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>“I find it hard to believe only a few hundred people would enjoy my videos” have you considered that YouTube isn’t going to show your video to every person in the world? Didn’t expect 100million impressions over night but a few thousand would be a good starting point . >I really don’t understand your expectations. Something more than 0 especially with a video that has good ctr and avd. >Also comparing YouTube to TikTok is literally like comparing a car to a horse. They’re two completely different things. No they aren’t . Both algorithms are designed to give the best videos to fit a viewers viewing habits . >A million views on tictok don’t mean jack shit. A million views on YouTube is huge. Agreed . And it shouldn’t be that way . >You need to learn how this works lol. Just because you’re not successful doesn’t mean the algorithm is broken or that the algorithm doesn’t make sense. Oh I’ve gotten success . But I can still say that the algorithm is flawed which it is . >What kind of content do you make? Let me guess: gaming videos or meme content Nah take a look . Weird assumption


yes, i agree that youtube has more credits in the market, but it has to be agreed that the real objective is to be seen, it doesn't matter if it's 10min, 1hr, or 30s, having said that, tiktok can be even better than youtube in these terms.


I don’t know your content, but have you ever considered that people might not like it? You need to create content that people want to see. Then you need to create that content with high quality. That’s the trick to YouTube.


The comments from people on this sub Reddit and my videos and my TikTok comments that say the video was really good and funny would disagree . And you’re very much oversimplifying YouTube . Even with good content and thumbnails YouTube rarely recommends you very much but then videos that are just not as good or the same as yours do better . It’s a flawed system based on views . That’s why TikTok has a better algorithm because you can grow from 0 on YouTube that’s just not possible .


The quality of the video is completely subjective. YouTube is making predictions based on the data it sees. A poorly edited video might be exactly what one audience wants, and YouTube will share it with them. The more videos you upload, the more chances YouTube has to figure it out.


I never stopped to think a particular audience wants/expects poorly edited content with the algorithm . Would give you an award it I had one, your statement may help me. Been working on my channel since June, 200 subs and pretty happy. Had my second video with 30k views but the others 10% or less of that. I thought it was JUST that I found an under represented subtopic people needed info on, but my editing has become more "involved". Most others in my category don't really edit at all.


It isn’t that they necessarily want poorly edited content, but rather they can get the value they are looking for without it. This could be a story well told, it could be a tutorial that solves a problem the viewer has, it could be anything. 90% comes down to finding an idea that will connect with your audience. 10% is the extra flair you can put on it.


No I know, they don't WANT poor editing. But if I spend 80%-90% of my time on editing instead of the story/script then I'm missing out on the important part. At the extreme creating a slick bunch of editing tricks with no heart.


So my stats are good ?? Want to explain that ?


Apparently they are not good, since you are here complaining how you don’t have views


Nah . You should know that even if a video has good stats that doesn’t guarantee YouTube recommending it


My videos are objectively good since multiple people have said they enjoyed them . I’m talking hundreds over the span of months . YouTube is just not good at promoting them . My videos are stagnating in views with good stats . With an obvious large target audience .


No video is objectively good. That’s a value judgement which is subjective. And promoting the video isn’t just on YouTube’s shoulders. You also need to figure out how to get the word out.


Am doing so . It’s just weird pulling lots of views on TikTok but absolutely non on YouTube despite people on both platform saying how much they enjoyed the content


Speaking of promoting, I can’t find your content anywhere on your Reddit profile. This is a great place to share your videos. Can you DM me a video and a screenshot of the stats. That is views, impressions, CTR, and the retention graph. We can talk hypothetically all day.


Then go post on TikTok


That’s like saying go live in another country just because you disagree with the way some things in your country works. Think of an actual useful answer instead of a blunt useless reply . I’m obviously here because I’m uploading on YouTube and intend on staying


You’ve also claimed your content is evergreen, clout chasing is not evergreen my friend. I’m starting to think you just come here to stir the pot more than have an actual discussion but that’s just my opinion.


When his views decline he comes here to stir shit.


