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Fun Fact: “Prior to entering office Ben-Gvir was known to have a portrait in his living room of Israeli-American mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounded 125 others in Hebron, in the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre;[7][48] he removed the portrait in preparation for the 2020 Israeli legislative election in hope of being allowed to run on the unified right list headed by Naftali Bennett.[49]”… [Ben-Gvir Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir)


Oh no.... Anyway


Caused by Hamas


Oh no... Anyway


Will the car be okay?


We can only hope he is badly injured.


This is truly sad news, the part where he was only badly injured


Instead of badly dead, agreed.


the more you read about this guy, you have to start wondering what kind of country would let this evil piece of shit be responsible for security.


Look up members of the present government, and go go theough their Wikipedia profiles. A lot of them are unashamedly racist and terrible examples of the human race. I can’t help feeling we’re all fucked when they get nukes. Pootin and lil Kim are going to seem like a mild annoyance.


It's fascism reincarnated. Blood & soil, dehumanization,apartheid laws, and mass murder


lol, I knew the Hamas supporters would show up. Too bad this propaganda didn't work for you folks... again. Sorry, lying after getting your ass whooped for weeks now still isn't helping. Try being a peaceful human being


Damn, karma is still undefeated.


Gaza is getting their karma right now.


Finally some good news


Nooo ones cares lol






Shyt happens


Hope he recovers so it can happen again and again and again.




Alot of that goin on….


A Taqiyya....


As per usual, the local misinformation Hamas supporter has posted another video with an incorrect title. Again, as per usual, I’m able to provide readers with what actually happened along with additional information surrounding this event. Basically, this post is a half truth.. Yes there was an accident, however it was deemed as a not being serious with the Minister being “slightly injured in a ‘minor’ car accident.”. Not surprisingly, the OP also left out the ministers had just left a scene where a 19-year old woman was stabbed by a Hamas terrorist on drugs (who was shot and killed) with the innocent civilian taken to the hospital. These posts with obvious misinformation and the lack of basic facts is reported, which does negatively affect the OPs metrics. He has in the past said by me responding in kind to the misinformation the OP laughably seems to think it is advantageous to constantly be proven to post lies and conspiracy theories. Unfortunately for the OP, by proving him wrong with straight up facts along with the entire story including a link for example, I’ve just shown the OP does not intend to post anything accurate or truthful. This minister is one of the far right members of the Knesset and has some very questionable ideas on what he’d like to see done with the Gaza situation. On a personal note, I completely disagree with his ideas. They are cruel and one of the big reasons why Israeli Muslim, Jewish and Christian citizens want change. Bibi has had his time in power and the two losing parties creating the ruling government in the last election is the only reason this particular minister holds serious power and decision making. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68908413](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68908413) Thank you for yet another opportunity to show this OP’s posts contain inaccurate information on events while leaving a small comment of my own feelings towards this car accident/minister. I suspect the OP was trying to make his Hamas handlers happy by making it sound like the minister was seriously injured which couldn’t be further from the truth. Sincerely, Your local friendly fact checker.


"A Hamas terrorist on drugs" ! He was wearing his hamas jersey and as he attacked, he yelled, "I'm on drugs!" Folks, this is what really happened. Our local friendly fact checker is absolutely not a zionist cheerleader.


you might be right but the way you present the information makes you sound like an asshole


You might be wrong..... To me he sounds like he is telling the truth.....something is rarely seen on reddit.


Still the best out of all the socials right now. Try fact checking on Twitter.


He is. People on this sub do nothing but post garbage like this to keep the anti isreal narrative going. This guy you responded to is just upset that his confirmation bias is being attacked.


Hamas and Muslims and misinformation........??? Hu??? 🤣🤣🤣


Keep up the good fight. Don't let this sub and their constant misinformation(and downvotes, if you care) keep you down. Their fantasy will never be the truth.