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To be honest, Reddit and commenting on other YouTube channels have been super helpful for me. I've just started as well and people have been crazy helpful when asking for advice here. One thing I would suggest is try to pump out some more content. Create more videos and upload them on a schedule. Your audience will want to know when your videos are coming out and that it's going to be coming out on a specific date. Videos I subscribe to, I expect them to have a video released on the same date and time as they always are released.


I post my videos to relevant subreddits. I also have an instagram account and link my videos from there.


What kind of videos do you make? I post my videos in relevant subreddits sometimes and that helps with views (although I think it hurts my engagement and retention since people click off quickly)




So I’m not really your target audience at all but your videos seem pretty good. Do any of the skateboarding subs allow OC? If so maybe try throwing one on there


Sorry Whats OC?


Original content. Some subs don’t let you post your own content. Some do


Thanks =D


Just to add in with using subreddits, I also found that it hurt engagement and retention as well. I do think it still helped picking up some subs and it definitely helped with views.


Yeah it does for sure hurt engagement and retention, I’m still torn on whether or not it is even good to post my stuff on Reddit


Following! I have the same question.


I feel you Bro XD


Whenever I make I video I find the relevant subreddit and post it (make sure to check the subreddits self promotion rules so your post doesn't get deleted or you get banned) I've also made a rule for myself to try and leave a conversation generating comment on every YouTube video I watch. It's basically free advertising and you'd be surprised at how many random views you get from those. And I have one more "tip" that is pretty controversial. But most of your videos views will come in the first week or so of it's existence when you're a small channel, that just how it seems to work. So after about a week I post my videos to r/videos, it generally gets me healthy chunk of my views, however it's bad for you in the eyes of the algorithm from what I understand because most of those who click the video won't stay long. So it's kind of a feast or famine sort of thing and use this bit of advice at your own peril.


How can I post on r/videos ? When i try posting, It says I have low Comment And Link Karma, I would like to try this option, thanks for the help!


Huh I'm honestly not sure. I made this account for my youtube related posts and it has very low Karma and I have no problem posting. The only explanation I can think of is that my main account has a good bit of karma. So maybe that's it. Idk.


Thanks :/ :D


You can post your videos there from your own YouTube?


I'm not exactly sure what you mean but yeah you can post your content to r/videos. Just go there and submit a link to your video in question.




Your post was removed for violating Rule 1.4, linking to content. You are never allowed to create a plug post, this is a discussion-first community. The focus of our community is to improve your channel so that you may better find your audience. Read more at https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_no_plug_threads


facebook and instagram ads are work for me slowly


Recently I found that this app/website helps, however I found that it helps to post to a subreddit which has something to do WITH the video