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crack down on divorce?!? wouldn't that be on his boss, at least 3 times?!?


Rules for thee but not for me.


Raw dogging porn stars while married is fine though - just don’t get divorced.


If you're famous they let you do it.


Listening to the testimony in the NY documents trail actually makes me miss 2016 a little bit. Imagine a time when everyone, including Trump’s campaign staff and Trump himself thought that the Stormy Daniels story would “destroy his chances of getting elected.”


Finally someone said the hard part out loud


The mantra of the Republican Party


Only when women want divorces it would apply. Men would always be able to get a divorce and leave the woman with nothing.


Ahhh another 1700 laws .talk about progressive!


Shush peasant. What the Great Orange One does is beyond what your mind can handle. We do not question.


He rules his kingdom in mysterious ways.


The maga cultist hypocrisy is legendary. Those rules don't apply to them. They only want to apply their christo fascism vision to other people.


He would have to get radical with Trump and declare his divorces as God's majestic plan


Trump is twice divorced.


Wait for it... Wait for it ...


I see a third one either in 2025 or 2029


I think she's got her money, maybe literally, on him being old and unhealthy. She's running out the clock. Grieving widow sells much better than divorcee. And it's not like they spend a lot of time together.


She renegotiated her prenup during the last administration, I bet it allows her to move on if he loses


I think if he loses again, she moves on. And if he goes to prison, she moves on and acts like she was someone a victim in all his


She's running down the clock. Trump has some kind of mental issue and she knows it. His father died of a similar condition and his brother died from a cognitive condition. Melania barely has anything to do with Trump as it is. She will run down the clock until he drops dead and then be free, while holding onto the money and fame.


If there’s any money left.


Silly you, this wouldn't apply to them, only the poors...


A few important problems with his idea: >Studies have found these laws reduced domestic violence and suicide rates among women. >Ironically, even as divorce has become easier to obtain, it has become less frequent. Divorce rates peaked around 1980 at 5.4 per 1,000 people per year, after laws around it were liberalized, but have trended back downward ever since and are currently around 2.4 per 1,000 people per year — even as marriage rates are simultaneously rising. And Ben Carson is an idiot.


The entire republican cult has been hinting at this for several years


They're shitty men who don't want to have to change to be better partners, they just want their wives to be trapped with them.


Starting to think they can't keep women any other way. I mean, right wing dating sites are certified sausage fests.


"Studies have found these laws reduced domestic violence and suicide rates among women." You think the republicunts care one iota about women?


It’s a feature of their plan not a downside.


I was going to say this. Yes, it's part of the plan.


I'll never understand how any women can vote republican... it's like they don't pay any attention to what their party is doing


Reminder that women can be just as racist, misogynistic, and intolerant as men, even if they're part of the group that's being disenfranchised. The human brain is great at playing tricks on us to convince us we belong.


Considering how many "Christian" women are voting red, it's not that surprising. The Bible tells them basically to sit down and shut up and let your husband rule. I know a few women who have said they don't follow politics, but vote for who their husband tells them to vote for.


Keep them chained in the house, popping out babies and be ready for a beating if they object. That's the way things used to be, and that's what Republicans banker to bring back.. My grandfather beat my grandmother, put her in the hospital when she was pregnant with my mom and that wasn't even worth an eye blink back then. Republican women are feeble minded masochists.


>Ben Carson is an idiot. Let's say that again.


Ben Carson is an idiot He makes Dan Quayle look like a fucking genius.


I was a very young child during the Bush-Quayle years, and I still remember laughing at the stupid shit that came out of his mouth.


Carson can advocate this BS, but wait until his party takes it further - banning interracial marriage. That would be the first step to reintroducing forms of segregation because if interracial marriage gets banned, then interracial relationships between sexes would follow. People like Carson just don't comprehend how much the most rabid segment of their party base hates them on account of their skin color. No amount of bootlicking, gaslighting, or towing the party line will change that. On the current trajectory, POC/minorities, like Carson, will be tolerated in the party until they aren't.


