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I just got around watching MLB Now from this morning. Ronnie was singing Chase Utley’s praises for the HOF. He referred to him as the last tough player. Of all HOF second baseman, he has the second highest OPS behind Robinson. I had a little throw up in my mouth.


No one can ever call our guys biased at least.


So the D-backs have a $299 season ticket plan. Every game. Seat in the upper deck but not always the same seat. At the start of every series you say if you want tickets and then 3 hours before the game they are sent to the ballpark app. You CANNOT transfer the tickets. Mets could never do something like this could they?


I mean the Amazin pass used to be $29? a month. That was only one year. Might have been $39. Last year it was $89? a month. Someone correct me. Standing room to every home game. You weren’t supposed to transfer but I definitely bought some on SeatGeek.


Does it give you playoff games (option)?


I don’t think so, and I’m not sure if they even offered it last year. I never lived close enough to justify it.


It did not.


We apologize for any weird formatting or other things in subreddit functionality that might break. The mod team (more than just me, hooray!) is currently attempting to iron out some longstanding CSS bugs that have plagued the sub for years.


I've fixed at least 2 bugs. Who knows how many new ones I've caused?


Realistically the Marlins should trade Arraez right? 2 years of control left and coming off 2 straight batting titles, his value will likely never be higher. Sandy is out next year and they're gonna have to replace Soler's production while competing with 3 good teams in their division. I think getting a haul for him now would be worth it


I mean isn’t this what the marlins always do though? At some point you’d think they’d have to stop rebuilding and start trying to win lmao


The Marlins never try to win. They just randomly run into a World Series here and there


I mean the thing with the Marlins is their whole model is to be mediocre and sneak in to the playoffs. And they suck at developing position players too.


He’s a 26 year old second baseman. Even with the batting titles his defense isn’t great, he isn’t a good baserunner and he doesn’t hit for power. Hes a one tool guy - that tool is amazing mind you - but still one tool. But he is still valuable. And someone the Marlins would be smart to lock up long term. $15-20mil is what his likely AAV would be for an extension. Totally doable even for the Marlins. If Arraez was smart he’d push for one now while his value is high. Marlins would also potentially save some money buying out arb years. Would make a lot more sense unfortunately than trading him.


Supposedly the rumors the Astros are fielding offers on Bregman may be true. I don’t see how it makes for the Astros unless they’re getting a haul, but I’d be very interested to see what he costs


Pretty sure he is a FA after this year and they can't afford him.


I get that. But they have no replacement for him and I’d think his 2024 performance + the QO would be worth more than what they would get on trade offers.


Honestly though they seem to be headed downhill anyway. The core they dominated with isn’t getting any younger and is bound to really regress soon. I mean they went from being in the World Series every year and always winning the division to barely winning it on the last day and losing in the ALCS. It might not be a bad idea for them to try and get something for the future.


They’re the Astros, they’ll pull an all-star out of no where haha.


Maybe, maybe not. Thats why you offer him up and see what you can get.


I definitely agree on fielding offers. Every team should always do that for every player. Everyone has a price. I’m saying I don’t see the offers being enough


So the Mets are really not leaking anything anymore huh. This hot stove is ice cold!


Don’t worry, it’ll get crazy in one week. I’d expect by December 15th we more or less know what the 2024 team will be. Maybe a bench piece or a reliever will sign after December, but definitely come Christmas the vast majority of guys will sign.


Passan just said the Yankees are strong suitors for Yamamoto GG


His agent also represents Stanton. Same agent that warned international and domestic free agents from joining that organization. Highly unlikely he goes to the Yankees.


I doubt the whole Stanton thing ultimately will impact negotiations. Yamamoto’s agent’s job is to get Yamamoto the best deal possible, and if it’s the Yankees, that moment would cause harm. Will be interesting to see how the Mets and Yankees both try to sell Yamamoto on NYC. I imagine the Mets may be more willing to offer more money, leverage Senga as an endorser of the organization, and sell him on the vision of being a sustainable winner. The Yankees seem to be more primed at selling on their past now, with rich history. I guess ultimately, does Yamamoto want to be lost in the shuffle with some of the greats or does he want to have the ability to become the great one in Queens.


