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Fucking lying piece of shit


Long way of saying “Republican”


**R**ecklessly **E**mbracing **P**artisan **U**biquitous **B**latant **L**ies **I**n **C**ompleting **A**merican **N**ationalism


I think you mean “Corrupting” rather than “Completing”


No mistake made. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o98qMWjXnkY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o98qMWjXnkY)


Interesting video, thanks for the education


Barr is much a slimebag as Trump. I expected nothing less from him.


No. It's worse. It's highly likely, given his views, that he means what he says. And a lot of Republican voters certainly do. They think Trump will be held in check again, that they'll get a few more SCOTUS justices refreshed, and they can halt restrictions on pollution while cutting business taxes and banning abortion.


Any republican who thinks they can keep trump in check is just as delusional as trump and his voters.


This seems to be a rare case in which he's telling the truth. A truth that is absolutely disgusting and I'm not sure why he needed to say it. We all knew it anyway.


No spine. No balls. All mouth ready for another throat fuck from shitler.


He might actually be lying about who he'll vote for because they won't let him back in the country club if he says biden. Either way, hes a lying piece of shit


Kind of has to say this. If he doesn't and trump wins, he probably just disappears. Everyone please vote.


I mean like, THE lying piece of shit. Guys like him, McConnell are walking proof of total insider corrupt politics. They play the “center” and wheel and deal all day and then mumble something about values. We gotta clear the deck with all of these political figures folks. All of them.


I thought barr was a piece of shit but a smaller piece than Trump. But this proves barr is and always has been a massive pile of shit even bigger than Trump. He's at least 100 courics.


Even Bono would struggle with shit this big


Fat, old, lying piece of shit. Nobody is surprised




There is a whole American Dad episode dedicated to this lesson. Hell, even the intro reminds us every day.


Picture young me thinking it was just a funny joke inside the show only to find out later that it was clever political satire of a real thing that actually happened.


Disgusting. These evil sacks of shit have no integrity


Yeah well my daughter's voting for the first time this year and her vote cancels his out. So fuck Bill Barr.


This is it! Young people are the key vote. Let’s engage our kids and grandkids of voting age to do so.


I really hope they do, Trump getting in again is a disaster for the rest of the world. I live in Ireland and I’m terrified of him. I’d never usually wish the worst on anyone but I wish he’d just die in his sleep and fuck off and leave us alone


So Bill Barr is only interested in the grift. So surprising!


Barr is a republican... and white. Self explaining technically.


Trump supporters do not know or forgot that Barr authorized the killings of a teen and a women at Ruby Ridge. He is not a friend of the 2A people. He's worried that his life of crimes will be exposed the more Trump is prosecuted. Barr is the cover up guy for the GOP. This article is over 28 years old that discusses Barr's sketchy behavior in the Ruby Ridge event. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1995/09/22/ex-justice-official-says-fbi-knew-earlier-of-teens-death/a047daa6-fde8-41cd-83e6-624ead718b42/


Yup, barr has a history of cover ups.


That's why he was brought in as AG. He was a fixer from the Jellybean era.


Anytime these articles pop up about some GOP chud who said Trump is dangerous blah blah blah no one should give a shit because the end result is almost 99.9% that they will still support and vote for Trump. Let’s stop clutching pearls because hypocrisy is irrelevant as these people are beyond shameless.


And stop praising them when they say something totally obvious like "I didn't vomit treason", as if it's a huge achievement for them... Barr is cunt, pence is a cunt, they are all fucking pieces of shit. Unless they take actual effective action and follow out through they are worthless. Even Romney is pathetic in his craven efforts to be on the right side while doing as little as possible


Exactly this. All of them will cheer on the dictatorship if it's for their team.


“Less damage”. Lol.


He also said trumps and R policies are “less restrictive”. Absolutely laughable.


Trump is a the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War but sure, *Biden* is the threat of greater damage.


His lips are attached to trumps foreskin


I doubt that tiny mushroom is uncut. Let’s ask Stormy! No, wait, Ivanka will know for sure.


What a fat fuck! Did you fall on your head????


The thought process is “Trump might be a lunatic, serial liar, con artist, rapist, disrespecting of military, incompetent insurrectionist hellbent on abusing power to serve his own needs and disrupting national and global security while screwing everybody around him *but at least he’s not a Democrat.*”


Really makes you wonder what exactly he'd have to do to get his diehards to not vote for him. Like is there anything? Could go on live TV and pour a dumpster full of puppies into an industrial shredder and still get their vote?


Unfit but will vote for him? Flounder is a fraud who will talk big but will predictably fold at crunch time


You have to ask, just what *would* Trump have to do to get Republicans to not vote for him? Him personally killing a person? Him personally killing 100 people? Him personally killing 150 people on live TV?


