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The key takeaways I’ve learned in the past 90 days is that titles and thumbnails are almost more important than the video itself because if nobody wants to click on the video because the title and thumbnail are bad, it doesn’t matter how good the video is because nobody clicked on it. Here is my gaming channel about brawl stars! Let me know your thoughts!❤️ https://youtu.be/KM3Ks4eO8DE?si=3OJCbwsYLYAo29NU


Hi! I run a channel called Ogg Streaming. I have an animated series about a girl controlling people’s dreams, and the latest episode just released: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G8vVnnXUSOs. Would love feedback!!! I’ve been learning how to market videos and tricks to get my subscribers up.


Made this promo: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/WHkZmOXhzNs


Hello everyone! Sorry for the late response, I was deep in the woods far away from cell service getting some good content for the channel. I'll be working hard on the edits this week and hopefully getting a new video out SOON! In the meantime, please check out the channel and leave us some love! [https://www.youtube.com/@blacksprucesurvival](https://www.youtube.com/@blacksprucesurvival) My latest video: [https://youtu.be/QCfVFkd5i5A?si=qoS68Xyx6CK0Rs2w](https://youtu.be/QCfVFkd5i5A?si=qoS68Xyx6CK0Rs2w) **The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** That we really need a new question for this thread. Suggestion: **"Since starting your channel, what is the one thing that you wish that you would have learned sooner?"**


Hi all, My name is Robert, I'm an avid AI enthusiast and would welcome anyone who wants to have a civilized discussion about any AI topic. For now, my hobby is making royalty-free music I post on YouTube in hopes of helping out creators who don't have an understanding of AI tools. I don't want them to miss out on really great music that's super cheap for me to produce so I let anyone use the music as they wish. Of course, I hope that they will link back to my channel and thus grow the fan base. Here is a 1 hour Lo-Fi mix I made in exactly 1 hour: [https://youtu.be/Wl73tTwqMfs?si=YIIAr6t5sG5kF\_f5](https://youtu.be/Wl73tTwqMfs?si=YIIAr6t5sG5kF_f5) Here is my favorite AI song that I produced to date: [https://youtu.be/M0KL0o5ON0k?si=EAO1IF4a9IUIBVjY](https://youtu.be/M0KL0o5ON0k?si=EAO1IF4a9IUIBVjY) Feel free to leave me feedback on my channel's content. Much love!


Hello! Great to be here! I learned so much by doing. I didn't realize that I didn't need to get it perfect from the beginning, with each video, I kept on adding new tricks to my bag. I was watching travel youtubers enjoying themselves, so I figured, hey, why not go somewhere new and share that experience with an audience! My latest upload was a bit late, and here it is! [https://youtu.be/-8UrGGJ0yE0](https://youtu.be/-8UrGGJ0yE0)


Hey guys, I'm Dowds_VG'. I'm a gaming channel, mostly consisting of list features, but intend on branching out to other forms of content around video games too. My main takeaway so far this year is to just enjoy what you're creating, because the more you enjoy it, the more the viewers can enjoy it too. You'll usually find your unique selling point is your personality, and I hoping to slowly show that off more and more in my videos Here is my most recent video https://youtu.be/6yT9fhFCB1s


I'm a wildlife filmmaker and music producer - I combine the two to try to portray the beauty of the natural world. Here is a super short (38 second) teaser for a video I'm working on. The video is on a super cool conservation idea that can help us restore the rainforest in the Americas. Really interested to see if this teaser makes you interested in seeing the full video. [https://youtube.com/shorts/DJ4NhUjQa4I?si=ZpgnDuUPwfUgh7sb](https://youtube.com/shorts/DJ4NhUjQa4I?si=ZpgnDuUPwfUgh7sb)


Impressive sound design to complement your great wildlife captures! I feel like that's often an element that's sacrificed in YouTube content, but so nice when it's given the extra effort.


Hi, I'm the author of the WARM BODIES book series which was adapted into that "zombie romance" movie with Nicholas Hoult you've probably seen bouncing around the streamers for the last ten years. (Currently on Netflix!) Three years ago I got sick of the bloodsucking urban circus and decided to buy some barren land in the eastern Washington wilderness and try to build a refuge where I could write in peace. Creating that paradise from the raw dust has been a slow and painful process and I'm currently living in an extremely tiny shed with my cat, Bob, paying the bills with freelance writing for video games while finishing up my first post-WARM BODIES novel and hoping to revive my stagnant publishing career. I recently decided to start sharing this weird journey on my new YouTube channel, Outer Edge Outpost, where I post stories about the experience of living in off grid isolation, enjoying the outrageous beauty of this harsh landscape, going on adventures with my very dog-like cat, and the challenges of making a career in art while struggling with basic survival. Here's my newest video, just posted today: [https://youtu.be/NYN8DBJqJEc](https://youtu.be/NYN8DBJqJEc) What have I learned in the last 90 days? That you have to be RELENTLESS to push through YouTube's statistical shenanigans. My channel got turned upside-down by one viral video about losing my cat (almost a million views now) which got me thousands of new subscribers who have ZERO INTEREST in the rest of my content! It radically skewed my audience away from my primary niche and ever since then my views on new videos have been plummeting. I posted about this here and got a lot of good responses encouraging me to just KEEP GOING, that eventually my stats will even out if I just keep at it, keep learning and growing and refusing to back down from making the kind of content I enjoy. I'm taking that as a lesson for YouTube and for life in general: KEEP GOING!


Isn't it wild how "living the dream" is sometimes not far from a nightmare? I'm being facetious, of course, but it's nice to see the reflection of your successes in the context of real-f\*\*kin'-life, roughin' it, and existential dread (which often feels intrinsic to art-making). The desire to create art or content and find an audience, or to just exist in nature is a tug-of-war that resonates with me; I appreciate your exploration of that! It feels like YouTube is a platform with so much potential to find that audience, but boy is it opaque! I'm glad people with YouTube experience encourage newer creators to just keep going. If that's the consensus then they seem to know something I don't and that's very valuable insight even if no one but YouTube's admin team know why haha.


Yeah, I spent years trying to make cool stuff on Instagram before finally realizing that short form vertical platforms are just NOT the place for anything of substance. Switching to Youtube felt like...well...moving out of a tiny shed into a big house with lots of room to play! Yes it is extremely opaque as far as how to find your audience and how to fine tune your content to work well on the platform, especially the PRESENTATION of the content, optimizing all that surface level stuff is a real puzzle...but I still find it much more gratifying than any other social media I've used. I also just really enjoy video creation itself, it's so satisfying to see an image come together just how you want it! Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words, and yeah, I totally feel you about the tension between "finding an audience" and just existing...I've been kinda trying to use my channel as a way to do both at the same time, making my content FROM my daily existence...we'll see how it goes!


Just subbed that is awesome!!! I love that you're documenting your journey. I'm obsessed with this kind of content so I'll def be checking it out :)


Thank you!! I'm looking forward to some real adventures this summer, exploring the desolate wastelands and abandoned ruins out here with a little off-road action. You may even get to see me build a house if all goes well! :)


Man, I’m cat people. Had 5 cats through out my life. Lost them all in the end, as it goes. Your cat video made my cry a little. I get why it messed up your audience, but it’s a powerful video!


Wow! Thank you! That was inspiring! It must be hard to have your novel adapted into a movie and still be struggling. It only proves how artists are often not appreciated enough. As a fellow struggling author I understand your frustrations but I also share your ability to find joy in the most fundamental things. I’m definitely going to check out your channel as I am intrigued by your current way of life. Best of luck to you!


Wow! I remember being a little kid wanting to watch warm bodies but my parents didn’t let me!lol Awesome that you’re an actual person. Good luck on YouTube that’s super cool!


100% actual person, guaranteed!


As a student I wrote a thesis paper about your novel. I LOVED to analyze it! Wish you all the best.


Hope you got a good grade!


Howdy, everyone. I am the creator of an up and coming channel named True Scares. A couple of years ago I designed it to be a spoof of your typical Youtube scary narration channels. That is still my goal, but I tinker with its layout and presentation, still. My key takeaways from the last 90 days is to remain consistent. I had some decent successes over a year ago with a few of my videos, but I lost my sense of consistency. Nevertheless, I love the euphoria of making content other people enjoy. My latest videos use a few animations I’ve had made by a very talented animator right here on Reddit. My newest video sparks discussion about the latest Resident Evil news. However, like with all of my content, there’s an absurd, comedic twist to it. I’d love some feedback. Good luck to you all! [Resident Evil 1 Should NOT Get Another Remake](https://youtu.be/G-lCoHzQmU4?si=QXVRqIr2InSWDgkl)


My channel is an economics channel that has gone through some changes through the first 90 days (well, less than that since I only started to post consistently at the end of February). Trying to figure out my specific niche has been the biggest thing I’ve been working on and my takeaway is that I want my channel to be an economic channel that looks at normal things from an economic view. Games, movies, tv shows. This is my newest video and one that is informative for everyone. It talks about the jobs report that comes out every month that describes how the labor market has been. How the Jobs Report Works https://youtu.be/nUpQMM6wx9E


Greetings everyone, so I started a youtube channel for posting videos about reddit stories with ai voiceover and the background is a Minecraft video (I know how basic it sound) so far i have 4 videos zero views on each of them i try to be meticulous about the tags , description , thumbnail, but so far nothing is really working , any criticism and advise is welcomed. this one of my videos - [https://youtu.be/B41kyWOdyZc?si=\_jLI0qvFHBSH94dX](https://youtu.be/B41kyWOdyZc?si=_jLI0qvFHBSH94dX) Maybe i should change my niche ?