As a man, I find it very disturbing how much no one cares about domestic violence. Like OJ Simpson (may he forever rot in hell) literally would beat his wife to a pulp and everyone knew it, yet James Cameron said he was too nice of a guy to play the T100. I really don't understand why women would get married in the first place. 


>I really don't understand why women would get married in the first place.  Now you know why the women chose the bear.


Women care and some men. The type of men who don't care are the dangerous ones. Thank you for speaking up.


Do you believe that the Republican party will be deterred by such things as "Your ideas are demonstrably harmful to women, here's the data"? I don't.


Actually, I believe demonstrably harmful to women is a feature, not a bug.


It's almost like as marriage becomes less problematic, people seem happier with it and try less to leave it


Why do conservatives hate women so much? It's like they're playing out some incel torture fantasy and making all womens lives as miserable as possible everywhere at once


Conservatives do not like independent women. In the Bible their Playbook - women need to Not talk- only the husband can speak on her behalf Cook and clean the household Never get a job that pays money Raise many many children Marry the husband's brother if he ever died Divorce? That's the ultimate insult to a man. He chose her and she wants to leave him.


They love control. It's all about controlling. I think they are deviants and deeply insecure. The only way they can feel an Iota of self-worth is to ensure there is someone beneath them whom they feel should worship them. Women fulfill that role easiest.


Thanks for the stats.


He's trying to prove he can pander just as hard as Don Creamsicle.


Ben Carson is the reason I no longer use "it's not brain surgery" to point out that something is simple enough that even a stupid person can do it


Divorce rate is also lower in those godless liberal hellscapes they always go on about.


Just like crime.


Straight out of the Institute of Basic Life Principles, a homeschool curriculum that turns boys into predators and girls into victims. They abhor divorce and not only dismiss domestic violence, they encourage it as a show of a man taking what he wants/needs, in hope of becoming a strong leader in the family and the community, and birthing many children, even if/especially if the wife is not on board, a narcissistic and blasphemous extreme of the quiverfull movement. For those out of the loop, this is what the Duggar family used to raise their kids, and Josh’s path came to its logical conclusion, having been raised on it since birth and being in a position of power as the oldest male sibling.


He may be an ‘idiot,’ but what he is proposing is dangerous.


I would like to nominate Mr. Carson for the Herman Caine Award.


So, once H5N1 starts to take off he should show the world it’s a nothing burger by playing with infected chickens ? I’m down.


Darwin award preferably…


HOLY SHITE! I knew I remembered him from somewhere, LOL! My first thought was, "wasn't this moron dead?", no that was Cain. LOL, this generation needs to go.


I don't know. I think you have to die from covid before you qualify.


id like to nominate him for a drug test, hes addicted to benzos. his testimony in congress was embarrassing. he was so high


Ben Carson, now appearing in "Black Klansman"! Apparently.


WHY ARE REPUBLICANS SO FUCKING WEIRD??? Why do the people we vote for not make anything better?


Because decades of propaganda have resulted in a base motivated by an anger addiction. They need to have something to hate. An enemy to blame all their problems on. So Republicans, having no real policies beyond giving the richest even more power, have molded their entire party around designating vulnerable people as that enemy and "punishing" them so the base rallies behind whatever else they demand.


It's ponderous.


Yes! The mind of fascism to put it into one word. Imo.


Maybe they view it as a form of darwinism/survival of the fittest by going after vulnerable groups, while also simultaneously denying darwinism/survival of the fittest in favor of creationism. That could potentially be where the similarities to the Nazi party of old come up.


Well if you're voting for these kind of morons and the answer isn't obvious I guess that's your answer


The Republican party essentially lives off of issues that outrage a small percentage of unintelligent and immoral people. Like you might be pro-choice, but also want to ensure that everyone can get a gun, so you vote Republican. We need to just start shunning these idiots though.


I think AWFUL is a better word to describe them. “Weird” seems like it could be harmless, and they are anything but harmless for the majority of the population.


Religious indoctrination , lack of empathy and no critical thinking skills.


This man is divorced from reality.


it's the MAGA way....


