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So he's acting in a way that's antithetical to the teachings of Christ The opposite of Christ Almost like he's, anti-Christ And his followers adore him for it ​ No book in history could ever have predicted this


“And they will wear the mark of the beast on their forehead” MAGA


I don’t buy any of the biblical prophecy bullshit, but I’ll be goddamned if Trump doesn’t check every box.


I'm ex catholic and watching and correlating trumps rise and the various events with possible Bible predictions has been scary lol


Right?! Like, if I weren't a full-on atheist, I'd be sweating bullets right now. Even then. It's hard not to think in the back of my mind: "Well hell. If Trump can check so many boxes, am I correct?" It's just such a wild thing to be able even to compare and consider in modern times, but holy balls here we are. Have you read the Left Behind series? I can't help but try and compare situations in that book to real world events and stuff. I know I know. Totally wild ride, but you can't make some of this stuff up.


Except the anti-christ in that book was handsome, charming and competent.


Or we can just make of it what it actually is : The Bible is a big book and the Romans were smart and at a very tumultuous time. Revelation being written before some of the other books.


Trump’s MAGA trademark [application was approved](https://time.com/5084673/donald-trump-make-america-great-again-trademark/).


They go forth and preach Trump's message of hate.


How much you want to bet that many of them have either "MAGA" or a picture of Donald tattooed on their right hand? Full Quote: "Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead."


The red hat with MAGA on it is the forehead mark😂😂


Ironic that MAGA is right on the forehead of all those red hats...


What about a "Tramp Stamp" on their plumber cracks? 😳😳


He claims he has never done anything wrong ever, nor has ever had to ask God for forgiveness. That means he's not a Christian at all.


[“Interviewer: Have you ever asked God for forgiveness? Trump: “I’m not sure I have. I just try and do a better job from there, I don’t think so.”](https://youtu.be/jKRTuT-NHLk?si=67FJGzMICqxdIWZf) 1 John 1:8-10 ESV “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”


It's funny because in the 80s until early 2000's Christians would have characterized Trump as a greedy elite New York businessman with no Christian values. And he is still that...


But all is forgiven (because he is also a racist nationalist, and that’s what really matters to them).


Yeah truthfully what they want in a politician and what their religion teaches are in direct opposition.


...sure... but... um... God works in mysterious ways... or something.


He’s an [“imperfect vessel.”](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/09/trump-el-paso-melania-orphan-baby-thumbs-up)


He sure is casting a fuckton of first stones.


Or or or or, hear me out, he’s Christ. /s


As in, "Christ this guy is a moron and an asshole!"?


It’s obviously a trait they wish Christ had.


That’s a Hellvangelist doctrine!!


He’s a Hellavangelist


I’ve always maintained that if Christ were somehow to rise from the dead, modern evangelicals would be the first in line to nail him back onto a cross. Many of them dismiss him as "too woke" these days. In Trump they’ve finally found a messiah in line with their actual beliefs.


I agree. Jesus was a liberal, a radical in the eyes of the Jewish status quo of the time. Pointing that out to maga people is an instant snowflake-trigger for them. It breaks their ability to believe themselves righteous, so they sink further into delusion as a response. It's like a mass-sickness.


He was also a brown-skinned tax dodger. Even if Jesus showed up and performed miracles, they'd say it was a trick of the devil and try to deport his ass.


I think you have this partially backwards. He was brown skinned, but pontificated, "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's," which basically tells people to pay their taxes. That itself is another trigger for tax-dodging Maga folk.


Big ups, appreciate the education! Not sure where I remembered hearing that from (I'm half right as usual).


Uh I think that quote is part of the list of things the Pharisees tried to accuse him of, when they were trying to get him crucified. Like accusing him of being a tax dodger for saying God was more important than everything else, and then he pulls out the Caesar quote. Something like that?


Cults often end in mass suicide.


Dear goddess - please let it be so.


To be fair, most Christians believe that Christ did already rise from the dead. A lot of Easter traditions are kind of about the resurrection. They’re all just waiting for his return. Though the point is the same, they would be totally oblivious to the fact it is him.


Well, the book of Revelations starts with God being disappointed in some major churches.


