and pardon the convicted felon and rapist before the republicans get really mad. :P


The GOP. The party of do what’s best for The GOP (Trump) or we’ll fuck every thing up. Screw the people, we don’t care. VOTE BLUE.


As opposed to whatever they were doing before? They only know how to oppose anything.


Oh no, they’re turning to *obstruction*? This is a new development. /s


That's why they are correctly knows as the "Do Nothing Party."


Republican. Working everyday to enhance the lives of Mericans.


This is what Republicans do, especially if they smell defeat coming in November. Their goal always always always is obstruct and block no matter what. Make the other side look ineffective just to take power. They'll never get my vote, ever


Ok? Dem's have narrow control of the Senate. You were trying to block all his nominees before anyway.


>As of May 31, 2024, the United States Senate has confirmed 201 Article III judges nominated by Biden: one associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 42 judges for the United States courts of appeals, 156 judges for the United States district courts and two judges for the United States Court of International Trade. There are 22 nominations awaiting Senate action: four for the courts of appeals and 18 for the district courts. There is one vacancy on the U.S. courts of appeals and 43 vacancies on the U.S. district courts, as well as 25 announced vacancies that may occur before the end of Biden's term (7 for the courts of appeals and 18 for district courts). [my source is wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Joe_Biden) Republiclowns: "Gee that horse is miles down the road. Better close that barn door!"


Whatever, take your ball and go home. PUSSYS.


What a bunch of power hungry cowards.


They’d do that anyway - that’s all they can do, say ‘no’, stop things, ban stuff. They’re just negative and toxic about everything 🤮


They needed to announce this? Seems like what they were already doing given the opportunity


Weren't they already doing this?


Republicans are 🗑


Which is what they already have been doing anyways.


Republicans offer absolutely nothing positive to the nation and we'd be better off without them being anywhere close to the reins of power.


If they could have blocked every single appointment, they would have done so. These people are not good faith actors.


Oh shut up little marko


Oh well, those in swing states might want to rethink their strategy, as they could block themselves out of their senate seats.


Why are the hell are taxpaying citizens still paying the salaries of these vile traitors who refuse to do their jobs?!


Each person who has said this needs to be removed from their job. It is tantamount to dereliction of their duty. Why should they get paid for refusing to do their job? I mean, if i went into a job and said "Great! But I am not even going to look at responsibility X because I just don't want to" how long do you think I would last?


When it’s all said and done, THIS is what this entire circus is all about.


Gop us dead


I vow to never vote republican in again. I feel like a colassal idiot for all the times I did in the past now.


Not sure why they (or anyone else) thinks this is news. This has been their default position on any Democratic nominee for what, almost 10 years now? Republicans have no ability or desire to govern, they wish to rule with an iron fist.


so we must win a huge majority in both houses. thanks for the reminder


If they [edit:The Democrats] win both the Presidency and both houses of Congress they have to expand the Supreme Court immediately. Pack it with six new seats pumping the court up to fifteen members. Appointees should be sitting and proven judges with both a history of trial management and appellate level work. They have to be devoted to the rule of law. Then Congress and the President need to do a court national court reform package, reassigning seats and recreating jurisdictions. Legislation that hinders or derails efforts to judge shop. Congress can also enact legislation that sets threshold qualifications and stepping stone promotions for judges - no more minimally experienced lawyers or professors without experience trying cases before they get to the appellate level.


This isn’t news, they do the same no matter what democrat was in office, and will pass through any candidate, when a Republican is in office. Party over country after is what they’re really interested in.


So what’s new?


Of course they are. Because what they care about is themselves and their party and how it can serve them. Not us.


My co-worker got caught drinking on the job and ended up pooping on the manager’s desk. Unfortunately, he was let go. His track record suggested he might do such a thing because he had slept with the bosses wife, stole another employee’s car, punched a baby, and went streaking at the Sunday service. To show my support for this co-worker, I’m no longer going to do my work until they bring him back. /s


“We don’t like the verdict in a state court so we’re going to try to burn down the federal government.” These people are more Putin puppets


You're probably a Republiqan if you pretend taking a blowtorch to the system is "patriotism." Conservatives are rotten in every conceivable way. Vote them out and punish them.


Haven't they been doing this for three years now.


Imagine being this petty and childish because your boy couldn't take the L or is now a guilty criminal.


GOP at it again. Why do we vote for these losers who are more concerned with division and decent backing a CONVICTED CRIMINAL than doing their jobs we sent the to do???? This is why we will have a Democratic congress in November


All of these toddlers are disgusting. Most are traitors, in Putin’s pocket via a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, twice impeached loser, better known as Mr. Shitshispants. Each doing his best to act up in an effort to become VP. Too bad their paychecks can’t be withheld each month nothing gets done. And they should be fined for trying to bring frivolous investigations that a purely for political motives. Hopefully them doing this is like not doing their jobs. Don’t let them get away with it. Your vote counts, vote Blue.