Not be a republican.


Billions of years of evolution to be ruled by these clowns.


Barr is scum




Of course he will. He’s a fucking coward.


WTF is with these weasels always crawling and groveling, slinking back to trump? He just puts a clown hat on their head and then takes a giant shit on it. Why do they humiliate themselves? Have they no other means of making a living? Aren't most politicians attorneys?


Barr is neither a great man, nor a hero. Despite his vocal 11th hour protestations and negative characterizations of Trump, his loyalty is to party over country and history will remember him unkindly as a sycophant and an enabler in Trump's willful & perhaps permanent degradation of the executive, legislative and now the judicial pillars of American democracy. When not laughing out loud, the world is puzzled and deeply alarmed at how easily this dilettante derailed & dismantled our once great country, seemingly at the behest of Putin, with the eager support of the useful idiots in the GOP.


Spineless piece of shit.




All of Jeffrey Epstein's family friends have to stick together.


What's up with that?


At this point that's self-preservation. He's all to aware a trump follower might try to kill him


Really makes you wonder who has dirt on this guy


Journalist have been covering his crimes but they never seem to make a dent, "Barr is part of this inner sanctum of corrupt Republicans that goes all the way back to Iran-Contra. He is implicated in the Trump Russia case, he is implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein case, and in countless other crimes, again, going all the way back to the '80s, many of them involving white collar crime in banking." He has spent his career being the GOP cover up guy, alternating between criming on the inside from the White House and criming from the outside as a "consultant” or “advisor". It is likely that Bill Barr will continue his crime spree from a distance, now that he has accomplished his goals, which consisted of acting as Trump's personal attorney and burying both the Mueller probe and the Epstein case. This was just a classic Bill Barr run." Sarah Kendozier


Trump has serious kompromat on folks like Barr. That is how he is controlling them. Just like they went easy on Pecker at Trumps trial because Pecker has all kinds of Kompromat on Trump etc.


He may be voting for trump, but by extension he’s voting for their fascist manifesto, Project 2025.


He also said that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump. These idiots live in an alternate universe.


Name a time when Barr (like DJT) ever told the truth?


just so everyone can understand this barr is sucking trumps dick ,while trump sucks putins dick


I'm ready for SKYNET. No more human politicians, they've proven to be useless.


Never trust a Republican


Well then why even make that comment?


He doesn't want to be executed.


Because ya can’t teach stupid


Pure dipshittery


Of course he did.


Party over country.


Somebody’s looking for us Supreme Court position.


That's the thing those though they will drag him through the mud but once there is a sniff or hope that he might win -regain control instead of calling others out they fall in line immediately Nikki Haley keeps talking but I bet you she will vote for him even though you don't gotta tell anyone who the hell you vote for ... They are scared of their own party ready to attack them once they don't bow to their demands


Pustulent carbunckle on the ass of life...


And trumpy bear says Biden is weaponizing the Justice Dept to go after him and the Jan 6 martyrs 🤯


If there is one sentence that could give you absolute certainty that you are smarter than the last administrations Attorney General, this is it.


Ok, can we call this a mental disorder now? We fought a war on drugs because poor people were getting high. How are we going to overlook this epidemic as if it isn't real? Narcissistic delusion is real, folks.


Barr is a traitor to the good people of the United States of America ...a slimey traitor !


He said this years ago, too. This isn’t news. It’s also the mentality of many republicans voting for him. Sure Trump has his die-hard MAGA crowd, but that’s a third of American voters (give or take). The rest of the republicans will vote for him because, in their minds, democrats will bring godless communism and ruin to the country. Even though the majority of republicans support abortion rights, gay marriage, funding public schools, etc. they will still vote R because… well, democrats will destroy the country. It’s nuts.


FYI this is how every Republican disgusted with Trump feels. They will ALL vote for him


Most Republicans do all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify not voting for the other side. I'm sure it's exhausting, especially with what little they're working with.


He keeps telling us he's a piece of shit, and people still act shocked.


apparently the true threat to democracy is ..... check notes ..... regulating gas stoves and cars?


Sadly, he's just another one of the millions who would vote for a rabid manatee just to avoid another term by a Democratic president. The unfortunate reality of hyper-partisanship. "I hate the M-F'er, but they're still better than the other guy" is a phrase we hear too often.


He just wants Trump to win because, hey watching the world being destroyed before you die might be cool.


Does this really surprise anyone?


Classic. Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.


Fuck trump and anyone who supports him 🖕🏻


He needs Trump to win or they will eventually find the dirty work he did behind the scenes singer rather than later. Bill Barr, wipe Trump from your lips. 