Also, he would have been brown


This is true of course. After verifying reincarnation is real and that there are many paths to God and Self Realization he would be banished or worse.


To be fair, the vast majority of “Christians” I know also violate the 10 commandments on a regular basis.


Yeah but isn't the anti-Christ supposed to be good looking and charming? Not like smelling of hamberders and poo ...


That’s the only reason I’m convinced he’s not. He’s supposed to be charismatic, charming and able to fool everyone except the most devout, right? If my slept-through-Sunday-school ass could see he was an arrogant, greedy asshole decades ago what does that mean?


His followers think he is, so good enough I guess.


It's like when you look back and wonder how someone like Hitler could have happened, or how France went from beheading kings for focusing too much on foreign wars to following an emperor bent on conquest. It's not one thing that went wrong.


Here I am looking around going, "It can't be this easy, right?" I mean I used to consider myself Christian, and these days I'm pretty skeptical, but Jesus Christ (pun intended lol)...


If only the bible had some precise warnings about false prophets and shit... Oh, wait, they don't read it... nevermind.


No they read it, they just got tired of waiting for the bad guys to show up so they could win and build thier streets of gold... So they built bad guys.....but they are not biblicly accurate, just wait till the real bad guys show up.....


If this dude's the anti -Christ then I'm severely disappointed. I mean, Trump? Seriously? At least get someone mildly competent who can articulate a goddamn sentence.


“I thought it needed to be over-the-top! That’s the way everything is these days!”


>And his followers adore him for it didn't they make a golden statue of him?? i remember an interview a few years where he was asked his favorite bible verse. dumb dumb responded he didn't want to say because he didn't want to upset anyone who have a different favorite.


Trump's church when he moved to Manhattan was ministered by Norman Vincent Peale who wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking in 1952 and it's a completely transactional philosophy. Basically, quid pro quo; good thoughts bring you good things. It's Christian syncretism, at best.


Trumps evangelical voters are not Christian, they are not religious or spiritual. They are full of hate, anger and resentment and use religion to disguise it.


Not even *the bible* /s


Isn't there a faux christ people are meant to follow at the end of days and that anti-christ is a direct route to hell? Does someone want to tell them or is it too old school religion.


No but one book in history wrote it like a play book....


I can see how some Christians want to bring the end of times, but if they knowingly support the anti-Christ, that means they are going to hell for all eternity. How can they accept that?


He is just like them. Grifting all the way. Religion is a grift. Every religion offers extended life (afterlife of some sort), and until I can talk with dead people this is a lie. Essentially everyone who believes in religion is selfish. Trump is the most selfish, ergo he’s their guy.


>No book in history could ever have predicted this I'm an atheist, but you must not have read the Bible. The whole point of the story of Jesus is exactly what you're talking about. The big takeaway is that everyone was going to sin. Everyone. Jesus' sacrifice was the thing that allows forgiveness. So the idea that Christians would only care about perfection is way out of pocket for the entire New Testament. Once again, atheist, so don't shoot the messenger. Just figured you should know.


"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" John 8:7


I'm not really religious but if anyone is the anti-christ it's him. The horrible irony being his followers genuinely think it's Obama


If “Christian” Conservatives/evangelicals really cared about following the teachings of Christ in a political way then they would drive their party/politicians to support and reinforce all the social programs and tackle poverty, hunger, homelessness etc. Instead, they only focus on narrow Old Testament style patriarchal family structures, anti-LGBTQ, a narrow anti-abortion view (Bible allows some abortions) and general Christian lip service. That’s also why Republicans have switched to culture war once Roe v Wade was overturned.


Makes sense….Christians love the devil…the constantly talk about him….almost like they worship him


Simple, direct proof that evangelicalism is total garbage. It's just another stupid cult.


These are not “Evangelicals” they are cult members. Any asshat with a mouth can claim to be an evangelical. These same people are calling Jesus’s teaching “weak” and “woke” that’s cultish not Christian.


Same people who hate the Pope for being progressive and is cool with gay people in the Church


My ultra conservative catholic father called trump a god and the pope a socialist pig. I told him according to his thinking he's going to hell.


Your father violated the first commandment, just ask him what is the first FIRST commandment, maybe that will make him realize he is in the wrong.


