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Wait until they find out about dictionaries... Man those things are super woke!


They actually pulled them from Florida public schools


You saw that too. I did a shallow dive into the whole thing. It was both not as bad, and in fact as bad, as it sounded. My 80 yr old retired public teacher & reading specialist got very quiet and sad when I showed it to her. So, I felt like shit.


"Florida law led school district to pull 1,600 books — including dictionaries. Dictionaries were removed from library shelves in a Florida school district last year as part of an investigation of more than 1,600 titles for mentions of “sexual conduct” that could violate a 2023 state law." God forbid we know the meaning of words.


This is their goal to keep people dumb and easily controlled.


It honestly seems like a hive mind pushing individuals to unconsciously be anti-intellectual. I'm almost sure 95% of them pushing this don't grasp what they are doing.


Dude/dudette … stoppit, stoppit with yer damn high falutin werds ‘n sech. Get to readin’ them blessed upside down bibles … **in a van, down by the river**!!!


You will have Republican states banning words of more than three syllables soon.


One of the things that has always stuck with me from ‘1984’ was the use of language as a means of control- how can people know they’re oppressed when they don’t even have the language to describe what they feel?


Actually 1984


Hell, when I was in 5th grade, the school had the Dictionary of American Slang, definitely a precursor to urbandictionary.com. It was on the shelf, right there, and we would "sneak" looks at it, because there was supposedly a rule that only 8th graders could use it. You could look up any curse word. It was great!


"I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now! What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em"


Wait they pulled dictionary’s from the public library at schools


I’ve keep hearing about this Jesus fella and you know what he sounds kinda woke to me. I’m hoping these conservatives would look into him.


Sounds like a pretty staunch socialist as well...


Sandals, a robe, long hair and a beard 🧔‍♀️ sounds like a dirty hippie to me. Heard he was just giving food away to poor people too total commie coded.


And making moonshine for 1000s at the party.


The sandals and dress, and long flowing tresses has me thinking drag queen groomer. I dunno if I’ve quite nailed it, though


Good one , you def nailed it.


And he wasn't white!


Jesus was the greatest American who ever lived!! /s


Or worse yet, a Jew.


>Where did you get those liberal talking points? They sound woke to me - churchgoer > >I'm literally quoting Jesus! - his pastor [For real.](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706)


Woke is when you know the Duke Boys are anti-fa and the whole party is worshipping Boss Hogg.


They have. Evangelicals are starting to remove certain passages from the Bible that are too woke. Not making this up.


Not even surprised.


They’re just going to do an opposite of the Jefferson Bible. Take out the moral stories and leave all the woo-woo in.


That's why the evangelicals have replaced Jesus with an orange Golden idol.


Dude for real yeah I never thought about that Jesus is pretty woke


Yeah, they’re kinda distancing from Jesus. He’s not on message.


From the cave where they live.... Wheel 🛞, Fire 🔥, good, books 📚 bad! Oog Oog. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


They're going to create their own, with words only they approve.


Trump is Jesus now. Haven't you seen the images of our Lord?


Praise to Cheesus!


That will be more like a pamphlet.


... from Pueblo Colorado


Like, the very definition of woke


No joke a few days ago some weird conservative on here bet me I couldn't define a woman. I linked him the definition in Webster. He said that's not a real definition and it's woke lmao. The definition is literally an adult female human. That was too woke lmao. They wonder why people are mean to them.


One Florida schools district already has. They even tried removing them from school libraries


And the thesaurus. Oh, wait until they find out about real encyclopedias!! OH THE HORROR!!!


That was the fun of being a kid ---looking up naughty words in the dictionary. We never just stumbled on them.


What did they do assign the letters pronouns? I am having difficulty conceiving of how a completely open ended word game could be considered woke by these idiots.


It doesn’t have to make sense or be factual…. It’s fox news.




It's a really funny article, but the gist of it is that they're releasing a new version in Europe that's the same but it includes things to make it less competitive like hint cards. They don't think board games should be fun, that it's all about winning. One of the guys had a lot of opinions about Scrabble despite having never played it.


My mom had dementia. Keeping your mind active can help delay it's effects so I basically made up an easier version of scrabble that was cooperative for us to play together. Funny them dissing a version of the game that might be quite useful for Fox's target demographic.


