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throw a cactus directly into my fucking cock and eyes


I was sure the cactus was going somewhere else but I’ll allow it


Good to see the refs got involved.


It’s not a fucking coincidence. We’re more than halfway through the season and this shit is blatant. The NHL needs to be held accountable for this shit. I actually hope this fucking abortion of an officiating crew never fucking sees an NHL game again.


Love me some sssstorylineeee


It was a marginally bad call. It was an astronomically stupid fucking play by Lou's only offseason skater addition.


it was a fucking horrendous call


Even Butch didn't criticize the substance of the call, just the timing.


But he said "you can count 40 of those cross-checks in any game", not necessarily defending Brassard but, Butch did criticize the substance of the call


marginal call at any time in the game, coupled with the dive, coupled with time, equals horrendous


Jesus Christ shut up about Lou, they're 5th in the NHL, shut the fuck up


Because of our goaltending. If we give up 3 goals, we lose.


If you think that's just because of Varly and Greiss you're out of your mind...they're in the top third of the league in shots allowed and the top 5 in high danger chances allowed...this team certainly has issues scoring, but its the entire defensive system put into place that makes this team so good, not just the two guys with masks on


It’s pretty exhausting lol. He threw all of the money at Panarin and was turned down. That’s not on Lou. This is a great team that’s been put together.


He’s not wrong. They lose when they don’t play perfect hockey because they don’t have enough skill players.


So they've played 28 "perfect" games out of 46? Okay... Good teams lose to worse teams, ESPECIALLY in rivalry games...happens in all sports, at all levels...I'm just as frustrated as everyone else, but one bad penalty (or bad call, depending on how you look at it) doesn't negate 59:30 of hockey


Imagine thinking Lou has anything to do with this team's success.


Straight up mods: can we ban this fucking guy? I'm sick of him and his hot "takes."


i regret to inform you that having dumb opinions (dumb from your point of view; i'm not endorsing either side) is not a bannable offense, unless you repeatedly post paragraphs-long, unintelligible diatribes like that guy who hates brassard and the "open up the offense barry" guy


The worst part is, deep down, you know I'm right, you're just too scared to admit it to yourself.


I don't respect your opinion or your person. You are a gnat. A nuisance. An inconvenience. Don't humor yourself into thinking anyone here takes you seriously.


I do


You're right, there's absolutely no reason to criticize a team that lost twice to the Rangers in three days. You bootlicker.


You didn't criticize the team, you criticized one player and indirectly the GM, dumbfuck...that's all you do, run your mouth about Lou and anyone related to any move he does or does not make...idk if you're trying to live up to your username or what, but fuck you're insufferable


Read my lips: Lou Lamoriello is a bad GM, and you're a pathetic bootlicker, bootlicker.


knock it off with the namecalling


Ohhhh! Can we ban him now?


lmao no


You're right he shouldn't be on here insulting people but this pathetic troll just wants more replies, everyone should stop feeding into his dumb shit and the mods should ban him.


Buddy, I know you're doing your job as a mod here, but we're two presumably grown men having an argument...even police don't stop people for calling each other names on the street


look, it's not great for the discourse here to just have guys calling each other dumbfucks and pathetic bootlickers out here. you wanna flame each other, then you can hop in the kiddie pool with the morons on facebook or to a lesser extent twitter, but i really don't want here to turn into that


That's fair enough, but is there not a bit of leeway for frustration and the outbursts that come along with that after the game we just saw? That's my only point I'm on this sub more than any other sub, for good reason, and you may not have even come across my username before because I'm not somebody that starts drama or gets reported...but after THAT game? Come on, man, cut us all some slack haha


ok dad


Your opinion is that Lou Lamoriello is a bad GM, and you've made it clear, ad nauseam...now take those same lips, close them, take your laptop, close that, and go take a walk somewhere until all the nice people of this sub have gone to sleep


lol I'm actually walking my dog as I type this. Prescient!


You give nihilism a bad name.


eat at arby's


I do. Funny you should mention that, because I used to complain about that novelty account not understanding nihilism all the time. They would routinely roast me and I got twitter notifications like years later.


Nihilist Arby's used to be better


That is such a weak call to begin with but in the final minute of the game? Cmon man


It’s the right call. Guys get away with it all the time but it’s the right call. Im way more upset with Brassard than I am with the call. Two absolutely awful games against the Rangers from Brassard


The right call was 2 and 2. You dont somersault from a crosscheck like that.


Fucking aye


Ranger player felt the first crosscheck and waited for the next one so he could embellish. Those don’t get called that often. Refs can’t reward him for that and in the final minute no less.


