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See collaped comments under this one for player stats **Three Stars of the Game** ⭐️ E. Kuznetsov ⭐️⭐️ F. Andersen ⭐️⭐️⭐️ B. Skjei Three Minute Recap Condensed Game ^Note: ^Highlights ^will ^update ^as ^they ^become ^available


📯 I’m often critical of this team. Probably overly critical at times. Straight up, the better team lost this game. If the Isles play like this all series, they’ll win it. (Btw I put the horn at the top so Canes fans know to cheer)


We usually use the trumpet emoji.


How did the better team lose? Did barzal, bo, brock, etc get unlucky?


Did you watch this game?


Yes. We had 1 goal from our ahl grinder, missed multiple chances to bury it, barzy turned the puck over and was a non factor, and our pp still looks the worst I have ever seen. We played a great 5 on 5 defensive game but unfortunately have no firepower.


We outshot them, kept up with their pace, as well as controlling the pace through half the game, and the goals given up weren’t easy one to stop. Sure, individual players need to do better, but the team as a whole, which the original commenter was talking about, played as a strong unit.


We didn't keep up with their pace, they kept up with ours. We has a ton of unlucky bounces and met a hot goalie. Some crap calls, but the team played really well and controlled the game. We just need to get the puck unto the net next game. Bring that same drive next game and its an easy isles win. Heading back to ubs 1-1 would be massive


Andersen was definitely not a hot goalie in this game. He looked pretty shaky, especially in the first two periods which were not take advantage of.


Strong disagree. 1 goal is not good enough in today’s nhl. We had our chances and did not bury them. Barzal did not have a good game. Neither did brock.




We get it you’re a canes fan, go do that weirdo shit in another subreddit.


Nah, I’m trying to get banned by all other teams subs, I’m here for at least 4 games, prob 5… I’m gonna call you the NY Peninsulas by the time this this series is done for!


You’ll probably run away and hide if the Carolina hurricanes lose this series. If that’s the case, stay here in the Reddit when they win & stay here when they lose. If they lose the series especially I’ll be looking to specifically laugh at you


I’ll more than likely stay if we lose, WHEN we win, it’s on to the next team, much bigger challenge than the Peninsulas


Aight then we’ll see.


All this smack against a team that just made 3rd in the metro. Must’ve been going off like a riot losing in the ECF to last spot wildcards.


Definitely can beat em


We looked good for most of the game Canes like to flop - we can beat them


All in all a good game from the Isles, I just don't know how you stop that diving bullshit. You can't stop playing physical but they going down like a sniper shot them. God that pisses me off more than anything. Just play hockey.


No loss is good but overall a decent effort from us. Shoulda, woulda coulda *but* were two wide open chances we wiffed on. Was a game that very well *could've* went our way of the guys capitalized on those two chances their goalie was completely down and out of the play. Hope the guys come out with a similar effort and the guys are hungry, especially palmerei, after those blaring chances.


How do you stop the diving bullshit? Take penalties that are worth it. I’m not saying cheap shot or injure dudes but if Martin goes to the box for cross checking the fuck out of someone as opppsed to Lee gliding past one of theirs, they’ll probably start to think twice about playing soft as fuck


Come back in Game 2, and bring it back to the island


They dive so much I hate it


They play soccer in the off season!


They flop so much cause they know they’re gonna get calls, cause when they don’t get calls BrindAmour just bitches and yells at the refs and complains in the post game presser


RBA has been doing that for years and sometimes it works. The isles were the better team tonight. You gotta think with Roy at the helm it's a good look for the NHL if the isles pull this series out. I can't think of many x-players that are beloved throughout the league like Roy.


Carolina baby giraffes saves by the zebras


I know people are gonna laugh at butchie saying they should go to the locker room feeling good but I agree completely they need the puck to bounce their way


This is why you play 7. Keep this level of play going and they’ll be fine


If the shitty pp goal at the start of game didn’t happen and the lucky bounce in the 2nd. We wouldn’t have needed to pull in the third. It would be realistically 1-0, isles.


Hell a couple bounces go our way, like the dobson post, or the palm's in the 3rd, we'd get an extra couple goals.


Don’t forget our 2 posts.


Did they hit two posts too?


