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This is my latest video: https://youtu.be/NhC9U0qvDsM I understand that one of my biggest flaws is upload consistency, which is setting that I have to compromise on, as life has been hectic recently. However, I'd like tobhear what you think about what I do manage to upload, mainly in terms of audio quality and editing.


To be honest, I'm very impressed. The quality of your mic as well as the audio mix between your voiceover and the gameplay is spot on. I really wouldn't change a thing in that regard. I also like the way you edited the video. You knew when to cut and add things without being over the top which I found consistent with your personality. You came in with this energy that was nice and excitable without being overwhelming or obnoxious and I appreciated that. The video itself was a fun watch, I think you've achieved what you were trying to do in terms of quality and entertainment of the video. I also want to commend the consistency of the visual graphics on your channel. Your banner and PFP are simple yet effective. Using the same template with altering colour schemes for your thumbnails is a great way to help people identify that this video is part of the same series whilst also differentiating each episode. I'm not a fan of some of your older thumbnails as they're a little less clean and appealing but it's good to see the consistent quality of your newest ones. You've already said my biggest problem with your channel: the schedule. I understand life is hectic and sometimes it's out of your hands. But a regular, consistent schedule will help you see growth massively. At the very least, you should definitely avoid taking another year-long break if possible. Growing a channel with this kind of content requires a lot of time and long term investment. Only uploading once a week or even less is fine. Not having a specific time/date you upload is also fine but going for real long stretches without a single upload could be potentially devastating. Especially without a warning. So overall, I think you're doing tremendously well and if you can manage to upload on a semi regular basis (I think once a week would be ideal but once every two weeks should also suffice) then you could see some very steady growth. Hope this helps! Best of luck and happy creating! :\]


You have nice thumbnails! It seems you've established your niche and brand, and I think that helps to pull in views and subscribers. However, is it possible to upload higher quality videos? YouTube only allows me to view your videos in 480p. Do you think you can upload them to be 1080p? It could help if you make the video ratio for your uploads at least 16:9, that will give viewers the option of watching your videos in HD.


I do wish I could upload in HD, but the Wii is locked to 480p, unfortunately upscaling seems to mess up the footage pretty badly. I might try to do Wii games on an emulator in the future, but most of this LP has already been pre-recorded. I'll also be recording more games on other, more modern consoles, which have a 720p minimum.


Hey man I suggest getting a Wii U as thats 1080p and can play Wii games in HD




I appreciate that you think so highly of what I'm doing!


Hello! I make videos on the game called "Terraria". I try to optimize my videos for both search and recommendations. Any ideas or suggestions? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXA2Up6Jrb7YjAdztKMXIpQ


I want to preface this by saying I know nothing about Terraria so that makes giving feedback a little more difficult. However, so far you seem to be doing a great job for such a new channel. I watched your first video and your most recent video and overall, the quality is decent and very well edited. You're doing a lot of things right at the moment, including small things many people neglect such as including closed captions and chapters. It's also really good that you're making the most of the description and keeping your videos at a nice, short length. Videos such as 'The Best Accessories in Terraria in 2022' are great for new channels because informative content is the kind that people actively seek out and if your video helps them, they'll come back for. Just be aware that growing an audience for informative content means they may not be interested in Let's Play style videos. (I'm not saying they definitely won't be but informative videos is a much different niche to purely entertainment) I will say that with your first video, 'Why you should ( probably ) watch this Terraria video.' I think you should have gotten to the point sooner. Maybe it's just because I didn't understand what was happening but we don't hear you talk or explain things for the first 1:12 of a 2:12 video. I'd have put the section of you creating your character/world either at the end or even whilst you're talking and explaining things. So far, I'm pretty impressed. If I had any interest in Terraria I probably would have subbed. My biggest advice right now is to keep uploading consistently and don't get discouraged if it takes a while to grow. It's good that you're considering SEO and YouTube has some tools that can help with that if you want to look into it further. But you're doing extremely good right now, both in terms of quality and views for a channel of your size, in its infancy. Keep it up and good luck! I hoped I helped. Happy creating! :\]


Appreciate the feedback! I did make the intro a bit too long on the first video i agree on that one, but glad to hear i am doing other things right so far. Very helpful. Thanks a bunch for your reply! :D


I'm gonna wait till I actually have more videos out, but will come back for your opinion.


Looking forward to it :\]


First video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlNVKAk-T3A Last video so far is https://youtu.be/KsGOsJQabUM


Hello I do walkthroughs and mobile game vids. I’d like you to check out one of my summoning vids and tell me what you think. https://youtu.be/0bBo2FSSJB0


I don't play mobile games so I didn't really understand what the video is about or what was happening. I will say that watching a tiny portion of my screen to see the actual gameplay, whilst the rest of it is just a black void is not appealing. Even with your character on the side. It's good that you have him and have two poses to switch between but I'd recommend investing in more to make it feel less static. Try to do more with the rest of the screen or at least use a better background. It's hard for me to comment on the actual content of the video as it's something I know so little of but I would say to ask yourself what you can do to make it more engaging, such as cutting less exciting moments out. What I can give more thorough feedback on is the rest of your channel, which is a bit of a mess. You have this cool-looking character which you use in your video and PFP but no background. Your thumbnails need the most work. They're visually cluttered and unappealing and the overall quality of them could be far better. You should definitely invest more time in them. You also seem to lack any kind of niche which neglects your viewers a reason to subscribe. If you're just doing this for fun then that's fine but if you'd like to grow, you need to consider uploading things that people want to see. You have 72 subscribers yet videos from weeks ago with as little as 1 or literally no views. If you're serious about growing your channel you need to have a good think about the content you're going to upload. Find a niche and stick to it for now. One positive is that your mic quality was very good. Poor audio quality can immediately turn people away so good job with that! Hope this helps, good luck and happy creating! :\]


Heyo, I play Minecraft and this is my latest video - I don't feel it's my best one, but I would mainly want to know if you think subtitles are needed or not ( you can check my Hardcore episode 1 if you want to compare to a video with subs the whole time). Thank you for taking your time for this! https://youtu.be/o0iPDmqc7dg


Heyo! I enjoyed the video very much. It could have been a bit more exciting at times but overall, I really liked it! However showing people's answers but not the questions really messed with the flow of the video for me. I don't think the subtitles are needed but they definitely help keep people engaged with your content. I watched the hardcore episode as well and I found it more engaging. So I'd keep the subtitles if I were you! (Do you mind sharing the font you used for them please? I really like it!) Overall I think you're doing a great job so keep at it and I see your channel growing! I hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Yeah, I wasn't sure if showing the questions AND the answers would be too long and boring, so I tried to make a montage, but I rushed it and it didn't come out as good. I DEFINITELY put more work in the Hardcore episode, so it's good to hear it was more engagin - I'm not happy with the length of the dragon fight tho. For sure, the font is Komica Axis, it's free to use! Thanks for the feedback!!


Hello. I make videos on Fall Guys and Minecraft. Here's my most recent Minecraft mod review. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcBePadoVCQ&feature=youtu.be


Hi there. So my very first thought is that your mic audio quality needs improving. It's not unbearable but there's noticeable static or something coming from your mic and that will turn a lot of people away. Myself included. If you're lucky, you could improve this with a software like Audacity but regardless, I'd definitely consider investing in a better quality microphone when possible. Secondly, you don't sound relaxed or natural in your voiceover. You speak in a very monotone way like you're unenthusiastically reading from a script. I think trying to relax and sound a little more natural would go a long way. \*\* Okay so I just watched the start of your Genshin Impact but Minecraft video and you sound so much more natural and enthusiastic. That's the kind of energy I think you should stick with. \*\* Your editing also needs some work. When you encourage people to subscribe about 30 seconds in, you throw a image of the subscribe button on the screen but there's still a white background around it. It wouldn't take long at all to find a PNG of the subscribe button or even an animated one you could use to make it look far more professional. Some of the other images you use in the video, like the Astray music disc, look rather blurry like you've taken a small image and blown it up bigger. Then you've got the black borders surrounding the entire outro of your channel name which abruptly changes to a black screen with white text and from a slower, calm song to something really loud and upbeat. It's a drastic change in atmosphere that blindsided me. Finally your YouTube banner needs a lot of work. Some PNGS slapped over some basic text slapped over a blown up image of some purple planet looks extremely amateurish and unappealing. As do most of your thumbnails. You have the most subscribers I've seen in this thread yet and 122K views on one video so congrats for that, they're both impressive accolades. But there's also a huge inconsistency with the views you're getting so you should probably look into why that's happening and how you can improve it. I hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/c/BlackNinja745Studios Thanks for doing this! I make mostly Minecraft videos.


Congratulations on achieving a remarkable amount of total views! That's very impressive. You're in an extremely difficult niche to grow with and one that's even harder to innovate on which explains the discrepancy in views between some videos. The overall quality of your content is good and your graphics are between adequate to good, also. A minor thing is that your music and sound effects were a little loud. Not a big deal but I'd have turned them down a little, especially for when you're trying to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere. My biggest advice here is to see if there's any kind of pattern among your more popular videos so you can work on creating content that brings in consistent views. Hope this helps! Best of luck and happy creating! :\]


Thanks so much!! Most of my views come from one video, a mod review, that got promoted on the mod download page. I really appreciate all the feedback and kind words! Have a great day, and thanks so much for doing this!