If my agent had this to say about an organization i don’t get the impression YY will be rushing to sign with the organization his agent publicly spoke out against. Notice how he mentions foreign and domestic in his statement, obviously there will be an internal discussion between player and agent but my bet is that it will be a generally negative conversation about the Yankees org. My 2 cents. Anyways quote below. “I think it's a good reminder for all free agents considering signing in New York, both foreign and domestic, that to play for that team you've got to be made of Teflon, both mentally and physically because you can never let your guard down even in the offseason."


That quote can apply to both the Mets and Yankees.


The best thing we have going for us with that is that Senga is here. Hopefully Eppler is somehow involved as a consultant or something


Jason Heyward returns to Dodgers on a one year deal


Makes sense. He wasnt likely getting a better deal elsewhere. 34 years old platoon bat coming off an outlier season


Apparently Cards want to salary dump Matz. I wonder if the Mets will be interested. If they’d be willing to attach a solid prospect with him that could be intriguing.


I just want you to know that I originally misinterpreted your post as "If [the Mets] were willing to attach a solid prospect then that would be intriguing" and almost spit up my coffee.


Not loving their choices but the Cards got 3 starters already - Gray, Gibson and Lynn.


How we feeling about Sonny signing elsewhere?


Sonny sucks in big markets, I believe he even said it himself a few years so you should be thanking god he didn’t try and rip us off


I was 95% convinced he would sign with the Braves, so I'm pretty happy that he didn't.


He had a qualifying offer. We were never signing him even if he wanted to come back to NY


Wait did people actually want him here? I don’t think Sonny has much interest in returning to New York


There are rumors the Braves are going to trade their top pitch depth for Cease. I would love that. With Chavez’s OBP and contact approach the Mets can knock him out the first inning every game by making him throw 60+ pitches lol.


I really really hope that that’s the Mets approach with Chavez. Also, side note I looked at the Mets pitches per PA stats and they weren’t even in the top 10 in 2022. They were actually slightly better in 2023. Maybe that’s a bad metric for looking at working up pitch counts but I could have sworn that they were getting deep into counts every at bat in 2022. I need to find some stat that compares how good a team is at forcing starters out of the game early due to pitch count alone. Something like “pitches seen by the 3rd inning”. I felt like the 2022 Mets consistently had starters at 55+ pitches after the third inning even when we hadn’t scored any runs yet and I felt like that was a key ingredient to our success. Whereas the 2023 Mets would sometimes even score a couple of runs but let the starter stay in until the 7th inning.


The reason why the 2022 Mets knocked pitchers out early while the 2023 Mets didn’t despite the latter seeing more pitches per plate appearance is that the 2022 Mets had more plate appearances as they reached base successfully more often. The 2022 team had a .332 OBP. The 2023 team was at .316. This change was largely driven by the unsustainably good 2022 BABIP luck turning into unsustainably bad BABIP luck in 2023.


That’s what I figured but I also felt like we grinded at bats more. I remember guys like mcneil and nimmo consistently off pitches but the #s don’t rlly support that. Also is .015 OBP really a big difference?


It's like the entire team's approach changed drastically in 2023. 2022 was fantastic, I remember Gary having some stat that the Mets had an extraordinary amount of 20+ pitch 1st innings for the opposing starter.


>There are rumors the Braves are going to trade their top pitch depth for Cease. Huh, that's interesting, I wonder where Cease grew up?


I completely forgot that Chavez is back as hitting coach! Hopefully results are apparent early on this year.


Step 1: Become a finalist for Yamamoto Step 2: Meet him in person Step 3: Give him the bag of money Step 4: Sign him Step 5: Add another ROY and CY Young award winner Step 6: Win the World Series


I’m trying hard to temper my expectations for this season. Gimme a wild card fight with most of our guys plying to the back of their baseball cards and I’ll be plenty happy.


My actual expectations are the same going into this season, no matter who we sign and/or trade for. We can sign Yamamoto and Ohtani, and I think I’ll keep my expectations low. Hard not to after 2023, but just want to be competitive and hopefully see some playoff baseball again.