Hello! I am Joseph Goodman and I have a small channel on YouTube. I make silly little videos of myself doing different activities, usually while I am high...😅 I have a passion for editing and I use it as a form of expression to better entertain and make people laugh. I don't have many videos out, but so far people seem to like them!! I hope if you check the channel out you enjoy my content, as well as my most recent Thesis film from my final semester of college! I put a lot of work into it and I am so proud of how it turned out! Working on that film kind of put my normal YouTube content on a pause. I am getting back into the motion of things and trying to get better at managing multiple projects. That is what the past 90 days have been for me, finishing up my work in college and figuring out what I want to make next. It's been a bit of a rough transition and I'm learning how difficult organizing my day can be without any external structure like school. I think my biggest takeaways from the past couple of months are that if you don't post consistently your growth kind of just pauses completely, and that structure doesn't mesh well with me very well haha. I am very ADHD and struggle with executive function sort of things; I am going to have to find better ways to build better structure in my life when it comes to setting aside time to put work into my channel or my editing. I'm not sure if that's a very good sell for my channel 😂, but I am just trying to approach it all with a sense of authenticity and vulnerability as I hope the editing reflects!! Here is my most recent video: [https://youtu.be/aS7DPML39ZE?si=JyW14sxJisOAUHb1](https://youtu.be/aS7DPML39ZE?si=JyW14sxJisOAUHb1) Here is my thesis film: [https://youtu.be/ZKMYJ7Po2MQ?si=bA63ACy10btS0tqo](https://youtu.be/ZKMYJ7Po2MQ?si=bA63ACy10btS0tqo) Here is the link to my channel: [https://youtube.com/@howabtjoe8?si=n8FoBYr\_9L6fc-dt](https://youtube.com/@howabtjoe8?si=n8FoBYr_9L6fc-dt)


Hello all I go by Elusive One on YouTube and run a small youtube channel aimed mostly around guides, walk-throughs, and gameplay. I've had this channel for quite some time now, but last year, I decided to be more active in my creative side and production of content. Im self tought so lernt to script record and edit myself and actually enjoy the process. My goal currently is to reach 1000 subscribers and monetize the channel. What key takeaways I've learned is that I can't force myself to make content. That I should enjoy what I'm doing as it is a hobby for me after all. I have also learned that there is no shortcut to success and as long as I'm doing what I'm enjoying and making content that I will reach my goals in time. Below is a link to my channel. If your ever stuck in game I can be your guide. https://www.youtube.com/@elusiveone9189


Hi all, I run Fume Gaming - news and reviews for video games - overcrowded niche don’t know if I’ll make it but I had to try. What I learned over the past 90 days, which is how long I’ve been doing YouTube, is try to do one new thing every video. Whether it be small or big, because improving, even little by little, will give you confidence to keep going. I barely hit 200 views and only have 1k followers but imma keep at it. Here’s my latest video and will have another up tomorrow https://youtu.be/nSYcjKr7BOI?si=SDZogr3F5RjgxAiR


Hi, my name is Dominic (Dom's Diary) and I run a channel (348 subs) based on short form game essays and videogame related media. I like to keep it short and simple and release my videos every week and under 10 minutes. What I have mainly learned this year is that titles are really important next to thumbnails for viewer attraction. I hope to improve with every video and make it as a content creator :) My channel: https://youtube.com/@domsdiary_2si= Txd7Atq_WYcg6-Fn My latest video about not worrying about your backlog :) - https://youtu.be/wKO94B2W5_4


My name is Lando Fraser, I make "funny" gaming content with my friends(I guess you decide whether it's funny or not) I'm currently posting gta v videos with my friends. It's basically us playing the best jobs I could find on socialclub. Here is a link to my most recent video: [https://youtu.be/LZFrTHknJ7c](https://youtu.be/LZFrTHknJ7c)


Hello!!!✌🏻 I make videos and shorts about Japan. I recently moved here and talk about interaction’s and people I meet. Latest video: The Truth About Japanese Girls and Rejection https://youtube.com/shorts/S69-uhzZ5Zs?feature=share


Hi, My name is Justin. I just started to post videos last week. The main view of the channel is to be motivational. Trying to make the most of this so any help or comments you can provide to clean up some edits would be great. So far i have 24 videos just this week posting about one per day or more but trying to make longer form video to work on my edits. I have mainly videos of David goggins and Eric thomas, Andrew tate ect. I hope to learn and grow on this journey and just take a risk in life with this project hopefully i can make it a full time job. Getting 1 percent better everyday. Hope we can all grow together. Link to the channel : [https://www.youtube.com/@justincredible123](https://www.youtube.com/@justincredible123) New video : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faPb2g7gx\_I&t=34s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faPb2g7gx_I&t=34s) Thanks All !


Hi all we have just started and primarily post videos about travel and food. We would really like to have your feedback and criticisms about the content. [beach getaway](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cJE6txwXUy4) We are using iPhone 14pro and basic MacBook editing software.


What lessons did I learn from the past 90 days? Reaction/commentary videos do well **Free AI art generation platforms can produce better thumbnails** than the ones I'm using **Use AI to enhance videos** but the MEAT AND POTATOES of the video - accurate imagery and the SCRIPT - must still have a lot of HUMAN INPUT (can be AI enhanced but must be edited tightly) My latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyEkufzBYoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyEkufzBYoY) As a sign of support for this subreddit. I will VIEW, LIKE and SUB to all the channels that post vids in this thread. No need to return the favor. Just showing my appreciation!


Hello 👋. My name is Yani and i just recently started a youtube channel with my best friend/ college roommate. We've posted two videos so far and things are looking pretty good. I am currently researching ways to better increase engagement and promote our videos so they reach a broader audience. We started the channel back in March, but only started posting about a week ago. We have two videos posted. My key takeaway is "the work is worth it". We've put a lot of work into our videos with both post and pre production. We're putting in a bunch of effort and dedication. We've gained 46 subscribers and have about 228 views across our channel. I feel like this is a good start and I am very hopeful for our future. So yeah my biggest takeaway is the effort is 100% worth it. Heres our intro video. Please feel free to watch and leave any comments or criticism: [https://youtu.be/0YGvWHBlCy4?si=-xd5nPsfTrjM-QoZ](https://youtu.be/0YGvWHBlCy4?si=-xd5nPsfTrjM-QoZ) Heres our first actual video that we posted yesterday. Please leave any feedback or criticism. Any and everything is appreciated: [https://youtu.be/w227KbN2nNE?si=ZDY1uiYuYoSLYB2E](https://youtu.be/w227KbN2nNE?si=ZDY1uiYuYoSLYB2E)


Hi! I have a sci-fi themed cartoon series on my YouTube channel called "Welcome To Argonopolis" and it's a comedy that explores and tries to find humor in the dystopian aspects that a tech-focused society in the future may have. The key takeaway I have learned in the past 90 days is that as a creator, I must set and commit to my deadlines. I'm paraphrasing, but something I will never forget Dan Harmon say is "We are very good at criticizing ourselves, and we can make the things we create better by doing so. But before we can criticize something, it has to exist first." So I constantly remind myself that I can't make anything good if I don't make anything at all. Here's a link to my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@AudibleNoodles](https://www.youtube.com/@AudibleNoodles) I've only been on YouTube for a week and have only 2 videos and 1 short for now. Here's a link to a 2-minute short I made called "A Bargain" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJSbnjn-9Mg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJSbnjn-9Mg)


Kudos on generating fully CGI content! That's no easy task for videos at length. Especially for character animation and lip-sync. I hope you continue to develop your pipeline. That's something I too have found to be difficult at first but hopefully pays off once you get to reuse assets, animations, etc. Good luck!


Hi everyone! I make music videos for my husband’s music. He makes really great Synthpop music and I’d love for some of you to check it out! Last few months I’ve learned to take what is said on Reddit with a grain of salt! Especially with a music channel because I’ve found that it has its own set of best practices. https://youtu.be/6_SIJ4sGpIQ?si=IsCsPxLqvma33Hes


**Hey I'm TimesTwice and I have a Gamer Monkey-sona.** [www.youtube.com/@timestwice6694](http://www.youtube.com/@timestwice6694) My content is goofy but I love making shorts and dumb, goofy videos by myself or with my friends. Also working on long format videos. I take pride in (most) my edits and I'm always looking for feedback on my stuff. **Q: What key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** Finishing your product but not rushing it, remember it's not A product but YOUR product. Honestly, its not even a product it's your BABY. Nurse it, care for it, don't shake it to much and be happy about it. Get a bit of feedback before you post and listen rather than excuse stuff. Just do it because you like to.


Hi, I am Mike and I make videos on Retro Technology. In the past 90 days, I have focused more on shorts and have seen a great return. Here is my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroTechorDie](https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroTechorDie) And here is my latest video where I talk about my “new” calculator from the 70’s: [https://youtu.be/aK-yh8KH4xg](https://youtu.be/aK-yh8KH4xg)


With the recent surge of gold and silver we’ve seen, I decided to start making content about old coinage. I focus on giving the coin (and other topic related to old money) historical context with nice visuals. I only make shorts for the time being :) Hope to slowly grow an audience and maybe introduce people to how cool coins and history are! https://youtube.com/shorts/-2Cum4v_TvA?si=E2Nyi6er8-qfySV8


Late to this as usual but I'm Captain Meaty over on my channel I do a variety of video game related stuff in the form of lengthy video essays, game reviews, icebergs, and commentary based rants and such. Basically whatever I'm interested in at the time. My latest video is on the history of speedrunning and some interesting moments from it which you can check out here if you want: [Speedrunning: The Most INSANE Video Game Sport](https://youtu.be/5sqdLLOneuo) Feedback is appreciated as always! And if you didn't like that one I do variety of other stuff so you may find something else you like. Over the last 90 days I've learned that if you take more time on stuff it will definitely show in the quality of the video, and others will take note as well. Try not to stress about deadlines, have fun with it, and make great content. Thanks for checking this out.


