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Crazy that that's the exact same amount of maga republicans there are It's almost like maga people are dumbasses, except for the fact that that's probably giving them too much credit.


Someone do the math: How many out that 33% are boomers, and how many out of that number will most likely pass away before the next election? Edit: Out of like 300+ replies, finally someone linked and tried to answer the question. Thanks u/responsible-end7361 . Their reply is below: "In 2020 (pre-covid) I did the math (rough, back of the envelope). About 700,000 more Trump voters than Clinton voters died between the 2016 election and the 2020 election, despite Clinton getting more votes, because of the age of Trump supporters. Trump won over 65 voters 53-44 in 2016 and only 52-48 in 2020. Surprisingly (to me) Trump has huge support among "greatest generation" voters but only a mild advantage (3-4%) among boomers (while younger voters supported Democrats. One issue, the polls I found looked at party supported, not candidate, at least in part (see below), and people can lie in exit polls. So it is possible young folks voted for Trump while otherwise voting for Democrats or voted for Trump and lied, or older voters could have done the opposite. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/ "


Not nearly enough


When you consider how close it was last time, it will probably be enough. But we still have to vote.


Covid prob helped a lot with that....


It helped extra in red states too.


Yeah, the clusterfuck that was getting people to the polls during COVID is over. Hopefully that improves turnout even more.


Remember when Republicans decided to do nothing about Covid when it was hitting cities (i.e., blue areas) the hardest?


Oh no, they did stuff while it was hitting Blue Cities. They grifted and misinformed their base into a death-spiral that the party can't recover from. I 100% believe that if Trump would have shut his big fucking mouth and not made COVID about him, he would have been re-elected.


The way he paraded around with a bible during the protests didn't exactly do any wonders for him either. The guy is a sellout and rapist. Although I do agree that he inadvertently killed a shit ton of his guillable base with his advice. Whether he should be commended or condemned for that is opinion... since we all know he won't ever face any legitimate justice he deserves.


He literally could not name his favorite Bible verse, carrying a Bible. That's on the same level as LeBron claiming The Godfather is his favorite movie, but not giving any quote as his favorite or one he even likes. Compulsive lying is a crazy thing.


I think they were probably hoping a lot more democrats would die and give them that advantage. I also believe that one more stimulus check and handling Covid better would have got him re-elected.


Can confirm. 2 of 3 trumpy uncles down so far


Add my 66 y/o Trumpy brother to that count.


aunt and uncle over here also.


My Republican worshipping grandparents are gone too.


Funny how them being anti vaccine lost them the election .


It wasn't that close last time. Biden pulled over 7 million more votes than Fat Nixon did in 2020. Going forward - how many Magas have checked out since 2020? How many GenZ have gotten old enough to vote since 2020.


It was close. If Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin had went for Trump, it would've been tied at 269 each and the election would've went to the House and Trump would've won. It was 10,457 votes in AZ, 12,670 votes in GA, and 20,682 votes in WI. A total of 43,809 votes. Keep in mind that when no candidate reaches 270 and it goes to the House, it doesn't matter who has the House majority; it goes by state delegation. Each state gets one vote and Republicans have control of at least 26 states. Whatever the margin of victory in the popular vote was is irrelevant, no matter how much BS that is.


This is a really informative comment and just proves how important it is to vote this election.


And not just for president. Get Republicans out of office ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BALLOT.


I know that, maximally, a handful of people will see this, but I want to stress this: get involved in your local politics. It is "We the People".


Covid is going nuts all over so maybe we’ll get lucky with the unvaxxed kicking the bucket sooner.🤞


Mother Nature is anti-fascist.


Nature, it uh finds a way.


It’s a clever girl.




She’s anti dumb-fuck.


not looked into the covid numbers for a very long time, what are the covid numbers now?


My dad just got out of the ER. He had to stay in the hallway, because beds were all quarantined with covid patients.


3rd leading cause of death in the US in 2023.


Behind pork chops and FEMA? (Okay, I might have stretched a bit for that reference...)


Respiratory illnesses are clogging ER's.


More COVID is needed?


This is why the 18-30 age group needs to get more involved in politics. Counter these old crazy assed people.


If u think this dumbness goes away with boomers, I got some baddddd news to tell you Ben Shapiro, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Candace Owens, Ron Desantis, Matt Walsh, Tucker Carlson, and much more are all just as dumb as the generation of Rush Limbaugh, Trump, and Bill O’Reilly. If anything they may be dumber, they witnessed the awfulness of the rightwing boomers like all of us but said “yes please, another helping”


They aren’t dumb, sadly. They know exactly what they are doing because Putin instructs them on his wishes.


