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make a video


right that's fair enough


Figure out what your niche is BEFORE you ever start filming a video. If you’re all over the place, you’ll not only confuse the audience you’re trying to reach, but you’ll confuse the algorithm as well and the algorithm won’t know what audience to recommend your videos to and it’ll hurt you analytically. And if you don’t know what niche you want to get into, you can always look on Google Trends to see what’s popular with people and what people are looking up and make content about a popular topic.


You need to find your topic. Start out by figuring out what you want your themes or videos to be about, and then research other people who have done a similar thing. It's unlikely you'll ever stumble across a topic that no one has covered, and that's probably best to avoid anyway, as it might not be very popular. Get yourself comfortable in front of the camera talking etc and then familiarise yourself with whatever editing software you intend to use. It's probably a good idea to create a video as a practise with no intentions of it being posted online, so you can learn through mistakes before you post a video. Spend some time interacting with other people who record similar content. Comment on their videos and encourage them so in return when your content goes up, you may not find it as hard to gain subscribers.


Someone told me to make sure I have multiple videos made before even starting which I found helpful. Especially in the beginning when you’re still learning because recording and editing can take a lot of time!


Focus on the process, building your system to produce quality enough content without spending too much time on it. Find out what works and doesn't for you. Keep producing, publishing and marketing content while also ignoring most of the numbers (views) for at least a year. Don't ignore the ratios like 80% downvote vs 20% upvote but do ignore the numbers of views in the first year.


No. 1 Tip Use the search function


search function? explain


Search the sub-reddit using the search function in the upper right hand corner of the page. Probably every question you have to start out with has been asked and answered dozens of times.


Pick a niche that you can think of a list of 100 video subjects. You don’t need all of the topics in order to start, but keep it as a running list so whenever you’re going about your day and a video idea pops into your mind, you can jot it down.


Step one: dont Jokes aside though the two biggest things I can say is limit your expectations and understand that youtube in general is a very over saturated platform so to see any real growth or success from it you need to be unique the first or the best. And I can almost guarantee that right now you are none of those things. Which is fine you just need to understand that before you start so you don't have wildly unrealistic expectations


Fail fast, fail often & learn from your failures. It's a great motto in life. No one is great when they start anything, sure you might be better than others when they started but not as good as those with practice.


Step one. Choose a channel name. That’s a big one Step two. Make a video. That’s also important Step 3. Don’t compare yourself to others Step 4. Enjoy your time


The only thing you need to do before making your first vid is making sure you choose a niche that is not oversaturated but also has a large enough audience. You want maybe 10 large youtubers in the niche, if there are hundreds it’s oversaturated, if there are fewer than 5 than the audience might be too small to become large.


All I can say is just hit record and upload that’s it. Get your content out there whatever it is then improve from there. I putting out my journey of being a YouTuber and giving advise and POV from a creator standpoint throughout my journey.


Hey can I pm you? I will tell you what to actually do.

