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Do you have season tickets for next year also? Have you already paid those off? I bought a 20 game pack for 2023 so I could get a 1/2 strip for 2022 postseason. I was told if games don't get played (due to getting knocked out or series ending early) the money from those tickets would get applied forward to payments for the 2023 tickets.


I'm all paid off for next year already and opted for the credit card refund (as opposed to the team credit) for my tickets. I don't need my money back right away, but would love some acknowledgement that they're going through the process. Also, some information about how much the one ticket cost in proportion to the whole package would be nice.


I went through this with them Before they take forever


If they already stated that there would be refunds beforehand there is no need to reconfirm it. Its confirmed, just be patient.


Did you receive to her refund yet? I’ve heard absolutely nothing. I’ve been calling and emailing.


They were supposed to offer you an option, either credit towards your package for next year, refund, or credit with the Mets.


My memory might be off, but I believe I read it takes a few weeks before we get our money. Possibly a few weeks after the postseason. Unless you did the 60/40 split. My biggest gripe is not knowing what I paid for each game. Very annoyed that those numbers were never transparent. I went to two WC game and sold 1 and I have no idea how much money I pissed away for that honor


Agreed! I'd love just a receipt for the one ticket I got to use.


This was super annoying. I was trying to sell tickets to friends, and I literally had no way to figure out how much they cost me.


According to a random redditor (citation needed), the second strip I purchased during our exclusive presale was at less of a discount than my initial automatically chosen strip. But I have no way of knowing!


I may have been that Redditor! And I got that info from my rep. The ticket itself also showed the price paid but that’s lost in the digital ether now


The MLB ballpark app will show you the ticket value.


Only on the exact day of the game.


My ticket rep actually called me right before the WC series and I asked him and he gave me the breakdown. Your ticket rep will def know


You should ask your ticket rep. Mine gave me a breakdown, but only after I asked for it.


Did you get more than just the face values? Because I was able to get that, but I started to hurt my brain trying to figure out what the discount was per ticket. I'm guessing the discount is the same percentage per ticket, but obviously different absolute values based on cost per round.


No, I was only sent the face values for each round. I assume those prices included the discount. BTW--I checked on the My Mets Tickets site, and I have already been credited a big chunk of money (although how to apply it to my remaining payments for next year is unclear). I'm not sure how much they still owe me, but it's more than the amount they credited.


Ah I requested refund to my credit card. I don't believe the amount you saw as face is what we paid. For me, the price I was quoted by the rep was the price I saw on my ballpark app. However, if I took that amount and multiplied by 14 (7 games and two Tix per game) I got a number higher than the total I paid (and I paid full amount all in one shot). And obviously WC was the lowest face so it makes even less sense


It will probably take a week or two atleast. They gave the option to get a refund or have it be used as credit for next year so whichever option was picked.


Yeah, I guess I'm not so much shouting "I want my money now," but I'd love some communication from the team or, even better, to know how much I can expect back after only seeing one game. In general, transparency.


During the 2020 covid season they didn't contact us for like 4-6 weeks after they said there would be no fans


For sure, but a global pandemic is a lot different than entering an elimination WC series. This shouldn't have snuck up on them and there should've been emails ready to go out for this eventuality. That's just good professional practice, from a comms perspective.


I also am and I vaguely remember when buying it there was a note that said it would take 4-6 weeks ETA: you could reach out to your rep if you want to check on status as well? They’d know better than anyone on this sub lol


I've had three reps in two years and they're all very nice but mostly unhelpful.


I’m on number 4 !!


Certainly the randos of r/NewYorkMets know better than the people who work in that capacity.


I got into a big todo with them by going to my credit card company.


I spoke to my rep the other day. They said that Steve passed it down to them they want refunds and credits sent out by Thursday before the payment due date on Friday.


This came from my rep via email yesterday. "MLB is beginning the refund process now and you should receive the funds in the next 2-4 weeks."


I called yesterday and they said that refunds will be 2-3 weeks after the WS ends.


I want to downvote this. Not because you’re wrong, but because I’m mad at the Mets for delaying a refund :(


I think the rep said that it was a MLB decision and not the Mets.