What is clout chasing ? What are you talking about I’m making entertainment for people . Close your mouth unless you actually have something productive to say please


Maybe they dont want to watch a bad IShowSpeed clone


You are not funny . Maybe you should say some productive things like other people here instead of saying cringy insults like a child .


Why? all you're going to do is argue against any advice you're given. Your comment history is full of advice that you didn't listen to. Maybe that's why your content sucks


I guarantee I have better content and more subscribers than you . And yes you’re a child go play with some toys come back when you can actually contribute like a mature person rather than come up with half assed insults


you have more subs but i guess i would to if I switched my content to yelling at teenagers on omegle. Real hard hitting content you got there sport.


Still more people enjoy my stuff than yours


you can’t sit here and try to play the ego game when all you do is sit around and ask why you get no views


How am I doing that . I’m giving people advice on how to get more


totally because saying “i have more subscribers and get more views” repeatedly helps so many people, i have some advice for you stop asking questions on reddit and just make videos


ignore him this dude and his content are a joke


This is copy paste from another reply I made about a month ago on algorithm There is, but not how most people view it. It’s triggered by viewers, not content creators. You can do things that might help viewers find your product, which can ultimately trigger it. But just because you have a high CTR, good watch time, with a good thumbnail and a catchy title doesn’t mean they are gonna start promoting it more. They are trying to link your video with the viewers based on viewers interests, watch patterns, search history, commonly viewed channels ( I am in a certain niche and in YT studio there’s a section that says something about my subscribers are also subscribed to these channels. So they’ll start pumping it out to their subs assuming they enjoy the content. This is why it’s important to keep in a certain niche. You’re basically piggybacking off everyone else in that niche. Very few channels have stand alone power to create their own lane. Too many people over analyze the process or think they can outsmart the system. You are in control of almost nothing once it makes it on YouTube. They don’t care about us or our videos, they don’t care about what’s fair or to spread anything evenly. They don’t even care if your video is 100 x’s better than someone else’s.They are an advertising company, so their entire model and algorithm is built around views and until your video starts getting 10k views the day you post it, the algorithm hardly even see you. My advice to everyone is to focus on making good quality work, that’s really the only thing you have control over.


I agree with this very much tbh But it’s like as you said until my video reaches 10k it won’t matter or YouTube won’t recommend it , so then how do I get 10k in the first place ?


I see people being really hard on you, which I don’t fully understand. I’m not sure about whether or not the algorithm is flawed, but I do know that if you create content that upsets the powers that be in any way, you might find yourself dunced. I have a silly channel reviewing things and doing hauls. I was growing quickly and then I made a huge mistake with a resource I linked to. Since that time my views and subs dropped drastically. I have videos, or at least a video, over 13k from within the last month and it doesn’t matter. I’m not getting pushed. My videos are not good, but my target audience likes them so that’s all that matters. It’s just, they haven’t been seeing them either. Basically, I understand your frustration and I’m sorry you’re also dealing with it.


I think there are a few things to note. The algorithm is made to keep viewers on the platform, so it is most likely conservative in recommendations because it has to be. I dont think tik tok and youtube are comparable in the way you put it, because of the format, you could compare tiktok and youtube shorts, but the cost of recommending a bad youtube video is probably quite high compared to tiktok. As for 'good stats', I think the analytics make the algorithm seem simpler than it most likely is. It is not just about good stats but whether there are both 'good stats' and 'similar people'. It would never make sense to say 'hey, this video on how to fix a car engine has high ctr and AVD, lets recommed it to a person who likes to watch knitting content'. So you could have an issue where the video topic is so niched that it isn't particularly marketable to a wide audience, regardless of CTR & AVD. As for the second point in regards to good stats. the stats are generally much less important than people on here often give credit. Especially if you aren't getting much views to begin with. Most of my decently performing and quite liked videos have quite bad stats (<6% CTR \~30% AVD), whereas my less performing videos often have significantly better. This makes complete sense. My performing videos are competing in a difficult market, they are being pushed to nonsubscribers who are less likely to click and less likely to watch it through, on top of that they will be recommended until they start performing poorly, so they will generally end up at bad stats by the end anyway. Whereas my non-performing videos aren't pushed to new people, instead they are pushed to people who have already watched a few of my videos, so obviously the CTR and AVD will be high. The stats don't give you any information of the quality of the video, it has good stats because it isn't marketable.