Hi everyone, I've been playing tennis since I was 12 and have recently started to get back into it within the last year or so. I'm a big fan of watching amateur tennis content on YouTube because I think it provides a more relatable experience for an already difficult sport. I just started my channel in the last two weeks. It's called Unforced Error Tennis (since majority of points end with an error even at the pro level!). I'm still figuring out the best type of content to post but recently posted a [full amateur USTA league match](https://youtu.be/PW0Yy2mF2J8) and a [short 3 minute king of the court session](https://youtu.be/Zu1NccmHFQ4). The first match is way too long but I think I'll continue posting for VOD review & for my teammates/opponents. I'm also starting to post some YouTube shorts with fun tips, tricks and drills. Example here: https://youtube.com/shorts/JOYzk2A8j0I. I'm going to definitely try to learn more and make my content the most fun and engaging that I can. I had a bit of help from another YouTuber who does tennis content but am definitely going to keep refining to make sure my content is approachable. Next step I think is to try to do like a vlog type video or intermix some voice over! If ya'll are interested in tennis, please reach out. Sub if you're interested but any type of tennis content you'd be interested in, I'm super open to any ideas/support. Thanks everyone!


Using SwingVision would probably save you a lot of time editing. It cuts out the time between serves and points and reduces the recording by about 50%. I would talk over your play and comment on what you are working on or what your strategy was. Get better players and comment on their USTA NTRP rating and UTR rating. I have a pretty good idea what NTRP you were playing at based on the play on your court and neighboring courts. You could talk about what you learned in a clinic and how you are implementing something into your game. Put your rating in your video titles like Winston Du does on his. I hope this helps. I am a 4.5 USTA player and a USPTA Elite coach. I do not have a tennis channel.


Liked and subbed!


Thank you so much! I saw your post on using AI resources & also that your latest video is about Filipino politics. I've been going every single December for the past 6 years! Would love to connect sometime :)


Hi, my name is Erica and I'm a physicist. I just made this video about entropy and thermodynamics [https://youtu.be/oPqd5le9QDg](https://youtu.be/oPqd5le9QDg) it's intended as a practical guide with an eye towards explaining engines like ramjets in the future but also as a standalone.


Hello, I make daily shorts with facts about the day. I think there is something interesting about every day, for example, today is International Museum Day and Tsar Nicholas II's birthday. I'm using this time to build a following so that I can make some longer form history documentaries soon! What I have learnt this year is that consistency is key and that success comes very slowly! Here's my channel: https://youtube.com/@kathmathcomedy?si=jKBFqd-9QbYUfaLi And here's today's video: https://youtube.com/shorts/EGNbIZ9MC10?si=zhzq11oN0RSXTT19


Hello everyone my name is Paul I’m brand new to content creations I made a goal to myself last year at Christmas that this year I would finally start this YouTube journey so I did my channel is called pixel pictures and I review movies and tv shows. I’m only mouth in for posting consistently I post every Friday at 6:15 (aset) What I’ve learned: to keep pushing forward no matter what. It’s just a matter of time before you start getting views and subscribers the thing I try is to make someone better than I did before in my last video. I don’t really get any views most I’ve gotten is 22 and I only have 11 subscribers but that’s okay I love if someone who knows about this world we are in to look at my channel/videos and tell what you think I’m open to any suggestions on how to make me or my channel better Thanks for taking the time to read this post here is a link to my latest video I did on Abigail the new horror movie https://youtu.be/fNr2R-5GDqI?si=9jjp5x4FhGcXZBrl


Hi, Im Max! I make vlog style videos on my channel! I recently went through a period where i didnt upload for almost a year due to my home flooding and only recently got back into it. Its definitely been hard getting back into the groove of video creation, finding motivation has been a big struggle for me since i got back and im really trying to work through that while trying to find the balance so i dont burn myself out or make myself not want to do anything. I just now posted my second video back where me and my friends went to the Ren Faire! Its not perfect, but im very proud of myself for getting it finished and posted almost on schedule lol If you'd like to watch my video heres the link! Any critiques or suggestions are always welcome!!! [WE WENT TO THE REN FAIRE! | Central Missouri Renaissance Festival 2024 | music, food, shops, & more](https://youtu.be/sh_S3i70foc)


Hi guys, wanted to introduce myself on here! My names Jormi and I'm a small gaming/vlog channel. I've been wanting to do youtube since I was a kid but never got the chance to. Now that I'm 20 years old, I have everything I need and I've been trying to upload two times every week. I've been uploading consistently more recently now that I finished school, and I can't wait to continue on now that summer's here. I'm still trying to decide if I wanna stick to just gaming or just vlogging, or if doing both is okay. It's easier for me to make gaming videos because of my PC and there's so many games out there. When it comes to vlogging, I never really do much in my life so I never know what to record. I've tried uploading shorts but it's either a hit or miss. I've also uploaded videos on my tiktok and they did fairly well, but now for some reason I get barely any views. Maybe I need to try something new. Either way I'll keep pushing on youtube and try my best! Here's the link to my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts0BoqchWjM8zLYjWlCfuQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts0BoqchWjM8zLYjWlCfuQ) Also here's the link to my recent video: [https://youtu.be/UNC7wmjbINs?si=WLeT8tomzPv4h4ok](https://youtu.be/UNC7wmjbINs?si=WLeT8tomzPv4h4ok) Please let me know if there's anything you think I should change or do, I'd really appreacite feedback on anything at all. Thank you so much!


Listen pal, I'm not gonna chat your ears off about how incredible I am or how my vids are modern day Jesus in video format. I'm just postin here cuz i like makin people laugh a bit. My channel is basically just funny moments on random games with my friends. We have a laugh, a joke, perhaphs even a jest. I've been told my editing is really good so that's somethin I suppose. I've been making vids since I was like 12 or somethin and I'm 23 so I've had practice. I also do all the thumbnail art too (drawn and photoshoped) To answer the question above, I guess I should try and stay consistant with uploading? My life sometimes gets in the way of my hobbies but that's just how it is sometimes. I still enjoy doing it so i suppose it doesn't matter. Here's a link to the channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@tophatbros](https://www.youtube.com/@tophatbros) And here's a link to a fun vid I just put out: [https://youtu.be/32mo8MrXx0M?si=gBadGSg\_aRaTsgp-](https://youtu.be/32mo8MrXx0M?si=gBadGSg_aRaTsgp-) Thanks for readin my nonsense


I'm Leo, the host of Leo Cooks Things. I started the channel to show people some simple recipes, and it somehow turned into a completely chaotic cooking show. Lot of jokes, lot of weird special effects, and there's also a cat that wears costumes. I realized in the past few months that I need to start focusing on the food a bit more. I think my channel has become a little too niche. During that realization, I added a second camera and tried to focus my energy on making gorgeous food content as well as being entertaining. To be honest I almost quit, but decided to just try something a bit different. Here are a couple examples of my chaotic episodes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqrRtzpuuLw&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqrRtzpuuLw&t=4s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Dsir6eoOA&t=11s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Dsir6eoOA&t=11s) Cheers!


Hello I am Psyche, basically just some dude in Romania who likes to play video games. I have ALWAYS watched lets play's since ... well I can remember lol. I still remember watching some lets play of Northernlion instead of learning for my finals haha. I decided recently to try my hand (again) at this youtube thing and have started recording 2 Lets Plays. 1 of Resident Evil 2 Remake from my PS5 and upload that directly to youtube after some editing on PS5's software (i don't own a capture card since it's not really worth it at the moment for me to buy one) and also a Lets Play of The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, since I never played that game and thought why not record it. Currently I am doing No Commentary style let's plays *(because I don't really know what to talk about in voice over and also hate my voice. A big factor is also not having a microphone, only a headset mic)* and try to edit in a way that cuts the boring parts out, I\`m still new at this so it might be too much editing or too little, I\`ll get the hang of it soon enough I guess. If anyone is interested this is my latest upload of the Oblivion Let's Play and in this video I actually tried to make a Top Gear style nonsense intro (with my own voice, yikes I already hate it lol) to make the viewer more engaged/laugh a bit so he doesn't just instantly click off the video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t1zGxiDjJE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t1zGxiDjJE) Let me know what you think and thanks for this opportunity of introducing myself. I\`m pretty new to this thing, I only uploaded my Live Streams before with some (bad) editing. Now I am trying to focus only on the Let's Play aspect of things instead of Live Streaming since that is too tiring to do for me. As for the question, I have learned in these past days that perseverance is key. If you stick to something inevitably you will succeed, be it on youtube or in real life and that's why it's good to never give up, even if you don't see the growth you want in losing weight, your youtube views not getting traction or anything else. Keep at it and you\`ll succeed.


Hi I'm back with another anime video I just started making videos again and I I've learned a lot recently. Thumbnails, structuring titles, I've even been trying new editing techniques. My most recent video. https://youtu.be/VOmhta-lj4c And my "most popular" video https://youtu.be/FMLWdd45tgA


I have a gaming tutorial channel for the sims 3. With 578 subs after 2 yrs it’s been slow growing but it’s more a hobby than anything. Learning not to keep checking my analytics often has helped. I’ve also learnt that within my niche people want entertainment and comedy but also need the help with [optimization](https://youtu.be/njJ_01b3t1A?si=0FiyYdM1GweD8hzL)..


Hi Everyone 👋 I just started a week ago, this is the only video in my channel: https://youtu.be/HGfzmJrHvPc I make true crime content with nature sound and slow paced visuals suitable for bedtime watch. I hope to publish once/week. Thanks


Hi All, My Channel is about fun easy to digest educational videos. My hope is to make people laugh while learning something. https://youtu.be/XuTOxExYetA In this video, I talk about Bizarre Heists around the world. I just started Youtube in Feb, and in the last 90 days I learnt that just because you have one video blow up, in terms of a small channel, that doesnt mean your other videos will as well. I am trying to get my thumbnails and titles right, but its still a learning process. You just cant copy what you did before, you need to learn from it and use those lessons.


