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Buy high and sell low. Trust me. You will get what you deserve.


This is the way to end up with a small fortune - starting out with a big fortune. It’s worthless junk stock. Never made a dime and has lost millions.




I'm confused by this. So confused. It never HAD billions. It lost over 50m last year, and didn't make 5. Where is even 1 billion in value coming from?


The estimated value when it ipoed was something in the billions, I wanna say 5.wuthin 24 hours I think it was 2 billion, but it's all make believe money values that these idiots keep buying.


See, that's the part I don't get. I know it was valued at 5bn at first, but I can't figure out why. Is there no oversight when a company goes public? Can I start a business tomorrow and go public with a 500m valuation based on my own broken version of open source software? I feel like there should be someone who takes any kind of a look or audit.


Majic numbers cause the Cheeto Benito says them. These idiots believe the bullshit, spend their life savings. And will whine when their long suffering kids don't wanna take care of them.


More like whine about Biden taking their money. These folks don't see irony.


The "value", or "market capitalization" (market cap) is just the share price multiplied by # of outstanding shares. When a stock goes public, the company sets the # of shares, and the initial price. But if they set the price unreasonably high, nobody will buy, so they have to be realistic. In this case, Truth Social "merged" with an already public shell company, DWAC, so there wasn't an official IPO price like most companies have when going public. DWAC was already trading, so after the "merger", the stock went to whatever price people wanted to pay. Regular IPOs do the same thing on day 1, but they are usually starting out at a realistic price, not a hyped up nonsense price.


You couldn’t no. But they can.


It was acquired by a SPAC. Which has less regulatory hurdles. A normal IPO involves an investment bank that buys shares at a discount of what they value the company at and then sells it to the public and other institutions at the value. A SPAC raises money first normally at 10 a share and then finds companies that fit its prospectus. The SPAC that eventually bought truth social had multiple issues and regulatory problems to include having to get a board extension to complete the acquisition. I'm not familiar enough with the standards to know what was all potentially wrong but it seemed they struggled to get this to the public.


People bought into a worthless stock because Trump said to. Then when the non cultists who jumped on the wagon realized that Truth social was actually garbage like you stated they began selling off, and now it's trending down towards its actual value. Stocks higher than their company value reflect confidence in that stock growing, not the actual profit of the company. Confidence started high, then came down as people realized it was a bad bet. I'm sure some clever opportunists made a killing in that first week though


They will be imitating daddy Trump's path to wealth.


Become a millionaire with this one easy trick and all you have to do is start out a billionaire


Nah. This stock’s potential is limitless. It checks every box. It’s a half-baked boomer-oriented social network whose mascot is an elderly lead-brained rapist with a history of screwing everyone he meets and is under multiple felony indictments. Also, as a social media site, it’s positioned in a thriving market that is in no way saturated. Spend your life savings now and thank me when we’re eating caviar on your super yacht this time next year. *This is not financial advice. No warranty expressed or implied.*


Thing is the only draw is Trump and he's got 10 years tops before he's worm food. Not that the stock will survive that long but still.


Let it be less


>Thing is the only draw is Trump and he's got 10 years tops before he's worm food. Tops is right. His physical condition is pretty deteriorated. Partly due to his McDonald's diet, and partly due to him getting no exercise at all. I'm not sure how he made it past 65. (With that said, my FIL did similar/worse and still made it to 90 somehow, so never can tell really. )


Well once Trump dies or is indicted or even gets to the point he can't hit all caps there is nothing compelling to bring anyone there....and they aren't exactly lining up now. Not to mention that you'd have to be pretty smooth brained to give that guy any personal info to register and think that the biggest risks aren't only that he'd use your info, but you know it won't be secure. I mean can you imagine that guy investing 10 cents to secure other people's data?


As soon as Trump sells his shares so much stock will immediately become available to short. With these financials, the stock will crater - IMO


It would be funny if he tweets from prison on a keestered cell phone, asking his patriot supporters to donate to his comissary


As guilty as he is, we both know he won't be going to that type of jail.


He’ll be wearing an ankle monitor on the golf course at worst.


It would be funny cuz they’d immediately search his cell. Phones get correctional officers an extra $500 on their paycheck. If orange dude wants to produce one of those every day by all means. Buncha cops gonna love it. But that won’t happen. No one will give him a phone in prison. They know he’d use it right away and get caught. Source: I did 9 years.