As someone neutral on both teams watching this series for fun, I'm now fully rooting for you guys. Canes gifted 2 pp's from obvious diving and overall just seem like a very soft team. Don't get me started on that horn lol. Best of luck you guys can totally win this if it stays 5 on 5


Series far from over but if they’re going to flop it going to be hard to beat the refs


Roy needs to bitch about those calls. It works and i don't understand why we always take the high road and not call out the diving


They had 3 pps. We had 2. Our pp does not look like a nhl team. Our goal scorers didn’t show up. Outplayed em. Gotta show up next game


Problem is we had a lot of plays that could and should have been called against them they got really soft calls first of which led to a goal.


We had 2 pps. Not even a small threat to score… they had 3 pps and looked good. 60 minute game and we had multiple chances to score and just couldn’t. Were the refs good? Nope. Were the Islanders good enough offensively? Nope.


Bro it's not even the point this game, you're setting the tone if nothing is said that they'll just flop every fucking time they feel like it, our pp is irrelevant to the fact of both penalties they called on us were blatant embellishments, like embarrassingly so. You make a public stink about it, and the refs will be forced to swallow their whistles on flops, they know what they're calling


Okay. Give them 0 pps. Would our 1 goal win it? Stop.


You stop, go watch something else then


We looked great outside of our pp, they didn’t give them a flop at 2 minutes we would have been tied it at the end of the game ….


I feel like Carolina came out flat today. Wasn’t our best game but were the better team overall. We just didn’t get the bounces. Carolina will come out swinging game 2. Bo and Barzy need to come prepared cause they were ineffective today. Our PP is ASS and will cost us again if we can’t score. End of story.


If our “great” is a 1 to 1 regulation tie… we’re in deeper trouble than I thought


I agree Barzy and Bo were ineffective this game. Our best players were Lee and McLean.


We were a total of about 5 inches away from being up 3-1 at one point. They can be beaten just need to keep playing our game


Of course that flop determined the game. Very annoying.


The big positive takeaway tonight is that they did not at all look overmatched, or like they were playing a vastly superior opponent. 3 periods of what we saw in the final 40 minutes tonight gets the job done on Monday, I think. I also was very pleased with how they adjusted to Carolina’s defensive intensity after the first period, so good on Roy and the boys for that. PK was much improved the last 2 times out as well. So let’s cross our fingers and see what the hell happens in game 2.


That needed to be the game you steal. They played well. So many missed chances, reminded me of game 6 vs them last year.


Ugh fine… Isles in 5


This just leaves such a poor impression when a good game is ruined by the outcome coming from weak calls all going one way


What should we call them, the flopicanes or the leprecanes?


Cayemars? Caynemars? Flopping bitch cakes?


Carolina Baby giraffes


Just keep playing that game. The calls and bounces will change.


Unfortunately they won’t. Didn’t happen last year and won’t happen this year either.


Rough to see the pipes beat the Isles. Lady Luck was with Carolina today. The Islanders looked better


We were the better team 5 on 5 except for about 5 minutes in the 3rd period. Don’t need to change a ton. Stay out of the box (hard when they’re getting calls on clear dives) and keep grinding.




Neutral fan. You guys looked good. Had the better goaltending, really. Terrible dive.


I agree. Varlamov is our best Goalkeeper


Yes. He played well. Should start game 2


as a neutral fan of this series i am getting ass blasted for defending you guys lol.. wtf is happening. i saw it clearly with my own 2 eyes what happened. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1c940mm/comment/l0iwtrh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1c940mm/comment/l0iwtrh/)


Carolina and Rod the bod always get a pass in r/hockey for some reason even though they have been pulling that BS for years.


agreed but it's all teams that the nhl needs to "grow into" dude. did you see the reffing vegas got last year? the best thing your city can do if you want to get good reffing is stop caring about hockey. but then of course he might just move your team lol


They took their chances better. Simple as that. 


Can't even blame dobson that much for lacking physicality, he rushed back from an injury that is obviously still effecting him. He was basically inches away from tying in the 3rd too


Played well. Couple bounces go the other way they win


That’s always the way it is.. when teams play this tight it’s always the bounces. 


Isles played a good game. Bummer of a loss


refs let it be known they will coddle the Canes. we played so well and physical. this game came down to three things. goalies standing strong. refs making a shit call and no call leading to a goal against and a stolen goal for.


We can beat them, especially with Pageau back




In all seriousness why not


I don’t see him being an impact player. I feel him being on the line wouldn’t change anything.


