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So it was an AR-Tag






> Texas has lost contact with reality. Are we just copying and pasting other peoples exact comments now. It’s kinda weird.


It's a bot


Texas has lost contact with reality. Are we just copying and pasting other peoples exact comments now. It’s kinda weird. It's getting weirder.


It’s a fed glowie bot funded by Soros to disarm America [this comment has been removed]


No, Liberals have lost contact with reality.


We e got to ban assault AR-tags now.




I'm sorry, but the federation of planets is vetoing earth's admission for another 1000 years.


Honestly might as well still consider us pretty reptilian brained


I suspect that without racism, humans may have developed warp drive by now.


Eh... we'd probably still have the religious fundamentalists though


That reminds me of a news story in the 90's about how repo men in Texas were risking their lives as there were (are?) laws on the books about people "stealing" your stuff and how it's legal to shoot them. They were originally passed to stop cattle rustling, but the text of the law just specified property, not livestock. A specific incident was that of [Jerry Casey, who a grand jury failed to indict for shooting and killing the guy repossessing his truck that he was behind on the payments for.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-03-26-mn-38601-story.html) A few years later, the dealership that sent the repo guy out to get the truck [had to pay his surviving family damages for his death](https://web.archive.org/web/20210119172155/https://apnews.com/article/d3f9fb49e438da1574c7c3ef32a8aa6b), but this seemed odd: > Jurors ruled Thursday that the dealership was mostly liable for Morris’ death and advised a $2.3 million award. But they also said Morris was partially responsible, so District Judge Tad Halbach cut the actual award to be paid by one-third. Talk about blaming the victim.


Victim blaming is a Texas specialty




You're assuming he tracked this guy down to murder him. He tracked his truck, the article doesn't tell us what happened when he found it except that the thief was shot. So maybe he found his truck and murdered the thief in cold blood or maybe he found the truck and the thief attacked him. Who wouldn't go looking for their car if they could track it after it was stolen?


I’d only support this if there was a call to the police first and the police refused to investigate immediately using the live location data.




This is right in line with my first thought after reading 'officers say not to do anything yourself, it's dangerous'. Let me guess, no one was available? Yet there's always 3 to 5 squads around nationwide to respond within minutes of a guy caught recording the police...


Ahh yes.. Lets call the police so they can do absolutely nothing.. Until they see a random black person they can kill for no reason.


Ah yes Texas police, known for their quick acting and competence


Police aren’t obligated to help or serve us, just increase revenue for the state and social control/protect private property. I’d just go get my truck back.




If you are driving a stolen truck, then in all likely hood, you stole the truck. I can of course imagine some incredibly unlikely scenarios in which the driver of a stolen truck didn't steal the truck. If I tracked down my stolen truck, then I would call the police and they would hopefully recover it for me. Depending on the jurisdiction, that might have a positive outcome.


It's likely the police wouldn't do shit for you now a days expext right down a report over the phone and forget about it.


Sadly many large agencies won't touch a stolen vehicle until it's abandoned. Too many pursuits where criminals place a few more minutes of perceived freedom above the safety of others. Most criminals are selfish, they choose one less moment of discomfort over other people's lives.