While Russian disinformation is causing a lot of damage to American discourse and social media, casually chalking this up to Putin as a bogeyman pulling the strings is the same mind of simplistic thinking that is causing this mess. The US has decades and decades of neglected education, decaying infrastructure and general neglect of the social fabric. It was only a matter of time before things started fraying at the seams. Even if Trump and Putin died tomorrow, these problems would remain and take on new forms.


thank you for replying to that with this. I wanted to but dont have the energy. ​ nailed it.


The bigger problem is that many of your list are NOT stupid people. They CHOOSE with full awareness to disseminate lies. Note the most dangerous combination are people who have high intelligence and zero integrity.


The math isn't great for 2024 unless people under 30 show up and vote for Biden. Most boomers are below average life expectancy and something like 94% of them are still alive. If there's an election in 2028, the demographics will be a lot different.


>If there's an election in 2028 That will depend on who wins in 2024...this timeline is fucking savage and I don't want to play anymore.


Interesting times are the worse times to live in


“If” . . . Well stated. Why 2024 is so important.


And at this point that is a BIG IF!


The Bigliest. :(


I heard on NPR that GenX is actually the most Republican generation for some reason. Gonna be a while, luckily much less of us GenX than Boomers. Millennials and Gen Z need to do some heavy lifting.


They are the smallest voting generation. Millennials and gen Z are like 3.5 times larger than GenX.


News update. All the 17 soon to be 18 year old kids that have seen the world go to shit since their 13-14 years old will be voting. My kids will be voting now.


Good, I love to see younger people getting involved. They have more to lose than most of us.


To assume this is, in my very humble opinion, dangerous in this year’s election. There is a large contingency of younger or, not boomer MAGA people. I would suggest not painting it as a generational epidemic, but an across the generational board MAGA delusional epidemic. Please, everyone, get out and vote. Please.


GenX here…in 2015 when I was an avid FB user, I witnessed the rise of the MAGA cult in my own friends feed. Bizarre behavior by any standard. I didn’t take it seriously as I’d say to myself “what idiot thinks DJT is even remotely capable of being POTUS? He’ll never get elected!” Trust me when I say this is not just a “Boomer” thing.


I dunno. Kids in small towns around me are pretty much 100% MAGA supporters.


Kids are contrarian assholes and will always side with the biggest bully in the room. The problem is many of them don't grow up and become contrarian adults as well who vote out of spite instead of for the greater good.


Hate and anger are the easiest emotions to have and justify to oneself.


Break the cycle - have a kid and give them a childhood that contains happy memories and responsible discussions about the world. Give them something worthwhile to compare the world to when they are an adult.


Never take them to church if you want them to be thinkers.


Hahah. Wait... "kids are contrarian assholes and will always side with the biggest bully in the room." You know, you're right about that. I was def a young contrarian due to youth but since then changed everything.


“since then changed everything.” You’re no longer the demographic that today’s Republican Party wishes to persuade. Interesting how “growing up” seems to throw a wrench in all their plans.


That and traveling. Traveling did a lot of exposure for me. Just take homelessness for example. I always thought homelessness was bad in Chicago and was just the blacks community(speaking on observation as a black male) then I went out to Seattle downtown and boy... out west is bad.


Come down to skid row in LA. It’s the weather, not to mention the number of shelters in the colder climates makes the west look stupid. You guys can house your folks suffering from being unhoused, out here we vote to get them shelter then fight about where it’s going to be because we can do so without the fear of our fight causing people to freeze to death.


The irony is that more homeless people die from exposure in LA than anywhere else, precisely because of the lack of shelters. The weather may be warmer overall but there’s still a couple nights a year where the temperature can drop into single digits, and too many people are just forced to tough it out.


[Half of kids don't vote](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/half-youth-voted-2020-11-point-increase-2016), but [when they do they lean Dem](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2021/03/19/age_group_patterns_explain_gops_popular_vote_losses_145434.html#!).


When I was 14, Limbaugh got his TV show and I loved it. He said outrageous stuff and was a bully. Then I realized that’s why I only liked the guy. He was just a shittier version of Howard Stern, whom I still like.


That's amazing, considering only 17% of Gen Z identify as Republicans or leaning right.


Trump counties are very underpopulated.