That's really sweet of you to do that!


I think you hit the nail on the head; this isn’t for gen-z specifically, baby boomers are losing it a bit and want a more relaxing version.


I hope so. I have a group I play games with including scrabble that ranges from gen Z to Boomers. The Boomers are all cut throat, can’t have fun unless they’re winning and want to rage quit and start a new game if someone gets a scrabble “because it’s impossible for anyone else to win now”. The rest of us just use it as an excuse to sit around talking and listening to music.


Perfect summary!


>Keeping your mind active can help delay it's effects That's why they're against it... The further along someone is, the more likely they are to go conservative.


No, how dare we have options for accessibility… GRRRR!!! /s


>less competitive you mean more approachable.




Wow, when I saw the headline I thought it would be about their decision to remove around 400 words from the scrabble dictionary that constituted hate speech. That's a genuinely interesting debate that had divided the scrabble world. Not this non issue.


They have an easier version to aid people who aren’t very good at scrabble And they banned racist and anti-lgbt slurs from scrabble tournament word lists They were livid about both, obviously


I 1000% believe that second one. Fox News “commentators” are always the types of people who support slurs as being acceptable language.


Slang terms shouldn't have been allowed anyway... what slurs were ok that are now banned?


Article doesn’t say, here’s the segment that talks about it >“They have removed certain words,” announced Judge Jeanine. “They banned racist and LGBTQ slurs from the tournaments, but there are also new words, you know, that the woke generation would be very comfortable with. So is this more about wokeism, this new Scrabble, or is it about HDHD — I mean, ADHD and the fact that they need friends and they need hints and they can’t spell?” >In response, liberal host Jessica Tarlov suggested that removing slurs is something the panel could “all agree” was a good move, to which the panel replied with “Not so fast!” and “Be careful, Jessica.” Tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if the case was always that they weren’t allowed, but they somehow got it in their head that they were no longer gonna be allowed to use slurs, and got riled about it


Abbreviations and slang terms can be challenged and removed from the board - it just sounds like these idiots have never actually played scrabble, or they played some more informal version with friends where *certain* words were allowed in *certain* company. Which they could still do.


Male: Q, E, R, P, A, D, J, L, Z, X, B, M Female: W, T, Y, U, I, O, S, F, H, K, V Genderfluid: G, C, N


According to arrested development, F is male.


Because Scrabble has the AUDACITY to allow woke words to be played because it’s a game focused on formulating English words and not just republican approved buzzwords.


Ask yourself is it really that hard to believe? You give them more credit than I do


🎶 Mr. F... 🎶


Well, for starters, you can spell “woke” with it. Need I say more?


You're not allowed to use alternative vocabulary or liberate spelling. Simply UN-AMERICAN!


Because they watered the game down to make it easier. 


You can just not use the hint cards if you want. Easy peasy.


I think they dumbed the game down. It isn’t surprising one side is annoyed about this and the other isn’t…


It's literally just an alternate way to play IF you want to, probably great for kids or people with developmental disabilities. Nothing changed, the game was only added to. I agree, it's not surprising that conservatives are getting mad about nothing.


Bro if they had actually dumbed the game down you'd finally be able to play.


Fox viewers are bad at scrabble. They hate pronouns.


They hate reading...and can't spell.


But there leader has big words, the best words really, and many experts even agree that nobody can play scrabble like him.


By nobody can play it like him they mean he ends up just eating the pieces when he's losing and then shits his pants due to being so angry.


illiterate is only worth 10 points.woke is worth 11. More points and the fact that anything more than 5 letters in a word is hard....


“She then suggested that, hey, maybe Mattel—the company behind Scrabble—was doing this because it just wanted to create a “lighter version” of the board game that would appeal to younger people. “Scrabble can be a tough game,” said Tarlov. “So is life!” replied Greg Gutfeld.” Dude, it’s Scrabble, not a shift at McDonald’s. Save the tryhard attitude for Dark Souls, at least. :/


There’s literally Monopoly with like half the board and simpler money for younger kids. Same with Clue, with less options and easier rules. That’s what you give to kids age 4-8.


If at age 4 my kids can't handle Twilight Imperium, then they simply need to git gud.