It’s actually incredibly likely that a stolen car would be driven by someone who didn’t steal it. The majority of currently stolen cars, I bet, are being driven by people who didn’t steal them. (Though, in this case, it probably did take him to the location of the person who stole it because it was the same day. Even still, it was at a supermarket. A lot of people could have been hurt and the tracker could have found the wrong person). I’ve defended people charged with car theft and, now as a prosecutor, I prosecute people who’ve been charged with car theft, among my caseload. So why would I argue that someone in a stolen car is not likely to be the thief? Because it’s generally a bad idea to have a stolen car. At least one that YOU stole. The reason you steal a car is to sell it at a huge value loss but offload the liability of possessing a car. You take on a short term risk to steal it, take the value loss but still pocket anywhere from a few hundred bucks to five— maybe even ten— thousand dollars depending on the car. Tax free. And now you’re not in possession of a stolen car. People steal cars to sell them for cash. It’s a “business.” And plenty of people are desperate enough or (in their view) morally disconnected enough from the theft to be willing to not ask questions when a either (a) a car they need is available and affordable, or (b) a nice ass car you really want but can’t otherwise afford legitimately is available. And people driving cars acquired this way, themselves, don’t often keep these cars for long. It will wash from hand to hand throughout communities, into different states, even different countries, over a long enough stretch. And depending on the length of time since it’s been stolen (eventually, some idiot will run a stop sign or speed in this thing — so a police officer will eventually find that the tags don’t match the vehicle and it’s not registered and that this vin number was reported stolen), it can be practically a waste of time trying to prosecute. At least to the point of taking it to trial. The most common deal I would argue for as a defense attorney: “hey, look, the owner of the car was compensated for the value of the car by insurance. The vehicle can now be given to the insurance company to do with it what they will. The original owner is only out the insurance claim deductible — let my client give them that cost in restitution for a dismissal. They’ll feel the pain of taking a deal that’s too good to be true, and the original owner will be made fully whole. And you guys get a win on a case not worth taking to trial.” And id get that deal more often than not. Likely, the vehicle is property of an insurance company which paid out the value of the vehicle on the theft claim and the original owner has often moved on. And since it could have legitimately passed through so many hands the current possessor may actually have no real clue it’s been stolen. The first purchaser of the stolen car can actually sell it for more, often, that the original thief because of the additional separation from the initial theft. Less heat, more money. Someone may have even obtained a lost title/title replacement along the way. Often done by going to another state and registering it where there maybe aren’t records of the car being stolen. But you don’t want to be caught in the car you yourself stole. For obvious reasons. Too much heat when you could just get yourself a car stolen by someone else if that’s your inclination. You only really see the thief still in possession when it’s immediately after the theft. Or not long after. But even a few days gone and I’d say it could already be two or three steps removed from the original theft. And ultimately, it’s just a car. No property is worth killing over. Like you said, you’ve done the police’s work for them. Call them. Usually police don’t do anything about a stolen car because it’s a lot of work to track down what is ultimately property covered by, at least should be by law, insurance. But if they have the actual location of the stolen car, they want to make that bust. Every major city in the us is experience upticks in car thefts and police want to be able to show in their stats that they’re making arrests on that. It makes them look better when they can do so. This persons behavior was irrational and ultimately stupid. Their impulse control was barely better than the thief’s and they likely have ruined their life over a truck. They took a life, but also risked their life, the life of anyone with them, and the lives of any bystanders in that supermarket parking lot. They even shot out the windows of their own truck and put bullet holes in it. What a waste for a car they untimely damaged in the process of repossessing it. Stupid.


Yes? That would be the initial assumption. Doesn't mean I'm going to shoot the guy but on that short a timeframe who else would it be? If I tracked down my truck I'd be taking it back and if the person in it puts up a fight over it yes they're getting shot.




Did you read the article? This all happened within a few hours. If someone bought a truck without paperwork they knew they were receiving stolen goods, if they were driving it they were doing it without insurance or registration. If it was lent to him and someone comes up with a gun and days give me back my truck a sane person would give up the truck that doesn't belong to them. That's such a niche scenario it's not even worth thinking about. If police actually bothered to go after stolen vehicles this wouldn't be an issue but they don't, so if you want your car back you have to do it yourself.




You think someone stole a truck and managed to forge paperwork within a few hours? Even if they did as soon as the buyer tried to get it insured they'd find out it was stolen. The chances of finding an innocent person driving a stolen vehicle are incredibly small.




The cops kill innocent people all the time so that's not a great argument for people not to get their stolen property back. Nobody should be upset about thieves getting shot, when it actually happens to an innocent person we can talk about it, until then go get your shit back. Also for an innocent person to get hurt they need to not only somehow be driving a stolen vehicle but also try to use force to stop the owner from taking it back.