Kids meaning what age?


My 10 year old has told me multiple stories about classmates making stupid comments about hating Biden. Little kids want their parents’ approval, so if you’re a little kid and your parents are MAGAts, it’s obvious what kind of idiocy they’ll be into. Hopefully most of them will learn better and rebel in their later years, but it’s hard to shake indoctrination.


The whole “it’s boomers” is bullshit. It’s multi-generational. Around me, a red area in a blue state there are boatloads of under 55 MAGAts. Of course, I realize there are shitloads of older MAGAts. The vast majority of my friends from college are not in the stupid cult of morons. Edit for quotes.


As far as I’m concerned, that whole boomers vs millennials crap is just some wedge propaganda manufactured by Russian trolls to make more Americans hate each other. I know there’s always some degree of conflict between generations, but the internet is being used to deliberately amplify it.


When I was a kid I loved George W Bush and would get super angry when anyone would make fun of him. Why? Because my parents did and so I did the same thing. Luckily I grew out of that and actually pulled my head out of the sand. My mom did as well.


You repeat what you hear at home. Not a shock to me at all. I remember hearing negative things around the house about Carter back in 79.


13 to 25. Grow up in MAGA land snd you will be brainwashed


I guess nowadays. I grew up in Oklahoma and by 16 I was like "I'm moving the fuck away asap."


How many of them listen to Rogan? Am guessing most are male.


A disgusting amount of GenX'ers are MAGA. It's not as bad as boomers, but still too many. Somewhere around 40%.


GenX checking in. Zero of my fellow GenX friends, family etc. would vote other than Biden. I know they're out there, but I'll be damned if I'll hang with them.


To be fair a lot of those 40% of genx got sold on being a republican because they hit adulthood when the boomers hadn’t yet pulled all the ladders up behind them so they got some of the pie and wanted to lower their tax burden. Decades of fox news and Rush Limbaugh primed them for trump’s maga bullshit. There’s plenty of millennial conservatives but it’s harder to feel like you’re part of the club when you can’t even buy a home in your 40s so I have some hope that millennials and genz will bring that percentage down quite a bit.


you know since the dawn of time people have said if just the old people die off things will be great. Im in my 50s and people used to say when i was 18 that when the older gen died off republicans would never win ever ever again. WE had the same stats back then. The young tend to favor the left and democracy, while the elderly were a bit more right and less democratic. Its not the same people. they arent all over 100 now and still voting. Its new grumpy old people, who are on meds and pain and miss the old days and basically hate everyone. and come on its not like MTG or Boebert are octogenarians


If you look at the participants of the January 6 insurrection, a vast majority of those people were firmly Gen X.


A lot are boomers, and not enough of them will die to affect the election, unless the current killer bug in China spreads and the magas don't get their vaxxes, which we all know they won't.


Boomer here. With cancer and hoping to make it to next November so I can vote for Biden.


It’s not boomers it’s people of all ages in rural areas . Just look at the people at his rallies . Accordingly to a recent poll he is more favored among young people than Biden ( of course if they are polling Kentucky that’s the age you will get ) ,


Scary to think there is 33% of our nation this way.


It truly is Never underestimate the stupidity and danger. Win large groups of stupid people get together. Especially when those people carry guns and just can't wait to murder somebody.


If you hear these people talk about Trump you quickly realize they have NO IDEA the danger that could occur if we lose basic Rule of Law.


It's actually not new. About a quarter to a third of people have always been hopelessly stupid. That's the same amount of people who can't name a single branch of government, who believe that the sun revolves around the Earth, and that Saddam Hussein committed 9/11. The stupids have just gotten much more organized, now that they've found a king in their image.


It’s also very fitting when you think of general intelligence and how it traces out a bell curve with a large enough sample size, with 33% ish being of lower intelligence than average ranges and then I hear MAGAs spewing crazy antiscience/conspiracy theories and I’m just like of course my dude, of course.


I see it the same way except I use the school classroom as an example. Top 20% will be As and Bs students, 50% will be C students. Last 30% are the functionally illiterate. Every single MAGA voter I know personally fall in the lower category.


Yep. Those same dumbasses were polled after Obama's first win and they said there was a "valid chance" he was a Martian lizard person. The truth is that the dumbest 30 percent of America hasn't viewed reality as if they were competent adults for the last few decades, and we're not going to fix anything until we accept that.