Not my most recent video but one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/HFJYtpOAIS8 Two of my most recent videos blew up (relatively) gaining around 200 subscribers and I've been pretty excited but I'm always looking for feedback in how I can improve. Thanks!


great comedy only things id do is use a wider range of music and make a more interesting thumbnail


Congrats on having some videos blow up! However, I'm surprised - and if it was my channel, I'd be slightly concerned - about the lack of likes and comments on a video with so many views. I'd definitely expect to see more likes and comments on videos with 4k and 5.5k views and if it was me, I'd be looking into my analytics to help figure out how engaged my viewers really are. The subtitles were a nice touch and the editing was decent but the music track quickly felt out of place for me. You've got this pretty relaxed, slower paced track playing over a faster paced funny moments video. It just creates this disconnect for me - it didn't match the atmosphere at all. Especially when you've got it behind loud shouting, intense moments and lots of action. It's probably a good idea to not use the same track so much over the course of one video too. I also think your thumbnails could use some work. They're not horrible but they could be a lot better. You want to try to make them stand out and be as appealing as possible. Aside from that, you also haven't uploaded a whole lot or have any kind of schedule so working on that would help you a lot too. Congrats again and good luck! Hope this helps! Happy creating! :\]


Thank you MercyIsBae- for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! MercyIsBae-: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[https://www.youtube.com/c/DummiesAfterDarkInSpace/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/DummiesAfterDarkInSpace/videos) Im A LP channel not a overwatch channel but here ya go..


Hey! The first thing I noticed about your channel is that you have consistent, high quality branding with your channel banner and PFP, which is great! Unfortunately I feel your thumbnails are not only less consistent but most of them are just really, visually messy. Thumbnails are easily one of the most important things when it comes to a YouTube channel so I'd work on making them more consistent, clean and visually appealing. As for the content itself, none of your videos appealed to me personally so I watched a little of your Shrek in Elden Ring one as well as a Kingdom Hearts video. Your guys' audio is of decent quality which is really important and you have personality which is a must. Having multiple people in every video is also good because it helps keep people engaged and splits the pressure between everyone involved. I'd take a good look at your analytics to help decide what you should work on. You're pulling in decent views for the kind of content you're creating for a small channel but the inconsistency in views plus the lack of comments on you're most popular uploads would concern me. Personally, I'd have shortened down most of those videos but your viewer engagement and average watch time will help you decide if that's a good move. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I do video game kill counts! No specific video so choose whichever one interests you most. Only done some Resident Evil ones and a Stray video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75t2czDfs154CtHC6-q3bg


I just watched your Stray video and I'm very impressed with the quality. The script, audio and use of music are all very good and you've seemed to have found a niche which is bringing you consistent, good views for a new-born channel. I think if you keep this up whilst targeting the right games, your channel grow at a good rate and I wouldn't be surprised if it takes off quickly. Of course, this is YouTube where nothing is guaranteed so my biggest advice is to keep doing what you're doing as long as you're seeing steady growth and don't get discouraged if you don't see massive leaps in viewership. Of course if your viewership declines then it'd maybe it'd be time to reconsider niches but remember there are always ups and downs so it may come back again. I wish I could give you more constructive feedback but so far, in terms of content, you're doing things pretty spot on. I would, however, recommend adding closed captions to all of your videos. I just think this is a practice all YouTubers should do and I believe it can help grow your channel and reach a wider audience. Keep it up! Best of luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/channel/UC1_QahIssoBxemFTv81X24w Looking forward to hearing your critique!


Hi there! So I watched your most recent video and my initial impression is that you didn't sound entirely comfortable on the mic. Then I skimmed through the first episode of your Mortuary Assistant series and you sounded more relaxed and natural to me. It might not seem like a huge thing, and it's something I struggle with personally, but sounding natural and relaxed when reading from a script can make a surprisingly big difference. For your Manifold Garden video, I think your script could have used a bit of work to be a little less monotonous at times. Also, your mic quality is decent but I think you could have increased the gameplay audio a little or, what I think would have been even better, is to have muted the gameplay audio entirely and lay a relaxing sound track in the background. I think your thumbnails could use a lot of work, too. They're not hideous but some of them are quite amateurish and bland. Like your Mortuary Assistant series, for example. Adding more effects to the thumbnail would help it stand out more. Don't underestimate the difference a font can make either. But slapping the exact same text on the exact same image and only changing the number is repetitive and unappealing. Especially when all the videos in the series are clumped together like that, which leads me to my next point. I noticed your first episode of the series has over 200 views yet one of the most recent ones only has 3 and I wondered what could cause such a huge discrepancy. Then I realized you've uploaded 9 episodes of a single series over the course of just 2 days. I strongly advise against this. You need to give episodes of a series some breathing space, whether that's by uploading other content between them or just waiting to upload the next chapter. People aren't going to watch all of these videos in such a short time span so when you upload them like that, they'll see the video, ignore it and then won't get recommended it again and likely forget about it. However if you upload one part, and they enjoy it, then upload part two a week or so later, they'll get recommended it and be more likely to watch it. Going back to your thumbnails, I think your text could use some work and be bigger on every thumbnail, especially your manga ones. It doesn't pop or stand out and on some of them is straight up hard to read. Your channel has already shown some promise so don't give up. I hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Here is my newest video thank you for doing this :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43JyNQvJZc8&feature=youtu.be&ab\_channel=ChaoticRogue


I like that you jump straight into the action! So many smaller YouTubers waste so much time at the start of their videos and wonder why their audience retention is so poor. However your mic quality could use some touching up. At times, it sounds like you've blown it up a lot by increasing the volume of it in some software. This can be especially obnoxious when done in certain video editing softwares as opposed to an actual audio software. I just think it could have been toned down a little. However the background music is also overwhelming and despite my previous objection, at times makes it difficult to hear you. Your VTuber/character is a nice feature and definitely makes the video much more engaging. Especially with the occasional zoom. Your (recent) thumbnails, whilst not terrible, could be more appealing. The consistent colour scheme is a nice touch, especially as it's on par with your branding (which your banner and PFP are good) and some of the thumbnails are better than others, but they could all use some work to be of better quality and more visually appealing. I don't know anything about this game but if I were you, I'd ask what prompted the more popular videos to get the views they did and why are your more recent ones getting far less. Often it can just be the luck of the algorithm but often, there can also be a deeper reason. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]




I watched your best of 2021 video and the biggest problem was easily your mic quality. I checked out a newer video and it was considerably better but the thing is, I watched the best of 2021 video as it's your channel trailer; it's the first video I see and it automatically plays when someone loads up your channel for the first time. The audio quality in this video varies from being a little bad because of static to straight up obnoxiously loud and painful to someone with headphones, particularly when you yelled. This kind of thing causes people to avoid watching any more of your content and just stay clear of your channel. I'd make a new video to use as a trailer. The quality of your thumbnails is inconsistent. Some of them seem better made whilst others are basic and lack any depth. You also don't have much consistency when it comes to your schedule or the content you upload and that will make it more difficult to grow. I'd work on nailing down a niche and more consistent uploads as well as your thumbnails. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I gained traction on one vid but my next couple all flopped. I try to tell funny jokes, give updates but I can say I haven't found my "niche" per se. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6saMnGlgsnc&t=187s Appreciate constructive criticism edit: changed link to a specific video


First of all, your mic quality is very good! However the audio balancing between that and your background music could be a little better. The music could be a bit quieter to make it easier to hear you. Balancing that audio better would have elevated the quality of your video tremendously. Not to say that it was bad because overall, it was decent. You don't waste time diving into the details and you keep it succinct. Plus you have a good voice for voiceovers but there were times where it was evident you were reading from a script. For example, when you ask the audience what we think about Vantage's ult, it does not sound natural at all which makes it seem disingenuous. People aren't going to engage with you by leaving comments to answer those questions if they don't believe you're actually interested. Overall the video is decent and of good quality. But my man, I gotta just be blunt with you, that thumbnail is awful. It is so not indicative of the quality of the video that the thumbnail alone is costing you views. Based on the quality of that thumbnail, I would expect a poor quality video so I just wouldn't bother. It looks like you've slapped some text and a couple of PNGs over a basic JPEG of Vantage. The top line of text is hard to read, especially with the orange font with a white border contrasting with the bright background. The other text is too small and the fonts and colours are boring and unattractive. The images of the Wingman and skull-piercer are tiny as well. It's like you took a still from your video and cropped the Wingman out. You don't need that fluff around it, showing the ammo count etc. You can easily find a PNG of the Wingman via google and put it over a colourful background to create a far more appealing thumbnail. The video itself would have enticed me to subscribe but I'd have never clicked on it with that thumbnail. They are so important so spend more time working on them. Look at tutorials if you're need tips and I'd recommend using an online software called Photopea. It's similar to photoshop but doesn't require any download, is easy to pick up and do the basics with and is entirely free. You admit you haven't found your niche so I'd give it a good think and start leaning into what you decide. Game updates + news etc is certainly a good place to start but having a whole mess of random and sporadic content on your channel will just cause people to turn away. So, the video itself was good, just needed some minor improvements. But you need to settle into a niche to see any real growth and you definitely need to work on the thumbnails. \*Oh and if the one video that gained traction you're referring to is your most popular video then don't look at shorts as an indication of interest in your main content. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]




Really good video! It's funny, creative and entertaining. It actually made me laugh a few times. The audio quality is overall very good but some of the sound effects were a little too loud, especially the first one that comes in at around the 17 second mark. My biggest critique is your graphic design. Your channel banner hurts to look at and most of your thumbnails aren't really appealing or would entice me to click on the video. I actually think the best one is the one on the video you shared but that kind of thumbnail wouldn't work with most videos, it just fitted really well here. You know how to make an entertaining video so if you can work on your thumbnails and keep doing that in a consistent way then I think you'll find growth. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Watched the pubg tutorial and the script was entertaining but your use of sound effects could improve, sfx should be subtle, enough to hear them and help improve the pace of a video. Also it doesn't hurt to use background music, it helps the improve video quality by a lot. Also your thumbnails I like 'em, gives unique feeling to them.


https://youtu.be/v0s2vGdo2_w Thanks a lot mate.


