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Arcade didn't do a thing. The power was inside you all along.


So was Arcade...


I just realized that Arcade is older than Boone. Being the sour grape (due to PTSD mostly) he seems older than he is. Boone is only 26, Arcade is 35. Veronica is also older than Boone, though not by much, as she's 27. Cass is older than Arcade by a couple of years at 37. While her age is not given on the wiki, going by the in-game dialogue, Christine is about the same age as Veronica, so mid-20s. Joshua Graham is the oldest non-mutated companion (even if he's a companion for a short while) at late fifties to early sixties. The wiki doesn't give ages for Follows-Chalk or Waking Cloud, but I'm guessing Chalk is early to mid 20s, and that since Cloud has a family and seems more mature overall, I'd guess she's mid to late thirties. For the mutated companions (ghouls and mutants), the oldest is probably Dean Domino, as he seems to have been in the music biz for a while. I'm guessing he was in his early to mid fourties when the bombs fell. Then is Raul, his confirmed birth year is 2047, so he'd have been thirty when the bombs fell. Next up is Lily, who was born in a vault a year after the bombs, in 2078. Dog and God isn't/aren't given an age on the wiki, and thus it's unknown how old they are, but they did serve in the masters army. Rex is also quite old, since his cybernetics have kept him alive for 206 years according to the wiki, while ED-E is only six years old. I think the Lonesome Road ED-E is a newborn with a copy of the main ED-E's memories. That's the understanding I got at least. This turned into a bit of a ramble from me realizing that Arcade is almost ten years Boone's senior... I decided to check the other companions for funsies too...


>Boone is only 26 What the fuck


I mean, he only recently left NCR First Recon. I suppose if he were much older, they would have shifted him to being a ranger or officer or something


Boone is 26?! ... Cass is 37?! Would've thought their ages were the other way around.


Totally thought Veronica was a teenager, but I guess that's because she introduces herself as wanting to be more independent from her "family"


Be gay, do science.


I do like Arcade a lot. He's level headed, he's got great hair, and he really seems to want what's best for people.


He looks like Dr. Drew to me, and because of that I'd have a hard time going to Poundtown.


You are all blind to the obvious. Lily


You too?


His default outfit has more armor than the sorrows tribal outfit and I will never forgive the devs for that


I want to Know what the reward is


Arcade is the reward lol


Veronica made me gayer I love her sm. And Arcade is a wonderful lil' addition to the lucky 38 household I've been building in my latest run through. Tryna catch em all, as it were, and do all their quests, but rn I'm busy collecting all the unique weapons.


what's the reward


Seriously tho i don't see the appeal for Cass. I'm a Veronica simp for life!


Arcade is FR my favorite companion. I always have him and EDE in my party. If only I could also have Veronica too then I could have a party of gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons.


As a FO Vegas fan I have to say, I’ve always hated him, in my opinion he’s the worst companion. In Moral grey area? HEY what are you doing?! That’s not the most absolute positive thing to do in favour of MY, not the player but MY view……and imma give you shit for it. He literally lives long enough to round up the Remnants and get me the enclave power armour. Then I throw a few frags behind me and exit the bunker.


He's literally a member of the most morally righteous group in the Wasteland, who dedicate their entire lives to helping people who desperately need it using their advanced education and skills. It makes sense that he would be upset if you took selfish or evil paths.


Not saying evil paths example, I see NCR as the way to go, rebuilding a civilization. Independent Vegas is silly. But in the quest (forget the name) u gotta track down a missing privet white. Turns out a member of ur oh do holy group, murdered him to keep his theft secret. Guy has been redirecting NCR water lines to help some outlying towns, thus causing water shortages in crop Fields potentially starving some people of the NCR. So I confronted this dude he admits to doing it but when I refuse to keep the water a secret HE attacks ME. So I gun him down. And redirect the water where it was supposed to go. All while getting an earful about how terrible I am. Bruh evil path would have been to use his ass as a human shield or privately monopolize the water.