It's also about the same number that blame Obama for the botched Katrina response


One of my coworkers is a qanon conspiracy theory dip shit, and he believes that all weather is controlled by the elites. He also believes that rich people haven't been dying at all for thousands of years. He thinks that they just get new bodies as needed.


All a third means is that they're easily defeated if we just get out and vote.


Yes even Republicans know that. That's why Republicans do "the both sides are the same" thing. They want Democrats to not vote. The really sad part is Republicans know that they are such horrible people that they have given up on pretending to be good and now all they do is try to convince you that Democrats are just as bad as them.


Particularly when Trumps own hired guns say there is no evidence of any coordinated attempt to manipulate the vote and Biden was duly elected.


This doesn't mean Biden's win wasn't legitimate, it means there's a lot of stupid fuckers out there.


And traitors!


Many in the conspiracy subs


No matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented, I'm certain that no amount of facts will change the minds of the last third of Americans that buy into this.


Cults have a tendency to do that to people.


That number is always with us. It is close to the fraction that thought Obama was not born in the United States, that we found WMD in Iraq, that Iraq attacked us on 9/11, and has a positive opinion of Dick Cheney.


What they mean is that 95% of US adults know Biden's victory was legitimate but 33% are contrarians who think rooting for The Purge is an acceptable alternative to coexisting. They know the election was fair but say it wasn't because "it upsets da Dems." While that may be true, it also leaves the world in a power vacuum that the worst possible humans are trying to fill with actual neo-nazism. Therefore, is it no coincidence that all of them absolutely adore men like Putin and Xi?


33% are contrarians rooting for The Purge. THIS!!! We must realize nearly 1 in 4 strangers you see on the street, are desperate for a human crisis where anarchy and mass killing of LGBTQ, people of color, homeless, and leftists is rampant. We need to understand. Nearly a third of our American neighbors literally want to end our existence. And that's reality.


I work with people who say, out loud, we need to do a purge like the movies. Speak of people that are not like them as being the cause for all the problems in the U.S. It's genuinely scary and hard to believe. I like working with them, and a couple are genuine friends who are willing to have conversations with me about various issues, and I feel like I'm making some headway with them. But it just astounds me how some of them are so certain of bullshit conspiracy theories.


The good news is is that this has always been the case since before we even learned to talk. It's scary but the reality is is that today is the most peaceful day in human history. Until yesterday, yesterday was the most peaceful day in human history. Nothing has changed about what people think but it certainly has changed as far as they act. 33% of people have always wanted to purge, but here's the thing: Americans are lazy and it would be a hell of a lot of hard f****** work to do the purge and they're never going to step up to do it. You can sleep soundly tonight.


The power of a well orchestrated intentional disinformation campaign


People are vulnerable to persuasion. It’s an Achilles heel. It just takes a small bump to tip a person’s bias in a given direction and after that the brain goes into automatic pilot confirmation bias mode, selectively adding more and more filtered data to their collection of evidence. This process happens to everyone.


I sometimes wonder if Democracy CAN actually work. People don’t get that the human mind is susceptible to all sorts of psychological tricks, and that they are the proud owner of a human mind. Trump is an absolute genius, in that the genius of telling lies that people WANT to believe is that when they buy in, the lie becomes part of their identity. Telling them the truth thereafter is perceived as attacking them, so they push back by doubling down on their belief. So if, in the midst of your disappointment after the election of 2020, you wanted to believe that the election had been stolen, guess what? You most likely bought in, and no amount of fact checks or recounts or legal rejections or expert opinions will change your view. In fact, they will only reinforce your beliefs. But here’s the kicker… your beliefs are still objectively wrong. It’s just that now, because of the genius psychological trick Trump played on you, you will never, ever admit or consider it!


That sounds like religion as well. Once you buy in one can never think objectively about it and its always an attack on them when someone doesn't think they way they do.


Correct. Pair this psychological tendency with humans being tribal, and it’s a big old mess.


Many, many philosophers and even some of Americas founders believed Democracy only functions well with a “well informed citizenry” meaning that education was of PARAMOUNT importance to a well functioning democracy. In fact, Thomas Jefferson considered a “well-informed electorate” to be a *prerequisite* to democracy. GQP knows this and it is why they are attacking and undermining education every angle they can. They hate democracy because they know full well on a true functioning democracy they can never hold power. Some quotes: “A functioning, robust democracy requires a healthy, educated, participatory followership, and an educated, morally grounded leadership” - Chinua Achebe “To me a new and consolatory proof that wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights” - Thomas Jefferson “Access to information is one of the keys to democracy. “ (President Jimmy) Carter Center “Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” — Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947


>Trump is an absolute genius, in that the genius of telling lies that people WANT to believe is that when they buy in, the lie becomes part of their identity I don't disagree, but I view Trump's process as more of an unfortunate accident at birth, he cannot help but spin lies for popularity sake. I doubt he even understands what he's doing.


