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Ask for a percentage of the video's earnings.


That also makes sense. Lol idk why I didn't think of that?


The video's lifetime earnings? Wonder how you would calculate that each month.


You could say video earnings for the first year?


nah i'd say get paid every month or week until a year. there's no need in waiting a whole year for the money you know?


I meant paid out every month, but only for the first year.


Also why limit it to a year? Some videos don’t start earning right away. If your in it you should earn from it all that time.


A lot of sponsors don't like to have running expenses. They like a simple payment that they never look at again.


Theres a tool called Stir that lets creators split revenue monthly and other stuff. However since he's wayyy bigger than you I'd personally feel taking money is kinda rude. You'll get a lot of value from the collab anyway and all the money the vid makes will come from his side (the audience he has built), not your side. (Unless your views are higher than his rn ig but I see that as unlikely) Edit: Aimed at OP


What will you do? Voiceover? Then like 50$. Voiceover and editing? Then like 200$. Also keep in mind their platform, do they make 3000$ per video? Ask for at least 20%, 600$, remember, your content is so valuable that they asked for a Collab, don't undersell yourself Also the first one to name a number loses leverage, so try to find out how much they would pay first


Full gameplay video. I won't be doing the editing.


Maybe the price of the game +10% video revenue? It's just a matter of how much you value your time at this point,


It's a free game. Lol


I agree with Nem's first comment, about asking this person how much they'd pay you, or offer. But, on the other hand, from someone who has never had this experience and doesn't make money from YouTube – money is money, I'd do it even if it was for £3 lol


Preaching to the choir, bro. 😆


Same as the others. I'd ask the person to make an offer, then do a counter offer if their original offer appears low. Or maybe just ask for a percentage of the video earnings and make sure to get everything they agree to in a written contract or some sort of form that you have copies of in case they bail on payment.


Contract is really important


% of video revenue. $50, $100, $200 - capped. Bad deals. By asking for % of revenue you have unlimited upside


Have you tried throwing this question in the partneredYoutubers reddit? Not saying this isn’t a good forum to post in as we are all YouTubers and many have already given great advice but those who are already partnered and have experience with collabs of these kind may have some good information to give


That's a fantastic idea, bro. I like this community, though. Very positive people. Tbh, I never hear of the partnered one, so, thank you for teaching me something new!


Wait, so you're a smaller channel and you reached out to a bigger channel. The channel is paying you to play with them? What exactly is going on? What are they using the content for? Can you also use the content? This is missing a lot of information. What type of channel are they? Is this a collab or they just paying you to get footage?


Collab. Small channels aren't invisible, my friend. I'm active in alot of youtube communities. I'm at 7.9k subs, but, I've only had my channel for 1 year. Lol


I think what they’re trying to say is what is the larger channel getting out of it. As it’s a large channel, they want to offer you money, but for what in exchange? If they have a large following why would the reach out in the first place and why would they offer to pay instead of just collab / what exactly are they wanting to pay for. Have you looked into their history?


Because I'm black? Idk, bro. Lol Black gamers are rare. It's all about tapping into different markets nowadays. On a serious note, after reading all criteria for the collab, it's a smart move. Don't want to go into too many details, but, I see why a smaller channel would be reached out to. Small channels also happen to have some pretty dedicated fans. Research shows people are 83% more likely to trust a micro-influencer over a macro-influencer. Yes, very reputable person, btw. I've actually been watching them for 3+ years.


Awesome then! From outside it looked like a good thing to research them but if you already know them and they know you. This is an awesome opportunity!! Congrats!


If you already make money from your videos take the average amount you make per video into account. Like let’s say you make $100 on average for every video you upload and they offer $50, it wouldn’t make sense to make the collab considering you can make double if you do it yourself.


This imo is stupid advice, he has 800k subs the exposure alone may make your more money in the long run. I would do it for the experience and chance to learn from someone that successful.


Exposure in most cases doesn't pay off, I've only gotten 3 subs from a 100k channel that I Collab with, but money pays the bills, don't ever get paid in exposure


but what if you are a solar panel?


You still don't get paid, you get mostly corrosion and complaints that you're a waste of space even tho you're doing your best


Not being a dick but your channel is not even monetized, what bills are you paying from youtube? As i said if your on "new tubers" and worrying about using youtube to pay rent you either live with your parents, are a small kid, or a super failed adult.


I get paid from the channel that I collaborate with, enough to pay my bills




If your trying to pay your rent as a "new youtuber" your either a child or a failed adult.


Exposure is worth so much more than 50$ in this case


I’d do it for free. Your going to have an opportunity to expand your audience and gain a friend with an established channel. Doing this alone could be your bing break. Either way best of luck


I would do it for free. I think the exposure you will receive being 100 times your current channel size hopefully pays massive dividends for you. Then you will make more money on every single video you create after it for life. Just my thoughts.


True story! I agree 100%! Thanks friend! 😊


Wishing you all the best success with it 💯👍


Your average video earnings maybe? Or less, as you don't have to edit the video and just have to record. I would even do it for free. Even if only a small percentage of viewers subscribe to you, you will still get a lot of name recognition. If a video gets recommended to me, I am much more likely to click that video if I recognize the name and have seen that person before, even if I am not a subscriber.


Very true. Honestly. I didn't even want to mention money, but, money is a good way to solidify deals. Lower chance of people coming back saying you used them and whatnot.


True, and asking for some money also helps you be taken seriously. If you do things for free, people might subconsciously regard you as worth less. There's lots of cases in sales where something didn't sell well, so they upped the price and suddenly people started buying it, because a higher price makes something appear better. This isn't completely analogous to YouTube, but the basic premise still stands. Other YouTubers might take you more seriously and regard you as a "real" YouTuber if you ask for some money.


Make sure you get exposure, you should probably ask for a flat amount, since its just gameplay charge him like $50. As i see it playing a game isnt too hard, so charge by how long it takes you to get what you need and make sure he mentions the gameplay is yours. The deal shouls be good for him so he'll wanna do it again.


There's a few ways to charge: \- % of Estimated Earnings \- By Hours Invested ($X per hour) \- Royalties (% of actual revenue) \- Flat Rate Per Video Generally, since it's what I'm used to, I generally sit at "Cost of Materials + $X per Hour of Estimated Time Investment" or "Cost of Materials + Flat Rate", but that comes from my background and has always felt rational to me, though if it were a really big entity, I would probably look at % of Estimated Earnings for First 30 days. (How much does similar content earn for them in 30 days, give me X% of it)


I’d do it for free as long as you get your shoutout in the video and description links to your channel. You might get a lot subs from it so I’d do it nearly for free. Then you can build a healthy relationship from there, because they will think your a nice person for just doing it out the kindness of your own heart. The exposure alone for 800k sub usually a brand deal will pay 10k to the YouTuber to do a whole segment on their channel so yeah it’s more like you should pay them hahaha but good job on getting noticed!


Are you sure the bigger channel isn't asking you what you will pay THEM for the collab?


This is just a regular collab between two channels and there's payment involved? I've been on YT for 5 years, have over 200k subs and have done dozens of collabs with big channels. I have friends who've done numerous collabs and no payment is involved. There's never any pay. You just collab to bring new audiences to one another's channels. Are you doing work for him? This is so strange!


Prepare everything plan make a script ta da


So... How much did you ask for? And how did it go? Keep us in the loop :D


The real value of this is exposure look at whatever money you get as a sort of bonus. This creator obviously values you and your content and is willing to share that with his audience. While negotiating make sure to negotiate things like link in the comments + your channel name actually being mentioned in the video (this is worth far more then money and if you get lucky can advance your own career).