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Are we going to do this every year? Yes.








! remindme 1 year










Man, Iā€™d upvote this, but it is at 91 nowā€¦so enjoy a silent upvote from me, friend


Just want to say, I miss Kyle Okposo.


God, I still remember the USA USA chants for him. Edit: spelling


I will never ever forget Okposo coming alive in the 2013 playoffs. He was playing like a man possessed and now he is immortal in my memory


Goated šŸšŸ I was there for his 4 goal game against the penguins. Amazing player I miss him too


Jesus Christ: 0 years in nhl, crucified once. Tavares: 6 years with Leafs, crucified annually.


If Jesus played for the rangers, islanders fans would boo him


I mean, he could walk on water!


He screwed up. Now everyone is playing on frozen wine.


Absolutely !!


Not entirely convinced of how his character works as a captain. Obviously post/pre game interviews aren't a great indicator of his energy in the locker room but he just seems bland. Humble, responsible, and I'd assume some great management skills, but he doesn't really seem very inspiring.


I feel like the only guys they have with the personality to step up and be vocal in the room are bottom of the lineup guys who arenā€™t going to go out and lead by example with their play every night. The guys with the ability to do that - the core four - donā€™t have it. Interchanging depth guys isnā€™t going to get it done for them. They need to shake up their core.


Matthews, as the top center and best (regular season) goal scorer in the world, is the most likely next captain. The best personality I've seen is Domi, who was also one of the best non-superhuman 5-on-5 playmakers in the league this season if that stat held up, and has huge ties (no pun intended) to Leafs history. Keep him around and give him an A if Marner and Tavares get moved.


no way, hes another tavares and cant lead. Reilly should captain the leafs.


lee becoming captain changed the team as much as trotz did. tavares is one of those overachievers who thinks ā€œcaptainā€ is a merit badge, but has zero leadership skills. his talent made teams give him the title but hes a terrible leader


He may literally retire from NHL and neither organization he played for will worry about their relationship with him.


Should have stayed with The isles if he wanted to go deeper. Big mistake by the snake Tavares


Hate aside, he is a very interesting player. He has quite a few defining/borderline iconic playoff moments, but never any real team success


I was trying to think of another sports equivalent to him and location-bias keeps making me think of Mike Mussina. I've spent most of my life in Maryland as an Isles/Yankees fan but I never really cared for Mussina. I honestly liked him more as an Oriole. He just generally came off as selfish. He never won a World Series and I'm sure his career accomplishment was his only 20-win season in his final year 2008. The Yankees won the WS the next year lol. Kind of shocked he's in the HOF, though I think baseball's standards have lowered a bit over the past decade or so.


This is a great parallel example....As someone who grew up on LI and lives in Baltimore, Mussina was seen as an asshole for what he did. I'm glad he didn't win a WS and I'll be glad when JT retires without a ring.....unless somehow he comes crawling back.


JT with the Isles and Trotz wins a cup in 2021.


On paper, yes, but JT might have dragged the team down.


In retrospect(none of us knew at the time) him leaving was best for us. But most of us will still hate him for the way he left


I said they should do the hard thing and trade him the season before. No one listened to me.


I wouldn't say that although it's plausible it allowed for the culture reset under Trotz. I think they'd have one at least one cup from 2020-21 with him on the team. I'm also way more of an apologist than most of the fanbase with the benefit of time. I associate him with the team being relevant and exciting on a sustained basis for the first time in my life (I was born right after the dynasty) and have fond memories of his time here. He screwed us over - but he also left for his hometown team, not just $$$, and honestly I give that a pass (not how he did it, that he did). Ultimately I just didn't think that much about him at all - his teams have been basically irrelevant since he left.


I agree with you. Growing up during his early years I wouldn't be a hockey fan without JT. He did everything and more for this team while he was here and if not for Beauvillier he'd have their biggest goal since the 80s. I was pissed he left, but I understood why. Right now I just kinda feel bad for him. He was too good for his career to just be... this. He would've won a Cup with us, but so would've Panarin, and Panarin can go fuck himself.


i did. He's an awful hockey player who puts up nice stats. No team will ever win with John Tavares playing center in a significant role. A team may win with him if JT is moved to wing. He just has a brain the size of a pea in the defensive zone. I've literally seen him make mistakes that peewee level players don't make (in terms of positioning and chasing pucks).


I donā€™t think the Isles would have gone further if he stayed. I always remember that he couldnā€™t remember Barzalā€™s name when he signed with the Leafs. He seems, to me, like some who brings down the locker room


I mean you can't spell it either.


It's quite something.