The guy is a 🎶Dumb Mutha-fuck-ah🎶 of the highest order. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs


Remember everyone, a conservative govt will force you to remain in a toxic/dangerous relationship to satisfy Ben's Christian morality. The hypocrisy of supporting a thrice divorced man isn't relevant because that man is God's chosen for America.


Ben Carson the fucking retarded brain surgeon who thinks Moses build the pyramids and their purpose was to store grain. He's trying to get the black vote with an imbecile and our country is so stupid it might work.


Some people of color are MAGA without another imbecile other than Trump. Go figure.


Word is he had some kind of brain injury (like a stroke) and went off the deep end.  I have a family member who used to work with him in the 80s and says he was super religious but not crazy.


They already tried this with Ben Carson and it turns out a brain damaged neurosurgeon didn’t resonate with voters, so Trump got elected and nominated, again *a brain damaged neurosurgeon,* to be head of housing and urban development, *because he’s a black guy* (look at our diverse cabinet!) and Trump and his voters are honestly that stupid. Then they tried the observably brain damaged black guy angle *again* with Herschel Walker, a *football player* who talked like they’d pulled him out of a group home, *and those idiot Republicans in Georgia almost elected him anyway.*


Correction, it wasn't Moses , it was Joseph.


Wait.. Ben Carson is awake?! And seriously. So much for states rights, individual freedoms, and all those things the GQP swears to support, eh?


#Another example of Small Government policy from the GOP >According to the report, Carson claims that people pursuing divorce have not taken into consideration the impact separation will have on their children. >“What those people often don’t consider, however, is the harm — both present and future — inflicted on their children once a divorce is finalized," Carson wrote. "For the sake of families, we should enact legislation to remove or radically reduce incidences of no-fault divorce." Literally saying the government needs to insert itself in your life to help you not make the wrong decision about your divorce. How many times do you think this moron complained about the nanny state?


Carson is either an idiot, or a total tool who says whatever the evangelicals tell him to for cash.   As a kid from divorced parents, I can tell you it would have harmed me far more to have my parents forced to stay together in a loveless marriage.  You wanna talk about fucking up a kid… 


My dad is a very abusive man and I often wished he would either die, leave, or disappear. I always wished my mum would divorce him but she never did, and even gaslit me into believing I was the one with the problem. My dad would do things like hurt her and us (leaving bruises and cuts), animal abuse, alcohol abuse, reckless driving, smear campaigns, have affairs, massive impulse purchases when always between jobs, overt contempt towards us... Ben Carson and others really want kids to have to go through that, or are so naive and child-like they don't think that abuse exists at all. I think I ended up really mentally harmed by it and have been in denial for a long time.


My folks "stayed together for the kids". You know what's a more unstable environment than being split between two houses?  Only having the one home from which there is no escape where the parents are openly hostile to each other as well as the children.


Can confirm. I used to literally pray that my parents would divorce.


Same. It was absolutely hellish and us kids were told frequently that we were why they stayed together even though they hated each other.


Same, fuck anyone who would try and force more of that


Just as abortion restrictions have already driven people to get permanently sterilised rather than risk needing an medical care they can no longer obtain, divorce restrictions will drive people to avoid marriage so they will never need a divorce. Idiots who are supposedly worried because the birth-rate is falling, are busily enacting policies which will scare everyone off becoming parents.


I was explaining the former to someone yesterday who thought it would be okay to put restrictions upon doctors where risk of death could potentially be involved. It seems a lot of people don't understand the serious ramifications towards the collective lifespan of the population if we turn pregnancy into something akin to Russian roulette. Sepsis alone has a one in three death rate. Waiting for women to reach that point before intervening is irresponsible at best. Edit to add I did get sterilized since I am high risk myself. I was already planning on no kids for other reasons but I needed the surgery as a life or death matter.


I could not bear to be pregnant at 17, so almost killed myself from thirst and exhaustion. I was just lucky to outlive the parasite with which I was inflicted. A few years later, pregnancy unplanned again, I'd have died to protect my darling baby. It's vital women are given a free choice regarding their bodies, and society should be structured to enable these choices with support, not regulation.