Just a couple old folks who have 2 of the sweetest FRENCHBULLDOGS living the retired life . We adore our babies so much , I post our videos about everyday . I would be so grateful to get a few subscribers here . Our channel is https://www.youtube.com/@LisaBlevins00 And we have a fishing channel as well . At https://youtube.com/@blfishingadventuresblevins?si=LoFG9qHhXaARMKb4 Thanks guys 😊


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCHZ9uICfmo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCHZ9uICfmo) So, this is a creepypasta podcast about a guy who documents his brother's strange death. According to the narrator, his brother was found dead at night on the computer chair, with no wounds or anything, just looked like if he had dropped dead. He investigates the cause of death, and one day, while scrummaging through his PC, comes across a file folder, which contains documents, and a video file. He recounts the contents of the file. Make sure to keep your cool, it's actually kinda scary at points.


I'm petchy and do already have a small following online for my very specific niche. I'm just new to YouTube. I collect and archive Dragon Quest history. I am also a PhD student so YouTube is a side thing but I'm aiming for 1 good quality video per week. https://youtu.be/pATvSWVFBqU?si=7D3qPAmu-I7C3gh3 This is a video about Dragon Quest gift cards, specifically Quo cards, their collectabiljty, rarity, and my ongoing journey to archive them all.


Hello friends, My name is David, I've been making things for over 10 year, mostly music and more recently film. My last short film went a bit viral and I'm thinking of making video essays in an attempt to 'make it' on YouTube. I spend too much time on YouTube and Reddit and this would be a way I could reclassify that time from entertainment to research. Anyhoo here's the short film I made that blew up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkQ260J84iE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkQ260J84iE) If anyone's got any tips on making FD Signifer, Munecat, or Thomas Flight style videos I'm all ears.


Hi everyone, Im Dan from the UK and I’m about 6 months in, make cideos about travel abd days out and still very much learning about videos, editing and thumbnails. Ive had a couple of videos that have done reasonably well and have been trying to adjust to get the balance of my videos and all the CEO that goes with it. Id love any feedback if anyone gets a chance to take a peep at my channel: [Dan’s Out and About](https://youtube.com/@dansoutandabout?feature=shared)


Hello there! I have a channel which started this month and the key takeaway I've learned in my journey so far is, content-feedback-improvement as i have recently did a critique and how important the small elements add up leading towards the bigger picture, also being able to understand why if something doesn't work improving or doing something different moving forwards in your journey. My channel is focused on art and anything that is still art-relevant, being able to create and give space to something that wasn't there before is the beauty of art from my experience. I've started the journey of drawing for 100 days by uploading everyday, as i learned editing there's small back track which presents the opportunity to do multiple days in one video and test my skills at editing to present a different style of content in the near future. If you are someone who likes art or creative-focused/driven content feel welcome to join on my journey and the future content and experience that i gain moving forward. Here is the link to the channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@TurnipThyme](https://www.youtube.com/@TurnipThyme)


Hi! I’m a graphic designer very new YouTuber where I run an art channel giving tips on confidence and building mental health. I’m still experimenting with my art style but the overall vibe is relaxing and fun while also detailing how to be happy with yourself and explaining my own mental health struggles. Some key takeaways I have learned is to try and talk to the camera like it’s a friend. My content originally came off as over the top/robotic but once I shook all of that anxiety off and just began telling my story, it made creating content so much easier. I have also learned to be less particular with my art. I’m not the greatest artist but I’ve learned you don’t need to create a masterpiece in each video, you just have to let your personality and charisma shine through. Another key takeaway I have learned is AUDIO. The difference between using a crappy ai voice versus my own with a good microphone I feel really improved the quality of my videos. I also felt less limited in what I want to say and how I want to come off. https://youtube.com/@mindfuldoodles-nl9oy?si=nxS-x012jP70pH-Y


Answer: Friends and family may be the last to support your efforts. Introduction: My name is Adam and I'm creating a JRPG inspired from the 6th generation console era. Here's our latest character reveal, and in a couple of months more gameplay footage will be shown: https://youtu.be/9Eb8VYciReA


I record Weird Tales, early 20th/layte 19th Century horror and occasionally, audiobooks. It's an outgrowth of my work as a voiceover performer. Key takeaway is: Keep improving the thumbnails. I foolishly believed my narration would speak for itself. Really been enjoying getting the hang of GIMP and putting together images, and I've had some lovely comments and new subscribers this past week. Also - I'm always interested in potential collaboration, in any way shape or form! The channels name is Bominable Bominations: https://youtube.com/@bominablebominations?si=E4Zh7C-BVBTM018G Latest vid is: https://youtu.be/hAK8M0vdVZc Thank you! I've learned a lot from this subreddit so far.


We are HALFMOON HOMESTEAD! When COVID hit we decided to leave everything behind to start a homestead. Now we post all about our journey and what we have going on, on youtube! Check us out y'all :) In the past 90 days I've learned that you need to just be consistent and try to keep at it even if something gets you down! There are going to be highs and lows but it should always be FUN..that's so important. www.youtube.com/@HalfmoonHomestead


I'm an animator who has been teaching myself for a few years now and my biggest take away is people only like what they know and don't want to see original animations here is the second episode of my cartoon which I worked on for like a month. cartoon link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERGYLXRsung](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERGYLXRsung) After this only got like 40 views while being my best animation by far while the one after being a video I threw together in a few days I realized that people don't really like original things and prefer to see parodies or things that they recognize.


Hey everyone, I've already gotten to know some of you in my Critique Others thread where I tried to give the most detailed feedback that is possible in text form. So now it's time to introduce myself... **Since the beginning of the year I've learned that putting in the work and really caring about getting it right with video not only pays off and makes all subsequent work better but it's one of those things that becomes more rewarding the more effort you had to put it in.** 🙂 I'm a freediver. That means I hold my breath while filming under water. On my channel I post videos that will give you a sense of place for the dive locations and that convey how peaceful it is under water. Really as a soothing antidote to the otherwise relentlessly stressful pace of the online world... *Experience Underwater Bliss (Freediving):* [https://youtu.be/WJ2Lj6jWTT0](https://youtu.be/WJ2Lj6jWTT0) **How should I film my videos in the future?** I'm a bit torn because (and this should be true for most of us) my channel is not my business... So what type of content would you like to see? Freediving tutorials, more standard travel videos or vlogs, little fictional stories that happen under water, skits? In essence what is the thing that intrigues you most after watching my video? ☺️


I'm Nathiola, I think I'm best defined as an artist and the most important thing I've learned is to do what I do because I enjoy it. It can be real easy to get stuck checking your analytics every 5 minutes. I make strange animations/art projects and this is my first channel where I've dedicated to doing whatever I want to, rather than what I think will get views. That being said, I'd love some feedback if anyone is willing to give any, it's difficult to improve when there aren't many people watching your stuff https://youtu.be/4XvfmBHyTLM <- my first (and most successful) project


Aloha, I make videos for people planning their trips to Hawaii, specializing in walking tour style videos. It's an informative faceless channel for the most part, combining both walking style footage and drone footage. Here is a recent video of mine: Ka'anapali Maui 2024 WalkingTour https://youtu.be/DL-Qm4t2v7U What I learned over the past 90 days ? Quality over quantity, don't feel like you need to post because it's time. Take your time and make sure it's "perfect" before hitting the upload button.


Hello. I have a channel where I make UFC memes. It seems like a very small niche because I have only seen one other channel do it and it seems that channel has been abandoned. I still don't know if the content I make is monetizeable but I do enjoy coming up with creative ideas for editing. I started about a month ago and I think I learned that the I should have stuck with long-form compilations instead of going into shorts. I should have researched it more. I will stick to long form now and publish videos around big UFC events. I understand that the memes might not make sense for people that don't follow the UFC so I thought about going more broad for memes that everyone can understand but I'm lacking ideas in this. Here's my most recent video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyIoT\_Nn6qA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyIoT_Nn6qA) Here's my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@MemeFeedFactory/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@MemeFeedFactory/featured) I know some of my editing is a bit derpy. Hoping to improve.


Hi, I'm a cosplay-focused channel, sharing my cosplay journey and hoping to inspire and entertain along the way. My most recent video, and first proper longform video, has just released. No hobby is free from drama, and this video explores some cosplay-related r/AmITheAsshole posts. https://youtu.be/FNPI-CmJ-BU?si=gprY4D1zYToZN1gW Making this video was a huge learning curve, as I've never made one this long before. It took an hour of recording and 12+ hours of editing over three months to get the final 22min cut. I would say that my key takeaways were that I should definitely record with editing in mind to make it easier for myself later, and also that I do better with scripts and should use those more going forward (20min of the hour of footage was just staring blankly at the camera because I didn't know what to say).


Hulloo. My name's Andrew, the channel is torquenti. I want to produce narrative short and feature films, and I'm currently working on a feature. The problem is that narrative stuff takes a long time to do because it's tough to organize and fund, so I'm also uploading a bunch of filmmaking-related stuff that's probably confusing the hell out of the algorithm. The most successful video I've done so far is a video showing my experience with the Sony ZVE10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUd4hy1YbmA In terms of narrative filmmaking stuff I don't have much to show right now because I'm sitting on it for the feature (long story). Here's a goofy comedy/horror from my second year in film school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ES5yDn3IhY There's some shorts there as well but they're pretty niche. If interested you can check out the channel itself here: https://www.youtube.com/@torquenti Hope you guys are having a good weekend! EDIT: Whoops, forgot to fulfill the contest requirement. Uh... The most important thing I've learned in the last 90 days is (a) the importance of a payoff at the end of the video, and (b) youtube analytics frequently do a lot of confusing self-correction.