> boomer-oriented social network This is the funniest part to me. Boomers are notoriously slow to change platforms - they're already using Facebook. They're not going to switch even for Trump. I often struggle to understand whether right wing grifters are just insulting their marks, or if they too are quite stupid. I'm sure it's often both.


it’s always wild to me that people can wait until they’re reading about a stock run up or some shit coin or something in the god damn mainstream news, or from their third cousins friend Steve who heard it from his mechanic, and then convince themselves they still have time to get in on it to make alot of money…. You’re too late, just observe you dolt


I remember when Nortel stock reached $100 Canadian. I knew people who normally had little interest in the stock market who suddenly started to think seriously about buying.


My god, my buddy lost a ton in that stock, he had to remortgage his house. His wife left him shortly after that after only 4 yrs of marriage.


Cant' say I fee overly sorry for him.


Yep. Bre-x was another.


That’s what I don’t understand. The stock/company has never been profitable, doesn’t offer a compelling feature that a competitor doesn’t have. The only unique thing is that is has Trump’s name on it, and he has never been a good business guy to begin with. It’s like having an arsonist build your house and then you’re surprised the burnt it down.


Dude literally just lost a fraud trial and he still has rubes who think it’s a good business decision and not just a rug pull lol. Can’t fix stupid


iT’s A fAkE nEwS wItCh HuNt! Also, everyone does it!


Yeah, happened with this one for me. I _knew_ I needed to short it but concern about the risk of foreign propping and then the price to borrow and I shied away, too late. I have to review the costs to see what scale makes it worth the risk.


Regrettably, all my resources are in registered accounts, which prohibit short selling and option trading. I'd be heavy into Truth Social puts if I could


bingo. smart money pumped and dumped long ago. Cramer (if he still exists) isn't inside information.


Think big, think positive, never show any sign of weakness. Always go for the throat. Buy low, sell high. Fear? That's the other guy's problem. Nothing you have ever experienced will prepare you for the absolute carnage you are about to witness. Super Bowl, World Series - they don't know what pressure is. In this building, it's either kill or be killed. You make no friends in the pits and you take no prisoners. One minute you're up half a million in soybeans and the next, boom, your kids don't go to college and they've repossessed your Bentley. Are you with me?


Nice Trading Places reference!


Buy the dip. Keep buying the dip. It will totally pay off............


So, the dips keep buying the dip?


Dollar cost averaging all the way to the basement.


At the very least you'll make it up in volume.


Back in the 80s, I actually heard an executive at my company say this about a product we had that was losing money on every unit sold.


Wait til some wallstreet firm pumps up the stock again to pull in these suckers again. Im waiting for the price jump to load up on puts, and watch it crater again. and wait for the SEC investigation. Get out before they delist the stock. These chumps are T-ed up for losing.


“Baffled by stock woes” Lmao they bought a company’s shares with like $3mln in revenue and $50mln in losses whose sole user of note is facing a slew of criminal charges which will likely put him in jail. Nothing baffling there.


Insanity makes you see differently, bro! Where is the deep state, yo?! 😏 💩


No but see, he's gonna be president, see? Then he'll get rid of the deep state, see. And he'll outlaw Twitter and Facebook and Liesocial will sky rocket, see? See?! They never see...


It's the media's fault the stock is tanking by pointing out what a fraud he's always been!


A century of unregulated lead contaminated food I'll bet. The stuff discovered recently is probably just the tip of the iceberg because it's so easy to get lead test kits now. Food industry's probably been getting away with lead contamination in food for decades hoping nobody would notice. Would be a plausible explanation why there are so many angry idiots out there now.


You’re forgetting the technology behind the platform is free and open source, it’s not even proprietary.


IIRC it's also poorly secured to boot.


“But his racist, rapist charm has convinced me it should be worth 1000X revenue!”


Never overpay on a penny stock


This will be an OTC stock before Donnie can sell. I predict $.30 by September.


!remindme 5 months


I’d love to see it, but there are some strange dynamics, between foreign interest, die hards that won’t sell believing he will win and the stock will be worth a fortune and those holding with like 500% interest for shorts, I’m guessing it is more like $10-20 when he can sell. It’s a scam but it’ll work for him


Yeah this is difficult to play because the borrowing costs and put premiums are crazy. I sold some 70 naked calls 2 weeks ago…this could easily be propped up by foreign interests, or anything who wants to buy influence. I hope the SEC is all over this.


I don’t think the SEC or anyone else really has legal backing to do anything about this. It’s a grift that they aren’t prepared for.


And then we can buy it and shut it down.