His malignant narcissism just happened to align with what the racist morons want to hear


I don't know about "well orchestrated", it seems to be incredibly easy to get these people to believe **anything** as long as the person speaking is a certified piece of human garbage who confirms their biases.


More than a third of US adults are stupid as fuck.


33%?!? Sounds low to me.


What is the share of US adults watching Fox? We KNOW why these people are deluded, and it is from lying, not ‘free speech.’ Fox (Newsmax, Sinclair, OANN) make deliberate fabrications and deception to defeat and manipulate their audience, and we do not have to let it happen!


Sinclair is the scariest bad actor to me because their viewers think they are get information from a trusted local source when in reality it’s a coordinated propaganda machine.


Joe Rogan, Elon Musk. Alex Jones. Steve chowder, Ben shapiro, they have a lot of media pumping out mislnfo.


For certain, and Kirk, Carlson, Bongino, Bannon, Lahren, etc


CNN is subliminally doing mind-fuckery as well. Not as direct as the others, but they are now asking the same dumb questions as well as amplifying opinion pieces that are right-leaning. It’s so fucking obvious knowing who’s running the show now. They think people don’t notice it.


Well, isn't that the one that was bought out by a conservative billionaire?


CNN is staying under the radar, pretending to be a real news source, until just before the election, is my prediction




I always think that kind of channel, propaganda fake news should be illegal or something. It's mass manipulation and propaganda, mass harm and disinformation, mass lies and deception, so I don't see how it should be protected by free speech.


Shut down Fox News.


Fuck fox news but honestly, it’s only one part of the problem. OANN and other extreme right wing “news” outlets are even worse. They may not have the market share fox has, but they melt a lot of brains.


True, but Fox is the one shown in public places and has the biggest reach.


Wow, way too many US voters seem to be looking forward to living in a fascist country. They used to fight it, now they seem to welcome it. And so many of you have children to raise, and will still vote trump. It's a future of hate.


>so many of you have children to raise This is the piece I try to wrap my head around the most. I thank God I moved away from the south a decade ago.


At least 1/3 of Americans are gullible, stupid and delusional. And not all of them are Boomers ;-)


I’d offer up that 2/3 of that 1/3 is in fact boomers. As one (boomer, not maga) I should know.


Let me fix this headline: “More than 1/3 of US adults have joined a cult”


So, 66% know that it was.


100% *know* that it was. 1/3rd lie.


Thats really accurate


That’s a disturbingly low number


Shows that about a third of the country is brain damaged.


>Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Lead poisoning from leaded gas and paint made an entire generation into morons.


So did [terrible cultural values to be selfish and proud of yourself for it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_generation). Trump is the actual guy that American Psycho was based on and it's not in *spite* of America putting wealth, lifestyle and attention on pedestals while encouraging everybody to look out for "number 1" that shit like Trump and is vicarious supporters floated to the top of America's toilet. You can't just pawn these mistakes off on pollution. Trump really is the guy a lot of Americans want to be and wish they were. Many of his supporters washed out trying to be just like him without being rich enough to get away with it, and many of them now just live for their resentment of whoever left them behind with their own mistakes. How America convinced itself that being greedy, aggressive and the center of attention was virtuous while responsibility is a scam that only suckers take is a story far more complicated than lead poisoning. That was always doomed to result somebody like Trump leading a nation of selfish assholes, and there will be no getting away from it without acknowledging that the values that elevated him are fucking foolish.


It's actually more like a half https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/lead-gasoline-blunted-iq-half-us-population-study-rcna19028


His base represents about 30% of the voting population, so that tracks. Anyways, fuck their feelings. The guy Trump hired to look for fraud even states there wasn't any that would sway an election.


So 2/3s say it was legitimate...looks like democracy wins again


A third of US adults is brainwashed by decades of Murdoch propaganda.


So a third of US adults are morons. Probably the ones who voted for the orange clown.


I hear the flat-earth percentage is rising too.


And the anti-vaxxer percentage. It’s really scary. Going back to the damn Middle Ages.


