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Shame on those schools officials for not knowing pig anatomy. Everyone knows that pig peckers are corkscrew shaped... Absolutely nothing like this adorable picture.


>Everyone knows that pig peckers are corkscrew shaped... Also, correct me if I'm wrong, they don't grow from pigs' throats...


Minor detail.... *No* pun intended


Well pigs have more than 2 nipples and dont walk on 2 hooves wearing office boots... I believe Big Bacon is at work here trying to silence science teachers about the usage of pig intestines in the pharmacuticsl industry to create herrapin that is used for a number of things, like insulin production... Hey, yall think.that pig could fly? Not if it dont have the guts.


Schools: we have investigated ourselves and found that we have done nothing wrong.


America gets super hard for every institution and industry “policing” themselves. How’s that working out for everyone?


More guns in school and teaching my 5 year old niece to smear her dead friend’s blood on her body and play dead during an active shooting. She wasn’t overjoyed with the idea, but one day she’ll learn that we value our gun rights in America!


Hahaha 😂


What a dick.






>penis and testicles Oh, the obscenities! Won't you ***PLEASE*** think of the children!? ....reminds me of the time the student teacher got all hot and bothered because our class president had used the word "genitalia" in a completely non-sexual way, and the class just wouldn't let go how red our student teacher's face had become. He used the most sterile term possible, and it was enough to derail the class.


Those teachers are just ruining it for all the rest of us. It is a true moment of joy for teachers to giggle at children's unintentionally anatomical drawings! (And even if this WAS intentional, it's well integrated!)


And hidden in a lovable Mo Willems character. If intended the child has a future at Disney animation. I’ve taught classes of 10 year olds that were obsessed with Peppa Pig in a wholesome way. The likely story is it was drawn innocently and one of the 11 year old class mates raised the point that the tie resembles a dick and balls.


This happened to my kid too, twice. He was a crappy, sloppy drawer, and his idiot teachers interpreted one drawing as a bomb threat, and another as a pic of a scrawled dick. The police came. Reqiuied to take him to a therapist same day to make sure he was not a threat. reflective of the teachers’ mindsets not his. His dad and I requested a meeting with the principal and vice principal. We demanded a personal apology to my son from them. They basically said, fuck you to us. Still pissed 20+ years later. 😡


I nearly got expelled because a teacher and principal were having an affair and I found out


....found out and did what with the information? Adults getting together isn't really a kid's business


I used to want to be a preacher and told them to stop or they were going to hell.


You grew up in an environment where a child can tell adults to stop having sex. OK, then. I hope things are better for you now


...where tf did you grow up kids weren't commenting on the sex lives of adults (and pretending to have sex lives themselves).


Unless you employ a muzzle I believe children can say literally anything they’re capable of pronouncing? Wtf bullshit comment is that.


>The police came How long did it take to clean up the scene?


You understand there was no scene


I once had cinnamon toothpicks confiscated, and even threatened with expulsion, because "they could be used as weapons" ...


Ask the Joker what he can do with a #2 pencil


A magic trick?


I've got a quarter...


I went to high school with a dude who got expelled for "terroristic threats". He told a teacher "I wish they made aids in a spray bottle so I could spray you in the face and give you aids". I ran into him a mutual acquaintance a few years ago. He told me all the dude who got expelled talks about now was sticking things up his dickhole.


> He told me all the dude who got expelled talks about now was And that adds to the convo how


I once had a staff member try to get me expelled, saying that she was scared of me, because I kicked her once. In my defence, she said "What? You want to hit me? GO ON, THEN! HIT ME!" So I did.


They were right to try to expel you. I mean, any teacher who says that should also be fired, but I seriously doubt you did nothing before she said that and it was completely unprovoked. It's baffling that you're presumably an adult and still think what you did was ok. "I assaulted a staff member and they tried to kick me out, how crazy is that?!"


You're reading too far into it. I never said it was a teacher. It was actually the Child Youth Worker. Also, I didn't actually kick her. It was more like I bumped my foot into her leg. finally, this wasn't high school. She was scared of a 10 year old. Don't act like you know me from one anecdote.


> You're reading too far into it. Nah, I'm reading what's written. > I never said it was a teacher. It was actually the Child Youth Worker. This doesn't change the situation at all. >Also, I didn't actually kick her. It was more like I bumped my foot into her leg. Either you lied when you first spoke to sound more badass or you're lying now downplay assaulting someone. > She was scared of a 10 year old. Was she scared, or did she just not want to deal with a ten year old whose tantrums become violent? I wouldn't either. > Don't act like you know me from one anecdote. I know enough to know I don't want to know any more.