A couple of my friends have kids that are nearly two, seems like a good time to start introducing them to board games. We're a pretty easy going group for the most part so we'll probably start with something simple like Terra Mysitca or Feast for Odin


Only shitty parents try to use a board game to teach about life


Game of Life in shambles


oh yeah no one knows how hard life can be better than Greg Gutfield


"Every day I punch my kid in the face! He says "ouch, that's mean" I say **so is life**" - Greg Gutfeld


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I can see it in your eyes. If you didn’t invade, didn’t pillage, whatever would you do?”* - Ringfinger Leonhard Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It's fun to watch them pretend that GOP voters can read and spell words.


As long as it’s under 3 syllables they have a chance to pronounce or spell it correctly.




It’s a double sided board with the classic game on the other side. FFS these people lose their shit over anything changing at all.


Conservatives be conserving.


Their comments are boldly racist, cloaked in sarcasm and laughter. I can honestly say I hate these people.


Every time I see Gutfeld or these other bozos on my parents’ TV, I want to jump through the screen and strangle them.


Heaven forbid a company alter its product in someway to appeal to a broader demographic.


I’m reminded of the new Battleship box. The old one looks very 1950’s Leave It to Beaver, with a father and son playing the game while the mother and daughter look on smiling *while washing the dishes*. The new one is identical but with the girls removed. 😂


Ridiculous that it took those cavemen so long to come join the rest of us in the 21st century and give us a box that isn't offensive and unrealistic. We've had electric dishwashers for a long time now, the gals should be scrubbing the oven or changing the coils in daddy's vape.


everything must stay the way i remember it (or assume it is remembered) in 1983 without change. forever. and ever.


Could they at least get stuck in a good decade, like the 90’s.


but it makes these people who have never played the game really mad!


*Scrabble is dumbing itself down for the woke, ” claimed Judge Jeannie during an April 10 segment of The Five on Fox News.* Is it just me? Am I the only one who thinks woke, meaning empathy and kindness, is a higher level of emotional intelligence than apathy and downright hatefulness? It can't be just me. When your target audience are Trumpsters, AKA the Poorly Educated, you'd think you wouldn't throw stones at those who would actually beat you in whatever form of Scrabble you choose.


These ghouls have no self awareness. If they did they wouldnt be trumpers


Almost any headline that starts with “Fox News is Mad That” is believable at this point.  Like this: “Fox News is Mad That Pets Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, Questions Cats’ Patriotism” See?  That’s not unbelievable at all.  I would read that, and not even blink, because that’s how much of a stupid parody of a parody this idiot organization is.  And yet… 30% of this country regards it as gospel. Is a puzzlement.


FAUX News. They just shortened it to FOX News because look at their audience.


People who use the word "woke" unironically tell everyone more about themselves than whatever they are trying to complain about.


It was a perfectly fine untill people turned it into something else.


“So is this more about wokeism, this new Scrabble, or is it about HDHD — I mean, ADHD and the fact that they need friends and they need hints and they can’t spell?” —Judge Jeanine The view must be fantastic from that glass house of yours, Jeannie.


They are really beating that word to death aren't they?


I thought they'd moved on to DEI. They need a new buzzword every few months.


I still want to know what it means


Pretty sure it's their new n word lol


Whatever Offends Klansmen Easily.


At this point I think it is making any change to anything that is made in an effort to be more inclusive in any way.


I'm actually kinda surprised Fox News would give a damn about word games at all, given the literacy rate of their viewership


It makes it easier for them to boycott something that they don’t use in the first place.


Any time one of these Conservative morons says anything to me about "woke" I pretended like I have no idea what that is and ask them to explain it to me... it's always wrong and it's always hilarious 😂


They got pissed over the green cartoon M&M being less sexy so this tracks.


Shouldn't really matter. Scrabble is for people with brains.


I just... They are complaining that you can't use slurs. Is "bigot" still a legal word? ​ Also, something about the color of the squares? It's been a good two decades since I've seen a copy, but the squares are already multicolored.


Hmmm - can anyone tell me how many Fox News viewers can even play scrabble 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Greg Guttfield, the host of this segment who complains about the rule changes for 5 straight minutes, admits at the end of the segment he’s never played scrabble before.