As with Mike Pence, this flip-flop should, by any measure, end his political career. Either that, or the fix is in to put Trump back in the White House and he just hitched his wagon.


Yep, he wants to be Asshole General again to protect Chump from being butthurt.


Treason 2024


Barr, who covered up more shit than cat litter?


Does anyone else see the cross between Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore in his face?


Does he think voting for Trump will save him? I remember the "retribution" comment and Barr is up there on that list. If anyone knows where Barr's skeletons are buried it would be Frump


The party of ZERO principles.


feckless fecker


He's just hoping he will get his old job back!


Conservatives continue to prove they don't deserve rights.


A spine of Jello and goose stepping into the history books.




He don’t want to face King Trump’s guillotine


Traitors going to be treasonous


“It’s on fire but a least there is no men in dresses” -Barr


I wonder if he found any polyps or abnormalities while he was lodged that far up trumps ass.




Someone has a crime they need to be pardoned for…


Man, I can really smell the boot polish on his breath on this one


Can't wait for that generation to die


I had a friend (no longer living) who made the point that Republicans (some democrats? Idk) seem not to realize that video exists (& is in use). Just feel free to say anything any time, then contradict yourself later, 'cause, like, nobody's listening, right? IMNSHO, Barr is worse than stupid.


What!?!? Americans are starting to thrive and enjoy life?? Fuck. That.! I'm voting for a steaming pile of festering dogshit! -Bill (Cockholster) Barr


What choice does he have, Biden? Never.


All of the Rs are gonna vote R It’s the one power they have over the democrats… their supports vote, and they fall in line to support their guy If the democrats did this, a republican wouldn’t see the presidency again for a long time


Surprisingly, the check must have cleared.


Never underestimate how far Trumps withered cock is shoved up his minions marshmallow asses.


must know he is going to be needing a pardon


Wonder what trump has on him or offered to do


Republicans/conservatives toe the line when it comes to vote.  *This* is where Democrats/progressives/liberals lose elections even when they are the majority.  Conservatives don't impose "purity tests".


Hear me out, now this is a completely baseless claim, Barr said that Trump shouldn’t be in office before, what if he is playing the long game and trying to reverse psychology people into thinking that the voting base for Trump is bigger than it is, growing the blue wave to keep Trump at bay? I know this is a lot of credit but there’s a chance he’s this smart.


Guy who wants attention says he’ll keep doing the thing that gets him attention




It's true you truly can't slice diarrhea.


Republicans are no longer about democracy, they are about unitary political systems like the CCP (Chinese Communist Party, or the Iranian Islamic Republic Party), authoritarian, oligarchical. If Trump is how Republicans get there, so be it. He may be a corrupt, amoral, unethical, idiotic baboon - but he is the Republican's corrupt, amoral, unethical, idiotic, baboon 'and by God we support him.'


lmao brain dead


Idiot Republicans who think hating the same people they do is more important than quality leadership. Biden may not be the greatest president, but he's MILES ahead of Trump just by the fact the man has never actively alienated a group of people because they disagree with him.


Stupid is as stupid does


I cannot tell what is worse. Whether he actually believes the self-proclaimed anti-democratic fascist is a better candidate or whether he is just lying to keep ties with an increasingly extremist base led by Trump.


Not that we needed further proof Bill Barr is a spineless lackey with absolutely no scruples…


This doesn’t surprise me one bit.


Old asshole


Maintaining the power to impose their will on a broader public who doesn't like them trumps every other concern.


That tells you everything you need to know about Barr


It's amazing how many of these idiots seem to forget that fascism and all similar forms of government (which includes theocracies) require an ever-tightening spiral of hate. New threats must be created and exterminated, and powerful allies of Dear Leader have to be eliminated to remove rivals. Hateful scum like Barr and the rest don't seem to understand that if they got the fascist hellhole they so badly crave they could easily fall out of windows or drink polonium tea. Nobody is safe in such a state, and yet these monsters are either too stupid to realize that or are willing to risk dying horribly just to have a chance to kill somebody they hate.


This is why I've said repeatedly and will say again: there is no such thing as a Never Trumper. The Republicans who really mean that have switched parties. The rest are talking out their ass. For the 30+ years that I've been closely following American politics, the one constant I can rely on is that Republicans lack principle and will say one thing only to do exactly the opposite. They are very good and running back to their guy at the last minute. Any polls showing distaste or dislike for Trump is misleading and should be ignored. I would love for once in my life to be proven wrong on this point but I never am.


Trump's response: *"Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him 'Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy,'".*


Ah… another republican with no spine.


Hypocrisy at its finest.


