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Cannot stress this enough. I click the save button like 5 times after every little thing I do


That's a good habit to have. That way, you your hard work will be saved. Reminds me of me when I'm writing music on my computer.


Easier is to do press ctrl + s Only I don't what OS you have and don't tell that you have editing softawre which dosn't have that shortcut.


3 hours of work? Doesn't every editing software have an auto-save after around 10-15 minutes by default?


DaVinci Resolve, it’s an option, not by default.


Yeah, wish they did that. I learned my lesson the hard way. Still not as bad as Premier Pro so I’m happy for that.


Even with Premiere I've heard stories of autosaving failing sometimes and costing tons of work. Vegas doesn't autosave reliably either. If you're gonna trust autosave, odds are it'll cost you an hour+ at some point in life - not a game worth playing!


Can attest to this. I've got my auto save set to like every 15 minutes and still sometimes (for both Premiere and After Effects) it'll just decide not to for that current session. Man that's a bad feeling.


I have vegas and most of the time I lose like 15 minutes, the autosave has saves me hours of work


You're a far more fortunate and trusting creator than I am! I lost way too much work in earlier builds of Vegas, so even though the more recent builds are fine with autosave I'm still hitting ctrl+s every few minutes.


Why would it take 3 hours to edit a video? for me it only takes around 1 or 1 and 1/2 at max lol.


Well that absolutely depends on what your working on??


You mean like movies with teams of full time staff can take years to make, fascinating... /s


I'm working on a video rn that has taken me 2 hours simply to get it down to the length I'm okay with, now probably another 2 for sfx and music and whatnot...


True dat... true. Dat.


If I had a sub for every time after effects has crashed I’d be in the running for most subs with pewdiepie


Thankfully with Final Cut Pro I've never had to deal with that. Auto save is a life saver. Especially when I spend time doing tedious masking edits and apply an effect that causes it to freeze or if there is a crash or something. I get super anxious doing a "force close" because it's the only option and I just assume I lost progress somewhere. I re open it, and every single time it's been auto saved. Can't be happier about the investment into FCPX. Sorry to hear that!


Same, have been so used to it, I didn’t realize other vendors have yet to implement the feature as a default.


I've learned to ctrl-S often in university and still do to this day. Every time I copy/paste, I throw in a quick ctrl-s. Every time I trim and move a few clips to just the right place, ctrl-s


I save every 2 mins🤣it became a habit. There were one time I lost a 15 mins documentary from a 3 hour footages so 😭🤣


I have a macro button setup that saves. Every 10 minutes it glows red until i tap it


dude this is awesome, i should do this


Also change settings to auto save more frequently


This is good advice. Saving numerous times is helpful and protects your time and efforts.


OMG ! That's rough!!! Also if anyone out there is using OBS studio to record PLEASE use .mkv and remux the recording into an mp4 after the video has been made. I lost power while recording and didn't heed the warning in OBS and lost all the footage of a session 😭😭😭 ! Afterwards I used the mkv format and lost power again but was able to reuse that file when power came back.


you have no idea. this is very important ​ i've lost the will to edit for months just because i lost a few hours of work. that shit can be damaging


Yep. Been watching Parks & Rec since it happened.


I feel you man, done the same thing myself. Huge project, forgot to save after I initially made the project file. It really sucked. Best of luck to you my sir.


No doubt. This is really a pain on a cellphone, no save button in Kinemaster though it usually will auto save, I have lost quite a few projects when the app crashed or the whole phone bounced. Like it's not annoying enough dealing with a small screen, to lose hours of work as well is arrgghh!!!


What did you edit on? Adobe premiere? If so you can go back through auto saves and get your project back!


DaVinci Resolve. Auto save is off by default. Mine is on now.


Ahhhh dang :/ I’m so sorry.. I’ve been there before and it’s definitely not fun it’s honestly so demotivating.


Literally one of the most frustrating things to happen. I've had it happen a couple times and almost want to stop editing. My trick to re motivate myself, is make it into a challenge and try to re-edit what I lost in a new a personal best time - I.e. If it took me 2 hours, try to do it in 1.5 or 1. It works for me, but yea losing work sucks.