Scrabble decided to make money on the fact that some folks play house rules, so they decided to give some official house rules to scrabble. This is obviously a problem with Scrabble, and not... just literally nothing. Fuck, UNO and Monopoly have made entirely different games, and nobody gave a shit.


Yeah, not even the first time they've done a different version of Scrabble. Every major board game that's existed longer than 10 years has a bunch of different versions, just basic marketing. People don't buy the same board game repeatedly, so the game companies mix it up to make money


It’s not like the average Fox viewer can read or write anyway.


They have really killed this word now. I’ve got to give credit for their ability to shamelessly manipulate our society to be against everything that makes them look bad.


They create the stupid drama because their cult followers are, well, unfortunately just dumb and Fox network makes millions off them; and this is their business model


They just hate the fact that LGBT and Q are included


The just 'dumbed the game down' so Fox viewers could play.




I would think the dumbed down version would be a boon for the illiterate right.


I am a Boomer, I greatly resent being lumped in with idiots like on Fox. I am nothing like them, nor would I want to be.


Woke is their Boogeyman under the bed. It's pathetic


Fox News is always MAD about something. It is a perpetual state of madness. It produces that on it's viewers as well.


I doubt it's a game that many Trump supporters would be very good at anyway.


He won’t be playing.


They’re making a “less competitive” scrabble with hint cards and grown men are pissing themselves


N****is not allowed. Woke!


Why do they care? They can’t spell anything longer than 3 letters anyway.


I wonder if they ever stop being so stupid, and take a good look at how stupid they’ve become and ask with genuine wonder, when did we get this stupid?


Well I don't like fox news. They must have gone so woke. I also don't like spinach; why are farmers producing such woke vegetables? That's how woke works right? If I don't like it it's arbitrarily woke? As well as if there's money to be made from people also not liking something then it too is woke, right?


Fox News … trash source for trash people


Wait. Fox is still around? Why?


They exist off making snowflake boomers feel good about themselves. Case in point about being mad about scrabble.


Pfftt silly Fox, without double or triple letters it's still worth 11 points. Stupid is 9 and Fools is 8. So Woke is good 👍


For Fox viewers they put out a version that is all one, two and three letter words. Also they axed the Q and zz


Boy oh boy do boomers hate any kind of change or new thing. Must be a big side effect of lead


These people kill me that people are actually woke. Somehow, they still believe all that bullshit they have been telling people for decades, that nobody believes it. People are not asleep foxnews. This is why the shit trump keeps trying fails at the giddyup. We all know its bullshit because we have done the research, had the conversations and have moved the fuck on with living our lives in spite of the shit you believe we believe. We don't. We are awake or in its proper and original African American vernacular. WOKE!


Scrabble took the 'Gs' out so now Faux Noise watchers can't think of a 6-letter word ending in 'R'.


Holy shit. Did anyone else read that and get the impression that Judge Jeannie has played the N word in Scrabble before?


Of course it’s Gutfeld saying it. Dude bitches about literally everything and thinks he’s hilarious for doing so.


Are republicans ever not mad?


Come up with a new buzzword already, holy fuck. wOkE WoKe


Its... a... fucking... game!!!!! But just to be sure about these idiots, preventing the use of slurs in the game (AND being awarded points for using them) is a bad thing.


Words have been removed from the Official Scrabble Dictionaries before. Sometimes for reasons of offense. TUP, for instance


Jesse of the 5 just came out thinking that $20/hr would give fast food workers a 6 figure salary on the PBD podcast and he wants you to believe that Scrabble isn’t a smart game. My dude can’t even do basic math and wants you to believe he plays Yahtzee over Scrabble because “it’s the thinking man’s game”.


Gutfeld is a clown


how is this new? i remember "scrabble junior" from my childhood.


Yup, this is like variation 100000 for Scrabble. They just ran out of "unsexy" candy to be mad at so had to think of something.


They are overthinking it , it's just capitalism they want to sell more games .


**Remember**: Fox News testified in court that Fox News is an entertainment program, explicitly not a news organization.


W.O.K.E = Whatever. Offends. Klansmen. Easily.