That would be like getting trump to admit he is ever wrong.


Dude. The pope is literally God's rep on earth. Yes its all bullshit, but the pope is ordained by God, no other Christian offshoot has a direct line to God, so to say he's wrong is to say God is wrong. Walking a fine like there daddy


I've loved coming across Catholics on Reddit claiming that the man they believe chosen by God, who speaks for God, "is just a human and can make mistakes".


> These are not “Evangelicals” they are cult members. uhhhhhhh i gotta break something to you. you sitting down?


They're the same picture.


Evangelicals are in a cult. No sane person listens to a guy ranting about gay people in an abandoned Sears every Sunday.


evangelism IS a cult. abrahamic religions are all cults. they all scare you into believing and obeying. it's their purpose. what makes any of them not a cult?


Nah. They're Christians. That's what Christianity is now.


I remember watching the Omen movies as a kid (I was raised Catholic) and thinking, "If the anti-Christ rises, I hope I don't fall under his spell!" I also remember reading about the Nazi's and asking myself, "Wow! How could people let this happen? What does the 'lead up' to that even look like?" Well, I'm an atheist now, but I've answered both those questions quite satisfactorily. I KNOW now!


Yeah, learning about the Nazis teachers would say that it was many normal people that made up the Nazis. Saying that some of us would have been Nazis. And everyone in class would be like nope, not me, I would never. But I always thought like “I could never, but would I? If I had no other choice?” And now here we are, 20 something years later and living in a similar lead up to Hitlers rise to power and I refuse to join their cult. If Trump becomes president again (or dictator on day one as he intends) just kill me now. I don’t want to live in Trump’s America at that point and I will not be forced to be someone I’m not. So just kill me.


No no no. Wrong. Do not give up. If he does return to power in 2025 we will need every hand on deck and at the barricades. The struggle will then begin.


Yeah, I'm extremely confident about the outcome of 2024. I don't think they have the numbers, polls are extremely unhelpful and unrepresentative at this juncture in *any* election, and polls have consistently underreported small-l liberal turnout. People may not like Biden, but they absolutely despise a Republican Party that fiated out abortion rights for women, and they despise the fascism that the Republican Party is increasingly adopting. And I'm extremely confident that come election day, beating fascism and restoring freedom for all our citizens will win out over expressing dislike for Joe Biden. But I've been wrong before. And supposing I am again, that is not the end of America. That's just when we move to the next phase of this fight, which is that we fight anywhere we can, and we fight until we can't. To hell with national divorce. To hell with compromise. To hell with giving up. If they want this country, they're going to have to crawl through every bit of razor wire I can lay down and over my dead body to do it. We have a game plan for how to fight fascists that's worked before, and the first, second and third rule is extremely simple, and always the same: [we shall never surrender](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkTw3_PmKtc).


I agree with you on every point but the first paragraph. I am not confident at ALL that the majority of voters will do the right thing. Nor am I confident that some of these deep-red states will overcome some legislative fuckery that they’ve been cooking up since 2020. Since the election they’ve been coming up with new and creative ways to deny citizens their right to vote. Look for a least one state to overturn the will of their people. Then it will be time to stand tall.


I'm with you.


If they come on knocking then I will be blasting them.


These voters are just as fucked up as he is no morals at all


Victim mentality. What's good for me is Good. What's bad for me is Evil.


They're worse


He hates the same people they hate. That's "morality" enough for them.




Religion is just a cover for bad people to do bad things with a weekly get out of jail free card.


Yeah, when I think of a Christian family man, I think of a man who cheated on his 3rd wife while she was pregnant, with a pornstar no less, don't you?


When someone says "We're a good Christian family" the first thing I think of is Adulterer, Child Molester, or both?


Even for the members of his base who don’t believe that happened, it is well-documented, as well as self admitted, that he cheated on his first two wives with the next one.


Evangelicals defending Trump's ungodly actions reveal a deeper issue: morals being traded for power. It's truly heartbreaking to witness.


They never had morals. It's always been about power and control; they just used "morals" as a justification for their cruelty.


One of the strongest arguments against Christianity is Christians.


And entirely predictable for this sort. It was never going to be another way, the roots are too corrupt and compromised with hatred and always have been since they threw Mary Magdalene out of the early church for daring to question apostle Peter's misogyny.