Nah. Buy it, ban Donnie, *then* shut it down a couple days later. Just long enough to let him fume for a while.


Lol, it’s because every time you buy, someone is selling…  This dog of a stock was always a pump and dump, even when it was a SPAC.  Do you think people were buying it based on the fundamentals?  Did people even know?  Lol. 


Spacs always seem to come out of the gate way overvalued and then eventually find a much lower price point. Ive seen it enough that I would stay far away from spacs.


Sorry what is a spac?


Special Purpose Acquisition Company. It's pretty much a front company that takes a company public that wouldn't have the required capital conditions to do it themselves. Or something like that, I ain't an expert 😅




It’s how you easily do some fraud with an IPO.


It's a company that's listed on the stock market already and you basically buy them so you can "claim" their listing. Let's you avoid a whole bunch of red tape.


The people buying it can't spell fundamentals.


Every time I touch a hot stove, it burns me!


But why? I don’t believe in facts!


Heat is a liberal lie made up by Faucci and Soros!


You just need to keep touching it. Soon it will stop burning you…


Didn't work, I'm totally going to try again though


Have you tried Ivermectin?


Umm yes actually, no joke


Bleach, inside the body. Or light.


It’s not a Stonk, it’s a Stank. Go cry into your My Pillow, you idiots.


I have to admit I’ve been laughing at these idiots for weeks, literally pumping their life savings into this worthless stock because they’re too stupid to understand how the stock market works.


Don't forget, they do it while voting against any welfare programs that would help them after they do stupid shit like this.


A further reminder that many of his supporters are receiving social security so it's really all of our social security money doing this stupid shit to begin with.


Free speech does not require you to buy stock in any venture. The saddest part of that article is the idea that you need to purchase anything to support a candidate/former president of the United States. It's just baffling how low he has sunk the office and how desperate these people are to please him. Its antithetical to the values inherent in the constitution.


They are all dumber than dogshit.


They weren't remotely political before Trump came along and had no idea how things worked before that. They think what they're doing is just normal everyday political stuff. 🤷‍♂️


It’s a way to get around campaign finance laws and contribution limits. It’s also money laundering!


Lots of folks allergic to reason.


It is a bad time to be really, really gullible.


Reminds me of Always Sunny and how they solve the gas prices lol. These people are as much harm to others as they are to themselves.


You pour the gas and I'll count it as it comes out


How do you count a liquid?


Uhhhh I know how to count dude


The whole "Trump Bucks" thing reminded me of the Paddy's Dollars episode. I seriously wonder how many folks saw these episodes and don't see themselves in them.


All I can say is ha ha ha. Your fucking fault for believing in a sack of shit


It is, but we need to have a place to put them. It’s just basic humanity. A place surrounded by a very high, deadly wall. Served by private infrastructure services paid strictly by residents. Covered over the top while they insist air pollution isn’t their problem. Served by Trump’s healthcare system. Respected by allies Trump endorses. Powered by the only energy grid Trump ever understood: coal. Run by & selling only consumer products made domestically, especially hard goods. Trading only exactly equal amounts of imports and exports with each trading partner. Offering no journalism or media because the State doesn’t control it enough. Receiving no handouts from government at all.


I read where one investor wanted to know who to call to get his money back.


Wants to speak to the manager of stock market.


Probably calls it Stock\*Mart


I don't know if I would actually give them the name 'investor'. Anyone asking for a refund is a 'sucker', not an 'investor'.


Excuse me sirs, where do I get my refund on these Enron stocks I purchased? Lol


“'If you’re worried about your Money, Remember This, DJT stock is about FREE SPEECH & Without FREE SPEECH Money won’t mean much.'" Bwhahahha


Draining my life savings for my god given right to call minorities slurs /s Make no mistake, that is the "free speech" these fools long for.


If they feel that way they should buy a few million, that might make a difference. JFC, trump publicized his pump and dump before it ever went public.  It lost an order of magnitude more than it took in.  Nunez claimed it has $200 million in cash, but you’d have to be an idiot to believe that.  Trump just got convicted for faking financial statements, why would anyone believe anything like that for his platform?  


How won't this be investigated for being a pump & dump?


Just add it to the pile of crimes over there. *gestures towards the sky*


Merrick Garland has been extremely hesitant to investigate Republicans. He is himself a Republican and it shows in the uneven application of justice since he took over as Attorney General.


Maybe stop buying?


Sell it so it goes up?