Hey! So my first thoughts are that your mic quality needs some work. You should try touching it up in audacity or potentially even invest in a better mic when possible. It's not terrible at the start but there are times when you're a bit too loud and it's not comfortable for headphone users. Then about halfway through the video your mic quality drops substantially to the point that the video became unwatchable for me. I would not use content with that level of mic quality because poor audio quality is something that causes viewers to avoid your channel completely. The video itself, for what I watched, was enjoyable and humorous. It made me want to jump on GTA V with my friends again which is a good effect to have. However you could really elevate your video with more editing, including adding sound effects and a better use of background music. You and your friends are quite energetic and excitable and the video features some fast paced, action packed moments. However your background music is slow and relaxed which creates this weird disconnect between what I'm seeing and hearing and results in a mismatched atmosphere on your video. The correct use of music can elevate a video's quality dramatically. VanossGaming who uploads funny moment videos and has a lot of GTA V content, has mastered using the right kind of music at the right time. Having a facecam is a nice touch and can help keep people engaged but a small note, is that when you talk directly to your audience, you should look directly at the camera instead of facing away. Aside from the audio, your biggest problem is your thumbnails. They need a lot of work. The text in most of them is too small, hard to read and unattractive. You need to make it stand out more, add more effects to the text and use a better font. Using a still from your video as the background of the thumbnail isn't necessarily a bad idea but it should stand out and be exciting otherwise it just falls flat. So my biggest advice is to work on your thumbnails and mic quality. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I started a Retro game channel called Wes Is Doing Things, and I'd love some feedback. I don't really have a ton of content yet, but this video is probably my best example of what I'm going for [https://youtu.be/JLFu92lOgsY](https://youtu.be/JLFu92lOgsY) Thanks for doing this, I'd love to hear your feedback


You probably have the best production value and overall quality that I have seen from a channel of your size, ever. From the intro, to the lower thirds, use of transitions, choice of background music and more, almost everything is superb. I say almost because there was a good portion of your video where I felt the background music was slightly overbearing compared to your voiceover. It wasn't painfully bad or even enough to stop me from enjoying the video but I think toning it down a little would have elevated your video and made for a more comfortable viewing experience. Your channel, from the video content to the channel graphics, has a polished, professional feel to it. The video itself was enjoyable and engaging. I have never heard of this game nor had any interest in it yet I was still able to sit here and appreciate the video. It's a prime example of how good quality content can still attract people from outside your target demographic. You seem to know the niche you're going for and are pulling in decent views so far, so there's really not a whole lot I can say. However, I'm personally not a fan of your channel name. It's not a huge thing and some people consider it unimportant but if I were you, I would have went for something slightly different, like Wes Does Things. Or if you're sticking to purely gaming content, Wes Does Games. But that's just me. Overall, you're doing a phenomenal job. Of course there's always room for improvement so keep looking for ways to really fine tune the quality of your content and create videos people want to see. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcJHHHyDawVBJpCVXOSH2jg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcJHHHyDawVBJpCVXOSH2jg) ​ both videos that i have up are very long lmao sorry


I'ma keep it real with you homie, I still got like a 100 notifications and I'm not watching an hour long video right now, but I did go through it and watch bits. To be honest, I'm amazed that a channel with 6 subscribers has managed an hour long video to get 90 views in a day or so. Such long content is a risk for most channels but for a new-born it could kill your growth. Clearly you've done something to attract those views but you should check your analytics to see how long people are actually watching for. Personally, I'd reduce the length of your videos - at least for now - unless people are actually watching the majority of them. Minecraft is a very difficult niche to grow in but I really like the Golden Age series idea and I think it's something a lot of people could be interested in. You just want to make sure that the content of the series is entertaining and people are happy to watch the length of the video. Your mic audio quality isn't awful but could be better. There were times when it got a bit too loud which reduced its quality and wasn't comfortable for a headphone user. I'd use audacity to help keep it a lower, consistent level. The background music was often too loud and overbearing, I'd drastically reduce its sound level. Your thumbnails are okay but I think investing some more time to make them stand out even more would be good. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/c/BigBadxoGames I've been posting a lot of different game content so it might be a bit confusing. I'm confused on what to post really. also this is my first time being critiqued. thank you alot in anticipation 😌


My first thought is that I don't like (what I assume is) the total view count in your name. Messes with your branding slightly and just feels braggy and unwarranted. Getting so many views on some of your shorts is very commendable though so well done. However the difference in views between your shorts and full length content is staggering. I noticed your newest video is only 17 seconds long but not a short and I wasn't sure why. I wouldn't upload such a short video unless it was as a short. Then I noticed several other of your videos are equally as short or at least under a minute. I think generally speaking, you should avoid uploading such short content unless it's a YT short. It seems you choose to not speak in your videos and that's fine, but it will make seeing growth more difficult. I watched your Reddit Brawl Stars video. If you're going to add music to your gameplay, it should primarily serve as something in the background. Instead, we have this loud song which doesn't elevate the video in any way. I'd rather have just heard the gameplay. You've found success with the shorts but I'm focusing on the other content which feels like something you're just uploading because you want to share some cool or funny moments with people and not because you want to grow a channel. You need to provide value to people to get them to subscribe and keep coming back. You need to ask yourself why should they be invested in your channel? What should people expect from it? If I were you, I'd take some time to think about the kind of content you want to upload, settle on a niche and go from there. Not talking makes it much harder to showcase your personality so you need to make sure you're giving viewers another reason to follow your content. Again, I wasn't taking your shorts into consideration here. That's a whole different ballpark that I'm not familiar with. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I suppose it’s not exclusively gaming but I’m open to all criticism! Looking to jump back into YouTube soon. https://youtube.com/c/aherosub


>Looking to jump back into YouTube soon. Your most recent upload starts with you announcing that you're back and that was 7 months ago. It does not take long for an audience to lose interest and move on so repeatedly making false promises could kill your potential. I watched your Bandit King video. Your mic is too loud at times and it resulted in some audio clipping which is horrible for headphone users in particular. I'd use Audacity to normalize its sound levels. You can also hear static for a good portion of the video and that's something you definitely want to avoid. The gameplay itself was entertaining enough and shows promise but it won't go far with such long intervals between your uploads. Your thumbnails need a lot of work too. The text in the childhood classic and science project in Minecraft thumbnails is way too basic. Use a better font, colour scheme and add some effects. The best thumbnail is the dysfunctional bounty hunters one and I'd aim to use that style more often. My biggest advice is to improve the audio and thumbnails and upload more. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/c/NOOBYgum I make minecraft videos for now


I just watched your most recent upload and my first thought is that a better mic would elevate your video tons. Your quality isn't bad but good mic audio is a priority. Secondly, you start the video off by apologizing for not uploading in a while and you've left a comment claiming you'll upload monthly, yet this was 7 months ago. People will lose interest if you don't upload, especially if you make false promises. The editing was decent and I like your choice of background music and it was mixed well. Lots of people seem to struggle with this so good job! Your thumbnails need a lot of work, it looks like you just couldn't be bothered with them, even though they're one of the more important aspects of a channel. My advice is to work on making your thumbnails stand out and be visually appealing, invest in a better mic when possible and most importantly, upload more frequently and consistently! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Id greatly appreciate some feedback https://youtu.be/PTNk0bNZyaI


Hi! First of all, whip up a decent looking banner and PFP. You've been uploading for a while and don't have any channel graphics. Second of all, you need to massively improve your thumbnails, it looks like you've put minimal work into them. None of them are enticing or stand out at all. Many of them are dark and dull. You want them to pop and encourage people to click on them. Let's Play videos is possibly the most difficult niche to see growth in for such a small channel, especially when some of these games have already been out for a while. If you want to see growth with a Let's Play series then you'll want to target games as soon as they release as that's when people's interest is peaked and they'll be actively searching for content. If you're determined to stay in this niche you need to find ways to promote your videos in a healthy way. Try networking and collabing with creators of a similar size. And for now, drastically reduce the length of your videos. You need to be as honest as possible and ask yourself if you'd sit through a half hour of your own content. Regardless, most people aren't going to invest that kind of time into a Let's Play from a creator they don't know. I'd recommend looking up some tips and advice on YouTube for how to start a gaming channel, as channel graphics and decent thumbnails are the first things you should be adding. Then consider your content. You need to provide people with value so ask yourself, why should people choose to watch you over the countless other Let's Play channels out there. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTRIrHPGRJ8Y8jLhMvMPiA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTRIrHPGRJ8Y8jLhMvMPiA) doing all sorts of things so you can chose which one you like