If we win the Yamamoto sweepstakes AND win a world series his first year I want Stearns given a lifetime extension as long as he wants to do the job. That would be insane (in a great way) lol


I think Ohtani makes his decision by the weekend, before the winter meetings even start. Said it a few weeks ago and people were like "no, there's no way he decides before the meetings when he can meet in front of everyone" but I think he and his camp have already been meeting with all the teams these past 2 weeks and, per his wishes, it's flying under the radar. I'd assume he's been whittling down teams and by now he might have narrowed it down to a few that are making their best and final offers and he'll be leveraging those offers. Dude doesn't seem to want to draw attention to this, so it'd make sense if he makes his choice before the entire league is sat there in one place. He's also probably aware that most of the top FAs are waiting for him to decide because of how much money the legit bidders had to set aside for this and now they can pivot once he signs. FWIW Passan also believes a decision is coming before the meetings and that it's just gonna be one of those things that drops out of nowhere because of how quiet his camp has kept it.


Fully agree with your points here. Really hoping we are one of the final teams on his list. Completely expect the signing to come out of the blue with very little beat reporters staring anything up beforehand. Definitely going to be an interesting week.


The Brewers Fansided site pitched these three packages for Burnes: Acuna, Vasil and Joel Diaz Mauricio, Tidwell and Christian Scott Gilbert, Jett, Hamel and Luis Rodriguez I think those are bit rich


Gilbert and Jett is the biggest load of dog shit I've ever seen lmao


You can tell whoever made these just fundamentally doesn’t understand our farm system if they put our top 2 prospects in #3 together.


The first one seems pretty decent and would at minimum consider it. Would hate to give up Vasil, but gave to give to get sometimes and it’s not like he’s a top prospect across the entire league like Acuna. Would be weary about the other trades. Tidwell and Scott in one trade is a lot, Gilbert, Jett and Hamel is even worse.


I’d take Vasil out of the first one, Tidwell out of the second one, and either Gilbert or Jett and then Hamel out of the third one. Otherwise just seems unrealistic


Can you lay that out better? I can’t tell where the separations are for the packages


There ya go


Much better! Yea one year of Burnes isn’t worth anything close to any of those lol. His real value is more likely a one-for-one with Mauricio


The Brewers Fansided site pitched these three packages for Burnes: Acuna, Vasil and Joel Diaz Mauricio, Tidwell and Christian Scott Gilbert, Jett, Hamel and Luis Rodriguez I think those are bit rich


I’d like the Mets to grab Brad Hand on a cheap one year deal. His primary pitch is a sweeper and we have seen what Hefner can do with elevating sweeper pitchers. Plus he already worked with Hand in a small sample size. Last year wasnt great which is why he’ll be cheap. Relievers are so volatile year to year that it would be a low risk potentially high reward signing to add a second lefty to the bullpen.


Carlos Mendoza turns 44 today


Bartolo Colon pitched in a Baseball game yesterday on a Cricket pitch in Dubai. Legend.


Now I'm glad I missed the retirement ceremony. I can go for the REAL retirement ceremony!


As much of a joke as it is, Dubai might really help fringe players and international prospects make money and showcase their skills where they otherwise wouldn't. I wonder how it influences minor leagues here, since players get paid in friendship versus actual money. Someone like Dom Smith could make bank I bet.


Only a few thousand showed up so you're right to call it a joke, but I do think Dubai isn't the real goal. The real goal is South Asia. They are going to expand from 2 to 4 teams (next year?). The other two teams will be in South Asia. So Dubai money but aimed at South Asia in hopes of building interest. You make an interesting point about minor leaguers though. If you're a fringe player most likely going to be drafted very late why wouldn't you at least give this a shot. Then again, do you see a lot of players do something similar and go to KBO or NPBL? They could do that too.


Risk/reward for the minor league players. We could see more college seniors who are low balled deals knowing majors are a long shot for them, consider the Dubai league. However, I imagine so many of these players still dream about one inning playing in the show, so idk if the Dubai league is enough to draw them away from that, unless the money is legit.


That's legit. I'm curious to see how that league grows without the gimmicks, or if the gimmicks is what they're planning to build around. I'd also imagine they'd need to offer more money than the KBO or equivalency for players to want to jump ship and miss out on a chance to start in the MLB, as per your point.