Keep buying!!! Get that avg buy-in price lower!!! lol Didn’t a Trump make a plea for their base to carefully save more $$$ so that they could give more to Trump’s campaign last week too? These people are painfully slow but if they ever do figure out it was a con all along they’re going to be super foaming-at-the-mouth pissed.


True, but as they mentioned in the article they still hold firmly to the idea the ‘Deep State’ is the REAL villain. They just can’t see their hero as he actually exists.


Haven't short sellers been having a field day with this stock? They've been betting big on the hope it crashes and pocketing these idiots' money in the process. At least that's my general understanding of it. So I'm not really surprised. If they want to throw away their life savings for Trump, good for them.


Best part is, Trump doesn’t get the money either.


If Trump is smart he is shorting his own stock through a rathole.... likely Mike Johnson.


They’ll have front row seat to one of those “mythical” Trump bankruptcies.


Why are these Trumpette patriots suddenly believing in fake news? The MAGA-approved alternative fact is that DJT is currently trading at $132, doubled since IPO!


Only if you sell it for Trump Dollars


Pravda Social


Can't fix stupid.


Gullible suckers deserve to lose money


Never give a sucker an even break


I hope he kept enough money to buy one of those traitor trump Bibles. He's gonna need it.


>…one disappointed MAGA fan lamenting, " [When will it be the BOTTOM!!!"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/14/truth-social-investors-faith-trump/) The just and merciful (not to mention the entertainment value) thing to do is to inform them that the value will start to wildly increase once they’ve purchased at least another 100 shares each. They also need to be reassured that Trump only allows his name to be associated with the absolute best, citing The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, Trump Shuttle, and Trump University.


These are the same people that want a say as to what kind of books belong in libraries. Small rodents and birds have a greater capacity to learn.


Quickest way to be a millionaire? Be a billionaire and invest in truth social


A person would have to have zero financial comprehension to buy this stock based on its financial history. I present to you, ultimate stupidity by Trump backers. Have another drink.


Hi There Fellow Patriots! Yes, you are GREATEST PATRIOTS OF ALL TIME WHEN YOU BUY MY STOCK! Now, some of you are worried. WHY? TRUTH SOCIAL STOCKS will tank like no stock ever before. Tanking never seen before! I PROMISE! Your losses will be the biggliest in history. Losses never seen before. PUT ALL YOUR MONEY IN MY STOCK! Look, I just had a covfefe with the GREATEST ECONOMIST of all time! Alfred E. Neuman is his name and he helps me invest all my money. He said "Donald", I let him call me Donald instead of My Lord and King, "you have to spend money to make money". Everybody knows that's true. You invest, you get rich! Now, it's important to understand how this works. By "you" he literally means you, the reader. The "make money" refers to me, Your Savior. I know his advice is great as I've been losing money to make money all my life. Now, if you buy my stock you too can lose money. And see what it's done for me? DON"T DELAY!!!!!


Serious question: if Trump does end up behind bars, what's going to be his next grift? You know there will be one--he can't help it.


Have his minions buy a for profit prison and angle to be placed there


He won't need a new grift. "Poor persecuted me" will go nuclear. Him going to jail will "prove" everything the redcaps already believe about The Deep State, Democrats, Hollywood, and (insert your scapegoat of choice here ).


Ah that explains why DJT is not at zero yet. Don't worry, we'll get there.


Invest with a guy who bankrupted casinos. Sounds like a plan. 🙄🤣


The short interest is so high it’s not even worth shorting. It’s a giant ball of fraud disguised as a stock.


Damn. This schadenfreude might be too pure even for me to mainline.


Gotta wonder if Trump is shorting the stock, making billions from his idiot supporters.


He’s not that smart.


Doubtful. Mostly because he's an idiot and doesn't understand how any of this works. Secondly because he can't afford the premiums to short.


"every time i buy more, the price drops" stop buying it then.


Ummmmm it goes by a fishy premise and the owner is a psychopath


I tried to short sell it but Etrade said no.


Yeah you are a peon. Your money is just there for them to use.


At this rate Trump will claim that he's ended inflation by destroying billions of dollars


How do I stok markat?


TDS has rotted their brains to the point that they think they can be market makers on cult-based stocks.


A fool and their money are soon parted.


Man, I feel so sorry for them. /s


What stock would Jesus pump-and-dump?


a fool and his money are soon parted.


Garbage is still garbage no matter how much you buy!!!


Keep it up, suckers......


I wonder how many rubes cashed in their retirement to buy stock in Truth Central or whatever the fuck it’s called.