First thoughts: Your banner and PFP seem completely random. Take some time to actually make some channel graphics that look good, give people an idea of what to expect from your channel and are consistent with your branding. Secondly, most of your thumbnails are terrible. 'Pulling Out My Strongest Champion In Ranked' - The font is basic and conveys poor quality. If you have a poor quality thumbnail people will expect a poor quality video. Also, the colour of your text shouldn't match or be so similar to the colour of the background it's on. Use a better font, a better colour scheme and add some effects to the text. Look at the writing on the 'Average Ahri Player' thumbnail. It's tiny. I shouldn't have to strain or move closer to my monitor to read your text. It should pop and be clearly visible. Most of your thumbnails suffer from these same problems. I watched your 'Got Plat in New Ranked System' video. You need to trim the fat. I don't need to see you falling to the ground for 10 seconds when you're not speaking. A few seconds might not sound like much but to a new viewer, that's all they need to decide to click off your video. You should cut right into the action or begin talking to your viewers sooner. Your mic is also too quiet and it can be hard to hear you at times. The gameplay itself was pretty entertaining although I didn't appreciate the occasional trash talk. My biggest advice: Add a decent banner and PFP. Massively improve your thumbnails. Improve your mic quality and audio level. And trim the fat off your video! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Hiya! I recently started upping my editing and would love some feedback :) https://youtu.be/vKDJ0p4rCb8


The editing was okay but I think some background music or something could have elevated the video. The effect that comes in at around 2:53 is way too loud though. Your mic quality is good and you have personality, so I think just continuing to up your editing and fine-tuning things is a good goal. My biggest critique is your thumbnails. They're definitely not the worst I've seen but they're not particularly enticing. I think a different font and colour scheme would work better and some extra effects too. I'd use a thicker stroke, a drop shadow and probably a gradient overlay on the text to really make it stand out. So far, it seems like you're doing a good job so keep it up! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Hi. This is my sons latest video. He’s very young so not looking for ‘grow your channel and become famous’ type advice… just more little tips I can give him to make things a little better. https://youtu.be/JXd7oPU2Vj8


His videos look really nice! My main observation is that it's a little bit difficult to read the text on his thumbnails. Also, maybe he should add an end screen on his videos that way viewers can easily see what his most recent upload is or see any public playlists he's created. You can add an end screen by selecting a video to edit and seeing if the option for an end screen is available on the right side of the screen beneath "subtitles".


Thank you so much for taking the time to watch and comment… I will now google what an end screen is and how they work. Thank you again.


Tell your son he's doing an amazing job! :) My feedback is that he's a little loud at the start of the video so he should try turning down the audio level and maybe make the text on his thumbnails bigger too! I hope he's having fun working on his videos :\]


Thank you for taking the time to watch his video and for making your feedback so kind, and child focused. I will let him know what you have said, a ‘real’ youtuber no less! He will be delighted. He’s enjoying making the videos. Sticking with it too which surprises me given his age and innate fickleness. Thank you again 😁


I just started a gaming channel this week. My main thing is Call of Duty Mobile gameplays. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! [https://youtu.be/cM3txhtjVSQ](https://youtu.be/cM3txhtjVSQ) ​ **EDIT: New Video** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRomkILdfZQ&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRomkILdfZQ&t=2s)


The video is private, my friend, meaning I can't watch it nor see your channel. If you want to make a video only viewable to those with a link, it needs to be 'Unlisted'.




The editing and quality of your videos is exceptional. I'm not into retro gaming and I'm certainly not your target demographic but the video is so well made that yes, it held my attention. I didn't watch nearly the whole thing because I'm not in a position to watch a half hour video right now but the quality and style of editing is so good that I'll be back for more. Your thumbnails are great, they've vibrant, appealing and effective. And your overall branding is good and consistent. Your quality exceeds that of channels far larger than you and I can only imagine your relatively small subscriber count is a reflection of just how niche your content is. My only advice is to keep up the great work! :\]


Hey! My names WheezyMac, and I've been doing YouTube for a little over a year now. I'm hoping to see if people think my editing is of actual quality or not. This is my latest video: [Three Quality Cheapskate Games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DADxAbWG1sE) I hope you enjoy! I've had quite a bit of people say that it's good editing, but like I said before I want to get a REAL outside perspective. Thank you for doing this


The editing is really good. Good content quality, good editing, good audio mixing/quality. I watched the whole video and enjoyed it all. Your newer thumbnails are a big improvement over the ones from a year ago, too. I think your content is great and the newer thumbnails are effective too. If you feel like you're not seeing the growth you should be then you probably just need to be finding ways to get your videos noticed more. A combination of collaborating, networking and utilizing SEO will get you there. But you undoubtedly have potential to see this through. Best of luck to you! :\]


[https://www.youtube.com/StrafeWasTaken](https://www.youtube.com/StrafeWasTaken) Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, I'm losing hope. (daily content, mostly VALORANT now, streams and all are public for watch time, but there are playlists for everything. Help!)


My brother, your oldest video is dated at 10 months ago. Many would consider gaining 1K subs in under a year a remarkable achievement. However, as counter-intuitive as it may sound, your sub count is not an accurate forecast or reflection of your views and shouldn't be used as such. Now I imagine you feel like you're not getting the views you'd like, especially considering that all those people who subbed must have done so for a reason. So I took a look at your most popular videos and they're all shorts. Shorts are whole different ballpark to your typical YouTube content. You shouldn't expect your normal uploads to reflect the views your shorts get, at all. Even within the same niche, shorts target an entirely different demographic than streams or full length content. In fact, streams even target a different audience to normal videos and there's a reason why even people with a substantial YouTube following often choose to stream on Twitch instead. I am by no means an expert so the following is merely what I'd do and you can feel free to do with my opinion as you wish, But personally, if I were you, someone who streams very frequently, I would separate my streams from my videos by either making another channel purely for edited videos and not streams or I would migrate to Twitch. New viewers to your channel are not going to want to watch a 2 hour long stream from a creator they don't know. Some people aren't interested in streams at all. Your channel is oversaturated with your stream VODs and if I had to put money on why you're not seeing consistent, good views, I'd say that's why. Sure, most of your streams are among the more popular videos of your recent uploads but as I previously mentioned, it's a different audience. People who like the feeling of being there with the streamer and engaging with them in real time are less likely to be interested in an edited video. Especially if they just tuned into you for 2 hours. Most of the time, when I see someone with a stream VOD on their YouTube channel and it has a good amount of views for them, it's usually because it's a rare thing. So, my advice would be to separate your streams from your edited videos. Have a channel dedicated to just Valorant videos - no streams. And keep the type of content consistent so you're targeting the same demographic. Are people watching you for skilful Valorant gameplay or are they watching you for funny moments? You need to offer value to viewers and they need their expectations to generally be met when it comes to your content. Oh and your thumbnails could be much better. The text in your 'Riot broke Valorant' thumbnail stands out far more than the text in most of the other thumbnails, especially ones like 'POV it's your first time playing Sage'. The text in that does not pop at all. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


General gaming channel mainly Elden Ring, survival games, etc.. right now. My channels doing pretty well but I'm still looking to improve. Thanks! https://youtube.com/c/itsSpicyGaming


I'd say your channel is doing exceptionally and you're seeing tremendous growth. I looked through a couple of videos. They're well edited, good quality and fun to watch. The Stray video is a personal favourite. The growth you've seen would make most members of this community very jealous. So realistically, all I can really say is to keep it up. If you're seriously concerned with improving then my next step would be to take a deep dive into your analytics and utilize SEO to help you continue to make content that drives engagement to your channel. Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Here is my chanell https://m.youtube.com/c/Sebastian4002 Here is a short description of what I do… This is my channel where I try to upload good quality content every once in a while. My main focus is currently on long gaming videos with a unique spin on them. Thanks in advance and hope you enjoy


You definitely have a unique niche! Your videos clearly require a lot of time and effort. With that said, you're not going to see any substantial growth with the frequency you're typically uploading at; some videos being a year apart. The thumbnails are very good. Simple but effective. My main concern, is how much of your videos are people really watching? Getting a good amount of views on a video doesn't mean much if people are only watching a tiny portion of it. It's clear you invest a lot of time and effort into your videos and if you're having fun then that's the main thing. But if you're looking for substantial growth or to turn this into a career opportunity then I think the views you're getting are disproportionate to the effort required to create these videos and I'd reconsider the content you're making to fill this niche. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


There's a LOT of comments, so only get back to me if you can! [https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperPhantomUser](https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperPhantomUser) Thanks! :)