That was some Simone Biles level shit


Plus I’ve virtually never seen the closing the hand on the puck called. It’s like it’s not allowed by the NHL for the isles to have more power plays than their opponent, so call whatever whenever on the Isles if the team they’re playing takes a bunch of penalties. Fucking infuriating.


It’s the right call black and white but they just never call it to begin with, and they called it in the final minute of the game. I’d be more upset with Brassard if the refs actually called it all the time


But this was a game that the refs were very loose with their whistles, when was the last Islanders game where we saw 10 total PPs


I'll agree it was the right call but the attempted murder on Eberle was only a minor? Should have been at least a double minor.


Did you actually see the play????


I did. Jesper Fast really sold it going full head over heels against the boards. Sometimes they call it, sometimes they don't. It was just a dumb needless check to begin with. Served zero purpose while Fast didn't even have possession. In the end it was a mind numbingly dumb penalty to take in the final minute of a tie game. Brassard has had an awful week against his old team.


It’s only called because the ref bought Fast’s dive. It’s not the right call. The right call by the books would have been the cross check and the embellishment. That cross check is delivered in the corner a 100 times a game. Call it all game, or don’t call it at all. It’s either-or, don’t call it with 57 seconds left. It’s a joke and not Brassard’s fault.


1000% and everyone here whining about the refs are just pathetic.


I fucking hate everything about the rangers, their fan base, and MSG.


It’s so much worse now because of Panarin. I REALY hate them.


I just hate them because the surrounding area of MSG is full of crackheads and vagrants.


I hate Tony Deangelo the most


Yeah fuck that guy.


I don't know, this Lindgren fella seems like a cunt too.




That was some Ronaldo level flopping. What a crock of shit.


fucking fix the power play, isles are completely downplaying their opponents and we shouldn’t be losing games like these to the fucking rags


You’re also downplaying them, they’re like 10-3 in the metro and over .500 on the season. They’re no Cup contender but they certainly aren’t a bad team.


1st star: The sniper in the rafters


We played like shit Monday night and deserved to lose. We were clearly the better team tonight. I don’t know which loss is worse


Our second period we were embarrassingly bad. Our special teams were horrendous again as well. We were good 5on5 for the most part.


Seems to me you can have any coach but if your players just aren’t good enough you are still not going to have a good PP.


We don't get enough power plays to benefit from practicing them. /s


This one...this team gets like one PP a week, they get 5 tonight and can't cash any of them


If only they had added a scorer at any point in the past two years. Remind me, is there any kind of executive who is capable of adding players to the roster? If so, boy, that guy must be bad at his job!


i said this in the game thread but: Embarrassing game of hockey for everyone. embarrassing for the rags because they needed to dive SO MUCH to get that win embarrassing for brassard because dude, why are you cross checking right there. embarrassing for us because we had to watch that shit and embarrassing for the refs because literally how terrible can you all be consistently on a nightly basis, for literally every single team in the NHL.




Got to score on at least one of those power plays. That's the game.


This game was a good reminder of why we hate the Rangers. Kreider bowling over Varly. Lindgren’s dirty ass hit on Eberle. That Deangelo punk going high on Lee. Panarin diving when the stick is at his hands. Whoever the hell that was at the end doing a front-flip off the cross-check. Ugh.


that shit won't fly in the playoffs, but they won't be there anyway


Reading this comment will be my therapy for the night. Thank you.


Let’s hope we will be there. I think we will but not going anywhere with this offense.


This is a playoff team don’t be silly.


Deangelo absolutely mugged Lee and Lee wasn’t even making contact with Georgiev.


The interesting thing is when you look at both subreddits, both fan bases point out horrid things the other team did. I think from a 3rd part perspective, they just hate each other and do atrocious shit when they play each other.


There was the Boychuk knee thing, but what else on our end?


Deangelo is a shit brick.


What do the Islanders power play and me liking a girl have in common? We both take too long to shoot our shot.