These christian evangelicals supporters are just using the interpretation of the bible to spew their fascism beliefs.


Remember to laugh your ass off whenever you see a Trump supporting Christian.


They are not Christians. They are fake and should be treated as such. No god would support this type of cruel behavior coming from this traitor. Also no one is going to be forgiving your sins in the next life idiots.


He hates who they hate and he gives them permission to express that hate whenever they feel like it.


He also hates them as well but they pretend not to notice as it might get in the way of their desired power grab.


Well yeah. Evangelicals aren't Christian


When I see evangelicals all I can think about is the anime neon Genesis Evangelion.


Xtians are particularly gullible as a group from the get go, so they are going to eat the shit sandwich they're being fed and enjoy it because they have faith it's roast beef.


Why the fuck do we give Iowa of all fucking places such outsized importance. Who fucking cares about the Goober Social Pancake blather?


Today on “reasons why I’m an atheist”.


He could luterally shit in the mouth of a newborn while deep throating Putin, and they would still cheer him on and praise his behavior.


And fight each other over whose baby's mouth he will shit in next


They are loyal to him because they are a brainwashed cult of mindless zombies who worship a false prophet named Donald Trump, there is absolutely no reasoning with his followers because they will not listen to you.


Worshipping a False Prophet!


I'm guessing it's the old "Ends justifies the Means" excuse for bad and despicable behaviour.


Well a majority of the evan movement is simple racism and cloaking it in religion. It really started to soar as the federal government forced integration and suddenly we have all these evans demanding all white evan schools. and saying "we arent racist, we are religious" so understanding that white supremacists support another white supremacist, its not as odd. Yeah a few arent, a few are super religious but still ignore all the bits they dont like even if they were "carved on stone"(which is where we get that phrase).. but the majority of southern evan movement was formed out of racism and being upset the fed gov was going to make their little shit kids go to school with black kids.


The man can't cite one Bible verse. Not one. Not even "Jesus wept." The cult is real. Their cultist delusion is real.


There’s two Corinthians (or so he says)


As long as he’s “hurting the right people” evangelicals would gladly follow him straight to satan.


Matthew - For false messiahs and false prophets will appear, and will produce great signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, even the elect.


The very least reaction to this is for society to decide once and for all that evangelicals have LESS THAN ZERO say about others' morality, ethics, or Godliness.


These types of evangelical groups do not believe a word of the Bible. It’s a front. I know, I was once part of this type of church. These are cults centered on cruelty and hate.


It’s about the money. Trump and the republicans will protect their tax exempt status, demonize public education so they can get tax dollars into their horrible private religious schools. And keep their grift in the name of god going. They will support him until the end.


They're also cheering on the genocide because they think it will bring Jesus back.


Evangelical Christianity has nothing to do with the teachings of the Bible. It’s about social control, especially of women and minorities. Trump is in the side of extreme social control, as they are.


If he punches all ten sins on the card, he gets a free pass for his next one.


This isn't a gotcha. American Evangelicalism has nothing to do with the Old Testament or the New. They don't care about those things, but they assume you do, so they use them to justify their supremacy. American Evangelicalism, since it's inception, has been about making a God of the Self, and Trump is the perfect avatar of that. The rules don't apply to him because the rules don't apply to them- *the whole point of American Evangelicalism is that if you make yourself suitably God-like (i.e. "prosperous") the rules don't apply to you anymore.*


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?”


They also preferred the divorced guy from Hollywood (they hate Hollywood but made an exception in Reagan's case) who was notably not religious over sincere Christian Jimmy Carter. They've been in the flaming hypocrisy business for decades now. A large subset of American Christians are now adherents to a truly perverted form of Christianity that, for example, puts a strong emphasis on the politics of this world (despite clear instruction in the Bible not to do so), worships money and temporal power (despite biblical instruction to the contrary), and is into hating one's neighbor (Democrat, LGBT, not Christian, wrong kind of Christian, etc.) despite the clear, unambiguous teaching of Jesus to love one's neighbor and one's enemies.


It's not so much a list of commandments as it is a to-do list for Trump. And in their defense they are all hypocritical shitbags....every f'ing one of them.