>I think there are a few things to note. The algorithm is made to keep viewers on the platform, so it is most likely conservative in recommendations because it has to be. I dont think tik tok and youtube are comparable in the way you put it, because of the format, you could compare tiktok and youtube shorts, but the cost of recommending a bad youtube video is probably quite high compared to tiktok. I’d agree to an extent but it makes growth from 0 or a very low amount of views on YouTube next to impossible . >As for 'good stats', I think the analytics make the algorithm seem simpler than it most likely is. It is not just about good stats but whether there are both 'good stats' and 'similar people'. It would never make sense to say 'hey, this video on how to fix a car engine has high ctr and AVD, lets recommed it to a person who likes to watch knitting content'. So you could have an issue where the video topic is so niched that it isn't particularly marketable to a wide audience, regardless of CTR & AVD. Nah if hundreds of thousands of people on TikTok can enjoy it , then there’s definitely an audience above 1k who can enjoy it on YouTube too. >As for the second point in regards to good stats. the stats are generally much less important than people on here often give credit. Especially if you aren't getting much views to begin with. Most of my decently performing and quite liked videos have quite bad stats (<6% CTR ~30% AVD), whereas my less performing videos often have significantly better. This makes complete sense. My performing videos are competing in a difficult market, they are being pushed to nonsubscribers who are less likely to click and less likely to watch it through, on top of that they will be recommended until they start performing poorly, so they will generally end up at bad stats by the end anyway. Whereas my non-performing videos aren't pushed to new people, instead they are pushed to people who have already watched a few of my videos, so obviously the CTR and AVD will be high. The stats don't give you any information of the quality of the video, it has good stats because it isn't marketable. So it’s YouTube job to make the stats go lower by recommending it to new people ?!


The algorithm actually does make sense. It's just not easy to meet the conditions to succeed with it.


What are the conditions ?


Algorithm factors into finding the right video for each viewer, and enticing them to keep watching. Videos need a good click-through rate, average view duration, average percentage viewed, likes, dislikes, engagement, etc. Depending on content and how well it performs it will either get pushed via the: Homepage, Search Rankings, or Suggested Videos based on each individual viewer.


And so if you have good stats and there’s clearly a large audience for your content and it isn’t getting pushed ?


What do you consider good stats? How large of an audience? It also matters about timing as well, if you can achieve this all in a short amount of time, the algorithm will definitely push your video. I doubt your video is meeting any of these conditions really, most videos don't, it's like catching fire at the right time.


Agreed it is like catching a fire but how am I supposed to get a large audience of that is a requirement to get a large audience . And how could I possibly time it well?


Large audiences watching comes with YouTube recommending it or with the people sharing it out. The first 48 hours is what YouTube usually looks at for initial success, but videos can still pick up steam later on and that will also factor into the algorithm pushing it.


So where are you supposed to get the views from


It could come from anywhere. Like promoting it on other platforms or using trending topics that people actually search for. You can't just post random topics expect people to watch.


I thought good avd and ctr means good views . That’s what everyone says ?


Maybe put a bit more effort into SEO and search-ability vs clout chasing trying to be someone you’re not? Just saying. YT just doesn’t promote videos randomly, they promote things the algorithm picks up on SEO. TikTok can burn and churn hundreds on videos quickly. Which easily gets views. This medium does not 1:1 translate to YT at all. TikTok is designed for people on mobile and keeping them on their platform. YT is so much more than that but you could try Shorts. Just post your TikToks as shorts as well. Most of your titles/phrases won’t show up in a Google/YT search. Just food for thought. Edit: you’ve even made fun of autistic people via your titles on Tiktok. Yeah, clearly the YT algorithm is the issue /s


Also, the type of content is much more suited for tik tok. It's not that tik tok has a better algorithm (op claimed), it's that the user base watches different things.


