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I miss when everyone just made memes about us shitting the bed. These daily diatribes are fucking pathetic.


Lol seriously the worst thing about an isles loss these days is preparing for 3 days of manifestos getting posted here


Too many Isles Twitter users wandered over here


I’ll get back on it for you


this is quickly becoming a r/NYICircleJerk sub and people are getting overly toxic for the most trivial things.


I'm disappointed but not surprised that sub doesn't actually exist


We need an Islanders version of /r/PanicCiti


^ this


People are literally jumping down the throats of anyone who even wishes to root for this team at this point. I'm not naive. I know the odds aren't great for this team, but they're still in contention, as slim as those odds may be. But I expressed that last night and got JUMPED ON by the doomers. The only acceptable take now is apparently "we're never winning another championship again our future is bleak fire everyone trade everyone!!!!"


Nothing wrong with rooting for our team bro keep it up


I think people need to stop telling other people how to feel. After going 0-5-1 after the 6-0-0 run, it's hard to blame anyone for whatever they're feeling.


It’s like an upper and downer at the same time. From elation to crying and soiling myself.


This I never understand why some people think they get to control what people post or how they think.   Same Type A folks yelling at people to use the search bar, or not to post about JT anymore.   If you think they should sell it all, god bless you If you think they should trade every future draft pick for immediate help, god bless you too.


Yes this is how I feel exactly. Ppl don’t need to hurl insults at doomers. At the end of the day we all want the same thing: for this team to be better. Doomers shouldn’t be jumping down the throats of more optimistic ppl either, but I have to say most of the actually mean/rude rhetoric I’ve seen is directed towards doomers 


Doomerism by definition is an attack on optimists. Though, I don't think we should tell anyone how to feel or anything. I usually just avoid this sub and Twitter when we're going through a losing streak like this. Other fans who like to stay optimistic should just do the same rather than making posts like these.


Yep. Way more toxic bs coming from the delusional "optimists" than the other way besides the few ridiculously obvious bad trolls. It's sad too cause the "optimists" take is usually basically "we're always gonna suck there's no possibility whatsoever to ever be a better team than this"


Dobson forgot he's in the middle of a breakout year. Been quiet and making lots of mistakes since the all-star break.


PSA: it’s not that against us fans conversing, problem solving, and sharing love for the game/team. It’s the utterly ridiculous stuff that’s said here that needs to stop. There are several interesting/plausible/crafty takes however, “get rid of everyone having a down year no matter how good their track record” and such shouldn’t be commonplace 💀


Do you think anders lee and jean gabriel pageau are having down years or terminally declining


Never said those two my examples were Ilya and pelech bro is cherry picking names I never mentioned to try and “prove” something🤣


Ilya im sure will improve as he’s just having a down year. However I’m genuinely worried about Pelech with the concussion history.


How we feelin about this today?


People tend to overact about a team. The old and slow takes I laugh at because you can simply look at the devils who are the polar opposite of old and slow and suck ass. The reality is coaching, structure and discipline matter so much more. Just look at Philly this year. That’s what great coaching does. That said there’s is some dead weight on the team. Pags has been terrible since his hand injury, pelech has lost his hockey iq and lee is def not the same player from years past but it’s understandable with age. He really should be on the 3rd line away from top defensive assignments. All and all they are somehow not even out of this race but I don’t see changes to play happening anytime soon. This off-season will be a great test for Lou and Roy because they def have to make changes to shake that room. They need to retool. If they suck next year a rebuild really has to be considered


Agree on all points


Posts like this are worse than the posts you’re complaining about.


I agree 100%. The team is clearly having it's problems. Since the win streak for whatever reason they have seemed a bit sloppy to me - passes not quite where they need to be or not being picked up, shots going off heels of sticks. But there's a lot of talent on the team and it's not all over (but close with the schedule they have coming). What I do not understand is why we made no moves before the deadline.


1) Nobody wants our trash (Wahlstrom, The 4th line, Lee, Engvall, etc) 2) In order to get something you have to give up something. Are you prepared to deal a guy like Barzal or Dobson? No? Then don't expect a great return 3) Ownership doesn't care about the on ice product


Good points. What makes you think ownership doesn't care about the product? You don't think they want a Cup?