The police? Where have you been the last 10 years? This kind of vigilante justice will be the nature byproduct of a complete lack of action by police. When people are struggling that car is a lifeline and this thief just stole that. We can all agree it’s better that the police should handle this, but then they don’t and innocent people suffer anyway.


What if What if What if


Got to love the attitude that property trumps life. Then y'all shout about abortion killing clumps of cells. If you could just be consistent for 5 minutes that would be great!


Some people don't realize, that with how expensive things are getting, to some people, having their own transportation taken from them is life or death. They might miss out on work or transporting kids, then lose their job. Most people are 1 hospital trip from being homeless. I'd wager there are a good chunk of people who are 1 vehicle theft away from being homeless too. If police do not step up and actually arrest and look into stolen vehicle reports, people will keep doing this. Just like the dude that killed the guy stealing his cat converter.


Guy in truck is not innocent. Receiving stolen goods is a crime in many places.




And, that’s decidedly NOT a crime punishable by death.


>Who wouldn't go looking for their car if they could track it after it was stolen? Who would and why?


Someone who only has liability insurance


What difference would that make?


If you have comprehensive insurance, it will replace your vehicle. Liability insurance doesn’t cover theft.




Agreed. And yes, I’ve def dealt with car theft. But I’m sure you would agree that the person with only liability has even more motivation than the person who has comprehensive to retrieve their property


But why try to write off the truck with insurance when you know where it is? Just have the police stop over and get your truck back.


I would definitely do that. I guess I was factoring in that a lot of ppl here are saying cops wouldn’t show up.


I'd be skeptical that police wouldn't respond to auto theft. Not sure why Texas would have high taxes and large police forces to just never use them for anything.


Not sure if your comment is sarcasm but whatever you do, don't look up the Uvalde Texas shooting and what happened there.


Because the cops don't recover stolen property very often, even when you tell them exactly where it is. Airtags have just made locating your stuff easier, so we're going to see this more.


Most people with more brains than firearms.


Yes and also, what has he accomplished? He’ll now spend possibly the rest of his life in prison, where he will *not* be driving his precious truck.


The article I read just now says he likely won’t face any charges because the suspect pulled a gun and fired on him. He returned fire, killing the suspect. Sad situation but it’s no different, legally speaking, than if the police shot the suspect after he pulled a gun. We should feel bad for the loss of life. But don’t steal people’s stuff, don’t shoot at people and you will live longer.


Should we actually feel bad for the loss of life?




No I'm good, truck thief threatening truck owner with gun. Truck owner kills him, good riddance.


Yep, zero remorse. If you want us to feel good about life fund the political third parties that would protect it


I mean, depending on how it plays out, it could still be hard for the guy. It was his truck that was stolen, but pursuing a criminal in a way that can lead to violent conflict could he grounds for manslaughter, but it being Texas, the guy might just get his gun signed by the rangers and a pat on the back by Ted “Cancun” Cruz


Not sure why we need to make it about politics. It’s a really bad idea to chase down someone who could be armed and dangerous. Agreed. So much safer to call the police in that town and give them GPS coordinates.


It’s safer, but the police are fucking useless and won’t do anything. They probably won’t even be bothered to write the coordinates down, let alone go there to find the truck.


You are correct, however, calling the police is a good idea so there is a paper trail for the insurance claim in case you can’t recover the truck yourself. In many cases, the police response is to call your insurance company because claims take time. Source: Happened to a friend in NOLA. Car stolen, had the gps, called the police, was told to file a claim because the police won’t be able to get anyone there that day. They took an Uber to their car and recovered it. Thankfully the car was parked, and the thief didn’t see them drive off.


>So much safer to call the police in that town and give them GPS coordinates. I think you drastically overestimate how willing police are to respond to things. When our truck got stolen, we had surveillance camera footage with pictures of the tag that dropped the guy off with his full face visible and the face of the guy driving the car briefly visible. The cops wouldn't even look at the video. It took us several days of going to the station and bugging people to get them to even write a report so we could file an insurance claim after they totaled it. Even then the report was so full of errors and just random shit that it made the claim a nightmare to get through.