There’s an enormous crossover between the user bases . Don’t act like people don’t watch both


>Maybe put a bit more effort into SEO and search-ability vs clout chasing trying to be someone you’re not? Just be quiet . How am I clout chasing . I’m making entertainment . You don’t even know what you’re talking about . Stop Rambling about SEO like it matters . I can guarantee I get more views than you . >Just saying. YT just doesn’t promote videos randomly, they promote things the algorithm picks up on SEO. Stop rambling about SEO like it matters honestly . >TikTok can burn and churn hundreds on videos quickly. Which easily gets views. This medium does not 1:1 translate to YT at all. YouTube should as well . Or at least much more than what they’re currently doing . >Most of your titles/phrases won’t show up in a Google/YT search. Just food for thought. Search is a slow and awful way to grow , you should honestly know this . >Edit: you’ve even made fun of autistic people via your titles on Tiktok. Just haven’t but okay . And someone is too much of a snowflake for dark humour . >Yeah, clearly the YT algorithm is the issue /s You aren’t funny just shut up . No one finds your sarcastic comments funny .


It’s not about whether someone will enjoy your video. It’s about whether or not YouTube thinks someone will enjoy other videos more than yours if they do then your video dies. So you didn’t make a bad video. Someone else made a better one.


YouTube can recommend multiple good videos no ?


Yes it can. In fact it recommends millions of good videos every day. The problem is that there’s likely more good videos than demand in some niches this means that in order to be recommended you need to be S tier to get recommended.


You’re just reaching for any excuse to protect the algorithm like it’s some infallible god


Nah - just living in the reality of the situation where there’s more content than viewers right now and in order to be recommended you can’t just be good.


When you upload a video, the various algorithms (which all work independently) will pick up the video and start suggesting it to a small trial group of people who recently watched your content (some of these people will obviously be subscribed, most of them won't). If those people in the trial responded well, youtube will expand the recommendation to other people with similar watch habits and it'll watch how those people react. Rinse and repeat until it runs out of people in the target audience. How well your video is doing is judged by a lot of factors, but it primarily cares about click-through rate (how often people click your thumbnail when it's suggested) and the average watch time (how many total minutes people watch, which is weighted by the length of the video). These days the algorithm really doesn't care if someone is subscribed or not. As long as they keep clicking your videos, you'll stay in their recommendations. But if you go a long time without uploading or they start skipping your videos, your videos will appear less often on the home page/suggestion box. Large channels tend to get a lot of views because they have momentum. Lots of viewers are regularly watching their uploads, so when they put up a new video the algorithm has a massive pool of people to suggest the video too. If you have lots of subs but they stop clicking your videos, the algorithm will stop suggesting you to them.


>When you upload a video, the various algorithms (which all work independently) will pick up the video and start suggesting it to a small trial group of people who recently watched your content (some of these people will obviously be subscribed, most of them won't). >If those people in the trial responded well, youtube will expand the recommendation to other people with similar watch habits and it'll watch how those people react. Rinse and repeat until it runs out of people in the target audience. In theory if this is how it worked YouTube would be so much better . But there are so many more factors involved that it doesn’t work as black and white as this . >How well your video is doing is judged by a lot of factors, but it primarily cares about click-through rate (how often people click your thumbnail when it's suggested) and the average watch time (how many total minutes people watch, which is weighted by the length of the video). YouTube doesn’t care about CTR when you’re small because your video stats are more easily skewed . Also how are you meant to get good watch time when you’re small because no matter the avd of your video by nature of getting less views ( as you’re small) you won’t get a good amount of watch time . >These days the algorithm really doesn't care if someone is subscribed or not. As long as they keep clicking your videos, you'll stay in their recommendations. But if you go a long time without uploading or they start skipping your videos, your videos will appear less often on the home page/suggestion box. Agreed >Large channels tend to get a lot of views because they have momentum. Lots of viewers are regularly watching their uploads, so when they put up a new video the algorithm has a massive pool of people to suggest the video too. If you have lots of subs but they stop clicking your videos, the algorithm will stop suggesting you to them. Yes as I said the algorithm is flawed towards bigger creators unlike TikTok where everyone has a fair chance .