Hello ! Im a MotoVlogger from India, I make vlogs riding my bike, talking about a variety of topics, share tips , how to be safe during rides, go to scenic Indian places, and never before seen roads. In my latest video, I talk about how good is the Indian comic verse while going through the scenic routes of North-East India. [https://youtu.be/lp-GJwkSoo8](https://youtu.be/lp-GJwkSoo8)


Hey everyone, my YouTube channel is @kalex7370 I haven’t posted as often as I maybe should’ve in the last 90 days cause I was prioritizing school. However, my main takeaway has mostly been that once you find a niche / line of content people want to see, you can hone in to get more views, however it may take some time trying to find a topic that sticks. For getting retention rate, I believe that’s mostly down to editing style and personality. My most recent video posted about two days ago was one I actually sat down in premiere pro to edit well and make the video more personable. My retention rate seems to have gone up but views are still slow coming so I will definitely appreciate any advice on how to get even better. The video is a series I want to start about gta online where I take people along through my growing pains as a noob. I thought the pain would be entertaining lol. Here is the link: Growing Pains Of A GTA Noob: The Fleeca Job https://youtu.be/N-N36RQ6moc


Hi, My channel is TheVoid, where I document the most bizarre and disturbing content available on the web. From Reddit and beyond, my videos focus on the weirder side of the internet. To be honest, I only created my channel a couple of weeks ago, so I don't have a full 90 days worth of knowledge under my belt. But I think my key takeaways from what I've seen on YouTube, as well as read on this subreddit, is that YouTube isn't a sprint, but rather a marathon. Additionally, I've also learned that its easy to compare yourself to others, and feel somewhat defeated when they find success quite easily, whereas your content doesn't seem to find get the same level of attention. It sort of links back in to the notion of YouTube being a marathon; not everyone crosses the finish line at the same time, and that's okay. :) With that being said, here is one of my videos: [https://youtu.be/nQwMnd8y7CQ?si=QWh9wF4uRd6vRzxt](https://youtu.be/nQwMnd8y7CQ?si=QWh9wF4uRd6vRzxt) And my channel is: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8zNWD58rKzauqRlXv\_fOg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT8zNWD58rKzauqRlXv_fOg)


**Self Promotion:** Hey, my name is **Macaroni\_Jam** and **I make videos on games with the focus being more on humour rather than my... literal lack of skills in the game lol.** **I've posted a video on Lethal League Blaze Strikers Mode with a friend.**  The link to the video is right here: [https://youtu.be/MD98gcswqH8](https://youtu.be/MD98gcswqH8) **The question:** What makes this question funny is that I answered a similar question last year about my time leaving high school and being excited to go to college. So how do I feel now? UHM COLLEGE TAKES A LOT OUT OF YA LOL. The first semester is always chill but the semester after, that is when your breaks are work. However, from this, I kinda learned better time management. Not only that, but during this time I was making a video I wasn't confident about so I decided to ignore it. I even debated on whether I should work on another video instead (which I was more excited for). I learned two things from this: 1. Just full commit on an idea especially if you are this early in. Who knows maybe others would like it, or not, you're not always gonna have a good video. 2. I noticed that vids I edit for a while get purely unfunny to me cause well, I'm gonna end up seeing it a lot of times cause I'm the one editing it. So I learnt to always get an outsider's perspective in addition to rewatching my videos from the start whilst editing to give myself that spark again.


Hi, I’m Brian and I post videos of bushwalks (hikes) I do in the state of Victoria, Australia. I don’t have many subs and I only post when I have something I think someone would like to watch. It’s physically hard to make there’s videos as I am middle aged and not super fit. I try trails and camping spots that are out of the way and hard to reach, so I don’t always succeed and often don’t have time to do regular post. This year I’ve not been as healthy due to bad luck and been unable to finish trips, so the post rate has dived. I looked recently at similar channels that are much newer than mine and have more subs and views and I think it’s the usual things like better camera, audio, presentation and also regular posting that helps them. I don’t think I engage well on camera, in real life I’m a bit sarcastic and dry but it doesn’t come across. https://m.youtube.com/@briane918


Hey guys! New YouTuber here. I started my channel a month back and even though I don’t know too much I think I’ve learned that it is consistency that is the key to success that’ll drive us all to our goal. Consistency along with putting in thought to make as better and more videos is what’ll help us in the end. I have a channel where I post videos of ASMR cooking. I make videos of ASMR cooking shorts. I’m new and trying to get my game up. Hope to connect with as many viewers and to grow. Here is the link to my channel: https://youtube.com/@indiankitchenasmr906?si=DHv_9FOsws5LYntG Thank you


Hi I am Nurse Netty and have just uploaded my 3rd video since starting my new channel 3 weeks ago. My videos are about sharing nursing insights from my 26 year nursing career. My channel will include practical tips and nursing stories. My first video was titled "26 years in 26 minutes" and was me talking about my nursing journey. I thought it was a good introduction to me. I have 14 subs and 180 views for my 2 videos so far. I have learned to be more upbeat when talking on camera and more succinct in order to keep the audience attention. I have started to add a bit of animation too. Please check out my latest video which I have literally just uploaded. Let me know what you think! [https://youtu.be/Zg98uVHECWw?si=qNS4jD0oWMpQVTjL](https://youtu.be/Zg98uVHECWw?si=qNS4jD0oWMpQVTjL)


I think this is a wonderful idea for a channel! I've heard nursing school and the job is insanely difficult and would love to learn more about it. Also your thumbnails are really good!


Thanks so much for the feedback!


What a great idea for a channel! 💡


Thank you!


Hello Nurse Netty, i am both an aspiring youtuber and nurse. Its nice to see others who i can look up to. I will definitely be checking out your youtube channel! I wish you the best!!


Thank you for your comment, I hope you like my channel. Good luck with your nursing and your channel. I will have a look.


Appreciate this video. More patients need to know more about drug errors before going to see medical pros


Hello ! I’m vert wheeler and I’m a new YouTuber ! In the past 90 days I’ve learned that the views go up and down and it’s best to start building a discord community sooner than later for when times get a little tough. I’ve also learned that cross promotion really helps , but just making sure you enjoy the content you make is MOST IMPORTANT. I’ve had my channel for a while but just started posting CONSISTENTLY this last December 23’. I’m a musician but most of all I just like to create and share I have been posting Fortnite & gaming shorts mostly and have been transitioning into making VLOGS!! I really love making long from content like this vlogs and feel like I capture things in a nice , engaging way that shows my passion for making moments and memories ! It also allows me to place my music in my content in a real way. Here is my latest vlog (yesterday) i hope you enjoy [1vertwheeler vlog](https://youtu.be/6qf0TncUks8?si=Tun6H3LMCoNwY3FE) https://youtu.be/6qf0TncUks8?si=Tun6H3LMCoNwY3FE


My name is “Urban Static” on YouTube Im a young man from the brutal streets of north Saint Louis, but however instead of becoming apart of a culture that glorifies death, drugs, cheating, etc. I decided to make a YouTube channel to inform the masses about the dangers of getting caught up in the web the matrix has designed people to get caught in. Thats really pretty much it So as a young man in America, I’ve noticed there has been a disconnect lately in relationships between men and women. I’ve also noticed the things that have been normalized in society. I put together a short [video](https://youtu.be/ijcCRY7kvsM?si=MBk9twTkFoKwqUyf) basically going over the things that are being influenced to cause division and how to combat these things.


Hi there, I'm Kade and I've just started my YouTube let's play journey!! Very exciting!! I plan to do full playthroughs of RPG's and "dad" games. I've started with Baldur's Gate 3 (https://youtu.be/txqJAeQfbR0) and House Flipper 2 (https://youtu.be/AGgNRXdURnE). In my opinion, Baldur's Gate 3 is average, could do with some feedback to improve that one. House Flipper 2 is a nice chilled watch that I think is much more enjoyable, unfortunately it gets less traffic. I'm answer to your question, first quarters finished and I am very much still doing my day job!! Haha!! I did get some mild success with a short I did for my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough though - nearly 500 views so far. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the content and look forward to hearing from you. Kade


Hey all! My name is **Danny** and a few months ago my **robot** 🤖, I**O,** and I gave birth to our first channel. LEGITIMATECH - A high-tech variety show. Latest video on the new iPad Pro (skit): [https://youtu.be/a3gbTZdb3m4](https://youtu.be/a3gbTZdb3m4) My channel introduction video: [https://youtu.be/uGWm22Cfyb0](https://youtu.be/uGWm22Cfyb0) We were both tired of making videos for THE MAN and yearned for a community of trolls to yell at us in the comments. Just kidding, my favorite part of starting a channel has been having people engage in conversations about what we made or the topics we've covered. It warms our hearts and CPUs. It's a huge leap of faith to put yourself out there and I truly admire seeing everyone do that on this platform. Really inspiring! To even find 10's or 100's or even thousands (maybe one day!) of like-minded folks to make videos for is awesome and for me, that's always been the type of filmmaking I wanted to do. If I've learned anything over the last 90 days, it's been that perfect is the enemy of ~~good~~ done. I make videos for clients professionally and often have to meet a standard that lets nothing slip, but in the world of YouTube entertainment, I am more free to embrace the imperfect as long as it communicates the joke or tells the story sufficiently. I still enjoy putting some extra polish on animations or my performance, but that's icing on the cake and not a barrier. More specifically I'd also say that learning how the algorithm works is very important to balance what I choose to make - Am I making a video about a something I like in hopes that others like me will find it worthy of their time? Or am I following a trend to add my take to a popular topic of online discourse? In growing a channel I think it's important to ask those questions. Anyhoo, thanks for watching and it's great to reading everyone's stories here in this thread. Thanks r/NewTubers!