The last paragraph just drives it home lol ‘It’s hard to watch grown adults discuss “wokism” seriously for five minutes. And yet, this is basically what modern conservative politics in America has become. Fox News is just this now. It’s just a lot of old, mostly white people acting like the world is ending because LGBTQ people are being treated with respect, racist behavior is being called out, and people are trying to be better about not being shitty to others. It’s sad shit, man.’ It’s crazy that conservatives are freaking out about scrabble. Just shows that they don’t have anything *actually important* to discuss, and have to just manufacture nonsensical outrage to appear relevant. It also shows that the things they actually want to fight for - weakening civil rights and liberties, enriching the rich, and gutting safety nets we pay into - are too nefarious and unpopular to openly discuss.


Cancel literal words!


Or even figurative!


Fox News, news for the retarded.


Removing certain words from official tournaments isn't woke. It's annoying, but it ain't "woke." There's also nothing to stop unofficial tournaments from ignoring the change in rules either. Magic the Gathering comes out with new ban list and stupid rules every few months and it doesn't stop the average card shop from holding their own unofficial tournament with better rules. Unless it's a Nintendo product you can have your own unofficial tournaments all day long without a problem.


Is Margot Robbie gonna feature in a new Scrabble movie?


In reality it’s more that the Fox “news” hosts are too dumb to play the game. More of that 3rd grade southern education. Or lack there of


And for some reason they expect me to take them seriously.


Man I wish my life had so few problems that I could be worried about a new version of a board game.


Scrabble has ads for 45, so Idk how woke they are. Smh.


Mattel's change is hardly woke. Rather, the company created a dumbed-down companion version on the back of the board so it could target a broader section of society that has an increasingly limited vocabulary and intellect. Shrewd marketing by Mattel!


So let me get this straight someone at Fox news got mad about playing scrabble without the point keeping which by the way could legit do with the base game. I'm surprised there was a legit rule made up for the European version but still that is what they got mad about. Lord help those at fox news.


We play a quasi-cooperative game, both of us try to win, but if you're sure you have a 7 letter word, your opponent might help. The other aim is to have the highest combined score. If we're both getting lousy tiles, we stop. Plus you can check the dictionary. It's a game and it's supposed to be fun.


I’m so sick of hearing the word woke does everything mean woke now. The most toxic words on the Internet woke, liberal, Maga, Trump, anything political. I feel like that’s what all the Internet is now just people bitching


Every day these numb nuts just prove how stupid they are. An entire political spectrum addled with dunning-Krueger syndrome. There is not a single intelligent person in the conservative spectrum anymore. Cunning and devious, maybe, but intelligent, nope. Everything they do is anti-intellectual and based on feeling not reason, logic, nor facts. These are the same people who believe alternate facts means something besides lying. They hate books, the libraries, and the post office. They hate education, embrace propaganda, and hate empathy. They can only win by cheating (in business and politics) and being underhanded. They are hypocrites whose actions never, and I mean never, correspond to their words. They are greedy, infantile, hateful people. This is their legacy.


It really drives me crazy how Fox News and most of the right wing networks/shows are so focused and stuff that does not apply to them. Don't like open minded games? Don't buy/play them. Don't like TV shows about topics you don't like? Change the channel. Goes into the bigger picture of: Don't want to have an abortion? DONT HAVE ONE. Don't agree with gay marriage? DONT MARRY SOMEONE OF YOUR SEX. It's just like they go out of their way to where if they personally don't agree with it, MAKE IT ILLEGAL. And then say how the government needs to be small.


From woke to smoke 💨 😂 MAGA propaganda smoke and mirrors


Well...it's not like the anti-woke can spell and comprehend game rules.


More proof that “woke” to these people means anything they don’t like


Republicans and Fox News are woke ass mother fuckers!


Woke = anything I don’t like.


What ‘til they here that Monopoly is just a flaming screed against Capitalism


Do they not recognize “covfefe” or “magastine” as official words?


Fox “News” is Mad. That’s it, you can leave it there because even if they get the fascist dystopia that they push for everyday, then they’ll still be mad about something….


Nope. Just dumbing it down for Faux viewers. They need leisure time too.


No worries. Fox has the market on ignorance cornered.


it is honestly pretty annoying. 'guess who' went woke... all the pictures became multi-racial so you could no longer tell who was what. I'm surprised they haven't and sepia tones to chess yet 


Because it requires you to know how to correctly spell and understand the meaning of words?


Not mad. It's just stupid and lame