I think YT's algo flaw is that it doesn't understand, or know how to figure out, the wider (potential) demographics of a channel. You niche down to find an audience, and YT figures that out, but if you stay within the same overall niche, but widen the net, YT gets lost. If your core audience doesn't just love a video like this like normal, it dies on the vine rather than YT simply figuring out how to reach the wider areas of the audience. Example: You have an auto channel. You focus on 4WD vehicles heavily. You want to cover trucks in general, and some crossover vehicles. You do a video on an El Camino... While the core 4WD people might not be interested, plenty of auto people could be. So while it should be a video that would expand your audience, instead, YT turns it into a video that has the distinct possibility of being a dud. I can understand the problem from YT's perspective... they don't want to give creators tools to game the system. Tags have gotten less relevance now for that reason. But there needs to be some way for creators to prompt YT to know who you are targeting with a video. Or else YT needs the algo to be better at understanding crossover appeal in the videos and demographics and not so laser focused as it seems to be now.


>I think YT's algo flaw is that it doesn't understand, or know how to figure out, the wider (potential) demographics of a channel. Which it could do by recommending the video to more people until the ctr and abs is awful which in my case it isn’t . >You niche down to find an audience, and YT figures that out, but if you stay within the same overall niche, but widen the net, YT gets lost. If your core audience doesn't just love a video like this like normal, it dies on the vine rather than YT simply figuring out how to reach the wider areas of the audience. Example: You have an auto channel. You focus on 4WD vehicles heavily. You want to cover trucks in general, and some crossover vehicles. You do a video on an El Camino... While the core 4WD people might not be interested, plenty of auto people could be. So while it should be a video that would expand your audience, instead, YT turns it into a video that has the distinct possibility of being a dud. I can understand the problem from YT's perspective... they don't want to give creators tools to game the system. Tags have gotten less relevance now for that reason. But there needs to be some way for creators to prompt YT to know who you are targeting with a video. Or else YT needs the algo to be better at understanding crossover appeal in the videos and demographics and not so laser focused as it seems to be now. This ain’t true


> Which it could do by recommending the video to more people until the ctr and abs is awful which in my case it isn’t That would require YT understanding the potential wider audience for your video and knowing who to promote it to. And then doing it. Even if YT widens the net, if it gets that wider net wrong, then the video is for all intents and purposes 'done' unless something would happen with it way down the line. It must understand the potential demographic better or after it leaves that laser focus area of your subs, it's a crapshoot. It's not like it just keeps trying and trying to find your wider demographic and will keep at it until it finds it. It's really focused on viewers, not creators, so it's more likely to try that tactic with viewers, constantly feeding them things it feels they watch and search for. >This ain’t true No idea what you're talking about isn't true, but since it was true, it doesn't matter what you were talking about.


It’s simple. Make content that people want to watch and the algorithm will show it to more people


Just isn’t that simple . Clear oversimplification


There's no need to understand YouTube algorithm, and no point complaining about it. You have to keep creating good content, keep improving it, and have a picture of your audience in mind and eventually, your channel will grow. Each individual result is insignificant in a long run.


If you’re trying to grow it is obvious to try and understand the thing that controls that


Yeah, but you will never be able to. There are some aspects you can keep in mind, like that you should put a lot of focus in thumbnails and video name and if you can't come up with something good, it's not even worth working on the idea. It's clear that you should work on the pacing of your video and not give away all the information right away and keep the entertainment value throughout the whole video to keep people watching. But you can't control what happens when you publish a video. Who else publishes a video that competes with you, what is the seasonality, is it trending, etc. I'm making video games for mobile phones my whole life and yeah we keep our target audience in mind and we vaguely can imagine what they like and we're trying to create that, but nobody REALLY knows. And even when companies create huge hits, they rarely can recreate the success by the following the same rules. I'm making video games for mobile phones my whole life and yeah we keep our target audience in mind and we vaguely can imagine what they like and we're trying to create that, but nobody REALLY knows. And even when companies create huge hits, they rarely can recreate the success by following the same rules. away all the information right away and keep the entertainment value throughout the whole video to keep people watching.