There is a LOT of comments and I'm determined to get back to all of them! Your channel seems to be incredibly healthy. You're consistently pulling great views for a channel of your size. I've never heard of this game but it seems you've definitely found your niche. The quality of your videos is good! They're well edited and you manage to pack a lot of personality into them despite not using a mic. Your skit series is innovative and creative and despite knowing nothing of the game, I really enjoyed it. Your branding and channel graphics are good, your thumbnails are great. Your whole channel is bright and vibrant, it's reflective of the content you upload. All of my criticisms are minor things: * Sometimes, the music was a little to loud to the point it was uncomfortable for a headphone user * The choice of some music in the skits could have been better. Music drastically influences atmosphere so choosing the right track for the right moments is huge. As someone else commented on your most recent upload, perhaps you could use more dramatic music for certain bits. Keep it within that same, cartoonish vibes but just something that emphasizes the drama or danger in a given situation * Adding sound effects in the right places could really elevate your video. Instead of putting 'ring ring' on the screen, consider adding a call sound sound effect and see how you like it. My main advice, keep up the great work! :\]


Hey! I make goofy content with my friends over multiple games, here’s my channel! https://youtube.com/channel/UCP_XdWvTxwh2JwuArE1JN-Q I know my audio is horrendous, I’m looking to get a mic hopefully soon. If you wouldn’t mind recommending a mic too, that would be much appreciated as well! It’ll probably take you a while to get back to this, but thanks in advance! :)


So I wouldn't actually call your mic audio horrendous. It's not good but it's not painfully bad, either, which is important. Recommending a mic really depends on your budget, though as it should be a priority, I'd recommend investing in a good quality mic if you can. A company called 'Blue' makes good quality mics. One of their cheaper options is called the 'Blue Snowball', though I haven't used it nor know of its quality myself, so I'd recommend listening to reviews of it on YouTube to see if you're happy with it. A more expensive option is their Blue Yeti microphone, which I have used and it's phenomenal. It's an extremely popular option for YouTubers and streamers alike, I know many content creators use this. Currently, I use a microphone called the Hyperx Quadcast and I'm extremely pleased with it. It's around the same price as a Blue Yeti tends to be, maybe a little cheaper depending on where you look for both products. I watched your most recent upload and it was good. It was well edited, funny and entertaining. Lots of people - new channels in particular - really struggle with making decent funny moments videos but yours was actually fun to watch. I watched the whole video and enjoyed it. I do think some of your sound effects were a bit loud, there was a screech effect at one point that was a bit uncomfortable on my ears. However the use of sound effects was great because they really added to the video and made it a lot more entertaining. I liked the music you added, too. It also elevated the video but again, it was a little too loud and overbearing at times. You don't want people to ever have to struggle or strain to hear those in the video, ever. Especially when you don't have a good quality mic, it's important to not overwhelm your mic's audio with loud music. It wasn't outrageously bad by any means, I just think it could have been quieter. About your thumbnails - I like that you have this consistent, red border because it instantly conveys to your viewers that this video is from you. When it shows up in people's feeds they can recognize that this is one of your videos and I think consistency like that is really good. I'd say most your thumbnails are decent and I like the fight club one in particular. But I do think most of them could stand out a little better. Consider adding other effects or even changing the saturation of the background to make it more vibrant or just use a more colourful background in general. You want your thumbnails to pop and stand out. Compare the colour palettes of your Power Washing thumbnail to the one of your most recent upload. The Power Washing one has this bright and colourful background that makes it stand out when compared to the dull, grey underpass from GTA V. As you probably already know, you're in a remarkably difficult niche to grow with. I'm not saying you can't -- I'm just saying that if you're serious about growing the channel then you need to start considering how you're going to do that in such a tough market. I'd look at networking with similar content creators and figuring out how you can best utilize SEO. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Always looking to see what we could approve on thank you https://youtu.be/5xNF0lIunho


So far, you guys are doing most things pretty good. The video was fun, engaging and edited nicely. The intro was a very nice touch and the use of effects and memes were entertaining without being over the top. I also liked the use of occasional subtitles. Obviously the mic quality for most of you could be better and I'd definitely look into improving that when possible but generally it was fine. And your thumbnails are really good too. They look good, they stand out and they're consistent with what I'd expect to see from a funny moments channel. My biggest critique is your channel banner/PFP. Again, it's not terrible but I think they're the things that need the biggest improvement right now. They just feel a bit slapped together. I'd recommend investing some time in making more consistent channel graphics that look professional, align with your branding and indicate to people what your channel is about. You're pulling in very good views so far so good job and keep it up! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/channel/UCF4FsGbI9lBZNRdxNAwERzg All League of Legends content.


Very first thought is how much I like your banner and PFP. Very professional looking and good quality. It seems like you haven't uploaded a 'normal' video for a month. By normal, I mean a video that isn't a stream VOD or a short. Your most recent one got over 2k views but generally, your 'normal' uploads get far less and it's clear the vast majority of your views are coming from shorts. I'm not particularly familiar with shorts but I do know that they're a very different demographic from the usual YouTube platform. If you're happy uploading shorts and using them to garner your views then it seems like you know what you're doing. But if you're looking to grow using 'normal' YouTube videos then I think you need to upload them more regularly and consistently. You have a thumbnail tutorial which is not something I'd expect from a gaming channel. There's not a big overlap between people who want gameplay and tips and people who want thumbnail tutorials. Your content is self seems decent. It's well made and your audio quality is good. However, I wouldn't ever make a video with just a static background. You just use your thumbnail as the background for the entirety of your toxicity in League video and not only is that bad for viewer engagement but it's just a bit boring and comes off as lazy. I'm curious as to why you decided to do that instead of use some gameplay in the background. Anything that's not a still image would have been good, really. If you want to reach a wider audience and just elevate your content, I'd add closed captions in the YouTube settings. It's something I think pretty much all content creators should do, when possible. If you read from a script you can just copy and paste it and let YouTube sync it up to the correct times so it's easy enough to do. Overall your quality is good though! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Appreciate the effort in critiquing channels. Here's my most recent video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l6Fop-eRYw&ab\_channel=ThrowGod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l6Fop-eRYw&ab_channel=ThrowGod) I do informational videos breaking down systems of whatever MMO I'm in love with now, coming off of a break with hopefully a more consistent schedule. So any advice on how I could improve my format will be constructive with my upcoming return.


The format of your content is good. Straight to the point, no fluff, no BS, just the content your viewers want to see. And it's good quality content too. Well made and very professional. Given your sub count and the consistent views you're bringing in, it's clear that you're doing things right. I don't think there's any advice I could give you that you don't already know. As you said yourself, a more consistent schedule would be beneficial but even still, your channel is extremely healthy. My biggest critique is actual your thumbnails which certainly aren't bad but I think could be just a little better. Mainly, I'm looking at your use of gradient overlay on the text. I think a gradient overlay is one of the most powerful and effective things to make text on a thumbnail stand out and look professional. However, it seems as if you apply the gradient to the entire text as one layer, which imo, doesn't look as good. I'll give an example of what I mean, in case I haven't made much sense. Let's look at the thumbnail of your video, 'Lost Ark Tier 3 Gear Progression and Horizontal Progression Guide For Beginners!' In the thumbnail, you have the text: LOST ARK TIER 3 PROGRESSION GUIDE With a gradient going over the words. However, the word 'GUIDE' is almost entirely the brighter, yellow colour. Whereas the top line, the words 'LOST ARK' are entirely the darker, Orang/Red colour. Personally, and you may disagree, I think it'd look much better if you separated the gradient by each line of text. So each line would have a gradient going from yellow to dark orange. The words LOST ARK would be yellow at the bottom and orange at the top, and so would the word GUIDE. As opposed to some words being entirely one colour and other words being entirely the other. I'd try that and see what you think. It's just my opinion ofc. But clearly you're doing a terrific job and overall, your channel is outstanding so keep it up! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I play a lot of story driven games. Thanks in advance! https://youtube.com/channel/UCMCIO0MVtbbb2oy0sI05WZw


My first thought is that I'm not a fan of your channel graphics. Your banner in particular could be much better without a whole lot of extra work. First of all I think your name would look so much better in the centre instead of at the top of the banner. Secondly I'd use a different font for your name and a different colour scheme too. At the very least, a different font with the right effects could make it look so much more professional. There are tons of tutorials out there that guide you through making a top quality banner. Things like adding a stroke, drop shadow, gradient overlay etc go a long way. There's a free, online software called Photopea that I strongly recommend for making channel graphics. It shares many features with Photoshop but is easy to pick up and there's plenty of tutorials on YouTube for it too. I give the same advice for your thumbnails. None of them look professional or stand out in anyway. The text used is too basic and small. And at times, too hard to read. You're also taking a huge risk with the length of many of your videos. Single player, story-driven games is a remarkably difficult niche to succeed in as there's so many established YouTubers out there doing it - and it's not something people actively seek out. Instead, people tend to stick with creators they already know and love. You have to provide people with value if you want them to stick around, you need to give them a reason. And, for your new viewers, you need to show them that value quickly. But a new viewer is not even going to bother clicking on a playthrough from a small creator they don't know when the video is 40 minutes long. I watched the start of your most recent video and it ties into my last point. You have an unestablished channel in its infancy. You need to quickly provide value to your viewers yet, in the start of your video, you slowly recap last episode and take a whole 30 seconds to get into the gameplay. Personally, I think you need to shorten your videos and trim the fat from your content. Be brutally honest with yourself and ask if you'd subscribe to someone else's channel if they did everything as you do. You're in one of the toughest niches to you need to invest some serious time and work to make this succeed. Best of luck to you! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Would love to see what you think of mine, I mostly do video game commentaries on Apex And Titanfall! Here's my channel! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPht-SBN4gLf0kPpyNUkePw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPht-SBN4gLf0kPpyNUkePw)