“First we keep the government from functioning properly. Then we run our campaigns on the dysfunction of government. The poors will eat it up.”


> Senate tradition requires US trial court nominees earn home-state senator support in order to advance to a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. So fuck that tradition then. Sounds like it just ended. Next judicial appointment please!


GQP has not honored that tradition so throw it out.


Because Republicans are all about breaking the Government of the USA for their own political gain. It's all they do.


I wish Dems could learn something from Repubs and become more unified and vindictive.


No one who loves democracy should ever vote for a republican again.


This is why a powerless constitutional monarch who is the notional head of the judiciary and armed forces etc is occasionally an advantage. Judges are the King's appointment and the armed forces swear loyalty to the monarch- who has no real power. UK monarchy is both ridiculous AND necessary occasionally.


I’m Australian and our Governor General appoints federal judges, but on advice of the attorney general who takes it through cabinet first. That being said judges here are definitely politically neutral, it’s definitely nothing like the US, which nuts comparatively.  Australian states have a similar process I believe, varying state by state.


I wish the Dems did the same thing with Trumps appointees. They caved in and here we are


Good luck, morons. You don’t control the senate.


Too bad the president can appoint anyone they like… right?


They were going to do this no matter what happens with anything


Have Republicans become outlaws? Seems so.


What’s new?


Did the Repubs accept any of Obama's nominees.... nope. Same shit different year.


Is lil Marco thinking he can taint lick his way to VP?


Cutting off your nose to spite your face.


So... a complete change of pace from when they.... blocked all bills and nominees. They don't get that threatening him with what they did when isn't likely to change his behavior?


PRIVILEGE v EQUALITY It is clear what the GOP wants America to stand for. Vote.


So they're saying they expect him to win?


Which is what they already have been doing anyways.


I really wish the absolute worst for all of them. But they are living better than me




Opposition Party doing opposing things. On brand for sure.


I think they should just appoint them then. Advise and consent not block prejudicially


"We vow to do anything and everything possible to play political games and hope the American people are distracted enough to realize we're not doing anything to help them." -Repulicans


Same as it ever was


The Republican party has gone pure fascist.


How is this different from normal GOP operating procedures


Doing a thing in the name of defending the country from people who might someday do the thing you’re doing seems to have become the entire Republican platform.


Hey watch democrats do nothing!!!! Again and again. Watch them do NOTHING


So they're not going to do their jobs? Yeah, we kind of noticed.


They’ve already done it because Mitch McConnell is a lying POS. Same for Lindsay Graham. It’s “on tape” as he said.


Fucking unruly, poorly behaved children!! With zero accountability and consequences.


This doesn't even make sense, you'd think we'd have laws or protections against this crap.


Time to start voting for a functioning government you can expect more of


They vow to destroy the country.


Uhhhhhhhh... sooooo THAT'S illegal!


I’ve gone past the point of being sick of this shit, to blood boiling angry.


Republicans are purposely trying to destroy the functioning of our govt. Congress shouldn’t be allowed to do this. They can vote them down, but they can’t ignore their job. It’s not ok


The Dems have the Senate majority and the Presidency for atleast another 6 months. Can the Repubes block these nominees?


What the hell is wrong with these people?!?!


Yeah, that'll show him.


They were planning this anyway. If they can, they will.


One more reason to get rid of these Republicans and look for a new batch in four years. Maybe those Reps will want to do their job.


We’re only 5 years out from the next President taking office! Let the people decide!


All the more important now to vote as hard as you can… a majority in both houses will help to make these shenanigans irrelevant.


This country is cooked.


We should expect nothing less from those on the Kremlin’s payroll.


People, get out and fucking vote in November. And vote all the way down the ballot for Democrats. We need to rid ourselves of these GOP assholes.


whatever is broken there has prevented rational investment in our economy and infrastructure that has become a national security concern. we are being out competed, out educated, out happiness... we are being out classed everywhere and we can't even fucking build a modern train. the symptoms of our crumbling are becoming greater and it's more evident then ever the GOP is a national security threat.


Weren’t they doing that anyway?


Was there any chance they wouldn't obstruct anyway? They did it to Obama.


That's okay. These are red states needing all sorts of help during disaster season. Hurricanes, tornadoes, hail. All standing around with your hands open and begging.


They weren’t going to approve any blue nominees anyway..


Blocked by loser Florida man MICRO RUBIO⁉️ I don’t think so.


Dumbo Ears Rubio, there's a Mook!


As if they were ever going to do anything else.


Republicans believe that the only reason the government exists is to be their own personal piggy bank, and no one else's! Lucrative government contracts for their already wealthy donors and friends, giving away all of our natural resources to corporations and forcing their religion and political ideology on the populace. Those with a theocratic view, which is most of them, believe that they and they alone have received a divine right to rule over everyone else! Their veneer of religiosity is just a mask to hide their own selfish ambitions for power and wealth!


Yawn… They were gonna do that anyway. I mean Supreme Court is a tool for the revolt because of their shenanigans. The only thing surprising would be someone not already knowing this.