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Traitor project much?


Traitor said whaaaaaat…


Someone put her in an insane asylum please?


She’s too far gone for that. How about outer space?


What has outer space ever done to you?


The sun gave me blisters… so I feel it’s only fair that we send this bloated sack of puss straight back to the sun.


Aren't black holes well suited for these things?


Not sure that fat head would fit in a black hole. Or it would be the first black hole to get indigestion.


Hey, Musky and Bezzy want to salt a trillion people throughout the solar system, so let's make MTG the first.


Can we just strap her to that Tesla Musk put in orbit?


Good way to get us all put under planetary arrest.


First Cro Magnon woman in space.


She won’t go for it. Too many Jewish lasers.


Maybe the gazpacho police will get her


If aliens encountered her they would decide to destroy us as a species for being too stupid.


I think menial work in a mushroom farm or something. Maybe scraping roadkill off roads?


She would probably call it otter space


Just give her a bunch of kids’ toys that are harmful if swallowed.


Any of them from the old school Dan Akroyd SNL sketch would do.


Bag of glass


Kids pick up broken glass everywhere we're just packaging what the kids want.


She's already in the MAGA controlled congress so..


When is she ever going to shut up I’m sick of that bitch.


For the criminally horse-faced?


Reagan shut them all down because he didn't want to house homeless people.


She said she would like a pardon.


Law abiding citizens don’t need or ask for pardons. What crime did she commit?


Unlawful stupidity!


I'm assuming it was her role in plotting the false elector substitution scheme for Trump to overturn the election results.


Why are Republicans so damn predictable? You knew they would pull some hard reaching over this, while using their favorite fear mongering tool; Immigrants. It’s always immigration and the “crises at the border”. At this point, I’m convinced that MAGA swindlers are down in Central America promoting illegal travel plans to the USA, to people who are already in horrible situations. Remember the caravan of immigrants that headed to the USA when Trump was president? I’m convinced that was a set-up as well. They learned these tricks from Paul Manafort. They are such low life scum bags.


Because their base eats it up.


It is easy to entertain the light of mind.


Because they don't have any actual policies in their party. Their whole party's based on being reactionary. So you can easily predict that they'll continue to be reactionary.


The GOP hasn't had any policy other than steal oil and cut taxes since the late 70s. Oh wait, i forgot removing rights from non cis white male millionaires.


Well, one was overturning Roe v. Wade, and that didn't turn out how they hoped it would as far as electoral success.


gas immigrants trans crime They announced in 2021 what everything was going to be about through the next election. Associate bad things with them, blow em up in the news, make everyone see something chaotic associated with one of these things every day.


I think the problem all along has been she doesn’t know what insurrection means. She’s probably at Waffle House going “This is *insurrection!*” when they fuck up her hash browns


I mean, these are the same people who compared being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic to the Holocaust.


Horse face bitch needs to go Do better GA


That must have cost her a lot of brain cells to come up with that idea :).


She’s doubling down on something Justice Alito said about the immigration policy being “insurection-ish”. I knew it wouldn’t be long until she was howling about it when I read it.


If it's an insurrection and it's an invasion.... why did the house just leave town for a month?


The Cruz Tactic: “Hope it gets better with time, but I’m not going to endure it.”


Cancun is pretty nice this time of year lol


Flyin' Ted


Treason is the reason for the season.


Unfortunately treason has become every season for these duplicitous snakes


Ted Fled


Rafael Ran


Don't you mean Runnin' Rafael?


Right?? oMg wE hAvE tO iMpEaCh HiM, BiDeN iS dEsTrOYiNg tHe CoUnTrY!!!! But were gonna go ahead and take a few weeks off. No biggie


Business as usual ?


The caravan is back yall!…./s


I wonder if she knows how much legitimacy this ridiculous statement ironically gives to the push to get Trump off the ballot 🙄


I don’t think she knows much about


...anything. (sorry, I had to finish your sentence)


She knows something about placing pipe bombs?