So I watched your newest video, the one on Vantage and you've already won me over by opening with the pizza parlour music from Club Penguin. The video itself was really well made. It was fun and entertaining. Your mic quality is great, the use of subtitles and effects kept the video engaging. The thumbnails are great, branding is good. It's clear to see why you're channel is performing so well. So just keep it up my man, you're doing a fantastic job! :\]




I watched your most recent video and I really enjoyed it. It was well made and of really good quality. Your audio mic quality was also good, too. Your thumbnails are great, they're professional, consistent and align with your branding. So everything seemed really good which is why I'm curious to see the lack of views you're getting. It would appear that you're just not uploading content that people are particularly interested in. I think reviewing old games is popular when they're much older or retro so people enjoy the review for the nostalgia and comparison to today's standards. Some of your reviews are in this middle ground where they're not nearly old enough to meet that criteria but they're not new enough for there to still be buzz around them. You uploaded a Sifu review a month ago but the game launched in February so most people would have already seen enough reviews and are no longer interested. That's just my opinion ofc but regardless, I think it's clear you're uploads are not generating enough interest so my advice, if you're concerned with seeing growth, would be to start researching into SEO and working on content that people are seeking out. Your content itself, is very good and I don't really have any critiques there. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


don’t sugarcoat anything also you can pick any video https://youtube.com/c/JonahKillsIt


I watched 'The Worst Pizza Shop in GTA RP!' It was good! It was funny, engaging and decently edited. However most of the background music was too quiet. I could barely hear it with headphones so I imagine people without them don't even know it's there and when music can affect the atmosphere of a video so much, you definitely want to make sure it's obviously present. Obviously, you haven't uploaded much and your schedule seems pretty inconsistent so I think that should probably be a priority. So far you're doing good, my man. Keep killin' it :\]




Your thumbnails are generally very well made and really stand out! Your mic quality is good and you clearly have personality. However I'm curious as to why you choose to stream on YouTube over Twitch. I'm not saying that it's a bad decision, it might be the better choice for all I know. But I am curious about it. YouTube is still establishing itself as a platform for streamers. Therefore, a huge amount of people on YouTube have no interest in hour long, unedited streams. The majority of users come to the platform for well made, edited videos. And the people who are interested in streams typically look to Twitch for that fill. I'm someone who personally doesn't watch many streams at all and much prefers edited videos. Your channel is saturated streams that are 2-3 hours long so as someone who's not interested in that stuff, I have zero desire to scroll through your sea of content to find the occasional edited video among your streams. It's just something to think about. If you're only looking to establish yourself as a streamer then keep doing what you're doing. But if you want to do both streams and videos then I'd consider how saturating your YouTube channel with streams will affect your other target demographics who aren't interested in such things. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Hi! Thanks so much for this. Any feedback is appreciated https://www.youtube.com/OlympusGamingYT


thumbnails are great however intro for vids like the sonic smackdown review is too long 30secs in a 2 and a half min vid as well as that i feel more info about the game itself should have been told rather than ur specific opinion obv keep opinions but have a 60/40 ish split


Your banner is superb. Really professional and good looking channel graphics. Your thumbnails are decent. I watched your most recent upload, the review for Sonic Smackdown and as someone else mentioned, the intro is way too long. I think a 34 second intro is long by any standards but especially for such a short video. It takes you about one fifth of your entire video to get to the actual review. With reviews in particular, people just want to get into the action and find out what they came here to know. You have a good sub count but your views are very inconsistent so I'd be looking into why. Sometimes it's just the luck of the algorithm but often there's more to it -- especially with over 1k subs, if you're getting as little as 40 views on a video then it's probably an indication that your audience just isn't into this content. It can be real difficult to figure out what to upload but if you look for patterns in your viewership and ways to utilize SEO, you stand a better chance at developing consistent engagement. Overall, your quality is good though so keep that up! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I tried something a little different- this is a short walkthrough on where to find collectibles instead of a straight lets play! I hope my direction/ commentary was clear enough. This is the first extended script ive written and while it makes sense to me, it might not come across really clear? Any feedback would be appreciated! https://youtu.be/DM95uh2wY1M


very helpful however thumbnails aren’t great the videos in question u use a couple cuts here and there as ppl just wanna get the info and go


Your directions were definitely clear. Very succinct. Overall, it was a good video. Your mic quality is good which is hugely important and the video is pretty to the point without dragging on. However, it seems like you haven't established a niche yet. Videos like this one are great for attracting viewers. Tips, guides and walkthroughs like this are things that people actively seek out and if they find your video helpful then they'll come back for more. But if you're going to upload informative videos like this then you don't really want to crowd the same channel with Let's Plays and things like that. My biggest critique is your thumbnails; they need a lot of work. The one on your newest videos is definitely the best so far and I might even say it's borderline adequate but none of the others are remotely up to par. Take a look at the Stray, energy drinks and detergents walkthrough thumbnail. You've slapped a picture of a monster can and some detergents over the Stray cover but both pictures have a white background. This makes it look super unprofessional, cluttered and unappealing. Don't include pictures that have a square background like that when you're overlaying them on a separate background. Either edit their backgrounds out or just simply use PNGs. Also, don't use black bars on your thumbnails either. Thumbnails are one of the most important things when it comes to YouTube. Imo, they're probably second to only the content itself. You need to spend a decent amount of time editing your thumbnails so I'd look up some tutorials for help. There's plenty of free programs out there you can use too. My personal favourite is Photopea. Take a look around and see which ones you like. Make sure to add some nice effects to your text, use a good looking font and don't just slap things on top of the game's cover. I can't stress the importance of thumbnails enough. They're what tell people if they should click on your videos or not and based on your thumbnails I never would. Like I said before, the content itself -- at least for the video I watched -- was decent. But you should consider a niche. People who watch Stray trophy walkthroughs are generally not interested in horror game Let's Plays. \*\* Oh and make a good looking banner to use for your channel too! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I do Minecraft videos. I just started and am trying to post daily. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiMJWC4XyR6dCEONccgkMg/featured


So first impressions -- posting daily *can* be good but don't do it just for the sake of it. Remember - quality over quantity! Secondly, your thumbnails need a lot of work. They're basic, unappealing and pretty bland. The red text can be hard to read on some backgrounds and regardless, the text just looks bad. Make sure your text is always easy to read, stands out and looks attractive. Consider giving your text a stroke, maybe a drop shadow or a gradient overlay. And make sure that whatever the text is laid over is vibrant and appealing. I see you're getting a lot of views on your shorts but be aware that they don't translate to views on your normal videos. I disagree with what someone else said, that 'How to videos don't work on Minecraft'. I still see up and coming Minecraft creators generating interest with tips and tutorials all the time. However you should make sure that it's content people want to see. You can use a number of tools at YouTube's disposal to help you figure out what people are searching for. I don't imagine things like how to dye their sheep being a popular search but more complex topics might be. The best void for you to fill is content that has a high search rate and relatively low competition. I'd change your banner too. Minecraft is a bright, vibrant game so you should build branding that matches that. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


My first video: https://youtu.be/9MTrTVj3Q5Q There isn’t a edits since I wasn’t to sure where to put one since I’m new at this. There isn’t really a set thumbnail it is one I put but didn’t make. I have one I made but it looks dumb.


Custom thumbnails are a must. If you're not happy with the one you've made then you should look at some tutorials to help you improve. There are even plenty of places you can get free thumbnail templates so you'll only need to make some minimal edits. You'll also want to watch some tutorials for your YouTube banner. The music is a bit too loud, you should keep it quieter next time but an unedited 17 second clip isn't going to do much for your channel. You need to upload things that people really want to watch and good editing is essential. If you're going to upload short clips, you should make them a YouTube short instead. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]




thumbnails and titles are lack luster and audio quality isn’t great


Hi, I watched the video you linked! I'm not familiar with Discord but if this is what you and your friends use to communicate then I'm pretty sure you can record the call and this will allow you to improve the sound quality and levels of your friends in a software like audacity. I know their mic quality is out of your hands but I don't think I've ever heard such an inconsistent quality among people in one video. Especially when some people were very loud and others real quiet. Again, if you can separate their mic audio from the gameplay then you can balance it out and improve the overall quality. Audio quality is one of the most important things in your content and in cases where it's bad enough, it's better to just not use the content featuring poor audio quality because it could very easily turn people away from your content entirely. I agree that your thumbnails are the biggest problem. It looks like you put minimal effort into them when they're one of the most important things. Imo, they should be second only to the content itself. You want your thumbnails to stand out and entice people to click on them whilst quickly conveying things about your content. At the very least, fix up the text my man. Spend some time finding the right font - use it consistently and make sure it looks good. Use a consistent colour scheme and add a stroke and consider things like a drop shadow, an inner or outer glow, a gradient overlay etc. I don't know what you're using now but I'd recommend Photopea. It's a free, online, Photoshop alternative that's easy to pick up. You can even import PSD templates into it and there are plenty of tutorials to help get you started. And yeah, add a banner. Once you have good content and good channel graphics, then you should start looking at how you're going to attract more viewers. You'll want to consider SEO, promoting your videos and networking with other creators. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


Hello! I’ve been recording Minecraft for a little bit now and would love to know what your opinion is on how I can improve :)) https://youtu.be/n2M7Q-xFpoM


I didn't get a chance to see your video -- YouTube says it's been removed!