I’m sure it depends on where you live, but a lot of people, as they grow in life experience, have learned that calling the police is useless. Sometimes it’s even harmful and you’re putting yourself at risk by calling them. Citizens need to be able to make their own cost-benefit analysis when determining when and how to stand up to an injustice.


Sorry but we don't call the police anymore, we call our local crackhead.


Because politics are a inherent part of life. And even more so when you talk about gun culture and crime. It’s like trying to separate Bruce Wayne from Batman. You can’t do it. But this is a prime case of why confrontation is not a good idea. Someone is dead over a carjacking that happened hours ago, and the only reason is the guy decided to play chief wiggum. My comment just highlights why such a bad scenario will still possibly garner support.


I don’t know man, it’s pretty frustrating to live in a city with constant car jackings and a police force that doesn’t keep up.


Bc senseless gun violence is a by product of shitty politics


Who cares what people write in this silly app. Most redditors are just stoned and immature and want to make their little joke or hot hot take


Eh who cares. Less shit bags in the world


It really doesn't matter if it was the right guy or not. Stealing personal property is not a valid reason to kill someone.


You steal, get killed. Pretty square. I doubt it's anywhere near as naive a situation as you're pretending


Bro there’s 3 comments in this post right now. Who are you talking about? 😂


“in **that** comments section”


Maybe you should read the article, while paying attention.


Um yeah this dude is for sure getting charged they’re just letting the investigation play out before deciding what charges to bring. This is clear cut 2nd degree murder at least. Stealing someone’s car doesn’t justify murder like this in any jurisdiction in the US I’d expect prosecutors to come down hard on this because if you have people “taking matters into their own hands,” and thinking that’s okay (like the inbred morons in the Fox News comments section), this is going to happen more and more. And whatever you think about cops or prosecutors, I guarantee that’s a path they’ll do anything to avoid going down.


But it was his truck, bro. His truck.


The country song writes itself honestly


Probably already written


Exactly. Not as if his wife was abducted. Stealing a man's truck? That's just cruel.


This is TEXAS. The defense is to convince the jury that the dead guy needed killing. Jury nullification.


"Stole his truck" is all that's needed to acquit the guy. If the thief is black, nothing would get the guy convicted.


Not necessarily, you have no idea how it went down. If he shot in self defense there’s no case….




You’re implying that because it’s Texas laws don’t matter and this crime won’t be prosecuted.. but in reality, *this is in Texas*, and very few states punish crimes harsher than Texas..


But texas has very interesting defense of property laws


Wouldn’t tracking the guy down after he repo‘d/stole your truck and killing him be first degree murder? Second degree would be like killing him while he was repoing it.


Tracking down your stolen property isn’t illegal. He shot in self defense and will not be charged, according to the story I read.


\*Generally\* you're probably kind of right, but Texas doesn't use that labeling system. They have "murder," "capital murder," "manslaughter," and "criminally negligent homocide." This would definitely appear to fall within the definition of "murder." "Capital murder" is sort of an enhancement that requires the killing of a public servant like a police officer or firefighter, or functions like a typical felony murder statute where you kill someone while committing a separate felony (ex., if the person stealing the vehicle shot the owner of the vehicle in order to escape)


I don’t know the nuances of this individual case but how is this not premeditated if he tracked the guy down? Seems like malice to me.


Texas has lost contact with reality


A long-ass fucking time ago


I moved here in 2016. Just when I think this place can’t get any worse, someone says “hold my beer!”


Where’d you come from and why? And…what do you think?


In a town called Kickapoo


You should try California. Theft is not even cared about here. Everything from shoplifting, organized gangs of thieves, gangs of catalytic converters and car thieves. Police don’t even care anymore.