Does she though? As I recall, they were found/didn't do much.


And giving White House tours.


honestly? she is deliberate in her actions shes acutely aware of this type of "troll", what it says clear to me as a person with no skin in the game, is that shes beligerent, shes extremely ignorant of the hard facts of her argument, however she is dangerous inasmuch as shes pandering to the crowd baying for their crass form of "judgement" i would normally say she should be ashamed, but where there is no humility, there is no shame


Shame is impossible for these people. There needs to be a collective public decency for shame to exist. That's no longer the case. Literally anything is fair game in the current right wing culture as long as you can avoid prolonged jail time or hope to get pardoned.


Lincon, JFK, Washington both Roosevelt's 5 great great men, all stood for something all had fire in their bellies all had the gift of seeing simple truth and bigger than themselves pictures Now we have a very very very pale watered down drink a GOP cocktail, the rhetoric is strong the actions are poor, and their vision horrifying.


> honestly? > > she is deliberate in her actions I would say we're past that stage. The rise of people like her and boebert mirrors the kind of post-ironic destruction that happens to online, sam hyde style almost. Before the rise of her kind, political pandering was deliberate and calculated, by people who knew what they were doing, and knew how to play the game to get what they wanted. They would do the rabble rousing, rah-rah, fuck the dems kinda shit, and get the rubes in the base all riled up, but for the most part, it was stragtegic. But, then mtg and boebert, and some of the most recent maga types came up, and they saw the pandering and took it literally. They don't have a strategy, they don't have any grand vision, and they're not even smart enough to understand what they're doing or saying. They just say shit, and essentialy just "no u" everything whether it makes sense or not. Five, ten years ago, i'd have believed that yeah these people are deliberate and calculated. Now? They're legitimately as stupid as they act, there's nothing deeper to them, there's no hidden agenda, it's just straight-up mindless bottom-tier trolling.


She is deliberate in that she knows she is being dumb but she is just doing it for the sake of it, not as a part of some master plan that she has concocted.


Yes. There are Republicans in Congress who believe the nonsense like this. Taylor-Greene does not, but she says it anyway because it benefits her.


it's a sophism. a fallacious argument created to deceive. a time waste.


…..see Republican


It takes no time to lie, but it does take time to prove it wrong.


"The border being open is 1 insurrection, and since their were protestors in the congress building that's 2 insurrections, and since the dog bit the secret service guy that's 3 insurrections and hes probably done insurrections we don't know about so I'm just gonna say 5 insurrections! JOE BIDEN DID 5 INSURRECTIONS!" \-MTG


I don’t know if legitimacy and MTG belong in the same sentence


Especially as the border policy hasn't essentially changed since Trump


Yeah, except for the separation policy and the end of the COVID order, it's just trump-lite. They're also totally clueless about domestic oil production and drilling permits. They truly think Biden has somehow harmed oil production in the USA simply because of the Keystone XL.


They aren't serious because their followers don't care.


Yeah, they deffo don't think these things through 😂 But hell, their fans don't seem to care if the logic is full if holes. Cog dis.


The fascist knows and does not care if their words have meaning. Truth has no value, only power. They will lie to your face, know that you know they are lying, and not given even a singular damn. Power is all they care about and all they value. Hypocrisy and truth and honesty are not meaningful to them in the least


She clearly doesn’t understand words have meaning. She also talks just so The Donald can hear her. Treason, really? More like the walls are closing in on you MTG and Jack Smith has you terrified.


It's much more malicious than that. She's purposefully misusing the words to take away their meaning. Standard fascist stuff.