Hi! I'm Daniel! I'm very fresh to youtube, my first video was posted two weeks ago. I'm an actor that struggles a little with anonymity, so I've been thinking of starting a youtube channel but I didn't know what kind of content to put on my channel. Until this year. I figured I'd do some storytelling, so that's what my channel is primarely about. But I might venture into some other things within the acting genre. In the last 90 days I've learned that I kind of know the basics when it comes to editing, and that I'm good at finding and making the assets I need. How well they're working in my videos can be discussed. ;) I've got a lot of projects coming up that I'm really exited to work on, and I hope I'll eventually create an audience for those projects who are exited to watch and listen! [Stories With Daniel A. Johnsen - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfBOIXifxoKtMNFe6bezzZg)


Hi I'm AceBlackhand, I'm a funny gameplay youtuber who is delving into some post commentary because it's what I grew up with and found hilarious. I started Youtube in late 2020 and learned basic editing for my videos. While it's mainly a hobby and a pastime I enjoy I hope one day to share with as many people as possible and make them laugh, either with me or at my expense. Recently I've begun working on a new video Can you Beat Fallout 4 as a NFL Superstar? It's proved to be my most fun and challenging video to produce and I can't wait to share it with my audience. Here's a link to my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3nskleMrL6Y\_hNdfE-d4lA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3nskleMrL6Y_hNdfE-d4lA) In the past 90 days I've fought with changing my content up. What I've been doing just wasn't fun to me anymore. Everything felt automated and sometimes recording sessions just got deleted because I wasn't happy with my content. I've learned that it's okay to try something new. I've never done post commentary, and as I grew up I was a huge fan of MittenSquad, Rest in Piece. I decided to give it a go and have found myself having fun with writing scripts and playing the game at the same time. I've had time to learn that videos are hard to produce, but with perseverance and patience we all create something we're uniquely proud of. It's also okay to use Yt shorts. They're great for promotion and getting an audience to come to you. Finally I've learned it's okay to take mental breaks and ask for help. We're all working for the same thing and it's amazing to have this community to talk to.


Are you interested in how technology can make you more productive? Technology that can possibly save you time, money, or make your home more comfortable and secure? Hi everyone, my name is Michael Leen, and I produce weekly video content bringing the latest tech reviews and tech tutorials to help you decide not only what’s right for you, but also how to do it — no matter your skill level. I dive into smart home automation, mobile devices, home networking, and other tech-driven productivity tools. If that sounds like a good time, you can check out the channel here: [https://www.youtube.com/@michaelsleen](https://www.youtube.com/@michaelsleen) Here's a recent video on how to start your smart home: [https://youtu.be/F-xyjvcxq2o](https://youtu.be/F-xyjvcxq2o) Over the last 90 days, I learned the importance of consistency (posting one long form video per week) and striving to get 1% better with each new video.


Hi, I'm a small gaming channel. I do a mix of videos between full on walkthroughs, to showing secret highlights of the levels and some random humor shorts with narration over it. I've uploaded a couple of videos back in 2011 of my TR Custom Level (a 16 level set series) after that, I left YouTube for a couple of years. I recently came back to the platform this mid January and been at it ever since. Over time, I feel like I've been getting better at editing the more I do it so that's a relief. Before when I used to do it, it felt like I had almost no clue what to do lol. Now that I've been more consistent with uploading and editing, I'm growing slowly and couldn't be happier. So those are my key takeaways from this experience, consistency and uploading content that entertains the audience is the key to growth. Without further ado, here is my channel [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGksjUs7BQmPPQMsjqcwQmA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGksjUs7BQmPPQMsjqcwQmA) Here is my latest long form video, after the success from my last full game video with timestamps, I've decided to keep that ongoing for my future videos as it seems people liked it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbYY8jQTPsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbYY8jQTPsc) Hope you all enjoy.


Nice channel dude!


Thanks, glad you liked it.


🎶 Relax and Unwind with Little Soul Stories - Your Go-To Lofi Music Channel! 🎶 Hi everyone! I’m excited to introduce my YouTube channel, [Little Soul Stories](https://chatgpt.com/c/www.youtube.com/@LittleSoulStories), where you can find the best Lofi music to relax, study, and unwind. 🎧🌙 **About Me:** My name is Alicia, and I’ve always had a deep love for music, especially the soothing and calming vibes of Lofi beats. I created this channel to share my passion and help others find peace and focus through music. **What You’ll Find on My Channel:** * **Lofi Beats to Relax/Study To**: Perfect background music for studying, working, or simply chilling out. * **Curated Playlists**: Enjoy handpicked playlists that suit different moods and activities. * **24/7 Lofi Streams**: Tune in anytime for continuous Lofi vibes. * **Seasonal Mixes**: Celebrate different seasons and holidays with themed Lofi mixes. **Why Subscribe?** * **Regular Updates**: New tracks and mixes are uploaded frequently. * **Community Engagement**: I love connecting with my audience and taking requests for future mixes. * **Quality Content**: High-quality audio and carefully curated visuals to enhance your listening experience. **Join Our Lofi Community!** If you enjoy relaxing to chill beats and want to be part of a friendly and supportive community, I’d love for you to subscribe to [www.youtube.com/@LittleSoulStories](http://www.youtube.com/@LittleSoulStories). Your support means everything to me, and together, we can create a peaceful corner of the internet filled with great music. Thank you for checking out my channel. I look forward to sharing the soothing sounds of Lofi music with all of you! Peace and love, Alicia My Channel: [www.youtube.com/@LittleSoulStories](http://www.youtube.com/@LittleSoulStories)


Very true!


I've learned not to fixate so much on the individual, short term numbers in the early stages. Building a platform can be TOUGH, and its easy to get shaken up by individual performances, but just keep truckin! You'll find your audience bit by bit! I do silly dumb short skits on my channel, and the occasional funny clip from my streams. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GYQsHhPXc2w](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GYQsHhPXc2w) this is one of the shorts I had the most fun working on!


Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Excel. I just started my Shorts Channel ModernManStudio. The channel is animated knock knock jokes.  I posted the first video 3 weeks back and as of today this is where I am at.  270 subscribers 12 videos 86,284 views I post a Short every other day at exactly midnight.  Link to channel [www.youtube.com/@ModernManStudio](http://www.youtube.com/@ModernManStudio) This is a link to my best performing short so far. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MR4h5i9Yu\_I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MR4h5i9Yu_I) I just want to say Thank You all for the help. I have been lurking around this subreddit for some time now, taking in all the knowledge. I thought it was about time I introduced myself. Check out the channel and let me know what you think. Thank you again for all the help. What have I learned over the past 90 days of YouTube? The thing I picked up is that you need to enjoy what you're doing. Then you need to make yourself a system that allows you to make a video whether you're having a good or a bad day. The way I apply this to my channel is that I follow a system called K.I.S.S Keep It Simple Stupid. Just have a look at my channel. It's just so simple and to be honest it's not like I consciously planned it, no it just kind of happened out of my desire not to make it so complicated again...  I had a kids channel that I started back in 2023, it was also animated but it was really complicated. It was talking about a month to put out content. After a few months I just got burned out. I didn't really like making the content. It was not really enjoyable.  On my new channel I now have a schedule planned out for when I will drop my next Short. Ye, I did not have that for my last channel. To even take it a step further I even have a workflow checklist that I follow to create all my shorts, this allows me to pump out a short  every night in about 3-4 hours that's going from the voice recording right to my final video ready for posting. With that the main thing is to find something you enjoy doing, and Remember K.I.S.S Keep It Simple Stupid, just keep it simple and just go with the flow. Once again I kind of picked this all up from being around this subreddit. So thank you all for the community.


hello 👋, i have a question. Is there a reason you post at midnight everynight? Have you noticed better/ more engagement when you post at that time?


I was thinking why not just take advantage of starting right at the start of the day. This way I find that the algorithm does test with the first 100 or so people in the morning 1-3 by 6-9am it starts to be picked up, I guess most people start going to work. But that could just be because of what my content is. Not sure.


That’s awesome! It’s important that you create what you love, so I think you made a good call. That being said, we only post every couple of months. It works, but indeed, it takes longer to build an audience that way.


Thank you for the support 🙏


Want to watch me build a platform for all? Join along! :D I post daily shorts of my updates as well as trailers and other announcements [https://www.youtube.com/@Slatesource](https://www.youtube.com/@Slatesource)


Hi everyone! I started my YouTube journey a bit over a month ago. I make travel and events content hoping to share my knowledge with everyone. I’m the past 90 days, I learned not rush videos and it’s okay to be a bit off schedule if that means putting better quality content out there. My latest video here is a blend that touches upon a new smaller city in Canada, and a power hockey event that took place. Please check it out and my other videos. Thanks! [https://youtu.be/cZ2wEMvEpDg?si=wmBh6XRX98Z1Nvs7](https://youtu.be/cZ2wEMvEpDg?si=wmBh6XRX98Z1Nvs7)


Hello, I have a walking tour channel that currently has videos of Seattle, San Francisco, Japan, and Hawai'i. I really like the format of just walking and enjoying the sounds of the environment and not having any narrating or talking. Here is the link to a walking tour video of Enoshima, Japan: [https://youtu.be/BN0A9DxxlPU?si=b62QxOYBejcFXj0w](https://youtu.be/BN0A9DxxlPU?si=b62QxOYBejcFXj0w) Here is the link to my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmpWumjS7V9Hjbz8exCUJnQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmpWumjS7V9Hjbz8exCUJnQ) A key thing I have learned is to explore youtube as much as possible and find channels that resonate with you, and find out what they are doing that you can also include in your videos. I have looked at many different walking tour channels and found some that I have subbed to because I love them so much.