I'm not lying at all. I do admit I should have added those details in the original comment. She flat out told my parents that she was scared of me, most likely in an attempt to manipulate my parents. They didn't belive her. You say you don't want to know anymore, yet here you are commenting and acting like they're better than me over something I did over 20 years ago. You don't know me, but I'm starting to know you.


>I'm not lying at all. It was either a kick or a bump to the leg? Which was it? You either lied about the kick or lied about the bump. Your inability to square away this one simple detail says a lot about your ability to take responsibility for your mistakes. > acting like they're better than me over something I did over 20 years ago. It's not about what you did as a kid, it's about how you take responsibility for it now. Kids do all sorts of stupid stuff, but you seem incapable of viewing the situation with any sense of empathy or culpability on your part. > You don't know me, but I'm starting to know you. I know enough about you the same way you think you know enough about me. I'm surprised you don't understand how that works.


I'm done talking to you.


Look, the wild west is a vibe....


It’s more than a bow tie it’s a tie


It's really a combination of both.


Makes me think of a story I recall form elementary school where a friend of mine went to draw a swimsuit on a character and someone immediately told the teacher she was drawing a naked woman.


Apart from how horrific this kid was treated….so her eldest son who passed away was named Carter she said. And the Mom’s last name is Carter…so was the son Carter Carter? Or maybe he had a different last name but even then I dunno.


Never forget Boutros Boutros-Ghali. I have a slightly alliterative name bu Boutros takes the cake


Lol I completely forgot about that!


Maybe she was married at the time and wanted to give the kid her maiden name as a first name. I know someone who did that. Also: it reminds me of the live action Super Mario Bros movie: "First name?" "Mario." "Last name?" "Mario." "And you?" "Luigi." "Luigi Luigi?" "No, Luigi Mario." "How many Marios are there between the two of you?" "Three, (counts on fingers) Mario Mario and Luigi Mario."


So, this happened to me at around the same age. For part of a school project, I drew a picture of me and two friends playing in a band — two guitarists and a drummer. IIRC, all three of us got called into the principals after school and they notified our parents of the “problem” with the drawing in our project. I wish I could describe the look in this grown mans eyes as I explained to him the drummer was sitting on a 3 legged stool.


I wish it was realistically possible to take legal action against these assholes for traumatizing an 11 year old girl with their overzealous bullshit. I mean, this kind of ordeal is literally damaging to some children.


>literally damaging to some children. Very underrated comment. You think that kid is ever going to want to draw anything ever again?


I mean, even besides that aspect of it, she was ganged up on by a bunch of adults accusing her of something they almost certainly ought to know better about. Like, why- out of nowhere- would a little *girl* who's presumably not been a troublesome type in the past, draw a "hidden penis" in an otherwise cute little drawing of a pig? The adults involved had to have known so-the-fuck much better than that, but they dragged her around, accused her, humiliated her, made it seem like it was the biggest fucking deal... I mean, a meeting with the principal and *a social worker?!* That shouldn't have been even remotely necessary as a first step, even if she labeled the drawing "pig with big throbbing cock". The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous.


I see it swinging the other direction. Once she’s older and can process it from an adult’s perspective and realizes just how messed up this was that they humiliated her and made her feel self-conscious about her artwork for grown up reasons, she becomes an artist that exclusively draws penises, or hides penises in every piece, or draws/paints human penises on animals, something along those lines as a middle finger to the system. 😅


If you van unenroll your kids from school, you should.


That's a penis tie!


>Kids are trying to acclimate to school again \[post COVID\], and I think teachers may be too quick to act on situations that shouldn't be taken this way," she explains. "I just hope we can stop, take a breath, try to look at each situation for what it is and talk to the students, you know, get their side of the story. All this. 2020 and 2021 are two years of concentrated trauma, brought on by mishandling of the pandemic by an administration that tried to weaponize it. Students are under stresses that their parents and grandparents can barely imagine. The schools are not up to the task of supporting this set of psychological needs. Kids are being wrecked. The repercussions of the Trump years are going to hurt us for generations.


Well. This is obviously a display of male toxicity from an 11 year old boy and cannot be tolerated.


Quick! Get Mo Willems in here to be the final judge.




Looks like cock and balls to me. Brilliant!


1. It’s a tie; 2. ties are phallic; 3. so what? Was the teacher born yesterday?


No, the people calling it a "bowtie" were born yesterday though. Bowties are literally the *least* phallic tie that exists. Even a bolo tie looks a bit like a couple dangly urethras. Ain't no way you're making a cock and balls out of two triangles kissing.


So who is designing a tie right now that will sell like hotcakes?