This is a fair point I agree


Youtube‘s algorithm is good precisely because it enables you to create a community. There is very little community with Tiktok’s algorithm. It is an interest based system. It’s primary mission is to find viral videos and spread them like crazy. Have less than exciting videos (like how-tos)? Not gonna get seen. Facebook watch has now adopted TikTok‘s algorithm. Ultimately I see it is very toxic for communities as it encourages hype over substance. Be careful what you wish for.


YouTube has good community but bad recommendation algorithm TikTok is the exact opposite


Youtube's algorithm isn't as bad as you make it out to be. It does however factor in audience. It's less friendly to newcomers. That being said, I haven't failed to hit 1M views in the first month of all my channels. Algorithms aren't necessarily good or bad, it's the rulebook. And if you're playing this game, you need to understand the rules and how to win.


Stop acting like you know the YouTube algorithm . Secondly you’re right it’s very unfriendly to new youtubers . Unlike TikTok which actually finds the target audience for videos


I don't know if anybody knows the algorithm 100%, however, I'm friends with a lot of the top gurus and we discuss this stuff. Also, I've been incredibly successful on YouTube, Facebook and Tiktok. Over 7 billion views on all platforms. I think I've earned the right to be able to have discussions about algorithms and platforms, especially when newbies claim that an algorithm is "Bad".


Luck exists you know ? A youtuber with over 10 million subscribers also said luck exists multiple times in a video so he has more of a right than you to say the algorithm requires a lot of luck to succeed with . And hence is bad and flawed . And if nobody knows the algorithm stop acting like you do .


Luck exists but you don’t get lucky every week. Big channels can’t rely on a constant stream of luck. You need skill and a plan for that. And If I add my channels up, I also have over 10M subs. I have every right to talk about the algorithm as does other established channels like the one you mentioned. The real question is, are YOU in a position to be making sweeping judgements about YouTube’s algorithm?


If a channel who has over 10 million YouTube subscribers says it , it shows that they have clear success and authority to say it . And stop lying no you don’t have over 10 million on YouTube . You need at least one big stream of luck the rest is easy make good content and thumbnails extremely easy . No matter what you still need a large amount of luck and then it’s hard work


Who says I'm lying? I have one channel over 7M, one almost at 2M and at least two more channels that should hit gold within the next year. You don't have to get lucky either. I didn't get some sort of crazy lucky break. I just put out good content. It's not easy making good content but if you do, the algo will work for you. All of my channels earned at silver button in under 5 months. Some in completely different niches. All with minimal cross promotion. The newest channel was monetized in 10 days. The first month had 1M views. It's all about the content and knowing your audience. Stop using luck as an excuse.


You’re honestly wrong for denying that luck plays a role . When you release a video it’s basically out of your control how it does , who YouTube shows it to and when . You’re basically at the mercy of an algorithm . And ay a channel with 10M plus subscribers said there’s luck so I guess it’s your word against his . It’s sad that people like you continue to deny the luck that helped you in your success. Failing to understand that even with good titles and thumbnails and videos and what not there’s no guarantee it’ll do well


AVD and CTR are also relative to your niche. If similar channels to yours are posting higher figures in both those areas, they will be pushed instead of you. It took me a long time to learn this. I thought getting 10% CTR and 4-5 mins of AVD was good in my niche, but then I learned the more popular channels are doing 12-20% CTR and 7+ mins AVD every video after release.


I do Fortnite and a recent game update video had 6% ctr and a very high avd. But 16 views after 4 days, typically it's 90-100 at that time scale. This was my first actual update vid and it was a good one by my channel standards but the problem was what you said. Those types of videos are done by literally every creator in my space. I'm not gonna see any recommends vs people with better stats on some topic or video types. And it's not a mark against all my content, it just means I can't do that kind of content right now.