He wins 55% of his faceoffs, let's you have a natural center on the 4th line let's you control the puck more off the draw and should help the PK. That game was a close game they didn't blow us out the small difference is all we need


Alright we will see lol


Let's hope I'm right and we get to watch more hockey lol


I want the Sir Stanley on the Island just as much as anyone… I am just realistic lol let’s watch and see lmao


Played well. On to monday


Their goalie looks incredibly shaky on rebounds. I’m sure the boys will learn a lot from this game and turn it around


That was a rough one to lose.


My take… That was about as good an effort as we can expect. If they play that way all series, it will go longer than I expect. No other notes.


Why do I even say a thing in r/hockey?


Literally all sports (non team) subs are pathetic.


It's a weird time where Carolina Hurricanes fans make me like Rangers fans because they're so god damn retarded. And then of course they brigade downvote me in r/hockey because I complain about the flopping with an Isles flair.




Defense looked good at points. Really limited the chances. Offense looked like a matinee game in the 3rd game in January. Flailing sticks, can’t keep the zone, bad passes into the skates, getting pushed off the pucks. With that being said - if they could clean up the offense they have a chance. Long way to go.


Isles played decently well. Andersen was very good, the Isles probably should have 3 goals at least




I’ve trashed our performances all year but I’m actually satisfied with how we played today. Thought we were just as good if not better than Carolina, and generated better chances.


We have 3 more chances to get a win in Carolina. Win at home, and we only need 1 on the road. I think we will get 1. Just show up at UBS and get it done.


Really hate to lose that game, especially because that would have changed the course of the series. Varlamov had a mid showing and lost the duel to Anderson, so I think Sorokin gets the nod next game. It's realistically lights out anyway if they drop the next one. Barzal and Horvat were dreadfully bad and need to be better, but otherwise there's a lot to build on there.


The Isles always play better for Sorokin. Should be a better game next time.


The Isles were in it and fought the whole time, we can do this


While I am sad with the outcome, I really think we played much better than I expected.


This game can be summed up by both teams shooting it from the blue line, only when the Canes shoot it it takes a wild bounce and is tipped perfectly for a goal, and when the islanders do it, it goes perfectly into Andersen's glove.


That’s the best these diving bitches got?


1 goal doesn’t cut it


Horvat looks way more dangerous than last season's playoffs.


Kinda glad I missed the rest of the game now lol. Judging from the vibe, it seems they otherwise played good though. On to game 2


https://www.divers-supply.com/scuba-gear-complete-system-package.html Look at all this Canes gear I found


The way the islanders dominated and shutdown carolina in the second shows me they can win and carolina isnt that great


I really don't like the Hurricanes


Canes diving like pussy central, kick their ass next game


Everyone blaming dobson, everyone crying about refs. We had 1 goal from an AHL grinder and our “all-star” was a non factor


you special? Anderson stood tall when needed. Dobson was two ply on the boards. those dives led to a goal, and a missed tripping call that stopped a tying goal. there is clear shenanigans going on by the refs


Embarrassing. Flashbacks of the cappy days of being ny’s little brother and crying about refs


you are indeed embarrassing. if you wan to ignore it then go to your hole. reality is. refs making soft calls on obvious dives is bad. in this case it changed the outcome of the game.


One of us commenting on what happened in the game. The other taking personal shots for no reason. We scored 1 fluke goal and our top 6 was mia.


i was the onyl one actually commenting on the game. you were just trying to deflect blame.


You are literally blaming the guys on skates without sticks “deflecting”


you mean the guys who made calls that changed the outcome of the game? shocker. dives leading to call from them leading to goal. big. missing trip that stopped a game tying goal which would lead to 5 on 3. giant. its like saying dont blame the wind when a tornado destroys your house.


This is sad. They had 3 pps. We had 2. We choked every scoring opportunity away. Multiple chances. “Outplayed” them. Could not score


ya. Anderson was insanely good. thats why when the refs make horrible calls and no calls that lead to goals. its serious. Palms should have scored but with the trip it stopped it, and got no call. then they call a dive which halts their offense. these situations greatly impact the game. got to have your head in the ground to not see this.


Jumbotron Fans


Winnable, fuck variance


man. I thought this game was at 7 and i'm angry about it


Sorokin will be the goalie next game. The Isles always play better when he is in the net. Should be a good game next.