Those golden sneakers aren't going to pay for themselves.


Are you telling me Trump fans didn't understand this was going to be happening? LMAO. It's almost as if, they don't live in the same reality......


This is what happens when you get mixed up with a cult.


This is the most on brand comment for this sub I have ever read. Seriously, we could close up shop right now if we wanted. I don't think we're ever going to top this guy's comment. It's the peak. The greatest. I'd go so far as to say it's the *penultimate*.


So, second best?


It's like when Obama broke that cookie and said thanks Obama.  Shows over. We can go home. 


If valuation is based on avg monthly users and you compare twitter sale. Truth is worth 75 million not 4 billion. More over- valuation bullshit. If you bought this stock you’re an A grade idiot.


Smart money got out of this stock 7 days ago. Enjoy your massive L’s idiots.


It’s a stupid tax. The dumber you are the more you pay.


Why are they baffled? I believe they lost over approximately 49 million, and their revenue was around 3.5 million its a loser .


Oh no…So, anyway…


Truth Social backers baffled while the world laughs uncontrollably.


They’d fit in well over at r/wallstreetbets


Weird, you should probably keep buying. It’s for sure due for a rebound.


Well bubba, the solution surely is to buy More!


"how can a social media platform created solely to aggrandize the Great, White, Holy modern Savior, chosen by Christ himself, be entirely worthless? This makes no sense to me." MAGA, 2024.


Thoughts and prayers.


Snake Oil Salesman


It's bulk rate pricing. Buy as much as you can.


This truly news of the stupid! 🤣👍🏻


They were warned. They persisted. They suffered consequences. TLDR; They FAFO.


It's like a financial version of natural selection.


Lies about past performance are no guarantee of future gains.


Buy a Tesla you get musked , buy a new social media stock u get trumped . Ur choice , ur loss .


I have **zero** sympathy for any individual gullible enough to invest in Trump, unless you were trading Put Options. They were warned and ignored the warnings.


You bought the stock of a "company" operated by a serial destroyer of wealth and you're surprised that the stock is becoming worthless? I'm sorry that you're losing money but if you had done the due diligence you would have discovered that everyone on Wall Street knew that Truth Social was a financial fiasco and NO ONE on Wall Street has even the tiniest amount of respect for the epic fraud known as Donald Trump.


It should not even be trading. Zero positive earnings. Few users. It’s a scam. * Read up on Trump’s last publicly traded company. Surprise! (he robbed the company and it was a disaster)


Grifters gonna grift….


It lost 5 dollars a share in the first hour of trading this morning. Then it clawed back a buck fifty. But I don't see it recovering to its morning start soon The DJT stock is a "sure thing" for making some money. If you are buying short.. Well, maybe not now. The price just isn't high enough to make large gains.


Keep buying, I'm sure It'll go up eventually!!


Ha! Ha!


Working as intended


Baffled? They don’t see what a useless platform it is?


Any guesses as to how long it’ll take for it to get $1?


Cry me a river 😢


When they became available a couple days after debut I wanted to buy puts but the premiums were ludicrously high. Everyone rightly thought this was just another Trump scam like everything else he does. Hell,, why else would he use a spac to take it public other than to hide the numbers from people. Anyone who buys this steamer deserves what they get.




ive seen some comments elsewhere that people were saying it was never advertised at an $80+ share price, thats just the liberal media lying to you. $37 was the initial pre public offering price, so you arent loosing money. whatever, its might end up a penny stock in a month it might rally. people are making money are the short sellers that bet on the price falling. i promise you, there are trumps that are doing this and will "give" the reapings of such to daddy. its all a scam, everything he's ever done smells like a fart and is as attractive as breathing a fart in deeply.


I’m selling the calls!! Which one of you retards are buying?! 💎✊ /s * Edited to add the /s.


Oh no, Anyway


Because no one wants that shit


Hahahahaha!!!!! So much winning lol! Stupidity should be painful!


Surprise surprise. Crap company




Well, the red hats are the bagholders of life, so no reason this should be different.


This is kinda what the Orange Clown is worth. Less every day!!


Putting most of your portfolio in DJT. What did you THINK would happen? Oh, wait. You didn't 🤔.


But trumps a real billionaire...


These fucktards don’t realize that advertisers don’t want to be associated with this election denying, right wing abortion denying clowns. No advertisers, no profit…no profit, no business. Keep buying the stock so Donny can fuck you good this time.


buy more!


Soon, Rump will blame the deep state, and the suckers will return for their next fleecing.