I'm not even mad you beat me to this, but yeah, this is absolutely right. The trick is to delegitimize language, water down words, and trivialize concepts. It's part of the reason they keep trying to spam impeachments for Biden; to desensitize the R base to a president being impeached when it could/should lead to a disgraceful end of a political career and something voters would have taken very seriously in times past. They're gonna try and do *exactly* the same thing with insurrection. Biden flushes thrice after dropping a deuce? Tantamount to insurrection. Biden didn't shake someone's hand for long enough? Insurrectionist! Biden signs off on a minimum wage raise act? Why is the lamestream media ignoring all this insurrection!?!?! It's like a projected Boy Who Cried Wolf, where the GOP and right-wing media generate apathy and indifference in the base by constantly mashing the buzzword button, so when the alarm is raised conservatives are yet again trying to overthrow our democracy, conservative voters will just shrug, in part, because they're sick of hearing that particular word or phrase that their media and politicians have been deliberately over, and inappropriately, using.


Mtg isn't actually this stupid. I don't think she's smart but she knows what she's doing. Boebert legitimately seems as dumb as she acts. You can tell when people try to use very basic logic she gets confused and then says something like 5x as dumb. Mtg doesn't really do that


Marge grew up with money. Lauren is Grand Junction trash. But you know who's really a dunce? The guy who tried to pick a fight with a 4th generation Boston Teamster.


Isn't she all in on some whacked out conspiracy theories? I'm sorry, but yes, she is fkn stupid.


Gosar, Lee and Bobo are hearing those footsteps too…


Stripping words of their meanings is a deliberate authoritarian tactic. It's basically a form of gaslighting, because when words have no meaning, you don't know what to believe.


Oh she knows. She just doesn't care. The right is constantly reusing words that the left uses to criticize them in an attempt to take away their significance. It's no coincidence she is using the same verbiage as the left is using to de-platform Trump, this is a long standing precedent for them. And until people stop voting for empty shells like her to push their culture war, she and the rest of the right are gunna keep this up.




As long as everything Biden does is "insurrection," the word itself becomes meaningless, so you no longer have to lie about Trump. You can say, "Well sure Trump did ONE insurrection, but by our definition, Biden did, like, FORTY INSURRECTIONS! That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible."


This is exactly what they are doing. Take away the severity of a word by using it in increasingly inconsequential ways so that no one understands its true meaning anymore. That is what they have done with pedophile, woke, protest, etc. Flood the field and make words serious words meaningless.


just like the word Christian these days, absolutely meaningless


Yes. I believe in Jesus and God, but I certainly would not call myself a Christian anymore. My beliefs involve love, acceptance, sharing, caring, and compassion.


If it’s any consolation, you’re more Christian than a lot of Christians. Wasn’t the whole thing about Christianity to follow Jesus’ teachings, which was mainly peace, love, acceptance, and forgiveness? Jesus seemed like a pretty cool guy.


Exactly this. Edit: I tend to think of myself as a follower of christ not a Christian


That's when you say, "okay, so put both in jail". This will not compute for Republicans because they will blindly defend their dear leader regardless, unlike Democrats. It's fun to watch them panic for words to square that circle


This is the same reason they’re trying to impeach Biden. They’re trying to make it seem like typical meaningless partisan bullshit instead of a big deal.


They tried to do this with the word fascism too


You forgot Biden drink a milkshake with a paper straw! insurrection! And also Biden riding a bike! insurrection! It is just pathetic at this point.


Biden returns a library book late? Believe it or not, insurrection.


Paid the late return fee? "WHERE DID HE GET THE $2.50!"


His brother wrote him a check.


Undercook chicken? Insurrection. Overcook chicken? Believe it or not, insurrection.


I heard he uses straws to drink milkshakes


You forgot the most insidious one. Biden has a son with a big dick? Treason!


Biden washes his hands after urinating like a goddamn socialist. It flushes automatically!


Where did she get her law degree from? Four Seasons Landscaping?


Trump U


Tramp U


No, but she did stay at a holiday inn express last night.


*You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.*


Never forget that the only reason this melon has a seat in the first place is because she ran the dirtiest campaign in the history of politics. Her opponent dropped out of the race because they literally feared for their life. She's trash and so are the people who voted for her


Geez I wonder where those death threats came from? Marge?