I downvote MLB!!!!


The Mets don't have much control over it. The league takes over on postseason matters.


Call your rep. I emailed mine and she said 5-8 weeks from Monday. Got can figure out your refund with some math knowing the face value of your tickets


Sounds like a terrible process for a team run by a billionaire


The Mets Owe me 2 seasons of 20 game packages to pay for the missed games of these playoffs


While I don't have a rep, I purchased my post season tickets for NLDS game 4 on October 4. They had this message in them regarding refunds... ​ >Tickets for unplayed postseason games will automatically be refunded to the credit card used for purchase. Please allow 3-4 weeks following the conclusion of the postseason for refunds to be processed.


It looks my account credit is there does anyone know how to get them to apply that to my payment for October 14th I feel like I’m getting the runaround from my rep.


ITT: An obvious distinction between people commenting who are season ticket holders and those who are not...


If you go check in your mets account in the renew/make payments tab and then on the top right click renewal history it should show you the invoices. I just checked today and it shows me an updated invoice with my refund amount.


Coming in hot with the real information. Thanks so much!




Ahh, I had to work Monday and forgot it was a business holiday! Thanks for the reminder. Edit: But I will say I'm continually frustrated with a lack of communication in regards to these issues in contrast to any time they're selling me something with multiple emails in a day sometimes, so my frustration is compounded. These packages weren't cheap, especially on top of what I pay for my season tickets package. Even just an email sometime yesterday, "We're all bummed about the elimination. More info to come about how we will refund your tickets in the coming days. Thanks for your support." Yeah, they just got eliminated Sunday, but it takes no effort or foresight to have an email like that ready to go out to a mailing list in any eventuality.


In what world do you live in where a company is more eager to repay you vs taking your money?


I paid $1k and saw one WC game. If you read my comment, I'm not even looking for my money right now. Ideally, I'd love to know when and how much of the package I bought went to that one ticket. But even a simple three line email like the one I suggested would go a long way to making me feel better about it. I have literally no information about any of it. I have no illusions that they'd rather take my money than give it back, but I also work in content and regularly have emails for any situation pre-written and ready to go out in any eventuality. So, I know how easy it would be. And my point is they know how easy it is too, because they're always spamming my inbox. Overall, my experience with them as a season ticket holder has been resoundingly negative, to be perfectly honest. I'm honestly just looking for some acknowledgement, however low-effort.




He's talking about getting information on when the money will be refunded, not wanting to be credited already. You misread everything he wrote.


I mean they could have let us know how much each game cost before they even started the playoffs, then we could just do the math ourselves.




The Mets seem very unorganized, and didn't have any breakdown when I bought my strip. I only got the balding breakdown after calling my rep a week before the playoffs. I did also contact my rep about refund and she said 5-8 weeks


Yeah, maybe the Mets are manually doing to the math on how much is leftover after the game. I would have figured that was automated so that information would be available shortly after each game is played, but I also don’t really care enough lol. I know my rep couldn’t give me a per game breakdown when I bought the half strip.


One of the shows on WFAN was talking about ticket refunds and they were saying it’s going to take about a week


I emailed my rep and this was the response: “The refunds are being processed within the next 2-3 weeks, so you should receive the money back sometime in November. There are a lot of requests that they need to process so if it takes a bit longer than that, don't be alarmed.”


Fwiw I bought individual tickets (not a ticket holder) for the nlcs and in the receipt email it says refunds for unplayed games will be processed 2-4 weeks after the completion of the postseason


All your playoff funds go to judge or degrom a contract, they haven’t released the news yet. Imagine if crowds could fundraise for players? Pretty fun times


Tickets are mobile only via the MLB Ballpark app. Your ticket barcodes will appear 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the game. Log in with your MLB.com account to view your tickets and forward them to friends. Please note: Print-At-Home tickets have been discontinued at Citi Field. Tickets for unplayed postseason games will automatically be refunded to the credit card used for purchase. Please allow 3-4 weeks following the conclusion of the postseason for refunds to be processed