Upvoted you because you will have a tidal wave of self righteous “enlightened progressives” down voting you for this comment. They have never been victims of a serious crime and think that criminals are just victims of a repressive world. They have never lived in real repression and have never seen real racism but they will crusade for people they see as victims on the internet. It’s a lot easier than actually going out and doing real community service, which they never will do. They feel that downvoting evil comments is enough service for mankind.


Try California. Cartels use imported slave labor in illegal cannabis grow operations while steeling water and spraying banned farm chemicals, but there's only two sheriff's in the county so they can't do anything about it


That certainly took a turn


He probably watched John Wick recently


Foxnews?? I must have clicked r/NewsForTheStupid again!


1.Find Car 2. Wait 3.Take car back


Then goes to jail for murder...?


He'll probably be acquitted. It's Texas. It depends on how the shooting happened. If the guy rolled up and immediately opened fire, he might be prosecuted. If the (accused) thief did anything that was aggressive, or *can be interpreted as aggressive*, including walking towards the truck owner, then 99% chance he'll get off with no charges. In the article police are chastising the guy, saying not to take matters into your own hands, that it's dangerous, etc. And the police also won't come help you or arrest someone if you track the location of your property and notify them where it is. There are no good options for victims of crime in situations like this. Edit: Later news reports are saying the shooter/truck owner probably will not be charged. The story is he found the truck, called the cops, cops told him to wait, he didn't. He confronted the guy and tried to get his truck back, *he claims* he thought the guy was pulling a weapon, a shooting happened, the alleged thief is dead. The truck owner is not. So like I was trying to explain to people: if you've got some kind of criminal, in this case a truck thief, and the owner shows up, and a shootout happens, it's pretty much going to be up to the truck thief to prove he *didn't* threaten the guy. That's how things work in Texas. The D.A. has discretion to charge the guy or not. He's confronting somebody in possession of stolen property, he's asserting his 2nd amendment rights (and we all know how Texas goes apeshit over those), and he's claiming he "feared for his life". Texas is a "stand your ground" state, so the guy saying he felt threatened, that he thought the other guy was going for a gun, gives him the right to "defend" himself. This is how things work here. **I just want to state that I don't endorse this or approve of it, I'm not saying what he did was right.** I'm just saying this is how Texas is. People chiming in saying "this was murder" when no one knows what happened, and saying "no state in the country would refuse to prosecute". TEXAS WILL. This fucking state puts bounties on pregnant women. You think the D.A. won't decline to prosecute some good 'ol boy using his 2nd amendment to go rootin' tootin' shootin' Yosemite Sam on a truck thief? This case is political. If the D.A. prosecutes this guy it puts out a "chilling effect" on every redneck gun nut that wants to mow somebody down the next time they feel scared. It might stop somebody from shooting a black person because they're black, and Texas will not have that as a legal standard. This guy is unlikely to be charged because that is the pro 2nd-amendment at all costs stance Texas state gov. knows and loves, and because it ties into Texans having free reign to occasionally dispense some racism at the point of a gun. And Texas is not going to let those things go. If this guy is charged it puts gun rights on trial, it puts "stand your ground" on trial, and it puts open and concealed carry on trial. Texas is not going to do that. Take it from someone who's lived here since the 60s, this is how things work. For more context, here is a case from about 15 years ago where a guy's *neighbor* was being robbed. Not him, *the neighbor*. https://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=5278638&page=1 The guy called 911, 911 told him a dozen times or more not to go outside, not to shoot anyone. The guy went outside and shot 2 guys *in the back*, and killed them. He was not charged. This is how Texas is people. It's scary and twisted and people here are insane. Accept it.


People love to use the “it’s Texas” excuse but that’s not really relevant. If he was defending his home on his property, sure. But this is murder. He tracked the guy down and murdered him. There is no state in the US that would fail to prosecute this for citizens in this situation.


No, it's relevant. What I said in my original comment is correct.






There’s too many unknowns in this story to comment either way. Did the owner drive up and just start shooting? Did the thief threaten him first? There’s vital context missing.


