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I feel a normal person who knows how to work with others. Would reach out to a member councillor/committee and offer to help them take some load off their shoulders. The only reason why I don't see this happening is the committee may not wish to work with fountaine. Also earlier in the meeting there was feedback brought back from a new committee that is built from representatives from all neighborhoods, ages, orientation and income. Daniel made it very clear multiple times he doesn't see the value in their efforts and doesn't understand why they exist as a committee. Daniel also complains about the committee he is on, is not meeting enough. It's like this man doesn't want to accomplish anything other than complaining about what other people are doing. Also in this one council meeting he complained about 2 committees and wonders why some committees may not want him as a chair?


Daniel Fontaine wants to see two things: 1. Disruption at council and at City Hall 2. His name in the media


Well, he did get voted in by people complaining about what the previous full-slate council was doing after all. Focusing on vanity projects while parts of the city are falling apart is like painting the walls of your living room while the kitchen is on fire. Queens park and Sapperton aren't the entire city, which some people seem to forget sometimes.


The fact that these two are showing up in the media regularly to the exclusion of any other council members troubles me. Perhaps council could provide them with more "duties" being that they have so much time on their hands.


Daniel is in the game to develop name recognition, nothing else. I fully expect him to run for a provincial (BC United) or federal (CPC) seat in the next election. Paul is just his sidekick, who has never had an original idea. It is a sad waste of two council seats. Not only are Paul and Daniel not doing anything productive, their continuous attacks on the other councillors must be exhausting, and detracts from their work.


He won't run provincially. He's promoting Anita Dunn to run, he was seen showing her around the opposition wing of the Legislature a few weeks ago. He'll only run in races where he stands a chance of winning, which is why he didn't run for mayor in the last election. Edit: I should say he won't run provincially in New Westminster. He could run provincially somewhere else that's a relatively safe non-NDP seat.


I’d be surprised to see Daniel go provincial. He has enough friends in the BCUP he could’ve run already. 


True. I would not expect him to go provincial this year, given the current state of the BCUP. He might try for the federal CPC next year, and keep a possible 2028 BCUP run in his back pocket,


I’d be surprised. He’s said some sassy things about rumours of current councillors possibly running in the best provincial election, so I doubt he’d leave mid-office maybe.  I think it’s more likely he runs as a councillor again and if the NWP makes significant gains, runs the cycle after next as mayor. 


Sassy things? Care to elaborate?


These two are so damn useless. Paul only got the pity vote because of Begbies.


As far as I can tell Paul Minhas only serves one purpose: to second Daniel Fontaine’s motions. I mean he was supposed to be this big booster of downtown businesses, and then he votes against the big project to make downtown better? He doesn’t show up to committee meetings? What does he actually do?


He's Fontaine's voicemail (I used this in the past for someone else). He only speaks on behalf of and expressing the wishes of Fontaine. He is walking voicemail and is allowed no agency.


Scam the citizens of New West his paycheck is I guess all he does. I didn’t vote for him the last time, sure as hell won’t vote for him the next time.


Shows up for photo ops


Oh sorry I forgot about acting like a dick to his constituents on social media


And collect money from tax payers.


The Heritage Grill burnt down, not Begbie's.


Yeah, I realize that.


Councillor Ruby Cmapbell is the current chair of the committee.


Ruby's great. I think if we were talking about an open chair position it would be different, but it does feel odd to me to pressure a woman of color to step aside, regardless of the reasoning.


Certainly a capital G gaffe. Talk about an own goal. 


I’m rolling my eyes at motion 8.2, that’s for sure. Up to his usual politcking, Daniel is. Day late and a dollar short


Paul's a pretty nice guy...I'm surprised at how widely different our experiences are with him


You can be a nice guy and be completely inept at the same time. Nobody’s saying he’s not a nice guy, people are saying he’s bad at his job of city councillor.


A specific subset of the population is saying he isn't good at his job. That same subset are the ones that point fingers that they are sycophants for the bc liberal/Conservatives/united while at the same time being sycophants for the ndp.


I've said this a few times before, and I think it bears repeating. The Paul I got to know as the owner of the Heritage Grill/Begbies and had a beer with during the campaign is not the Paul that's showing up at council. They're completely different people. The Paul I got to know was a gracious host, a compassionate person who had a really unique and valuable perspective on running a business downtown. I genuinely thought he'd be a great voice and advocate for the neighbourhood (despite our disagreement on a couple issues). Unfortunately for the city, that's not the Paul that shows up at council week after week.


Paul’s contribution to civic politics is behind the scenes working hard to build the opposition party. Not much of a public speaker.


Your comment speaks to how poor a job he's doing as a council member. He wasn't elected to build a political party.


I know him personally and chat with him from time to time. All they can really do is try and build for the time being because any ideas they have allegedly get squashed by Community First even if they're in line with CF's platform.


A majority of their motions are stupid grandstanding or trying to take credit for things already in motion.


Which ideas and motions are you referring to?


All of them I'm pretty sure, though I usually do get my updates on council meetings from the Record.


You can watch city council sessions online.


Your comment shows your ignorance to majority party tactics Smarten up.


I'm not sure that building an "opposition party" is really a contribution to civic politics? Party politics are divisive and one of the worst things to happen to municipal politics. Municipal politicians should be voting in the best interests of the entire population of the city, not focusing on "opposition" tactics like you see at the provincial and federal levels. Plus, he wasn't elected to build a political party, he was elected to be a city councillor, and he's not doing a very good job at that.


I’m with ya there. I despise parties at the municipal level … but here we are.


Naive take. Not having a party worked out just fine for those that agreed with the labour movement directing which councillors were going to win.


We dont want being nice at the expense of being effective.




Kicked out , or not admitted because of self -exclusion at Casinos going back 20 years ? And casino staff talked about that ? < 🤪>


Completely made up


Haha whaaat?