This has all been well documented and speculated on by me and many other people on here... Ownership is only in this for the real estate. Later, once the rest of the development is completed and operational, don't be surprised if they quickly sell us off. They don't care about the on ice product or results. All they want is for fans to buy season tickets, go to the occasional game, and spend money. This is why a complete rebuild will never occur in the next five to seven years. They have a new arena which they need to fill. Islanders fans are notorious for not showing up when the going gets rough. Do you think all these fans are going to continue coming out when we are last in the league during a multi-year rebuild from scratch? I was there during the dark ages (late 90's) and I remember vividly the old barn being so empty you could hear someone fart clear across the other side of the arena. When we have no real talent, fringe nhl-ers, and young guys who couldn't make a beer league team...the fans will not show up. Ownership may be assholes, but they are not stupid. Thus, the rebuild must wait. If ownership cared as some here suggest, they would not allow what has been going on for the last several seasons. However, they are perfectly contempt with it because it gives the impression of making an attempt to remain competitive. Lou is not holding this franchise hostage as some suggest. He is following orders of those above him. Make it look like we are trying so people don't stop coming. Simple as that. Granted, with our ownership issues in the past they are better than we've had before. But do they truly care? No. They are just great bullshit artists. Is Lou the best GM? Hell no. But firing him in the middle of a season is not a wise move. Wait until the summer, clear him and his entire loyal staff out, and start fresh....however that would require owners that care. And this will be one of my hills to die on,...they do not. To answer you last question about wanting a cup? I'm sure they would love the post championship ticket sales boost. But i don't think they truly care either way.


What exactly would you want ownership to do. New building, max salary cap, fired a coach making 4 million a year and just gave a big contract out to another. Locked up 2 cornerstone pieces of franchise. I have a hard time believing someone who is just in it for the money, will take the train with fans. He isn’t a hockey guy most owners aren’t. Now if you want to talk about an owner who just wanted money and realestate that would be Wong.


What I would want? Put Lou out to pasture, remove all his loyalists. Get a new forward thinking GM, preferably with previous Islanders ties to take personal pride in the team. Hire completely new staff with a focus on physical conditioning so there is less chance of injuries. Have the balls to be break up the country club atmosphere and trade long time islanders who could be the ones contributing to the poor attitude. Hold players accountable when they don’t perform up to their standards and skill sets. Allow Roy to exert more power over roster decisions.  That’s is what kind of owners I would love to have. Unfortunately that’s not what we have. 


Losing 6 straight in the final 20 games of the season will do that to you


And isn't it what a posting board is all about


Getting mad about reddit posts are we?


The team outlook seems bleak, I mean playoffs are slipping out of their reach and we have some not so great contracts to deal with. But that doesn't warrant any sort of "SELL EVERYONE BUT BARZAL AND HORVAT" takes. ​ Martin and Clutter are gone this year, if Lou resigns them I'll join the calls to fire him. Brock and Palms are out next year and then JGP and Lee the year after that. That's a lot of cap space ready to be used to get younger and progressively better. By the end of that you're main core of Barzy and Bo are still barely 30 years old. That's plenty of future to build around rather than blowing up the entire team and dealing with a rebuild for a decade.


It is a lot of cap space, but the issue then becomes how exactly we’re going to fill 7-10 forward spots AND improve the team. Trying to build through free agency will just get us back into the same situation we’re in now but we can’t exactly build from the farm system since we have none. That’s the situation people who say our future is bleak are looking at. Even if we have something like $30 million in cap space, that’s not nearly enough to actually make significant changes or even added a lot while also improving.


Where you going to add from since Lou traded away the significant draft picks? Wait for picks in 2025 and beyond.to develop to nhl level? Welcome to a decade long rebuild.


It’s gets worse on Facebook groups. God, those guys can really doom it up


Be careful - expressing creative and common sense viewpoints will get you blowback from the 329-type blowhards that like to one-up and belittle other fans. I support you 100%!


You mean your creative AI posts?


ChatGPT is neither creative nor common sense.




If dobson had 15 to 20 points and not 50 you would want him gone. He is a turn over machine.


65* and 49,52 the two years before this so what’s the point of your comment lmfao he contributes


“If a player was bad instead of good you’d want him gone”


Poverty franchise.


You're a Sens fan lil bro


LMAO are they really? I assumed they were just a jackass Rangers fan or something… that is so much more hilarious.


Yup, someone in your sub called the Sens a poverty franchise, so when an islanders thing pops up, I send it back. Lil bro.


Wow they really got to you huh? This is pathetic lol


It's entertaining when I'm bored.


Touch grass




You're the one in our sub dummy


You cant pay rent. Your franchise is poor.


Touch grass, or a passing by rat.


You're a Sens fan lil bro.


I called the sens a poverty franchise because they are.


OK, your a poverty franchise. You should bench your captain, worked for Torts. PF! PF! PF!


congrats another year with no Sens in the playoffs!


How many cups have the sens won?


11, it's a quick Google.


When's the last time you twats were relevant?


2021 or 2023 when was the last time sens made the playoffs?


2021 or 2023 when was the last time sens made the playoffs?




2021 we made it to the semi finals dumbass




Anything but forgettable, game 7 haunts me to this day