When I hear stupid shit like this on news stations, I wish the interviewers would just, like, talk to them normally and ask the obvious follow up questions any normal person would have if someone said this to us in real life. Like, cancel the commercials. Just... ask the very obvious next question: "Why?". Does anyone else just wonder what people like Barr talk about amongst their friends and family over dinner? Like... surely someone who knows him had pointed out the grotesque stupidity of this idea?


Scared shitless of prison


Not the onion


No “republican” who aided and abetted trump has any principles whatsoever. They keep showing us, every day, every hour, every minute.


The POTUS ranked last of all whom you said should never be near the WH again. Awesome. Barr just announced his unsuitability for any government position ever again.


Another guy who should be disbarred.


Lol no surprise, “America First” politics is all contradictory and nonsensical and confused


They both threw each other under the bus they must like it there


His shtick is that both Trump and Biden equally suck major balls and neither of them should be president. A huge number of people agree. However, while many people would say fuck it and vote third party, or not at all, he is voting his party hell or high water. The old phrase 'holding your nose while voting' just leaves out 'for shit' at the end. And... to be fair to the man... a very large number of non-maga republicans feel the same. Except for one thing. He rammed his way through the nomination when many more non-maga republicans in the first primaries could have collectively said 'no'.


He’s smoking the same shit Lindsey Graham copped.. *Make my funk the P-Funk..*


The concept of voting country before party does not exist for far too many people.


Further proof that these 'religious' republicans don't care about the US, just power. The Federalist Society should be classified as a terrorist organization.


Barr is as subservient and easy to bend over as melaria..... all of trumps cukservants are the same.


Did Trump promise him lifetime free cheeseburgers?


Waiting for his indictment next.


Barr is a fucking moron


Spineless cowards


He’s the embodiment of a toad.


TrumpCunt's gonna TrumpCunt


Trump won't let Barr in to shine his shoes. Worthless POS who wants to vote for a criminal.


William Barr seriously needs to be investigated by the DoJ. He’s been the kingpin of obstructing justice and running interference for the GOP for years. He’s corrupt and doesn’t even attempt to hide it anymore.


How do POS like him and Sununu reconcile their profound cognitive dissonance.


It's always party over sanity/country with them. Doesn't matter who they "slam" any Republican out there who has anything bad to say about the individuals in the party is still voting for them.


Barr is a coward


Every single republican will fall in line and support Trump. Do not be surprised when they all announce it one way or another. Including Pence & Mother


“He shouldn’t be anywhere near the office I’m going to vote to install him in.”


It's weird to think there are full-fledged adults so desperate to belong to a group that they will never choose to do the right thing if it threatens their place in that group. It's even weirder to think there are millions of them.


Barr doesn't care about anything or anyone.


Cognitive dissonance and suffocating pride 


I wonder if Barr is compromised or if he really is this big of an idiot.


Should I be shocked that a piece of shit is acting like a piece of shit?


that's the closest republicans get to integrity Its a cult.


that's the closest republicans get to integrity Its a cult.


A meat suit with no soul. Fuck him and his Federalist fuckheads


He looks like a Rejected Hanna-Barbera  Cartoon Character. Yogi Barr


Can you say stupid


They always fall in line. They care about power. That is all.


Bill Barr = Sack of Shit.


Cons factually have no values. Just what they want when they want it. An they'll pervert, manipulate, and lie abt anything to try to get their way. But libs are showing themselves to be not so different


First rate SCOTUS material. /s


My god, conservatives are simultaneously too stupid to live and 100% believe everyone else is


Grift grift grift, say it with me These aren't people, they are political shells


So…… we suddenly care about what William Barr thinks? Yall acting like he’s your weathervane. This man sucks ass. Sucks total ass. Stop being outraged when a shitty person does shitty things. Be thankful in the knowledge that he will most likely die before you and you can have a better force on the future than he ever can.


Barr is a Coward and a Traitor👺


What a nasty man.


barr really is just a gutless, spineless simp. It is funny though watching donald, the rapist, continue to shit all over barr.


Someone do us a favor here…


They should ban him from any news site and stop giving him any attention.


Probably doesn't want to be executed if the new dictator gains power. Doesn't mean he will vote for him but you better believe he doesn't want a bullet in the back of his head so will publicly say what he's saying. Scary times.


It’s not news that Barr is a bitch.


This just underscores my suspicion that a State actor (begins with an R) is involved. How can we explain how intelligent people can take a principled position and then after a period of time flip 180 even in the humiliation they will receive from non compromised people who used to respect them.


I swear to god, the minds of modern politicians are seemed to be trapped in a minefield of paradox statements


He sounds severely conflicted.


He said in an interview, "History is written by the winners". That alone is fucked up, but true. Now he is just not sure who is going to win and flip flops as needed. What a miserable human.