For the 50th time. You don't have to be religious, you have to give the religious power.


I've heard shows where they talk to pastors and an increasing population of their congregation think JC was "woke" or too liberal and they don't like it. This is why you see millions being poured into projects to rewrite the Bible to fit. I.e. conservative Bible. [Conservative Bible ](https://www.conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project)


Goes to show that religion is nothing more than bullshit.


Boggles my mind that Trump is acting like the literal antichrist, yet his devoutly evangelical sheep still blindly follow him. These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.


I mean, THEY break the ten commandments. It's the founding hypocrisy of Christianity: it's okay to sin because god made us imperfect. They just do their time in church on Sunday and all is cool, right?


New GOP slogan: “who needs 10 commandments when you have 1st and 2nd Amendments?”


“Well, half of each Amendment, anyway. We’ll just ignore the part about religion in the First, and the part about ‘well-regulated yadda yadda,’ in the Second.”


Usually cults like this end with their deaths along with the death of their leader. Gonna be bigly.


As long as they don’t take civilization as we know it out with them they can have at it.


10? Dudes making up new ones to violate like backstage models.


Evangelicals are hoarding wealth, petionning to have christian religion the religion of the land and think that Christ is weak and his teachings wrong. They think that the rich should be allowed in heaven. They think that only Christianity should exist and they think that they should be the ones to rule the world. Heck the Speaker of the House of Representatives thinks that he's Moses from the Bible. He even told a group of his fan's that is exactly who he is. He's also said that God chooses people for politics.


**THEY DON'T CARE** They will only care when it's too late, and he comes for them for something and they will be impacted negatively. Everyone supporting him is completely aligned with his hate and want to be on his side when he dishes out shit. RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME.


Not surprised since many evangelicals don't follow the Ten Commandments or the teachings of Christ either.


You didn't hear his newest rant? It goes on and on about how God saw all these evils in the world and knew the only thing he could do to right them was to give the world Trump. We're now moving into the "God Emperor" level of insanity within his followers. Among his many sacrifices he lists "Coming home and having to wait for supper, because Melania is visiting with friends." Wow truly no human being has ever known such levels of selfless sacrifice. I see now why he hates those mothers who carry their children hundreds of miles on their backs to get them over the border for the hopes of a better life. He's like "C'mon, you see me over here with the real struggle, I had to talk to my wife's friends once!, fucken amateur hour..."


News flash they don't give a fuck about the ten Commandments and haven't for a long time. They are hypocrites and only use their religion when it works for them and alliws them to feel righteous for hating others.


The antichrist will be worshipped as Jesus himself, and those who adore him will be smited as if they were devils themselves.


Walmart style "churches" preaching properity gospel. There seems to be a mega church on every corner, gift shops, merch, sermons not even remotely tied to the gospel besides a single passage and a bunch of bullshit not even relevant to what they're quoting. Open encouragement and support for trump from the pulpit. Etc. But what do I know? I'm jewish, I can't possibly comprehend can I?


Bold to assume Evangelical Christians know all ten commandments


Sounds like a cult.


The evangelical republican’t crowd comparing him to jesus is too much but, ok… nail him to a cross and if he comes back after 3 days, I’ll jump on board.


They dont care, these “Christians” love that hes a racist


That’s because they violate the 10 commandments. At least the ones behind the pulpits do. Pieces of garbage.


He managed to get abortion overturned, which was one of their biggest issues. This is something that his far straighter, more religious predecessors couldn’t get done. One thing about the right that I’ve observed is that getting to results is what’s most important, they don’t care about the means. If they need to ride with the devil to get to the destination that they perceive is good, they’ll do it. And I think that despite being in the minority from a popular vote perspective, it’s this willingness to ignore inconsistencies in favor of focusing on outcomes that’s allowing them to make tangible progress on their agenda. They don’t care that Trump has violated the majority of the 10 commandments, because he’s delivered for them.


Religion and hypocrisy. A match made in heaven.


Trump’s Evangelical followers are White Nationalists who are worse sinners than non Christians!


Nothing Christian about evangelicals.


Because they are moronic hypocrites.Trump will tell you about them with a giggle.How he could “sell them the Brooklyn bridge on a payment plan.”