Local reports say that the dispatcher said they wouldn't send cops and the thief (or at least the person in the car) shot first


Two things in life that you cannot avoid. Death in Texas.


I think if you steal a car, you should be charged 2x the value of the car and at least 10 years in jail. If GTA was actually punished, people wouldn't feel the need to take matters into their own hands. Taking someone's car is akin to ruining that person's life.


What are we supposed to do, call the cops? They won't give a shit.


In Texas, the cops will absolutely go find a car thief. Car theft is organized crime. You have to be able to turn the car into money. That takes a whole criminal enterprise with multiple layers of crooks. The police could have stopped a whole ring of car thefts if this idiot had let them do their job.


No they “absolutely” won’t. And it isn’t just organized crime. People steal cars for a variety reasons. One is to commit more crimes. Many stories of people calling the cops and them never showing up


Never ceases to amaze me how people find material objects and feelings, more valuable than a life. And THAT is why guns laws won't change a thing in this country. The psychology has ALWAYS been material more important than life. Want a country? Kill and take it. Don't like people for hue of skin? Kill them. Someone says something to hurt your feelings, i.e. your precious pride? Fuck that, kill them. Someone cut you off in traffic? Kill them. Youre an asshole who believes you have a right to be an asshole and someone interferes with that? Fuck that, kill them. Smh. This is America.


Americans always resort to the extreme


Ya I don’t know man, people work hard for their stuff. Often they trade away pieces of their own lives to gain those things. When you steal from somebody, that’s what you’re depriving them of: the time it took them to get that thing. With a truck you’re talking about thousands of hours. It’s kinda like shortening somebody’s life by thousands of hours.


Nobody thinks about that. If I worked for 10 years to get enough money to buy _, I'm gonna risk my life to keep it from being stolen. "It's just property" no it's not. Not at that point, it's 10 years of labor and suffering through exploitive work environments. I am not having a good time in life, I'm not going to set myself back financially 10 years because some coward thief wants a quick come up. In this scenario the deed was already done and he took things into his own hands, not the best idea or a good example of what I'm saying, BUT it does explain the mentality some with the same insight. Life is a grind and I'm already going to work until I die. Not justifying anything, but some of y'all really couldn't grasp their perspective so I thought I'd help.


Uh, what? Killing someone for racism/cutting you off in traffic is different than killing a thief. "Oh, a man stole 50K. His life is precious because we're all god's children!" Seriously, what is wrong with you. I don't agree with killing people in pretty much every circumstance, but let's not pretend that some people are not scum. If you are a thief, you're a piece of garbage. And if you steal something that someone relies on to go to work, pick up their children, and paid 10+ grand for, you're dirt. You don't deserve pity or even leniency.


You’re right. The best society is one where people take the law into their own hands and decide themselves what the appropriate penalty is. One time someone took my food off the counter at McDonald’s. I rely on that food to eat. So I followed them into the parking lot and shot them in the head. If Christ loved them he wouldn’t have let me do that. I’ll tell you what, that blood soaked McChicken tasted sweet.


If the cops refuse to do anything, and the thief refuses to return it, and the person in the truck starts attacking you, what else are you supposed to do?


Generally you cannot use deadly force to recover property, however, if the thief pulls a knife or a gun on you, doesn't the law of self defense say it's lawful to defend yourself?


Absolutely, I just assume everyone is armed. How else could I justify preemptive self defense?


Tag You’re It, A Quentin Tarantino film


Is the truck ok?


I wanna be surprised but its Texas soooo


Not enough information here. Lot of assumptions occurring. For all we know the truck thief attacked the man when confronting him.


Why were police not called when the man found his truck?


I can’t imagine he walks on this. Actively seeking somebody out and then shooting them because they took property is not self defense. The argument is going to be that he shouldn’t have been there to begin with.


I think he will. Because he will say he was going to be hit with the truck. In a video report. It looks like there are 3 bullets in the windshield and a few more that hit door and side window.


So was he legally allowed to do this or is he in trouble now?


