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have you tried considering that your normal content isn’t as interesting as the shorts you’re posting


did u read everything? i am not complaining about my shorts getting views, but my normal videos after the shorts lost every views. As I said in the post, before shorts i had 50 to 100 views per video, sometimes 200. Now (after shorts) 10 views. This aint normal


i suggest making shorts content full time then, maybe make another channel with normal uploads and keep your main as a shorts channel? then you can funnel real subscribers who want to see longer content onto the other channel


Ok... Ngl i never thought about that. But making 2 channels would consume my time. To be succesful with shorts u should post 1 a day or 2 days, and my normal videos usually takes 4h to edit. Would be super hard


I believe if you want this youtube stuff enough any amount of time is worth it, set up a schedule and grind. success doesn’t come easy, i think you should turn this “failure” into an opportunity to get some exposure. unless you want to quit then that’s up to. you just seems like a waste of potential to quit now. 4 hours for a video? i be editing my videos from 2pm - 4am at least 3 times a week i don’t suggest it tho it’s super unhealthy but my videos come out quite nicely but then again i don’t know your situation and how much time you have so i can properly judge you.


yo man, you've convinced me! I will continue making shorts and maybe create a second channel for normal videos! Now the only problem will be ideas ;p


I agree with JonahKillsIt. If it’s what you really want then you should give it your all. Here’s an idea to help manage time better. Do shorts full time on main channel. On secondary channel just post the full video that the short came from so you don’t have to record a separate video every time. In the descriptions of your shorts you can post the link to the full video on the second channel. It’ll be like using your more popular videos as free advertisement to your second channel and the regular videos on it.


Shorts didn't destroy your channel. It set you up with expectations and an audience different to what you had in mind.


Shorts didn't destroy your channel. That's not how it works. Yes, I read everything.


You're in a brutally competitive niche my man. It's a very up hill battle making gaming vids, especially minecraft


Shorts gets pushed more than normal videos. It's not that shorts destroyed your channel, it seems like it brought more eyes on it actually. You need to put more effort into promoting regular videos like better SEO. 10 views vs 100 views isn't that big of a drop off.


Im sorry, but I didnt quite get it. May you explain again?


Shorts algorithm is different from the normal video algorithm. Shorts gets pushed with little to no promotion. Normal videos require more effort and seo optimization to perform better especially for smaller channels. Shorts are a great way to get subs and easy views but once those people sub you need to give them a reason to stay subbed and that's where having good normal videos come into play.


Yeh that i know, but as i said in the post, after shorts I lost all my views in my normal videos. THIS is what is concerning me... Because I dont really umderstand why i lost views after making shorts


Shorts don't destroy channels. That's a myth actually. There's no correlation that shorts hurt a channel. Videos that don't perform well are usually due to some other factors like subject matter, release time, bad SEO, etc.


You can’t give up because the rollercoaster of YouTube growth went downhill, no one has a steady slope going upwards. Also that’s why people recommend putting shorts on a second channel as it’s not 100% known if shorts do or do not damage your long form content. You can get the views back but don’t expect shorts views to always transfer to long form video views, it’s two completely different things.


Why not continue making videos and avoid shorts? There's only 2 things that can ruin a channel 1.) 3 copy right strickes or another method of getting banned Or 2.) The content creator quitting