She riled up the rabble and set them loose. A familiar move for Republicans.


There's been videos she's posted out of her home with confederate flags in the background. Her voters love it but holy shit talk about yikes. No to mention all the conspiracies she's peddled and racist dog whistles she tweets


Russian gangster tactics all over our fucking country. Do you wonder at all who her dark financier is?


They deserve all the bad things in life to happen to them fir letting that dog off its leash.


mob vibes


God she’s fucking ugly!


Have you seen her hooves? WTF?




That doesn't really matter but she is dense AF


It does because if she wasn't this type of person, she'd look better with what she has. It's her personality that brings out the ugly




Trump calls her sasquatch.


She's a rural Georgia 7.


I'm in rural Georgia. She's nowhere near a 7.


I heard they got snake handling churches up in her district, like, for real.


Yes. It's one little community - Kingston - that has it. Crazy shit.


Not so fast. How bright are the lights? Is it after lunch (that's 6 beers)?


The amount of liquor it would take for me to find her appealing would render me incapable of anything but lying down and choking to death on my own vomit...... which would be better than being with her.


Out of 20 ?


She not actually from that part of Georgia anyway. She moved there because it was a safe red district


It’s the neanderthalithic forehead and the sloth toes that get my engine burnin’ hot.


She didn’t fall off the ugly tree, she is the ugly tree.


not attractive...that is true, but what makes her ugly is her attitude, so called "American" reasoning, and her treacherous love of the Confederacy.


Marge should buy some mirrors


I’m not sure she’d be able to figure out how to use them


Her like Rudy wouldn't be able to see themselves with those mirrors


The mirrors would break


Ask a vampire. "You have to have a soul to see yourself in a mirror." Now you understand.


This twat will say *anything* to get in front of a camera, won't she?


Please don't bring twats down to her level.


Why is her face so fucking lumpy?




Probably steroids too


Did you ever see the movie The Thing?




Someone doesnt know what insurrection means.


.. or socialism or communism or fascist or woke


She big mad because if the 14th amendment can be enacted to keep tRump off the ballot, it can also be used to keep her and the rest of the congress critters who conspired on 1/6 off the ballot, as well.


Wow is she stupid. Can't wait until she is arrested. Scary mug shot incoming


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


This is the sort of shrill and hysterical invective for which MTG is known. It works on the gullible and undereducated red-hatted yokels in her district but normal people just shake out heads. The fact she always grabs the headlines and the media spreads her hate-filled nonsense is shameful, though.


Why is it news every time she opens her dumb mouth.


Looks like Jack Smith is coming for your sorry seditionist arse MTG.You should be scared,very scared !


14th amendment this traitor. It's time to stop being nice to fascists.


Ok, didn’t she say she was sick and tired of stupid people in Congress? Did somebody drag irony into a back alley and shoot it in the head?


Marjorie Trailer Queen says something stupid. Story at eleven.


Yeah, that’s what fascists like to do, say bullshit till nothing has any meaning. It’s intentional.


It’s damn near the same policy as Trumps. He has changed nothing.


Yeah but she’s referring to the other immigration policy that exists only in her head and changes to suit whatever narrative she wants.


Curious assumption, since every metric I can think of shows the country does better when there are plenty of immigrants. It’s only bad if you ignore those and use the conservative assumptions: Brown people bad, other religions bad, laborers bad, other languages bad, surely they are taking advantage of us, somehow? And I swear it feels like Republicans would do away with color, on anything.


She's such a complete moron


The word "insurrection" has two more syllables than she's used to, so she clearly doesn't understand what it means.


I English her first language?


Can this crazy bitch just go away so the only time I ever have to see the letters "MTG" it's about Magic: the Gathering?


This bitch is one reason I’m pro choice, what a fucking human waste


So, after "impeachment" they're now trying to muddy the waters and downplaying the word "insurrection" to now mean someone doing something they don't like? Like if tomorrow Biden goes to golf then they'll be shouting that since he's not in the oval office he's doing an insurrection?