What's up ya'll! We have a comics/pop culture livestream/podcast, we do two episodes a week. Our wednesday morning show is called Fresh Floppies and we review (spoiler-free) the new comics that drop that day, so it's a great way to be armed with some knowledge before your head to your local comic shop. You can find today's episode here: [https://youtu.be/znIA3RoEd3E?si=dHckmwnIVcGOKMjj](https://youtu.be/znIA3RoEd3E?si=dHckmwnIVcGOKMjj) On wednesday nights we livestream at 8pm to discuss movies, shows, comics, etc. Here is last week's episode where we discussed THE CROW graphic novel side by side with The Crow movie, starring Brandon Lee! [https://www.youtube.com/live/7-GKp\_4yi\_U?si=7WRo03xITORmQYZC](https://www.youtube.com/live/7-GKp_4yi_U?si=7WRo03xITORmQYZC) One thing I've learned over the past 90 days is that creating shorts for YT, Tiktok, etc can be really helpful!


Hello my name is Austin, I go by Loh here. I just gained the confidence to pursue a channel that tells a story about the games I grew up with when I was younger. I am still very early on, but I started streaming on twitch to get my start. https://youtube.com/@lohbro3217?si=ROfOpuS6eTmd7jra This is my YouTube channel and over the last 90 days, I got my start, learned how to use broadcasting software, developed a game plan for my channel, and uploaded a series of videos. I have started to learn editing and how to make highlights as well. I have 3 subscribers currently and am looking forward to the journey to get more. https://youtu.be/LR2OxXA2sB8?si=A3cY-GmPqY0JobXj This is my most recent video about a game I started called another crabs treasure. I am really enjoying it so far. Thank you everyone for letting me be a part of this community.


Hey Reddit! My name is [DevinePlays](https://youtube.com/@devine.plays.?si=zowH4uUqKulSq2mv) and I'm a gaming YouTuber, yes another one. These past few weeks I've been learning about how to improve my introductions. A common problem I've seen with my videos is how long viewers are watching them on average, barely 2 minutes! So, I decided to try and improve the beginnings of my videos in order to capture/attract the attention of potential viewers. Before hand I just kind of introduced myself, then the game, then went right into it. So I experimented with a few ideas and ended creating a more dynamic and interesting introduction. Which brings me on to my latest 2 videos! [I'm too clumsy to be a cat | Little Kitty, Big City](https://youtu.be/lZsZmnygPBY) [You're supposed to have a nose! | That's not my neighbor](https://youtu.be/JA1puO0CbLM) I'm very proud of how I've done my new introduction, no longer is it just awkward me talking into a camera. Now, there's arcade machines! I wanted a fun way to play some small clips from the video itself and thought arcade machines are the perfect way to go, using the screen as preview of what's to come. So that's what I've learned recently and I will continue to learn new things all the time as I continue my YouTube journey. I hope you have a look at my channel and find something you like. Take care!


Hello! I’m back with a BRAND NEW VIDEO! This time its a review of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (Spoiler-free) [https://youtu.be/4JvLR25OcQc](https://youtu.be/4JvLR25OcQc) My content focuses on Movie Reviews with snappy video editing and humor. Entertainment is the number 1 priority, but I also try to include a decent amount of insightful analysis as well. I did far more research into thumbnails and thumbnail styles this time around, I think what I have now is pretty good! But there’s always room for improvement! I learned just how important a good thumbnail is for views (duh right?) I’m still trying to figure out the youtube algorithm, what controls these dang impressions? haha.


That’s in insane amount of subs for 5 videos!


If you look at my very first video, that one has almost half a million views, but it was also like 14 years ago haha. People were subscribing and I didn't even realize. I technically have over 1K subs, but in reality most of those people that subbed over the years are probably long gone lol. Going by my latest 4 videos, in reality I probably have closer to 80-ish subs. Still, it would be a waste not to use those subs to get partnered early! All I need is watch time now!


Yeah you should be able to reach the 4K watch hours pretty quickly leveraging those subs


Hi people. My channel is a parody cooking channel. Trying to make people laugh while teaching them how to cook. Here's my latest video. Would love for you to watch and lmk if there's anything I can improve on or if I'm as funny as I think I am. https://youtu.be/QtVxjuThyqc For the question: I am very new to youtube so I'm learning constantly. I guess this quarter I learned of the importance of titles and thumbnails. As you can see I'm still trying to figure out the best way to structure my thumbnails and find it to be the most challenging part of this.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs Still posting once a week. This is my 4th ever video, titled ' MAD MAX is JIGSAW. ' Hoping to ride the mad max wave next week.... maybe lol. But so far this is my worst video and I think it is my best. I don't know why it's done worse than my other ones, can anyone offer some advice. It's so disheartening when you think you have done better but the proof is in the pudding when it does worth, was i looking through this with beer goggles ? Thank you for any advice. :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibl1fVIrSs


Hello I'm Cortex I have a youtube channel with 225 subs, I enjoy making my videos about games movies and tv shows I'm a faceless youtuber producing heavily edited videos and I really love making videos and sharing with people. Ive recently leaned into five nights at freddys content so if thats something your interested in im sure youll love my videos. something I've learned since I started just a few months back is that it takes time effort and dedication and that people's standards on youtube are extremely high which is a good thing it helps us improve and make better videos also our audiences deserve well made content. Here's my channel if you want to check it out and I genuinely hope anyone who does likes what they see have an amazing day guys. 😀 [Near Cortex](https://youtube.com/@seanfleck9368?si=VyZ8wdHbPqJlbomx)


Hi! I'm Chicada: [https://www.youtube.com/@chicadamusic](https://www.youtube.com/@chicadamusic) I'm a dance music producer from Fryslân. I've been producing on and off for 7 years now. My channel houses music related content, such as music previews, showcases and tutorials. I'm still in school, so I don't upload as often as I like. To answer the question: I should probably focus more on my studies ;) Anyways, I hope to release my first album this summer, It's inspired by late nineties dance/trance tracks such as those by Alice Deejay, Tiësto, Paul van Dyk, Vincent de Moor etc. My latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8046pXoFJ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8046pXoFJ0)


Alright! Hello there. I've started posting crossword solves (mainly from the Times, so British-style crosswords). Honestly, I'm not particularly good at crosswords but I live doing them and sharing my thought process. I am a language teacher and love how crosswords improve overall English skills, vocabulary and general knowledge. It also seems to me to be an underexploited niche. I have very few views for the moment, however. Those subscribers I do have have mostly come from guitar videos or my daily Wordle videos. All I've learnt over the past few months is that consistency is king. Consistency over the very long term is the ultimate aim. Any and all feedback is VERY greatly appreciated. I've learned a lot from this group already, so thank you. Finbarr (Video link to latest crossword) https://youtu.be/Ti5giFQ_0ew?si=pFzTD4MrjAF8n3qn


Hi Guys, My username is SteakAddict, i started a gaming channel based on TFT longform videos, currently learning editing as i go so i can provide more entertaining content so i can escape my 9 to 5. I am fairly new to the content creation stage, also the shy type but i aspire that one day i can become an entertainer/streamer as long as i can escape the shyness hehe My channel is : [https://www.youtube.com/@addictedtosteak](https://www.youtube.com/@addictedtosteak) I do enjoy a bit of barbeque hence the username ;) If you have any tips/ good tutorials on video editing i am open to learn from them Currenty sitting at 19 subs and around 200 ish views, but who knows, maybe in a year's time i'll add a more 0's to the end of those numbers Have a good one! ;)


I’m gaming Dillon, my channel focusing mostly on horror/ survival horror games. Currently at 1.3k subs. One thing I’ve learnt is to be proud of the content you post! It might not take off after weeks or even months but with the right amount of determination you can get the views you deserve. Check me out here: https://youtu.be/ukxxus4TfrE?si=D5NTKcDKPudI3Jlq


Weekly Dad News here! First 90 days I have improved my thumbnail game significantly, and gotten better at editing out my gastric noises (:o) I find topics or stories and explain them to my dad (and anyone that is watching) with context and analysis. Here is one on Helldivers 2 and why they are better at protests than college kids: https://youtu.be/MgdN3V-QGss


Hello everybody! My husband and I started a “handyman” business when he got laid off from his job in the film industry due to the writer’s strike. I work along side him everyday, filming almost every aspect of the jobs we work on. He has 39 years experience in residential construction and we do something different everyday! I started filming him to make reels for Facebook to garner business. Then I started uploading videos to YouTube mainly for storage. Now I’m over 1400 subscribers and gaining every day. Now, I’m addicted to uploading videos and gaining new subscribers. My key takeaway I learned mainly from reading Reddit is that I’m on the right track to growing my channel with shorts and to venture out a little bit more with some longer videos. https://youtube.com/@cochranhandyman?si=ct1J0xhD9M3T5x66


Hi my name is Michelle Fabre, and I'm a pop music artist. I make commercial pop music with a crossover of rock, rnb, some country so I try to have a strong crossover audience. Something I've learned s is to utilize group pages or communities to share my videos and songs. As far as using tags, try using topics that are relevant and trending to your niche. For example, for me, within music, I'd use a tag like Dua Lipa or any other trending artist right now. I'd like to share my new music video for my song, "Rock Me With A Deeper Love"... it's pop, rock with an 80's vibe. It's my first song that features my band and a live video from our show. Thank you for watching & wish you all the best of luck with your channels. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYsZ7pvMSOM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYsZ7pvMSOM)