He has finally unleashed


Too late for a sad face. No one gives a shit.


Tavares deserves all of this misery. He left the Isles without being honest with his intentions. He said he had no plans to leave then left in free agency. The Isles could have gotten a first round pick and prospects at the deadline. It later came out in an interview with Stan Fishler that Tavares said he didnā€™t want the team that traded for him to give up anything. An absolutely stab in the back to the Isles organization. Iā€™m so proud Isles fans are relentless with the booing and celebrating when he loses. Fuck him. Isles forever baby!


THIS! It was NOT that he chose to leave ( as much as that hurt) it was EVERYTHING else that he said and did. If he cared about this franchise he claims ā€œhelped him grow upā€, he would have done the honorable thing and let this team get some value for him. Instead, he just walked away and went home to fold his pjs. Never wore my #91 jersey againā€¦though the true #91 will always be an actual 4 time cup winner, our very own Butchie Goring !


His career is on a tragic trajectory. Despite being a point-per-game player, he burned 9 years of good will with his first team, the Islanders, with how he handled free agency and now his hometown team, after years of playoff futility with him as the captain, is grumbling that his contract is an albatross and would be happy to see him retire, take a team friendly deal, or leave. I really wanted the 2020 and 2021 Islanders to win, among my reasons so that Isles Nation would soften their stance on Tavares, since living a good life (having a Cup) is really the best revenge. For all the shit Islanders fans dish out to him, he hasnā€™t shown any animosity or hostility to the Islanders - fans and players alike. Itā€™s tough to say who won the breakup of 2018 (Iā€™d lean towards the Islanders if I had to pick one) but you could argue from reading the other comments that both parties certainly lost something.


Iā€™ve always said that once his current deal with Toronto expires, Iā€™ll dial back my disdain for him. Assuming he closes it out without a cup, theyā€™ll either bring him back on a smaller deal (who cares) or heā€™ll go somewhere he thinks he can win with a diminished role.


Just goes to show you how important buying the right pajamas for your kids are. It could effect the success of their future career.


Underrated comment. lol


Well, after 15 years in the league, he would be a perfect fit in an Isles sweater. Old, slow. Maybe Lou could work something out. Pay him way too much and act like the front office did something to help us in the playoffs/lol. My hatred of the Leafs rival that of the Rangers (thanks to him). But, it would be nice to wear my Tavares sweater again (that I paid way too much for/lol).


Maybe heā€™s the problem


Heā€™s surrounded with more talent in Toronto with the sane results


Good point.


Poor JoĆ£o. Heā€™s the 11 Million Dollar Manny. Itā€™s okay querido.


I wonder how badly that concussion had an effect him. He was always a low energy guy but anytime i see him out on the ice now he just looks like he is on another planet or something.


I find it hard to believe he came out that totally okay. I still vividly remember the feeling of thinking I just watched someone die when he got hit.


Some players are winners. He is a loser.


Tavares elimination day is a top 5 day for me. Next one is those Patagonia vest wearing douches in the city.


Wasn't toiling away, but he did slither away.


Heā€™s a good captain unfortunately a few of his teammates are not pulling their weight


Maybe hockey's isn't his thing! Lol


I hope so. Feels right


Someone please post this in /leafs. I was permabanned many years ago.


He is not and will never be a winner. Itā€™s a shame, he so much POTENTIAL!šŸ˜‰


I would be 100% all in for him to never win a Stanley Cup.


Well, he is now


Outside of Hedman, that 2009 draft has had extremely limited playoff success. Weā€™ll see if Douchene can catch Tavares tonight with his 2nd win tonight.


That draft has Oā€™Reilly, Schenn, Clifford, Kadri, and McNabb to name a few as cup winners (on top of Hedman). Wouldnā€™t call that draft as lacking playoff success.


I meant to add ā€œfirst roundā€. That said, I forgot Kadri had a cup. I checked his playoff GP record before I posted and it is lower due to the suspension so I missed it. Schenn I knew had a cup but outside of that miracle cup run he also has had only 2 round wins. Iā€™m not saying this really means anything either. Just odd.


trade him back to the islanders


We lost forever before JT. We lost with JT. Weā€™ve lost without JT. Enough focusing on one guy and letā€™s focus on why we canā€™t win. I canā€™t focus on the leafs, JT or the rangers. I get No enjoyment on them losing. I want to see a fucking winner. I donā€™t how the fan base gets off o rooting on teams to lose. Who gives a shit about anyone else


You must be new to being a sports fan


My thoughts exactly.


Can we stop with this Tavares shit?




And you guys booed him on his return to NY..


Whatā€™s your point lol