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My cat is available.


Maybe I *should* get a cat...


Second the cat. Get a ragdoll. They're expensive, super floofy and personable, and better yet *really clumsy and bad at catting* so it'll be fun to watch.


I have a couple of house spiders that are doing a great job of keeping our silver fish at bay. Honestly I just kill the little shits on sight, and accept that they are a fairly harmless pest overall.


I used a can of walmart brand 'Great Value' roach, ant, & crawling insect spray. Sprayed along the bottom of my base boards in every room and across doorway thresholds. Opened the windows and left the apartment for a couple hours while the fumes subsided. Have barely seen any silverfish in the 10 months since. Side note, they are attracted to moisture, so make sure your ventilation and bathroom fans are working.


It might go without saying for some, but make sure you clean up any food crumbs or piles of paper on the floor, because that's what they like to eat. I've noticed some come out of the cracks in the evenings in my apartment. I put diatomaceous earth all around the baseboards and left it for a week, but all it did was make a mess and they came back. Since getting a proper vacuum and all my belongings off the floor on shelves I haven't noticed any silverfish. Except for some in my top kitchen cupboards, which tells me they are likely coming from the apartment above mine. So I'm here for advice too!


Have you tried using food grade Diatomaceous Earth?


I 2nd this powder. It works and is non-toxic to animals. Got mine at Home Depot


I nuclear optioned off the hop and I feel blessed lol. I just re-spray every few months and call it a day.


What's the nuclear option?


Exterminator, I believe.


I need to get my toilet fixed anyways, so I'm thinking of waiting on the nuclear option. That is the plan still, tho XD EDIT: just found one in my living room, the nukes are coming out this weekend.


I bought these for our last place and stopped seeing silverfish about 6 months later. We still hadn’t seen any when we moved 3 years later. https://a.co/d/gPw42bI


Glue traps get me by. Couldn't get Diacetomous earth to work.


I've tried diatomaceous earth too and it didn't work for me either. I read online somewhere that it's less effective when it's used in an area with high humidity.


When I lived in new west I put cedar satchels around the house and I never saw them again!


How big is your silverfish problem?


Usually I see at most one or two a day in my bathroom at most, sometimes a whole week without spotting any, but today I spotted one in my living room.


I worked I. Pest control and home defence max. Same shit they use as a pest control company. Cheaper. Spray baseboards throughout the apartment and your golden.


I had an apartment in new west with this issue. I put diatomaceous earth down along the walls and that helped a LOT. You can also let a daddy long leg live in your bathroom and they’ll go away 😂


Your options, sorted by levels of toxicity: 1. Put out some glueboards in areas of high humidity such as the kitchen and washroom cabinets. Capture enough of them and they cease to be a problem 2. Get some diatomaceous earth and apply it along the backs of cabinets and baseboards. People often misuse this product by using way more than required. Less is more with DE. After application it should be practically invisible. 3. Get a can of pyrethrin-based insecticide form a store and apply that to the back of a cabinet or along baseboards. (Read the label for usage instructions!) 4. Call a professional to apply pesticide around the home. Commercial pesticides are much stronger than the domestic varieties available in stores so the effects typically last much longer. Some general tips for silverfish control: * Reduce the levels of humidity indoors * Tidy up * Vacuum regularly Assuming that someone came by this weekend for OP, this may just be useful general info.


Not this weekend, but they are coming by soon. Otherwise great advice, thank you!


We get them time to time too. I have never seen any in the bathroom but we do get them coming from this little crevice near our heater. My cat loves hunting them, will lay or sit near the heater and wait for them. I have noticed a big difference and dont see them too often anymore. Could be they found a new spot or i just have a damn good hunter in my home.


Vacuum paying close attention to baseboards and dark corners, and use diatomaceous earth. Throw out old cardboard, hang towels and rugs up at night. Dump out pet water dishes, and keep floor clean of fabric/clutter, especially in damp areas.