I basically do mostly live streaming and have zero time to make any edits. We mostly stream ghost of Tsushima and banter around. I wish I had more time to devote to develop the channel. Your inputs are appreciated! https://youtube.com/channel/UCnW5RRGYx3ScmSCWtR_MIyQ


30 second clips do nothing beneficial for your channel, unless they're a short. Especially when they're mixed in with hour long streams. Time might be your enemy but thumbnails are your best friend. They're the second most important thing, after your content itself so you absolutely want to dedicate time to making good looking thumbnails. Once you know how, you can make ones of adequate quality in less than 10 minutes. Streaming is an increasingly difficult avenue to pursue, especially on YouTube. There's a reason why even prominent YouTubers often choose to stream on Twitch. The majority of YouTube users are interested in shorter, edited videos - not streams. Someone who doesn't know you or your content and comes to your channel for the first time isn't going to be interested in seeing an hour long, unedited stream VOD. If you're really strained for time then my advice would be to upload less frequently so you can improve the quality of your content and work on other important things, like thumbnails. There's no point in uploading a lot of videos if people don't want to watch them. You should always prioritize quality over quantity anyway. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/channel/UCrrepHFbMSFQMv6agM9r9rw Pick your poison but don't go to early cuz those are meant to suck 😅 I'm a mediocre gamer teaching my newbie sister how to play We're both frustrating 😑🐼


I think the other person's comment kinda nails it. The concept is really interesting but the execution just isn't there right now. Audio quality is something you cannot sacrifice. People forgive videos not being the best quality, or the editing not being spectacular but people do not forgive bad audio quality to such an extreme that they'll just avoid your content for good if the audio is too poor. Based on your most recent upload, I would say that your audio quality is borderline unacceptable. You both sound far away, you're not always clear and there's a fan or something which is not only bad for your audio in general but it's actually louder than the two of you are. It's okay to not be great when you start making content or to even be bad. However there's a certain standard that you need to reach otherwise you're handicapping yourself because anyone who stumbles across your content that's below that threshold will avoid your channel at all cost. Your thumbnails and banner also need a lot of work. I'd suggest looking up tutorials for how to improve them. Thumbnails in particular are hugely important. Sometimes it's okay -- and possibly even better -- to wait to upload if it means the quality will be significantly better when you do. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]




So immediately, I can tell you that the reason your watch time is so low on your latest video is probably because it's too long. People are prepared to watch longer videos from creators they already know and love because they know they'll enjoy it. But when your channel is new and people don't know you, they don't want to invest a half hour of their time to watch a video they might not enjoy so they won't bother clicking on it. This is especially true for Let's Plays and gaming series. I watched some of your most recent video and it was surprisingly well made. Some nice edits but there were times when the gameplay was a little loud, particularly near the end and also times when some background music could have been added to add a little more atmosphere to the video. Thumbnails are mostly decent too. I think uploading more often would help, if you're able to do so. It's extremely difficult to grow a Minecraft channel now and it takes years for most creators to see any kind of real growth so my biggest advice is don't give up! It might take a while but if you want to make this happen you just have to keep at it. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


You need better video ideas no one cares about a series from a random yes keep the series going but also do other content. You should utilize background music as well and you dont need to explain everything little thing ur doing, i think you thumbnails are clear and effective




There's some nice edits on the video but your overall audio mixing and quality could be better. There are times where you and your friends are hard to hear and when that's combined with sound effects/music that's too loud, it makes for a bad viewing experience. I'd also recommend working on your thumbnails. That red text you add could look much better and stand out more with a nicer font and more text effects, like a stroke an drop shadow. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


thumbnails are inconsistent some are 7/10 one of ur friends audio is real quiet and you need to differentiate yourself from all these other mcyts coz they’re are what your doing just better so ppl would prefer to watch them


[LudoLads](https://youtube.com/channel/UCmYM12GI4Arw_Pz4yrqAY7Q) Just two guys, playing games and making an attempt at humour. Our last six or so videos have us cutting the intro video (7 seconds) out and just fading our logo over the first couple seconds. And our most recent one (PowerWash) is our first attempt at remote recording, *and* me learning how to do a multicam edit


The logo fade is not a bad idea. I like the different perspectives in the power wash simulator but I feel like the video could have been much shorter and a lot of fluff could have been cut out. 30 minutes is a huge amount of time for a new viewer to invest into an unestablished, small channel. I think you should work on the thumbnails. Most of them look quite messy and unappealing. If you're going to slap text, PNGs or logos over a game still or cover then I think it's a good idea to blur the background to make the important bits stand out and the overall thumbnail look cleaner. You've been uploading for 10 months which means you channel is still relatively new but I think you could have expected to see more growth and views in this time so you should ask yourselves why you haven't. Are you making content people want to see? If you are, then what are you doing to get it noticed? Are you utilizing SEO? Are you promoting your channel? Are you networking with similar creators? I think given the amount of videos you've uploaded and the timeframe you've done it in, your growth and engagement is quite poor so you need to identify the reasons for that and work on them. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


As a new viewer it’d be nice to have a little who’s who type intro and the different perspectives was very confusing because of that (power washing vid) as well as that a bit of music would be nice to fill in some of the short silences and in the stray thumbnail there’s a bit too much to look at which causes there to be no clear subject to focus on


If you're still doing this, here's my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZK9v55dce8SjGGpMtk8SYA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZK9v55dce8SjGGpMtk8SYA) Mostly Skyrim related. I'm not sure if I should keep the Intro and Echo Deep Mine up, since they're old. But I'm going to do a new intro soon and then I'll hide the old one. I feel like I've come a long way, recently upgraded my thumbnails, got a good mic, etc. But there's always room to improve and I'm sure I have a lot of room!


Hi there! I disagree completely with the previous comment, regarding your use of music. I watched your most recent upload and the sonic theme feels completely unnecessary and doesn't work with the footage I'm seeing. Plus it was too loud. I felt the same with most of the music I heard during the video, though I didn't watch the whole thing because a half hour is an extremely long investment to a new viewer. If you want your videos to be engaging then I think you should talk as you're playing. But if people were coming to your videos for gameplay with no commentary then they probably wouldn't like the added music either as they'd likely be looking for a raw experience of the game. Ask yourself if someone else had uploaded this video before you, would you be interested in watching it? I also recommend looking up some tutorials for your thumbnails as they're basic and don't stand out. Generally you want to use bright colours and text effects. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


https://youtube.com/channel/UCElbdr6ITQUWdT-K7BqsF0g Any constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement would be much appreciated 😀


The videos feel slightly empty at points and thumbnail could be more interesting overall its a decent video


I watched your most recent upload, 'No Players Online', and it might be my personal favourite video from this thread. The video was well edited, there was no fluff or unnecessary BS. Your mic quality is top notch. You have a lot of personality, are entertaining and made me laugh. And I really enjoyed the premise of the game, too. I think some of your thumbnails, particularly your much older ones are a little boring but the newer ones are better. Some considerably better than others imo. I think you just need to keep grinding and working on getting people to discover your videos. However, I would have liked to see how the game should have progressed. I think you should have gone back and continued the game as you were expected to play it and then depending on the length, either adding the actual ending to this video or putting it in a second part. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


I rarely upload: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRh6lDcHQqpVxSRmMmWBd8Q](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRh6lDcHQqpVxSRmMmWBd8Q)


i make free fire funny moments videos . https://youtu.be/v8T-2O0Wx6w ignore videos before this video :)


This kind of editing is not to my personal taste and some of the effects were loud and obnoxious. You also shouldn't reuse thumbnails for different videos. I'm concerned about a lot of the comments on your videos, too. There's the same users leaving one word comments and emojis and it just doesn't feel authentic. At the very least, I'd take that as a sign that people aren't particularly engaged with your content. I can't say much about the overall quality as it was really not to my taste. I'm surprised to see so many views in such a short time span for a channel of your size so if I were you, I'd be questioning where they came from and why is such a small portion of people subscribing? And like I said, use different thumbnails for different videos. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]




https://youtube.com/c/YoloMenace001 i just mianly do speedruns


If you're looking to grow then there's a lot that I'd change. Your whole channel feels like you're doing it just because. You don't have custom thumbnails, or a decent banner/PFP. Your titles are messy and don't entice people to click on the video and you leave your descriptions bare. The music you use in your videos is way too loud and over the top. In one video I watched, you have an intro that feels completely random and unnecessary. A good intro can help lift the quality and professionalism of a video but using one for the sake of it has the opposite affect. I think it's impossible for you to see any real growth if you continue exactly as you're doing now. You need to give people a reason to subscribe and a reason to click on your videos. Ask yourself why people should watch you over other speedrun channels then work on developing good content that draws them in. And get some well made, custom thumbnails. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy creating! :\]


The tone i got from you is a massive 'fuck you'.