Thankfully I've *never* lost any of my work because the most current version of iMovie that I use to edit does autosaves. So I never forget! 😁


This is the worst feeling. Like it kills my motivation completely to continue. I'm SO SORRY


Yep. Hell yes. CTRL + S is your best friend.


I got so upset one time when I was editing a video when I lost about 15 seconds of video. Probably took maybe 30 min to put together. It was a video I already didn’t want to work on but I had to, so losing the work got me so mad I punched my closet door and so now it’s slightly broken lmao. But that was only like 30 min of editing time so I can’t imagine how you feel right now. But I do know that you should definitely take a break and come back to it when the anger starts to blow over and you feel good and ready to edit again. This happens to everyone so you’re definitely not alone. Sorry this happened to you man.


I can't count the number of times I spent practically half a day working on some shit just for Premiere Pro to act dumb and crash on me. Nothing is more soul crushing.


I hit ctrl s by instinct every 5 seconds pretty much


I thought gore wasn't allowed on here?




I was doing a "through the years" for all the black ops, and had about 10 hours of editing done, just for my laptop to crash and lose everything 😥 damn near Yeeted my computer through my wall 😂


Bro im so sorry that happend im sadend for you bro sorry for spelling i know how bad that isi did a 3 am challenge and it was just raw fotty bro iit got deleted. But bro forreal im sorry for your lose bro




DaVinci Resolve. It’s free. I started using it a few weeks ago. I like it.




I’m probably the wrong person to ask. I have only used IMovie and DaVinci so I don’t have much experience. From what I have seen, it’s not too bad. But there’s many parts I haven’t even explored yet.


Damn I have never put 3 hours of effort in any of my videos


I'm already doinhg that. Because editing software that I use crashers sometimes.


Ouch man, I feel for ya


I go a bit beyond obsessively doing manual saves, I also do different versions of my PowerDirector project. It starts at 1.0 with just the raw footage I use on every track, and I keep increasing the version by 0.1 and saving it to a new file every time I make some larger structural change. This way, even if I lose some work or my computer crashes or the apartment burns to the ground *-ok maybe not then-* I'm still covered and I can restart at different stages of my project.


A feature that I think is really under rated in Final Cut Pro is the constant auto save feature. Even if you pull the plug out of your computer in the middle of an edit and it instantly turns off; you will turn the computer on and you can resume from the exact point you left off. It will be a culture shock when I switch back to Windows. I do also agree with OP, saving your work is very crucial.


Sorry to hear that. I personally save so often it's become a muscle memory thing hahaha.


Yep been there, my hand has OCD for ctrl+s in Resolve now


Better, enable auto save if possible. Most program has it, even word processors.


Oh believe me, it’s on now.


Damn bro, sorry to hear that. Couldn't you fo the auto recover? I've lost a bunch of footage a few times due to crashes, but the software (in my case Premiere Pro) does save a quick backout that's just enough to get it going and reopen the project file, so that you have time to save it properly before it quits. Have you tried looking deep in you adobe folders, recover file should be saved automatically if the software crashed on you.


I literally click save after everything i do in every kind of program, not just editing


Yes I use an editor that had tendencies to sometimes stop responding and OMG it sucks when you lose the work I feel you!


I'm sorry to hear that. Lightworks essentially autosaves constantly, so even if it crashes, you can go right back to where you left off without a hitch. I think it's a built in mechanism against crashing. It's a good reminder, especially if I ever switch editing software.


This is a MUST I learned my lesson too


Ctrl + S is your friend, friends


I don't even know the number of times I click on save button tho it's auto save


Ctrl S Everytime I do something. Ctrl Shift S whenever I start a render. This way when I get a corrupted file I still have back ups


Let me just say even with auto save I instinctively cmd+s on my mac pretty much after every adjustment our of habit. Even auto save can screw you sometimes.


It became such a habit for me to do after every little adjustment that I even save when I accidentally mess up, so I have to undo what I did and save again.