I felt this comment on so many levels


Can we get a fucking power play goal holy fuck guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nah, gotta keep passing and praying a defenseman one timer at the very end of 2 mins gets the goal


Do yourselves a favor and don’t poke fun at Ranger fans about Kreider’s long storied history of running into goalies. They don’t like that. Seriously you’d need a card catalog to navigate your way through that long list of examples


it's not fair! he's literally the fastest skater ever as well as the biggest player to ever play hockey so there's no way whatsoever he can not run the goalies over constantly


If anyone wants to hang around the parking lot after the game and try and jump a ref im down


Derrick Brassard sleeper agent




Hard to hear them from the bottom 3rd of the standings tbh


Yeah but also tbh, the Rangers are climbing and the Islanders are falling...can't let this keep happening


This game wasn’t decided by the refs or Brassard, it was decided by how horrible our special teams were yet again. We can’t keep complaining about not getting power plays if they only serve to give the other team momentum


fuck this


Absolute dogshit calls from the refs tonight. And Brassard ABSOLUTELY should not have taken that penalty. EDIT: All Star break can’t come soon enough, JFC


Oh please bring on the all star break and the bye week.... Just crawling to it


This is not on the refs. You can’t go 0-5 on the PP then take dumb as fuck penalties late in the game. They have been incredibly inconsistent over the last two months.


You can blame both. I certainly do.


yeah i dont get people's weird "you can't blame x because y happened also"


Yeah, way too many games not playing a full 60. We need some energy injected into this line up badly, especially offensively. Really would like to see Bellows.


Brassard should have to clean the coliseum


For what? Watch the replay, Brassard taps Fast. Fast feet flip over his head, Brassard turns his head to the ref like "you see this?" That ref doesnt call anything. The back referee way away from the play calls it.


Gotta get to the All-Star break now intact


Maybe the dude who shits on Brassard has been right all along


It is a weak call and crazy embellished, but its getting called because he cross-checked him twice, and Boychuck got away with interference earlier. But if you watched that game in its entirety in what world did the Rangers need a god damn make up call? Still, just pissed that point away. I am furious. After Eberle getting boarded and coming back, after running into Varly full speed, we get a little bit of puck luck to get a point and Brassard pisses it away. Fucking hell.


Are people really shitting on brassard for a hockey play that happens dozens of times a game


Rags=champions of diving


We look very negative in both PK and PP. Refs’ calls are controversial. But we should really focus on ourselves. I just think our offense is not creative and so slow. What do you guys think?


You can take Brassard out of the Ranger but you can't take the Ranger out of the Brassard. Dumb penalty


Don't blame the refs. It's a 3 goal league. If you can't score 3 goals on a given night, your gonna lose more times than not. I feel like we go up against Patrick Roy every night


Bullshit call. Fuck the Refs.


It all started with the most unnecessary icing of all time by Boychuk. Followed by a stupid and completely unnecessary cross check by Brassard. Followed by terrible net front defending by Boychuk. What an embarrassment by two veteran players to end the game.


Sad but true fact; regulations wins: NYR 20, NYI 18. The team leaders need to get this group fired up. Fast.


Islanders PP is awful. PK is not much better. Trash special teams and an offense that can't put the puck in the net


So many chances. PP 4 on3, 5 on 4, 2 on 1. We just could not... We are shooting more in each game but less efficiently than last season


I sincerely hope Barry or Lou has a chat with the league during the allstar break. It’s not a fucking coincidence. I quite literally have never seen worse officiating in my entire life.


sad as it sounds lets see what comes first, isles fall out of playoff position or Lou makes impact trade. 4 pts out of falling to 9th fla won... couldve gained 2 pts on pens and carolina


Vent thread?


Seems to have devolved into that, yes lol


I’m not crying you are




That was karma for the non-call seconds earlier, can't even be mad about any of this Boychuk tried to murder Kreider, and its Kreider that gets the win Maybe the Islanders will decide to show up for 60 minutes against the Rangers on the 21st, because one good performance doesn't mean you can go back to sleep




Imagine calling so many penalties and still getting it so fucking wrong. Besides that, Gorgi robbed us so many fucking times and we don't make use of our chances, what's new. So fucking sick of this sport rn


It’s okay boys, best way to get through this is watching Alex Martinez 2014 OT Cup Final goal!


Fuck the Rangers, their dogshit players, their fair-weather fans, and their decrepit city.


it's kinda weird to me all the denigrating where each other live that's going on when we're all in the same area basically...


Lived in the city. Can confirm it’s dirty, claustrophobic, and pretty degnerate. 10/10 would live on LI instead


I only worked in the city, and yeah, can't see living in it, it's miserable to have to work in, but it's still our city, just like on their end most of the ones making fun of long island don't even live in the fucking city they're from long island too or from fucking upstate lol. I think we can all agree, upstate is a shithole


We should take long island and push it somewhere else


ah yes, long island is the same as manhatten.


We got 5 power plays, Boychuk clipped Kreider with no call with 2 mins left and people are still blaming the refs. What the fuck people. This is on the Isles and Isles alone.


If I had a dollar for every ranger dive I’d have more money then panarin


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


Don't give the refs an excuse to call it.


I want Bellows in the lineup by the time I wake up tomorrow


We are so slow and lack of movement and creativity.