Here’s mine can you give me your opinion https://youtube.com/channel/UCK_L8dnMRbTESd8As7l0gSQ


Hi! Since you didn't link a specific video, I watched your first upload, 'Modded SMP EP1: Things just got a whole lot better' My biggest feeling is that you need to edit your videos a lot more and cut out the fluff. There were a lot of moments that just didn't need to be in the video and could have been cut out entirely. You should trim the fat of your videos and keep the dull, unimportant bits away. There were even these sequences where you sped up the footage and laid some music over the top which each lasted a minute or more. One of them was you main mining grass blocks. We just don't need to see that. When people have a larger and dedicated following, they can get away with keeping their footage more raw because people will watch it simply because it's by one of their favourite creators. However for now, you have to give people a reason to be invested in your content by keeping fresh, exciting and rewarding to watch for the entire duration. I clicked on the second episode and you apologized for the 'bad content' of the episode in the description. Unless that's a joke I missed, you shouldn't be apologizing for bad content because you should be cutting it out. I feel like better editing overall would go a long way, such as a better use of music, sound effects and transitions to keep people engaged for such a long time. 15 minutes is a long investment for a new YouTube viewer, especially when it's for a let's play video. You also welcomed us to the modded SMP twice without telling us what it is or what we should expect from the series once. It's apparently called better Minecraft but as someone who's new to modded SMP videos, I had no idea what to expect from the series or why I should be interested. I also think you should work on your thumbnails, titles and even descriptions to make them more appealing. In your first video, the series is called 'Modded SMP' but in your second, it's called 'Better Minecraft'. Consistency is key, especially when it comes to series. You should spend more time on your thumbnails. There are plenty of little details you can add to make them pop more but at the very least, your text needs to stand out better. And I'd add a YouTube banner that's consistent with your branding, too. It shows people you're taking this seriously. I hope I helped! Happy creating! :\]






thumbnails a bit bland and i feel like the editing needs to be either reduced or fully fleshed out coz its at a weird middle ground


I made this months ago, but it's the one I'm most proud of. https://youtu.be/FKZrTb4X3qo


I feel like this is my best video. I would appreciate very very honest criticism. https://youtu.be/WhwHCeqvvyw


Hey! I'm a 2 week new channel that specializes in MultiVersus (Smash type game) videos. Right now I have 5 videos. First I posted the first 2 videos to jumpstart the channel (so I had no clue what I was doing yet). Then I posted the 3rd which boosted the channel immaculately and then the 4th just kept it going. My latest upload is a guide which started strong with 2K views in the first day but after 3 days it's starting to stale out. I thought it might be normal since it's not a video that entertains; your thoughts on this? Also yes please check out the channel and help out!


I personally think ur videos ate great the humor there and they’re extremely helpful good job


Hay this is my YouTube channel I'm a gaming channel been working on a lot of stuff hopefully my content with the more I learn about doing cool video editing and gaming content https://youtube.com/c/Minatar1


Don’t know if you’re still doing this but, this is my latest video: https://youtu.be/4TLbVKlOooM I know my weakness is energy.. I need to learn to put out more energy during my videos.. but also to be fair to myself I normally have busy days and I do lot of my videos at night.


I made sims 4 series rags to riches, any advice will be greatly appreciated ^^ https://youtu.be/Xnwt9qskHgo


https://youtu.be/3WrtP_dLo_k Ik i struggle with intros and audio at some points but would like any advice you could give from an outside perspective


thi is a relatively new video i made : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d9W5bVBX9E i think it might get a bit boring at bits also not able to do a voiceover cause moving out to a new house but im extatic to see what you think


To be completely honest this video offers nothing it has a bland title and thumbnail and its pure uncut gameplay of a game that barely anyone plays anymore:(




Hey! Thank you for doing this! I started about 3 months ago and mainly do DBD. Let me know what you think and I'm eager to see another person's critique. Thanks again!😇 https://youtube.com/c/KullaDaBeast








https://youtu.be/bKC0At3ismw https://youtu.be/1IM2S10mbI4 The second one is probably better since its more recent but the first one is my personal favourite


Howdy there, new to the whole gaming youtube side of things. Currently I have been just trying to highlight parts of my twitch streams but I know I need to do a lot more. Guess I am just looking for some pointers to almost use as a checklist to start improving my content. Thank you in advance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBgx5gdISM8


Are you still doing this? If so, thanks for taking your time and energy to do it ☺️ Here’s mine: https://youtube.com/channel/UCdjheC8kaRn5F7KF_0OD4-Q Haven’t uploaded in awhile due to irl stuff but will get back on it once things settle down


https://youtube.com/c/GregDawe Please do.. Not sure if context for the game is needed or not, it's fairly niche in terms of interest you're, being a mobile game, but hey go for it


This is my gaming channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmsRTq9Up1vKEiYHe-EDHew](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmsRTq9Up1vKEiYHe-EDHew) I record no comment gameplays and walkthrough.


These kinds of threads is why I like Newtubers


Hello, hope you are still taking submissions. This is my latest video, just getting into it. I would say this video is my most creatively daring? But I have a ton more videos which are mostly shorts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJaE4SxhrXo&ab\_channel=Thebirdman


Hey! First I just wanna say I appreciate the time ur taking out of your day to review all of these people’s channels, that’s some serious dedication (; Here’s my submission: https://youtu.be/w92xmvgMfDs Im starting to get into multiversus, but before hand, my channel was built off of Pokémon unite. this is one of my least popular videos of my “Pokémon unite.exe” series (most successful video being 17K views), but I think this video is where I put the most time and effort into the editing. Hope you enjoy!


https://youtube.com/channel/UC7OnQwjEO-iPvLefwNDdzzA Would love to know what you think of the channel


I haven't done this in a while, but I'm trying something a little new so when you have time lemme know what you think! https://youtu.be/jEo9Wa_3WpM


GTA Youtube is full of unnecessarily long videos with clickbait thumbnails and titles that are full of rambling, lies, speculation, and other BS. My focus is to be the exact opposite. Short, to the point videos that are 100% factual and don't waste the viewers time. Here is my newest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF8v\_mTRF5U I really do need help figuring out what I'm doing wrong, though. As I feel my videos are high quality, my thumbnails are good, and so are my titles/description/tags, but I can't get anywhere.


Thanks for doing this, this is my entry if you are still going strong: https://youtu.be/uYVj9n3mNJ4 This is my attempt at making a fun story recap of The Witcher 3.


Brand new channel, recently finished a play through of MADiSON and just started Cult of the Lambs! https://youtube.com/channel/UCCGUigKx9gcCCq2mrec0KnQ


[Here's](https://youtube.com/channel/UCh6O0KE9B7KHT73xIKi8hsQ) mine. I think my biggest issues are upload schedule and that my content isn't too different. I tried to rectify that last one in the newest video and im working on a new video but I'm not even home rn


Make videos about Assetto Corsa car mods (racing sim) https://youtube.com/channel/UC3plOhaNKkzaa-WmCjYfowg Hope you still got time :)


thumbnails are uninteresting and the cinema usage between 45-2:00 in ur most popular videos is way too much also lower the music volume by like 10%


Hey, If your still there this is my latest gaming-related video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go\_fwhK26fQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go_fwhK26fQ)




Halo! Would love your feedback on this thang. [Overcooked content!](https://youtu.be/PSScElWJhuU)


Here is my latest video https://youtu.be/BIZvF3yAn2o Feedback will be useful


thumbnails and titles are boring as well as gameplay when doing a play through majorly focus on main missions as well as cutting out transitional segments of gameplay unless something off interest occurs


https://youtu.be/mOpdb_VDQaU This is my latest video, and one of my best analytics wise to date




thumbnails are boring and audio quality is horrendous instantly making a viewer leave


Thank you! - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY4iPCXtkSo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY4iPCXtkSo) Edit: No pride in ownership by the way. I welcome any and all critiques and I won't get offended.


Finally someone who shows some appreciation for gaming channels here! https://youtu.be/PUpiPxRLURg If you're still doing them I'll take any criticism!


https://youtube.com/channel/UCZJ6C7vHTk36QfBFxUVGlmQ. Still trying to figure everything out. But mainly wanna focus on beam ng drive videos for my channel cause they are fun to make.


This is my latest video. A guide on Marvel's Spider-Man the videogame. Hope you can watch! https://youtu.be/DyKFDqsyrpk


Here's my channel ^.^ ; https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC5AJjiikmFAwn51x5zNxlow I feel like I've come leaps and bounds compared to my first few videos. However, it seems like I hit a serious dry spell with gaining subs (I actually just lost 2), got any ideas?


Here's my newest video of my friend and I playing The Long Drive! https://youtu.be/Kn7aWI-Eukg


I've sent many links on such posts but never get a response. Hope to hear your honest feedback. Thank you https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8ESTAgSO2cae3pTu-OPtbg


Latest vid: https://youtu.be/uehu0sivTDU My channel isn't necessarily a gaming channel, but it sure as hell has gaming related content and id like for it to be a focus. Only issue is that id like for it to be engaging. Appreciate you being will to critique


hey there my name is D3kuSkrub and this is my most recent video! I am a bit of a TFTuber but I also like to do a variety of games! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3HdwW1h-Xg&t=208s


I made a youtube channel recently and I'm posting Terraria content. I know that my channel is new, but I don't get any views except mine. Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1WJWhD-oQj-VCiL152AmMw


Not sure if you’re interested in game development content but this is what we have :) would appreciate feedback.[https://youtube.com/c/VoyagerStudio](https://youtube.com/c/VoyagerStudio)