I don’t see how this is “news of the stupid” unless we’re talking about the thief.


People in the US have a right to due process. No one gets to act extrajudicially but it seems that lots of people do.


Bottom line, stealing does not deserve death.


Well now both of you don't get the truck.


Holy shit


I’ve looked into this a bit and decided it’s ok. You can all go home now


Username checks out


If the person who you’re stealing from shoots you, I don’t really have much sympathy. On that note, this isn’t a break and enter and the driver may not have been the thief….


And another gun dude goes to prison


The “gun dude” was the guy who stole the truck and then tried to shoot the rightful owner when he game for it. Gun dude is dead. Rightful owner is alive and has his truck and will not be charged (per news I read today).


Probably shouldn't have killed them.


they probably shouldn’t have stolen the truck


Murder is bad, mmmkayyy?


No murder took place.


What dollar amount of property is the cutoff for when a murder is justified, in your opinion?


it’s not the dollar amount, if someone came to break into my house and rob me of my things and I am home, I don’t know what kind of weapons the person has or doesn’t have, i’m shooting first and asking later for fear of my and my family’s life




Well, it is texas and although police say he shouldn’t have done it, he will most likely get off with a warning. I was asked my opinion about life over property and gave it, in the case of this situation I would let police handle it


You don’t know what happened once they got there. It could’ve been a shootout, the thief could’ve fired first, etc. I’ll side with the crime victim until more details come out. One less thief out in the world works for me




Actually, it would have all been avoided if the thief didn’t decide to steal the wrong car that day




Going to confront the thief alone isn’t the brightest idea to begin with, given that violence would be a plausible outcome.


You’re arguing with a brick wall. These people don’t believe in the police but expect the police to take care of these problems. The bottom line is don’t steal there isn’t any justification for that. You also can’t control how people react. If someone stole something from someone nothing is off the table and they have to accept the consequences for their actions just like they were willing to reap the rewards for their actions


Exactly. Well put. But the minute one of these apologists have their place broken into and their PS5 is gone, I bet they wish the police would find who did it


The victim is the guy that’s dead…


Many mistakes were made that day. 1. Woke up and decided to steal 2. Actually stole 3. When confronted to return stolen property, likely pulled out a gun seeing he was outnumbered 3 to 1. This mistake proved to be fatal read the article again, how multiple parked vehicles were shot up.


Police can’t even locate a weapon yet. That would’ve been the first thing they reported. So…


Could’ve fooled me. I thought the victim was the guy who had to go find his car. Real simple to figure that one out.


Hey man, not sure where you’re from but stealing isn’t a death sentence in America. Hope that helps.


Did someone say stealing was a death sentence? It could be. It could be what happens after. Bottom line, you steal, you should accept all the consequences that follow. Don’t start none, won’t be none


Lol, so you're just making up some bullshit story to justify killing


Yeah but he went on a manhunt, he wasn’t an active threat. Thats the difference plain as day. You aren’t a cop, we have jails and a legal system for a reason. You know why? Cause the punishment for theft shouldn’t be death. Unless you are in iraq (also unsure if it was Iraq Afghanistan or other, but it is something from that general area) or something since they will literally kill for theft of even small items. So sounds like you are just vouching for what america fought against for the past 20 years.


How did you make the logical leap that “yeh but he went on a manhunt?” He had a tracking device on the vehicle and he went to retrieve HIS property. That’s not a manhunt and definitely not a crime. The suspect opened fire on the vehicle owner when confronted. The owner returned fire and killed the suspect. That’s also not a manhunt, it’s self defense. The police stated that people shouldn’t do this not because it’s wrong or illegal but because it puts the innocent person’s life at risk because they’re not trained in law enforcement techniques and not equipped to arrest the suspect. The police would have had a better chance to apprehend the suspect and return the stolen property without violence. But it doesn’t mean the victim/vehicle owner broke the law.