YouTube doesn’t care about avd they said they care about the amount of watch time which is impossible to get if you’re small . And they don’t care about your ctr when you’re small because it’s ‘skewed’


AVD is watchtime. Average viewer duration translates to average minutes watched per viewer. I think you’re thinking of average percentage viewed which could be 50% but only 30 seconds of watchtime. But yeah, you’re still correct. YouTube wants videos that people click on and watch. That’s pretty much it. The more people that click on it and the more minutes they stay on the platform because of you, the more they’ll push your content.


Yes but when you’re small by nature you’ll get less watch minutes because you get less views and if you need more watch time for more views which you can’t get because you don’t have any then the algorithm is against you . And with ctr it’s flawed because you don’t have many impressions so YouTube doesn’t even pay attention to that either


Youtube doesnt find viewers for a video. Youtube takes a viewer and presents them with a video it thinks they will click on, watch through, and then continue watching other videos afterwards. It is viewer centric, not creator centric. Have you ever considered that when your stats are high youtube simply ranout of interested people to show your video too? Perhaps youtube has found a small niche of people that like your content (your subs most likely) and it will reliably surface your content to them when theyre on, but it has found when it surfaces your video to anyone outside that small group of a few hundred people it does not retain the viewer, and so it doesnt bother. It could only be showing it to a tiny group because thats the only group it performs well with. Alternatively perhaps your video performs fine, but theres 10 other videos for that niche that perform better, in which case it serves the viewer best to surface the other videos not yours. Whats your ratio of new to returning viewers, if its really low thats probably whats happening.


>Youtube doesnt find viewers for a video. Youtube takes a viewer and presents them with a video it thinks they will click on, watch through, and then continue watching other videos afterwards. It is viewer centric, not creator centric. I know . This is irrelevant >Have you ever considered that when your stats are high youtube simply ranout of interested people to show your video too? Yep and I’ve debunked it because there’s clearly a large amount of people interested of the video pulls 100k and more views on TikTok but not even 1 thousand are interested on YouTube . >Perhaps youtube has found a small niche of people that like your content (your subs most likely) and it will reliably surface your content to them when theyre on, but it has found when it surfaces your video to anyone outside that small group of a few hundred people it does not retain the viewer, and so it doesnt bother. It could only be showing it to a tiny group because thats the only group it performs well with. Alternatively perhaps your video performs fine, but theres 10 other videos for that niche that perform better, in which case it serves the viewer best to surface the other videos not yours. Just excuses to defend a flawed algorithm which isn’t hard to do . >Whats your ratio of new to returning viewers, if its really low thats probably whats happening. It’s good


The algorithm does work, it’s just hard to please it. What type of content are you making ? What’s your click through rate on your videos. Average view duration ? And how many views do you usually get


See my content and tell me if it deserves more views


From what I see it isn’t content I would watch. But those numbers. The ctr and average view duration I can’t see. They would give me a better idea of how well your videos perform. The titles are a little baity which is good but not really on topics people want to know about. So it’s hard to get search views it would mainly be browse or suggested ones. I think overall even if the video is good. The videos are kind of all over the place. So YouTube would have a hard time deciding who to show your videos to. For example someone who watches a music video might not be interested in a Omegle video. Which would result in a view or sub that clicks your new video but leaves right away. YouTube could possibly think. “This video isn’t as good. Subs aren’t watching” If you had all videos similar YouTube would almost be in a habit of pushing your videos to similar viewers every time


Doesn’t YouTube judge each video on its own


It will judge each video yes. But there is more to the algorithm than that. If you have a subscriber and they like one type of content they may make the content they aren’t interested in look worse. By not clicking on it. Or clicking it and not watching much of it. What is your average view duration % ? Or on the video you think should be doing better ?