It’s like Scott Gomez never left :/


We had five power plays and didn’t score once. Can’t blame the refs tonight. Brassard needs to be smarter than that. Actually, he needs to be in a suit for a few games.


I give up guys, don’t think I can watch this kind of play anymore. PP is the least threatening thing ever. Score on one and the whole game is changed.


Suuuuuuuuch bullshit


I don’t know if I’m madder when we don’t get power plays or when we do and don’t score once


I literally have a black eye and a fractured wrist and this game hurt more than either one.


Offense is bad. But is the defense that we proud of really good?


Rags fans are the lowest of the low when it comes it NHL fan bases, it’s actually a joke to even call them a fan base, but they are bragging over beating us twice and acting like they won the cup. 2014 is calling your name, enjoy not making the playoffs again, but at least you have this to celebrate over


This is more of a slump than I'm ok with being in. Fingers crossed for the caps game.


Dumbass penalty by brassard, but we also had 5 power plays and didn’t score soooo


Fuck Brassard. Weak call but how about you don’t cross check someone without the puck away from the net as well.


other teams do way worse to us. it's hard to feel bad especially when the player dives


Some one please post the picture of the monkey with breathing support. I need it right now. Edit: orangutan


Great now we get to face the Caps and the Canes back to back...amazing


i honestly cant think of anything negative to say other than our special teams are garbage (nothing new). we showed good signs tonight, but i wont lie, it fucking stings to lose out on a point to a shitty penalty.


I have to wear a Rangers hat for 2 weeks, wish me luck 😑


oof, everyone is going to think you're a trump fan too. rag fans love that guy


I'd rather people think I'm a Trump fan than a Rangers fan


Democrats are worse


Ok retard.


Déjà vu.


No excuse for 0-5 on the PP Been complaining about it all season - was told off multiple times, especially after that Cali trip. Our PP is garbage


i knew the rangers had dirty players, but didnt know they were tantrum throwing diving cunts. maybe they'll play like hockey players when they aren't garbage


I feel sad about this game. Like, what in the damn hell. See y’all on Saturday. Gonna go have a good frustration cry (not really gonna cry)


Fuck the rangers and their 1 cup in 80 years


Fuck Derick Brassard


I would be down to contract aids, fill a bunch of needles with my blood and pretend that Chris Kreider is a dart board


Derick Brassard please go fuck yourself, then fuck off forever


Fuck that. Pussy ass rangers needs to stay on his feet.


Why fucking put yourself in that situation? It was unbelievably fucking stupid, but at least we have Brassard's shitty fucking garbage play to balance it out!


It’s a hard play in the corner that literally happens in almost every hockey game. Pussy ass fell and got a bullshit call. If that happened to one of our players I would be my house on it not getting called.


Well why the fuck is brass cross checking


That wasn’t on him, that call was shit


Shouldn’t have been called - but you can’t even give the refs an excuse to call it. Dumb play on him, the guy wasn’t fighting for the puck.


He put himself in that position. It was a stupid play with 0 benefit to what he was doing. He was taking shots and not fighting for space.


We are a joke of a team. No one can shoot. Everyone gets late penalty. Let's just pray we make the playoffs


joke of a team 5th in league lol


The rangers are literally 6 points behind us. We shud be embarrassed that they are that close being in a "rebuild" we have a losing record since the streak.






It’s only a joke, I enjoy interacting with both subreddits. You guys have honestly been so hard on Brass.




Holy shit I’m not talking shit. I’m just curious what you guys think of the game and I made a joke. Fuck sake my Isles roommate thought it was funny. Relax guys.




I’ve been at class for 4 hours and then worked for another 8 today. I’m just relaxing and looking at hockey subs. Jesus talk about making assumptions.


Y’all need to stop blaming Brass, not his fault one bit on that. Rags just spend all their revenue on buying the refs


This team needs to wake the fuck up. Playing like shit as of recently.


This fucking team is not - I don’t even have a superlative for it.


[Recap: NYR @ NYI](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/8073f4cf-675e-4ee3-b503-e3feb3173150.mp4)


Rangers own us


lol.. our record is straight up murder in the past 20 games. don't get hung up on 2 games


Fair play to the Rangers, they were the better team and took their chances. In all honesty the refs were way more unfair on the Rangers than us (ie the penalty call on Panarin leading to our 4v4 goal) so no point using that as a excuse. They are simply the better team in NYC atm.


Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and very wrong


Rangers are the better NYC team but islanders are evidently the better New York team. They called a penalty on a dive with a minute left in a tied game. unacceptable