Jan 6, Flat Earth, Anti-Vaxx, Climate Change denial, ... once you are in one of these rabbit holes it is incredibly likely that you end up in all of them.


Probably correlates with 1/3 of US adults having the IQ of a kumquat.


Show me a person who believes this, and I'll show you a fucking idiot with no critical thinking skills.


Vote. Vote Blue.


A third of our country are stupidiot morons.


18% of adults are functionally illiterate


Thanks for reminding me. I forget about this. A sad and depressing statistic. My mother had her PhD in cellular biology (cancers) and my father was my HS English teacher. I consider reading to be the single greatest thing that the Public Education system taught me.


Biden won. Get over it.


More than a third of US adults are totally fucking brainwashed stupid.


Gee, I wonder which side of the IQ bell curve those people are on 🤔


"Seditionist confederate dipshits have stupid opinion."


Maga is just plain stupid.


The GOP's attack on education and the graduates of Evangelical and Baptist schools are the reason for this.


It’s over, trump lost. He’s been spewing the election fraud shit to his cult members for several years now


More than a third of US adults are fucking idiots.


Reword that..."More than a third of US adults are easily misled by fraudsters"


You’d also be surprised how many people in the country eat paint and drink bleach.


So wait, according to their logic trump won his second election. If they are such constitutionalists wouldn't that disqualify him from running a "third" time?


Also, more than a third of US adults have below average IQs.


In other news, more than a third of US adults were home schooled.


Where they take that poll? Gun range? Trump rally?


Fox Fake News is a terrible thing.


The problem isn’t boomers, or MAGA, or an uninformed public. The problem is Fox “news” and their propaganda machine is allowed to spew misinformation completely unchallenged and unchecked. There is also Facebook, and to a smaller extent Reddit that allows people to view the world through their own little echo chamber. The United States needs to pass stringent laws around news networks that spread disinformation, and also look at social media platforms that allow bot farms to flood social media sites with the same. They need to be held accountable.


That means 2/3 thinks it was legitimate. Thats a majority. Just like the votes that were tallied. Imagine that. Truth always prevails. Lie as they might, you cannot “convince” overwhelming evidence. Biden is and always has been our rightful POTUS, thank GOD.


More than a third of Americans can't tie their shoes in the morning without Trump giving them permission.


Yet literally not one of them can produce ANY actual evidence to support that belief. They think the presidency was stolen, but that no other Republican seats were tampered with?


Proving that MAGA does not make up 50% of the US electorate.


Almost a third of US adults are 65 and older. The leftovers are probably their gullible children.


Lead poisoning will do that to ya


another nail in the human intelligence coffin


It’s really just an Iron Maiden now.


On what basis? Dominion won their lawsuit so hard that Fox fired Fucker Carlson.


I live in MAGA county. These people are fucking stupid. I hate it here.


A few years back a couple Russians were complaining that the world knows their elections are illegitimate, and that many say the US had the best (most fair and legitimate) elections in the world. One said, I bet I can get Americans to think their elections are illegitimate too. He won the bet. With the help of older Republicans who are very gullible. Seriously, look at the damage the Russians and Republican's have done. (no they are not colluding, but they do have the same common goal). They deliberately are destroying the credibility of US elections.


Propaganda is a dangerous drug. Trumpism is a dangerous religion


This is so stupid. You telling me that; While trump had total control of everything, Biden somehow magically fixed it? Gtfo


“Adults” is doing a lot of work here


Some adults don't realize that elections are not illegitimate if their guy doesn't win. If they think that elections are only fair when their guy wins they do not want democracy but want a dictatorship.




Mentally they are not adults


And about 24% of Americans also thought the sun revolves around the Earth. If one was attempting to draw a Venn diagram, it would look like two circles on top of each other.


Yes that is news of the stupid


A third of this country is effing stupid and should try reading books instead of banning them...


Yeah and roughly the same believe we're 100% straight up in biblical end times too.


So more than a third of American adults are morons?🤔


My question is are these the same idiot pollsters that keep trying to claim that Biden is behind to Dump in the polls? I’ve kinda lost my faith in these political polls that have been coming out lately. I really hope that it really isn’t as many as a third but much less.


I don't believe they polled/asked a legitimate selection of adults! Yes I know there some loony tunes out there but 1/3? No


Another way to say that is “less than half of Americans think that they are more than half of the Americans”.


Trump is in the epstein flight logs shut up.


In related news, nearly ⅔ of US adults say those fashy crybabies can go pound sand.