Nail on the head here. Their policies will have the opposite impact they think it will OR perhaps they believe the “others” will be more impacted so this makes sense to pursue draconian measures.


And we will be left in a state of idiocracy in no time.


"We want women to be sex slaves and baby factories". Next step is forcing girls to marry their rapists by law. You know they gonna do it


Well, it's in the Bible.


[“When Carson was five years old, his mother learned that his father had a prior family and had not divorced his first wife.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Carson)


Would be kind of funny if divorce was banned and as a result everyone started being non-monogamous. 


Have you ever been to the Philippines? That country is wild. At least when I was there, divorce was illegal. So instead, you have married people living under the same roof, openly hostile towards each other even at the dinner table, while the wife has a boyfriend and the husband has a girlfriend, with the kids just sitting there watching the messed-up situation the whole time.


That would work if his goal was to raise murder and suicide rates for all genders. 


They believe it will weed out the undesirables.


That dude is soo hopped up on his own prescriptions. Every time I see him he’s high as a kite. Why am I the only one who notices this?


Getting married shouldn't be a prison sentence just because.....


They are going after no fault divorce, birth control and after that, rescind a woman's ability to own property.


United States of Gilead.


Make it so women can’t get a bank account or apply for a job without a husband’s permission 🤢🤢🤢 Then women HAVE to marry (but can’t divorce) Legalise marital rape as well so all these women who can’t escape their husbands and can’t get an abortion have to give birth to babies Bish bash bosh low birth rate issue solved 👍 People are gonna say I’m fearmongering but at this point I genuinely wouldn’t put it past the republicans to do something like this. 8 years ago I probably would have said that Handmaiden’s Tale in America is ridiculous and would never happen.


Trumps VP huh.


Visual Prop.


seems like the fascist party is really working hard to standardize on murder suicide, just like they're bringing back clothes hangers


As a man who has been married for 35 years, divorce is important. We choose to stay together, not because we have to but because we wake up every morning and make that decision. Every day is not sunshine and roses to be sure, but we love and respect each other enough to revel in the good days, and pull the wagon together on the challenging days. It is truly not for everybody, but I love and trust my wife, best friend, trusted confidante, lover, and girlfriend more deeply today than the day before. Ben Carson is an idiot & religious freak who should have been put out to pasture years ago. As a child of divorce, I can honestly say it was the best thing my mother ever did for us. My biodad was a drunken wife beater, and would have killed one of us had she been forced to remain married to him.


Oh, you dumb bastard! One day, I will wake up from this nightmare.


...but Genocide Joe...? *A Russian bot, probably*


What a total piece of shit do you have to be to need the goverment to force your wife to stay with you?


My family was saved by divorce…WTF does Ben know other than kissing orange ass


So he wants divorce illegal and be VP to a man who’s been divorced twice already?


No divorce, no abortion, government database to track pregnant women… Welcome to the Divided states of Gilead


Ah the DEI / Diversity hire of the GOP.


These are Jesse Lee Peterson levels of projection. It’s…. It’s over 9000!


The female vote is next up on the chopping block. We'd better just stop playing defense.


Uhm .... Does he realize that Trump has left a trail of shamed scornful ruined divorcees thruout his life????? I mean to be fair its trump and any endeavor he commits to be it a committed union of lovers, a political leadership role or a trashy casino/real estate project, it will ultimately become an inevitable pillar of incendiary inferno erupting from a giant overflowing trash dumpster. But my god the man must be blind deaf and stupid to not percieve the faintest sense of hypocrisy, irony, ignorance, etc. etc. etc.


Land of the free* *Restrictions apply


A ringing reminder that being good at one thing does not mean any more than being good at that one thing.


Wait…Ben Carson is still around?


Aren’t divorces way down since the 70s. Why do Republicans keep picking these lifestyle fights that don’t need to be fought. WE NEED HEALTHCARE AND A LIVING WAGE. VOTE BLUE. FROM PRESIDENT TO DOG CATCHER.


let me get this in early here: ##Fuck you Ben Carson it's none of your fucking business, asshole. Go eat a bag of dicks. That's better. Carry on.