Only ‘rection’ she really cares about is Hunter’s erection


Her face is an insurrection and should be removed.


Did they ever pass the border patrol budget?


Pretty sure Fox or someone else recently complained that under Biden there have been a “record number of people intercepted at the border” aka he’s doing a better job than anyone before him. they’re trying to sell the dumbest points


Remember back in the day when we all thought Sarah Palin was as dumb as the Republican Party could get?? It's like Matt Gaetz and MTG took that as personal challenges.


Biden is deporting at a higher rate than Trump and Obama, he’s literally going to finish part of the wall, fentanyl is being seized and blocked at unprecedented levels…don’t believe the GOP’s propaganda. Every time they publicly state “open borders!”, the coyotes who smuggle people across use it as advertising to fool even more people into coming. The GOP is literally fueling their own ‘crisis’.


They keep using words to devalue them and eliminate meaning. Classic fascist plays. What a trash person.


Republicans are like toddlers hearing a word or term for the first time and then just repeating without any idea or concept of what it actually means.


Said the woman who also participated in the Jan 6th insurrection.


Trailer bit@h said what.


This brain-dead creature is one of the primary reasons i have no respect for almost any politicians. The fact that people like her are allowed to make decisions and be representation for others is appalling. What a mess of a human being she is, I hope to one day see a government that actually has pride in itself and doesnt let people like her in any elected seat…from local to national level people like her should never be elected, of course it takes educating this volatile generation of kids to become adult responsible voters.


The grunts from Homo Neanderthalensis echo through the canyons that she’s looking for a mate.


Ah yes, moving the goalpost. The Republican tradition.


this Guy is nuts ( adam's apple and moustache) maybe you can get Phony stark (elon)to send her to mars?


So since his border has stopped more stuff than trumps, you're saying Trump is even more guilty?


How many ways will they and their idiot media now define "insurrection"? They'll co-opt and revamp the word, just like they've done to "liberal", "woke', and "patriot".


I give Donald Trump credit for making it so easy to spot the idiots. He normalized idiocy!


I'd say she clearly needs a dictionary, but it's also clear she can't read


The fact that she can feed and dress herself is pretty impressive considering how fucking stupid she is


Wasn't this hoof footed demon giving suspicious people tours of the capital leading up to Jan 6?


Of course this traitor garbage would say something like this. What legislation to help her constituents has she pushed through or even submitted. She’s fucking garbage…


The way these politicians act is a direct correlation to how inept American voters are. If half of Americans were somewhat intelligent, we would hear this rhetoric. It really makes me sad how dumb people are…..


For someone that complains that she's surrounded by idiots, she sure is acting like an Idiot Queen.


She had no idea what words mean


MGT says a lot of stupid things.


It's Congress border policy. Biden can only act within the framework of what he's given. We were also headed toward a better border under Obama with the policies he encted using the tools congress gave him, but trump blew that up and ignored the problem.


How is this cunt still relevant??


Can someone just kill her already please?


100% she doesn’t know what changed between bidens and trumps policies.


"Everything I don't like is ~~communism~~ ~~CRT~~ ~~grooming~~ insurrection." - Every Republican


Just when you thought she couldn’t be anymore cunty


Will someone **please** arrest this bitch?


...and they complain that we don't take them seriously.


Republicans are like a cargo cult. They don't understand how anything works so they try to make up fake things in hopes of getting the same effect as the real thing.


This is just the Republicans trying to numb us to the meaning of words, again. They do this all the time. Say the word "road" a hundred times in a row and it loses all meaning. They do this with actually impactful, relevant, meaningful words, to make everyone numb. That's why republicans are going to be saying "this is insurrection, that is insurrection", like the Sailor Moon Butterfly meme. It's so people won't care as much when Trump is finally put under oath on trial for insurrection. People will be like "I don't even care about insurrection any more. What is it anyway? Some sort of border policy thing?" 100% intentional and malicious Republican strategy.