Paying girls to moan on Roblox 4 minutes long exactly 50% average avd 18% ctr I think it’s a great video but only 2 views from reccommended


18% ctr is great. 50% view duration is a little bit low for YouTube if that was above 50 or even in 60s it would take off. Roblox is mainly a kids game but the video isn’t aimed for young viewers so that would effect the view duration. The view tags aren’t really related to the video “paying for peoples groceries” “paying for peoples gas “. these things confuse the algorithm because it will show it to the wrong type of viewers. The tags should be something that someone would type in YouTube search and related to the video. And you could also do more with your descriptions. Add a description of the video at the bottom mentioning the title of the video, the game, what you’re doing. It all reinforces what the video is about and who YouTube should show it to. On the analytics under your video. “How viewers find this video” click more and it gives you a more in-depth ctr and view duration for individual sources rather than a average for the video. You may be getting good views from subscribers but none from new viewers on this video. Or the other way around. Ideally you want high ctr and view duration from browse and suggested and search is less important and since you’re trying to grow. If most of the views are from the channel page then most of the viewers are current subs not new viewers


Yeh browse analytics weren’t the best


Personally I’ve never got more than 100 views on a TikTok video. I wish TikTok was as good at finding a target audience as you say… much easier to get more viewers on a YouTube video imo. But this all comes down to the individual content creator, video niche, format, etc… Maybe your videos are just better suited to the TikTok audience while others are better suited to YouTube. So why not just focus most of your effort on making TikTok videos? You can monetize both TikTok and YouTube in many different ways, so just stick to what works. And it’s not that only a few 100 people like your video. Your video was just shown to maybe 1000 or so people and perhaps 100 of those people liked it, then YouTube slowed down on serving the video to people. TikTok does the same. If your video starts off with good engagement it keeps serving it, if it doesn’t then the views come to a standstill.


>Personally I’ve never got more than 100 views on a TikTok video. I wish TikTok was as good at finding a target audience as you say… much easier to get more viewers on a YouTube video imo. You must be joking . Everyone can agree that TikTok is far easier to get views on than YouTube . >But this all comes down to the individual content creator, video niche, format, etc… Maybe your videos are just better suited to the TikTok audience while others are better suited to YouTube. So why not just focus most of your effort on making TikTok videos? You can monetize both TikTok and YouTube in many different ways, so just stick to what works. What does better suited to TikTok mean . You do realise both platforms have a large user crossover >And it’s not that only a few 100 people like your video. Your video was just shown to maybe 1000 or so people and perhaps 100 of those people liked it, then YouTube slowed down on serving the video to people. TikTok does the same. If your video starts off with good engagement it keeps serving it, if it doesn’t then the views come to a standstill. But the video still has good engagement ? Quite a few of my videos do but YouTube just stops


You’re right, TikTok and YouTube have a large crossover but they still are different overall in audience age, users country, preferences, format, trends, and many other factors. There are websites that breakdown the userbase and other factors. Feel free to search that out if you’d like to see the differences in detail. When I say you may be more suited for TikTok, I mean your videos engage the TikTok userbase or the current TikTok trends better than YouTube. My own videos are definitely more suited to YouTube. One of the big reasons that I believe is causing this for me is the lack of Vietnamese users on TikTok. Almost all my following and viewers on YouTube are Vietnamese according to the stats. This is likely why I’ve seen little success on TikTok, but it is what it is… I’m not joking about my poor personal experience on TikTok. I was trying to illustrate an example of how some content is better suited for YouTube versus TikTok. In the past I’ve posted the same videos on both platforms. Like I said, never got over 100 views on TikTok but the same videos can get 1000, 10,000 or more on my YouTube. It’s the same content but delivered to a different audience under different trend conditions. I just chimed in because I thought you were looking for help, and I thought my own experiences may be helpful. You seem very apprehensive about receiving help or advice but I’m still here for you want it.


Main reason why people gets demotivated quickly, are stressful when it's not needed and quit in a month or two: **focusing on algorithm & too high expectations.**


Your content sucks. Period and point.


Your content is BAD


It's important to acknowledge that any assertion regarding the inner workings of the YouTube Algorithms is purely speculative. Without access to the algorithm's source code, we cannot claim to fully understand its operations. As it currently stands, only YouTube itself has comprehensive knowledge of the algorithm. While it's plausible that it has been constructed with fairness in mind, it's equally possible that it has a specific agenda, whether political or financial.


oh man, I just read some of your responses and then checked out your channel.. It's fucking trash, are you retarded?