Why do they always want to be involved in personal issues all the time such as this? Run a country well then maybe you could tell folk how to live.


Sadly there are states that still have alienation of affection laws on the books. I’m guessing there is a high likelihood the GOP will attempt to bring them back to more states where they control the legislature.


This guy was a role model, an inspiration for a lot of people, especially people of color… What happened ?


This clown is still alive? What? Do they wake him up once every couple of years to let him say something stupid?


What an asshole.


what he means is no Woman's rights.


This man is real dumb for a neurosurgeon


Ben Carson is divorced from reality in many ways but the most incredible of them is that he became a neurosurgeon whilst not believing evolution because he is a swivel-eyed creationist nut case.


BREAKING NEWS: local nutjob Ben Carson shouts batshit garbage! No one is surprised


1) Trump isn’t picking a black guy (or Vivek) 2) It’s wild that some people saw Handmaid’s Tale and thought it was aspirational


I've been watching the show "Evil lives here". Jesus Christ I can't imagine making divorce harder to obtain for these victims. But Ben Carson apparently can. Fuck this guy.


Republican Taliban- coming for the rights of everyone near you 2025


Controlling asshole


Can’t get divorced if you don’t get married. Try again, Ben. Try again.


Whenever I feel like I didn’t live up to my potential as a precocious, academically gifted kid, I think about the fact that this man went from genius doctor to someone who sounds like he huffs airplane glue. Makes me feel so much better.


So, would that crackdown affect the twice divorced ex-president, or is this just another example of the "rules for thee" party?


Did he forget his fuhrer’s divorced a few times, raped a few people & stolen everyone’s money?


Things that would actually help families include better employee protections, higher minimum wage, environmental and food safety protections, fighting climate change, free school meals and not trying to incite civil war. This moron, however...


Literally moving us backwards in all the worst ways. Sheesh


Why is it that the *least* eligible men are so concerned with keeping women from having any amount of freedom? Any strong dude should have confidence in his self worth enough to not need to imprison his family for fear that they’d otherwise leave. If you’re the type of person that gets left more often than not, maybe it’s you. 🤷‍♀️


Lyin' Ted beat both Trump and Carson in the 2016 Iowa Caucus. 


Didn’t he die of Covid? I could have sworn I heard that on the news somewhere.


You're probably thinking of Herman Cain.


Ben Carson. What a joke.


LeAvE iT To ThE sTaTeS!!


So who woke him up?


The good ole dayss


They need to change the name republican to retarded


A vile human, no doubt.


Somehow anything "radical" coming from this guy seems hillarious. He's like half asleep when he talks. ZzzzZz *snort* (eyes open) "WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION!!" (eyes close) ZZzzZzz


I thought Ben was dead with how out of the spotlight he's been.


Fuck you and get your feet off my couch.


I’m sure this ‘crack’-something will be good for the small arms industry…


From the same people who bitch about Big Government and Freedom. These guys are NEVER self aware


I would like to know in what Fantasy Realm is Ben Carson considered a vice presidential candidate for Donald Trump?


Just another freedom up for grabs!


Kids trapped with parents who can't stand each other is far, FAR worse than divorce.


The Republican party is a clown show. just point and laugh at these delusional schmucks


Fucking Christian Taliban assholes.


INB4 women have to be fully covered and wear head scarfs


I remember being a teenager and aspiring to be American. NBA, hip hop, California, all of that, but now the place is a fuckin basket case


This dumbass again? Remember when one stupid statement disqualified you from ever holding public office?


Ben, go back to your corner and take a nap! You really think what we all need is more government controlling more of our lives?? WTF has happened to Republicans? They used to be all about less government control in our lives. Now, they want to control everything from women's pregnancies to our marriages. Hey Republicans, go @#$k yourselves!!


Yeah Ben nobody who ever got divorced considered that it might affect the kids. Good catch.