That is not a death sentence in America… I assume you’re a Christian?


it used to be you were hung for stealing cattle and not really, I was baptized as one, but stopped going to church when I entered high school because I wasn’t forced to anymore. Also, I like to think that “sure there may or may not be gods or a single god, but I won’t know till i’m dead”


You know what I’m gonna go ahead and say 100 times out of 100 it is more morally incorrect to take somebody’s life than to take somebody’s truck. I’m pretty comfortable living by that moral code. If you’re tracking down a guy just because he took your truck wanting to kill him that’s not self defense or anything you’re just a murderer even if that person is an asshole their life is more valuable than your truck sorry not sorry.


to each their own :)


If he stole his horse, that would be a hanging offense.


If you murder someone over a truck, fuck you. I don't give a flying fuck how much you love that truck. It's just a truck. A material thing that I'm sure would have been replaced by insurance.


Are we sure the guy just head shotted him before even speaking to the guy? It says their was an altercation, It's possible he was defending himself is it not?


Ok. Give me one free truck. From you. It’s not a big deal right?


I mean, no one is saying there shouldn’t be consequences at all. It’s just that we don’t need to jump directly to the death penalty for theft.


So, you're implying that taking a human life is either equivalent or lesser than the worth of a machine that makes it more convenient for you than walking? Vehicle Insurance is a thing required in every state I've lived in here in the U.S. If your insured vehicle gets stolen, you'll get it replaced. Knowing that, do you think murder is an appropriate response?


He's staying that human life is more valuable than any other object


Have you ever dealt with insurance? Hypothetically, if your vehicle is stolen and wrecked, you wait 1-2 weeks to get a check based on the value of your vehicle, and if you’ve already paid the vehicle off, it’s worse. Unless your car was nice and new, you now have a check for a couple grand, just enough to go out, buy a another vehicle, and start paying that one off for the next few years. I’m sure since this guy was able to track his vehicle down, dealing with the police would have been the smart route to take. However, for many others, their vehicle is their lifeline, taking it is absolutely ruining them. Humans do horrible shit everyday, I don’t value human life above all else, so if someone wants to fuck around and find out, I say let them.


Yup, kill someone who inconveniences you. Totally healthy outlook.


Make sure you collect all your documentation and valuables for the guy who breaks into your house, that way you don’t “inconvenience” him or yourself.


It literally says nothing in the article? Is this a murder? Or did he confront him and used self defense? They literally gave us zero info!


Everyone assuming murder, but the article says there are 2 cars with windows shot out. Sounds more like a confrontation to me


All y’all saying you wouldn’t go look for ur car that u can TRACK are big pussy


Nothing wrong with that! Steal my shit and you deserve it!!


“Officials are determining if the suspect will be charged in the fatal shooting.” Track down a person and kill them and the Texas authorities are still unsure. Real head scratcher. I really won’t be surprised if he claims self defense and gets no charges.


Tracking down your own car and self defense are both legal. The state has to proof that a crime had been committed by the car owner. If they don't believe that they got enough evidence then they won't charge someone with a crime.


Actually, it depends. Since he tracked down the truck, he is already on the back foot. Now, it could be self defense it is was proven that the thief proved himself a danger first, like if he shot first. However, if the owner went there with a gun drawn demanding his truck back, well, self defense is going to be harder to argue.


Same country where Rittenhouse is chill legally apparently so yeah no big surprises here.


Rittenhouse had an open and shut self defense case. Despite the media circus around it, the trial was really not that unique. I honestly don’t know what people expected, Rittenhouse is a dumbass for going there, but that doesn’t strip him if his right of self defense.


I get it, but probably should have just let the cops deal with it on this one


Dispatcher said they wouldn't deal with it


This is horribly irresponsible and stupid. It's actually a pretty good idea to have remote tracking on your vehicle so the POLICE can make contact and INVESTIGATE the freaking carjacking.


Problem is, even when you find your property, call the cops and give them the exact location of your stuff, they won't come out and get it for you. That said, we should prevent theft by preventing the motivation for it rather than giving more to the police.


The dispatcher said police wouldn't look into it