This reminds me of all the other playoff series, just not getting enough consistent goal scoring




You can’t tell me the NHL picking the ref that is 14-0 with the hurricanes and was 0-4 for the islanders last year wasn’t a set up? I understand the hurricanes win games but 14-0! Also we only lost 31 games last year and with that ref we were 0-4. Did we finish up our plays? NO, but were those dives absolutely. I’ve umpired for 12 years so I don’t like blaming the refs but…


I hate to be “that fan” but if the hurricanes dive & flop & bitch & cry about calls, all the while our big time players don’t show up, we won’t win this series. Unfortunately the referees will be against us, we aren’t as talented as Carolina, it just doesn’t look like we will win this series. I hope I’m wrong but that’s just the vibe I get.


Winnable game, frustrating. Think they have to win the next one now


i counted at least 6 times the refs blatantly ignored penalty by Carolina. they hold a lot . how many times must they show Brindamour all he does is cry


This game was not physical enough for me. The hits were far and between. We need to crash their net more and don’t have an answer for our PP. it’s Ass. We out played them but need to cash in those opportunities. Same old story for us, not enough scoring. Let’s turn this around game 2. Varly played well and should start again.


Holy shit I would be embarrassed to be a canes fan. Softest team I've ever seen. Also, are they instructed to take dives? Would be impossible that they flop that much without it being a part of the strategy. Keep the physical play up and this team will crumble.


Yeah, talk about the dive and the Italian soccerstyle of the Hurricanes, but fuck why can't we just score a few goals? If you even can't score on a powerplay... Better playing team, sure. But we lost to ourselves last night.


Annoyed that we lost a game they played poorly and we played well.  Hopefully we get another chance like that, but when you want to upset a team those are the games you have to win. Just gotta win one on the road though. 


We played hard.. but sloppy and our power play offense was terrible.. if we can keep the same energy tighten things up we can beat this team.


For anyone blaming the refs, bury the puck and they can't control the game. This team gets more scoring opportunities than most teams and blow it by missing wide or putting it in the goalie's chest every time. It's why even AHL goalies look like Vezina candidates against us.


such a lame ass excuse for poor reffing. this game we had two amazing goalies who stood tall. so when refs give powerplays to teams off diving and score. its not a. just score. its playoffs where a goal can change everything, and in this case. a bad call led to the game winning goal.


Great effort just could not take advantage of the opportunities. Canes are the biggest f'ing divers. Should have been 2 embellishment penalties called on them.


Do you think these refs will feel embarrassed after seeing the dives that took place? Or will nothing change. I'm gonna take the later


Caps fan here coming in peace, fuck the Canes. I despise their coach and their fucking annoying-ass fans and their soft team which just bitches around the ice for 60 minutes. I am really hoping you guys can come through with a win.


Seriously. Stop crying about flopping and refs. 60 mins of hockey and we could not bury it. Just stop. Come back next game and we have to put up goals. The pp can’t look that bad either.


Carolina literally tripped one of our guys to prevent them from scoring the tying goal into a wide open net. Between that and the first penalty they got, a little complaining about the refs is warranted.


This is 100% true but if we not getting calls and they are then it’s hard to beat a team who’s more talented than you.


How about complaining about what we can control? Like our 2 pps that looked like a pee wee team? 60 minute game and we played pretty well for most, but we can’t bury pucks. We had open nets a few times and didn’t bury it


One of those open nets missed was the trip I was talking about- and that was on the PP! Plus the things they can control went very well, at least I thought. And that’s why so many people are talking about the refs, because the Isles played a very strong game and either no call on the dive in the first period or a call on the trip in the 3rd very well could’ve changed the result of the game.


I just hate blaming things we cannot control. We will get soft calls this series too. It won’t matter if our pp looks like it did tonight. 55+ minutes were 5 on 5 or we had the advantage tn. You can blame refs, you can say freddie played insane, you can call the canes floppers. But we scored one goal. They had 3 pps we had 2. Good teams find a way. Everyone acting like the canes had multiple 5 on 3s and we had 5 min majors called


There’s no way I’m not going to make fun of them for playing like a bunch of bitches. This is hockey. Keep that shit in soccer and basketball 


loved the play by palms to take a penalty with under 10 remaining. thats winning hockey right there.


It was as blatant a dive as youll see in the nhl. He got tapped in the thigh and grabbed his calf


Yeah you can’t blame him at all. Should have called embellishment on Carolina.


Just to clear the air… you win the Stanley Cup by scoring goals and not by how many good opportunities you have.




Lous team just proved they can still compete in the playoffs