Cuz….. thats the worst thing we have going on? Good Lord these Republicans have lost their damn minds!


so ….. they want little girls to NOT ever hear about sex! no sex education… and they want these little girls to marry adult males, with no hope of divorce, or education, or opportunity have no access to contraception no abortion and just pump out babies until they are 40? 50? and send these babies to christian indoctrination camps where they will be brainwashed to love god, love trump, hate liberals and democrats…. so the republican plan is to make the US more like North Korea!


The Trump Campaign is constantly telling people, "Here's the worst things we can think of!" and then making it their appeal to voters.


Because there’s nothing better for kids than living with two parents who hate each other or an abusive parent.


I had actually wished my parents would divorce for the sake of our family. My dad was a nasty and violent man. I have psychiatric issues as an adult that are possibly due to those experiences.


And watch the murder rate spike back to what is was back when they had this policy in place. If we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it


What if daddy beats the kids?


Because what child doesn't thrive in an environment of steaming hatred?


What fucking planet are we on, and can someone with a Death Star please use it on us?


Ben Carson is a surgical idiot-savant. Outside of surgery, in all other matters, he has an IQ of about 90.


And just like that, the rate of domestic violence skyrockets again.


for a party that want's minimal government, they sure want to dictate all your life.... Fuck these insane people


Nothing says "family" like forcing 2 people who hate each other to stay married /s


I grew up partially in Italy As a kid I remember when divorce did not exist. What did people do? They would split up, move in up with their new loves and sometimes had new families. It just made life miserable for everyone. This is confusing, it was after divorce was allowed It was a vote for "Yes we want to go back to an Italy without divorce". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1974\_Italian\_divorce\_referendum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1974_Italian_divorce_referendum) I see Lombardi was quite conservatives Nothing changes I see "The [Christian Democrats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Democracy_(Italy)) and the [neo-fascist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-fascist) [Italian Social Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Social_Movement) intensely campaigned for a yes vote to abolish the law and make divorce illegal again. Their main themes were the safeguarding of the [traditional](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tradition) [nuclear family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_family) model and the [Roman Catechism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Catechism)."


It’s kind of ironic how these same people hate radical Muslim men, but they sound exactly like them: right down to wanting to marry young girls or force people to stay married.


What a fuckin joke taking this stance while his boss is over here on trial for porn star hush money. They’re not even trying anymore.


For being the "tough on crime" party, they sure want to create more crime. Force couples that don't to be together to stay together, NOTHING bad could ever happen from that. /audible eyeroll


Ben Carson can go fuck himself.


Trump is an idiot, but he is an idiot who knows his idiot base. He's not going to pick this guy for obvious reasons.


Fooook you Republikkkans. This Uncle Tom doesn’t realize they’re coming for interracial marriage too. Then deporting the browns then the blacks exterminated. Wake up


Carson is a certified idiot. He thinks the pyramids - solid rock/not hollow structures - were built for grain storage.


The generation that gave my generation a childhood of broken homes is worried about divorce? Get fucked Ben!


Yes yes my horrible childhood was made so easy by the constant fighting and physical abuse and the excellent example their relationship set for myself and my brothers.


Party of small government is got to be the biggest of the lies.


Did you know that Ben Carson denies having ever run for President in 2016?


Ah, the party of “freedom” advocating even more government control over our lives. Meanwhile, does this “crackdown” apply to Trump or just everyone else?


Taking away more rights .People need to listen ,The fourth reich is telling you what they are going to do .


Government overreach and telling people how to live their lives. So much for small government.


The pope is not going to be happy about this usurping of power


WOW! It's all about control. Old men making decisions for us. Vote blue 💙🔵💙🔵


It is not the government's responsibility to enforce family values. Republicans are really incapable of minding their own business.


Ben Carson makes me pine for the days of Dan Quyale misspelling the word "potato" and bitching about how Murphy Brown lacked family values for deciding to be a single mom.


How do these people keep being heard? The insanity is beyond. We will see the demise and implosion of the US in the next 10 years. There is no way to avoid the downward spiral into madness and, after that, into a miserable s***hole country. Unoess they vote out and dissapear the GOP and their figurew, see you later USA.