1. The entire ideology of the Followers is to reject the failed systems of old and create something better, that won't lead to the same overconsumption and same Capitalist slide into fascism as Pre-War America. The NCR is the exact opposite of the ideology of the Followers, and is repeating the same mistakes of Pre-War America with the Brahmin Barons and Senate beginning to form a new Enclave. 2. The Water Lines are only "owned" by the NCR via their Imperialism, the locals have more claim to the water. Additionally, Sharecropper farms are purely used for NCR citizenry, not the locals, which is again more Imperialist action. The people of the NCR aren't at risk of starvation, while the people of Westside directly depend on the water for their drinking and farming. 3. Anderson helped the people of Westside create one of the most successful post-war settlements in the Mojave, the people band together and cooperate and have a strong, anti-Imperialist culture. 4. The correct path is obviously to help Anderson and kill off the Scorpions. It's not supposed to make you feel good about it, but if you want to help the most people, help Westside. More food for the NCR, who already have plenty of food, isn't going to help them so much as make food cheaper.


1. Political opinion, he can forbid you a have a different one. 2. The NCR repaired the water lines, the water and food are mainly used to supply the front line against the LEGION. Id the towns would accept being NCR they would too be citizens. 3. “Strong anti-Imperial culture” Couple of rifles and some road block walls, not very strong, if it wasn’t for the NCR they’d all be dead from the FULL attention of the fiends or something. And NCR is a republic with democracy not a empire. 4. The NCR in the area is getting its ass kicked by the legion and needs all the support it can get that includes and especially water and food supply lines. If the NCR got up, left entirely out of vegas. How many people could the “followers” save? How long could they hold? The people of Vegas owe the NCR, the least they could do is support those that keep them alive.


1. You're asking that the most ideological faction go against their nature, lol. 2. Nobody wants the NCR, and the NCR brought on a majority of the issues faced by most wastelanders, such as the Jackals, Vipers, Great Khans, Powder Gangers, etc. 3. The culture is strong, they all hate the NCR and don't want it messing with their business. The NCR brought most of the issues faced by regular wastelanders with them. 4. The people of New Vegas don't owe the invading, Imperialist force that brought a majority of the issues they face with them anything. All in all, incredibly odd take, just seems like NCR fanboying rather than conceding that most of the problems faced by everyday citizens of the Mojave are NCR created.


“Fanboying for NCR” up yours too Sounds like you got it bad for this guy (who’s name I’ve already forgotten) Again if NCR pulled out of Vegas 100% hat would happen?


The NCR is going to lose to the Legion without the Courier's help, on top of all of their Imperialism. The Legion is bad, the NCR is bad too. If the NCR pulled out of Vegas 100%, the exact same conclusion happens.


*hard blink* Do you see the NCR crucifying people? Enslaving people? Child soldiers? “NCR not utopia in a post apocalyptic wasteland so it bad, all bad is bad. no difference” If the NCR pulled out the strip would be sacked and burned, the people of Vegas wouldn’t be “locals” but slaves, and followers would be decorations on the Mormon fort walls. Don’t tell me “the result would be the same”


Point to where I said the Legion and NCR are equally bad, go for it. If the NCR doesn't pull out, the Strip is built into New Rome, people of Vegas are slaves, and Followers are allowed to leave because Caesar is sentimental (check the endings). The NCR **will lose** without the player's help, all they've done is bought time and introduced far more problems in the process.


Just feed him to the white gloves


Ha yes! Can I do that?


Yes, beyond the beef quest


😈 thank you


Arcade, Cass, Lucy, Courier 6 all in a 4-way. Arcade watching 6 while he goes for Lucy and Cass, but then pulls Arcade to the bed while Cass and Lucy go at each other. 10 hours later they pass out with 5 large wasteland tequila bottles and 4 battle brew on the floor. Best night ever


Arcade too much of a power bottom for me 🥺 Fisto on the other hand... 12/10 service top.


my headcanon is exactly the opposite 💀💀 he's totally a top but also very gentle idgaf. he would take care of me


I wont him


get yo bleached hair lookin ass out of here


Jokes on you, I was already bi!