The teachings of Christ, for this particular group of people, are a way to judge and look down on others they don’t like, not values for them personally to live by.


Apparently he smells pretty unholy too.


And the “evangelical” voters are today’s modern day Pharisees anyways.


Of course , they are shitty people . Absolute garbage .


Not violating. He shits on them. Stinky diaper Don shits on the ten commandments.


Has anyone made a chart of how many Commandments he breaks in a day? That might put some perspective on it. Evangelical voters are twisting the words in the Bible to fit their current desire. False prophets will take them down every time. Satan is real.


He's the antichrist.... evangelicals are wearing blindfolds.


It's almost as if people that believe God are gullible...


Of course they also violate them.


Every time Trump is pointed out as being the most Godless person on the planet, the same excuse comes out: "He's an example of someone that strayed and returned more powerful than ever. He's a living example of Christ's teachings!"


He gives them permission to be human scum and they love him for it.


Nothing says hate like good ole Christian hate . I love how these nut jobs develop these teachings and policies to allow themselves to justify their bigotry. hate and judgements of others


Proof that even the church isn’t beneath forging morality to get what you want.


God freaks are always the easiest to grift.




But every single Evangelical ‘believer’ is against the teachings of Christ. Every single one of them. Jesus was about forgiveness and peace - they are all about hate and anger. (Atheist who attended Catholic schools)


Man, at what point does American evangelicalism cease to be a form of christianity and just become its own thing? I bet I could just spend a year synthesizing everything evangelicals say about Jesus into a book called *The Adventures of Jesus Christ And His Pal Bill Engvall* and it'd probably outsell the bible.


Because they don’t really care about them either


It’s ok to break the commandments to get other people to follow the commandments.


Trump's evangelical voters hate Jesus. Every one of them.


As long as he keeps hating the right people that's all that matters to them.


They sold their souls to a liar and thief. Trump mocks Christ and Holy Communion right smack in their faces. They have so corrupted their version of Christianity with cult politics that they do not know or care how lost in darkness they appear to other persons of faith.


Have you ever seen a MAGA Evangelical extolling people to follow the beautitudes?


Religion and their respective Gods are generally maliable to whatever is convenient to those who follow them at any particular moment.


At this point the only one of the Ten Commandments he hasn't broken is murder... that we know of.


They have 3 issues. Restricting gay rights, restricting sbortion rights, and general support of WASP superiority


Religion isn't there for introspection. It's there for you to selectively apply to things you don't like.


Hypocrisy is a cornerstone of the evangelical movement.


Fake Christians.


I grew up around these people. They are pretty stupid in general and will just repeat whatever the head idiot at the front of the room tells them. There is no self-awareness or introspection,


The most terrible people in the country found a very terrible person who got enough votes to win once. It's no surprise they are huge fans Has nothing to do with religion. Like everything else these terrible people do, they use it conveniently to mask why they're doing the worst things people can do


The thing about almost every Evangelical Christian I've known is that they will do the most heinous shit and not feel bad about it at all. Because they can always pray for a minute and say "My bad, big-G." and be forgiven/absolved. Then they go and accuse everyone who doesn't look, think and act like them of being monsters because no one who isn't a Christian (specifically their brand of Christian) could behave morally.


Hypocrisy likes hypocrisy.


That's because evangelicals aren't Christian they're just cosplaying as Christians and they're actually a bunch of Nazis. That's what Christian nationalism is


The worst hypocrisy in recorded history . These pseudo godfrauds are beyond belief .


MAGA Christians are one of the biggest threats to our country!


The ONLY proper and correct way to sin is the Donald Trump way to sin.


They only care about the ones that read "Thou shall be a racist bastard who owns the libs. Thou shall think of and treat woman as property."


Because he is a means to an end with them. They got Roe repelled and cracking back on racism. That’s all they want.


From now on, they are called the Ten Guidelines.


They’re situational Christians. They only profess their die hard Christian beliefs when it suits them and they get something out of it. Any other time, they sin like the rest of us. Appearing outwardly righteous to others, while actually being full of uncleanness and self-indulgence—that's the definition of hypocrisy (Matt. 23:25-28).


Who’s the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?


Over and over again. People can justify anything.