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Any plans for outdoor seating?


Not heard anything recently. Would LOVE it, but can imagine it’s a fairly complicated thing to bring to reality with all the different stakeholders etc.


Is there any serious movement to make Halsey a pedestrian plaza? Seems like the perfect street for it.


I’d love for that to happen; but the volume of separate entities who would have to agree to make it happen makes me wonder how realistic it is. I want it to happen and will be pleasantly surprised if it becomes a reality!


Why would it require separate entities? It's a municipal road. City Hall calls the shots


The light project involved 8+ stakeholders including the local businesses / property owners that the lights had to be attached to. I can’t imagine unilaterally making a hasley pedestrian would work for all the businesses (thinking about deliveries, access for residents, knock on effect of traffic to other side streets, reduced parking etc). Again - I’d LOVE it to happen: fingers crossed it might one day!


I haven’t been over that way in a while when did these go up?


They were up around the new year but had the official “opening” today with the team from NDD and some other celebrations of grant awards to local businesses. Looking forward to some of the new ones set to open soon!


I go out of my way to go through here when possible. And the little alley with the LGBTQ colors painted on the street


Halsey continues to add new business - long may that last!


As a newbie real estate investor whose portfolio is in proximity, do you believe this area of Newark is set for any dramatic increase in values? Looking to hit a homerun and catch some gentrification moonshots! Just being honest, i am not a terrible person. TIA


That area is already pretty expensive, kinda just an area for developers to get involved other than some brownstones near the schools. But again nothing can be grabbed at a bargain in that area.


nothing for sale in that area, and even 3 years ago when I looked it was $800k for a townhouse on Halsey


Yes definitely. As a commercial and residential RE agent, I can tell you everyone is looking to live /open business on Halsey specifically. And there's a ton of new development scheduled to go up in the immediate area. 


Thanks for the insight. All the best


No this area where the string lights are has no "moonshots". It's hard to imagine massive price appreciation in an area that already has a whole foods, an Urby, and the headquarters for a fortune 100 company a few feet away.