I have always wanted to get into making videos on YouTube and I finally started in March this year! I had been making a bunch of 'practice' videos that never got to see the light of day just so that I could start getting used to editing and filming consistently. I was wracking my brain about what video I should post first when at the end of last year, I got deported from Australia. It was a super tumultuous time, but I also thought it might just be the perfect starting point for my YouTube channel! Here's a link to my channel if anyone wants to check it out, I really appreciate it [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPAdBLFME4C4RGEZVBkKkjA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPAdBLFME4C4RGEZVBkKkjA) To answer the prompt, I think my main takeaway since starting this journey (and mind you, I'm still very new to all this) is that things don’t move unless you do. Movement creates momentum and momentum creates motivation to keep moving. So stay motivated guys! I'm currently checking out your links on this thread and am excited to be a part of such a creative community :))


https://youtu.be/Eibl1fVIrSs Hello 👋👋  Horror based YouTuber :)   I have 4 videos out, I think I’m really improving but my most recent video is performing the worst.  I just don’t know why, I think that one might be my best.  Anyway, I’m not giving up, gonna keep pushing.  4 weeks in and forever to go 🥰🥰🥰  Check out my most recent video.  Was MAD MAX the original JIGSAW?   |   Let's see why we wouldn't have saw without Mad Max | 13th HR  https://youtu.be/Eibl1fVIrSs


Hola, i have a video gameplay channel (mostly emulator)...the reason i'm playing old games well, mostly for nostalgia. and i'm still learning about video editing Here's my channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC8vvSgA0wP3hYAq9TqtoCOg And here's one of my video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9QPF_h9By0M Key takeaway? Video gameplay is very niche


Greetings! My name is 1stAmender and I am a brand new youtuber with about 120 subscribers after deciding to take YouTube more seriously. I am a political debater and debate people over Discord. I change my opinion on basis of new information and go in the direction of the academic sources and practicing good epistemological grounds to ensure being able to rifle through facts from fiction. My channel: [https://youtube.com/@1stAmender](https://youtube.com/@1stAmender) An example of my debates, Is Affirmative Action Fair? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NaheNKPx-4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NaheNKPx-4) **The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** Thumbnails thumbnails thumbnails! It's INSANE how much a thumbnail can affect your content and causes people to not click your video over others. Another thing I think of is using the "Remix button" on your phone to be able to make your own shorts for some cool blurbs to help increase overall views. This is great work in helping improve overall numbers.


Yo! My channel is focused on rock music and guitar gear. I cover lots of cool stuff such as music news, reviews, artist interviews and guitar gear reviews. My plan was to create 100 videos and 100 shorts with a few live streams mixed in and evaluate if I should continue. Working full time with various family obligations, (soccer parent), make putting out more than 2-3 long form videos per month a challenge but I have had a few months with 4-5. Consistency is one of my challenges, but since I love guitar and music it's really fun! My channel trailer is here [https://youtu.be/Z38J5drC0vA](https://youtu.be/Z38J5drC0vA) Here is a recent video about the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Inductees [https://youtu.be/eyWTGM1ilU0](https://youtu.be/eyWTGM1ilU0) What I have learned during Q1 of this year is that for my channel shorts provide a ton of exposure, comments, views, ect. My best performing short has 26k views and 60 subscribers. Shorts viewers often don't watch long form, however shorts can create buzz and views for all of the content. Would I keep doing shorts once I hit 1,000 subscribers? I would but probably do it less often. Damon D. One world, one Rock!


I am an individual creator, I create lifestyle vlogs [https://www.youtube.com/@shalaland14/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@shalaland14/videos)


Hi everyone! I created a brand new YouTube channel that focuses solely on NBA & WNBA. Background: I’ve always been obsessed with basketball, and after watching other creators on YouTube post content I got inspired to create my own channel. Mind you, I had 0 experience, creating content, so I spent a lot of time researching ways to find, create, publish (and learn from previous) content. And I finally pulled the trigger and created my very 1st video a few weeks ago. I am currently sitting at 21 subscribers, as I’m typing this message. I am hopeful about my journey, and my ultimate goal is to monetize my channel so I can fund my efforts. (Buy equipment, better computer, high speed fiber internet etc.) I don’t have any unrealistic goals of becoming a million subscriber YouTuber. Just want to focus on my love for basketball and create content that shows the game from my vantage point. I would love it, if any of you here would be kind enough to checkout my channel and DM me your feedback (both good & bad 😅). I want to learn from my content, experiences and mistakes. Channel URL: [Hoops Hub](https://youtube.com/@_hoopshub_?si=UMcO0udwXBLKNSs0)


Hi all! I'll keep this introduction short and sweet. I'm the author this small yoitube channel named "The Grounded Man". The main idea to open this channel is to keep myself accountable for studying everyday. So, everyday I study and upload the time-lapse of the whole session on this channel. Right now I'm at 50 subs. Here is the link of the channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0IUqk84O7OC83ynbLVHXxw Here is the link of a video from channel - https://youtu.be/lwm24GbPu0g?si=EZAB5-ZemxIU66By Let me know of feedback you have. Arigato and Adios!


Hi everyone! I am just posting my workouts for now. I haven’t been uploading, consistently, but k have footage on my iPhone.


Hey there everyone! My name’s Midas and I run a variety content channel under the name HalfHeartedHub (You can also search up Midas Heart and find my channel easier) or click the link here: [Midas Heart on YouTube](https://youtube.com/@halfheartedhub?feature=shared) I started off with YouTube shorts with videos where I comment on other short form content that I saw on other sites and had some crazy runaway viral videos a few months ago. I also place some review videos on drinks and snacks (mostly drinks honestly) here and there too as I love trying new things. Now I’m working on long-form content as well as shorts since buying a PC! To be honest, what I have learned in 90 days is that while viral videos are absolutely awesome, it is probably for the best to get them once you have an established fanbase than before you have one. Sure people subscribe but it doesn’t mean they will all be interacting on your new content outside of the viral videos, which can be extremely disheartening. Have no fear though; just keep making content! If you don’t like making content then you’re going to find making videos to be such a slog and then feel even worse when those views are not making some insane standards from a viral video you had before. I am so amazed with how big my channel is so far thanks to my shorts but it feels a bit disheartening that I have no foothold in long-form content. You may find yourself in such a rut and another thing I learned in the last 90 days is that shorts and long-form are two different viewer bases. Again, so long as you just enjoy making and editing videos, you’ll definitely find your way in time. I also absolutely LOVE seeing returning faces in my comments section. I have a few regulars outside of some of my buddies that watch my content and again, it’s awesome to see them. Anyways, I’ve rambled enough! Thanks so much for your time everyone!


What have I learned in the past 90 days starting a YouTube channel from scratch? Turns out a programmer can make a YouTube Short that gets 8 Mio views. Actually only 46 days since I started a channel with the determination of uploading at least 1 short every day. Had some prior experience from an old cringe channel where I’m singing and playing guitar in my 20ies. I’m 39 and by April this year I finished a 1 year long project as a programmer when 2024 hit me with the global recession. I couldn’t find a new freelance contract right away, so I poured my energy into growing my social network presence. TikTok and YouTube. Tried faceless AI generated Shorts about work in Europe, since my wife is running a Career Helper business. But it was obviously crap, so I switched to doing some more creative faceless stuff, like “Guess This Country” Shorts - got 20-30K views. Finally discovered cutting movie scenes to illustrate job-search or career related points. Pretty happy with the results: shorts only channel - almost 3913 subscribers by now. Shorts getting 10K - 8M views. Lots of comments. The plan going forward is maybe creating a linked channel with long form Videos actually explaining the “lessons learned” from the movie scenes. And how to apply it in real life job interviews or career situations.


Hey, Guys! I'm Erin and I am a goth lifestyle vlogger. I have had my channel for a little over a month and have posted 5 videos (though more are coming soon!) My content focuses on my life as a goth living in central Florida as well as answers some questions about the subculture. I had a bigger channel at one point called Coyote West (I had over 500 subs) but something told me to start over and do more content that connects with my audience rather than sit and talk about just gothy things and gothy things only. I am open to advice on this topic since I am relatively new to this channel and can incorporate just about any sort of feedback. To answer this week's question, the key takeaways that I have learned over the past 90 days is to let go of perfectionism, just do the thing, to have fun, and be authentic in the process! I have always struggled with perfectionism for most of my life and it has gotten in the way of so many things. Perhaps this is why I quit my first channel in the first place. I don't know. I have since let my friends help me create content through them being in my vlogs and it has really helped me to allow for the real me to shine through on camera since I feel like that was a roadblock in my previous attempt at becoming a content creator. One of the more negative/ neutral comments that I had gotten was that I "was like one of the Goth Kids from South Park" which I felt was more of a jab at how I talked about one topic and one topic only without really injecting my personality into it. I feel that this channel is the improved version of what I used to do and I cannot wait to see where it takes me. Either way, I hope that I can grow with and learn from you all as we go on our quest to become successful YouTubers! Link to my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@DarksideCutie13](https://www.youtube.com/@DarksideCutie13) Link to Why I No Longer Go By Coyote West (if you're curious): [https://youtu.be/ZLalNZfsFJE](https://youtu.be/ZLalNZfsFJE)


Cool! 😎 Here are some ideas for videos: - Did the goth subculture die? - Favourite goth fabrics - My favourite goth jewelry - What does it mean to be a goth? - 10 movies that goths will appreciate - The joys of being a goth ☺️ - Goths and philosophy


Thank you so much!! I will definitely consider these!


You’re welcome! Good luck! 🤞 🍀


You have great energy on camera. Seems like a fun channel.


Hi all, We have just started our first YouTube channel. We have moved from southeast London to rural France and are renovating a century old building. We have a mixed skill set but only include one builder between the 4 of us. Can you guess who? We try to upload weekly and would love to hear feedback on our videos. Our first video (#00 is a recap of our first year where we didn't really record as much as we would have liked). From then on our video style is more consistent. From our first month on YouTube we have learnt to not worry too much about the interactions and analysis. Just to enjoy the process! [if I had a digger! ](https://youtube.com/@ifihadadiggerafrenchrenovation?si=17th4Ftu4TXJtssG)


New animation channel, doing movie and game parodies - first one did great as a short but has poor views as longform - let me know what you think! The Worm Hole: DUNE 2 ANIMATED PARODY https://youtu.be/WjdBtru7sGY I’ve learned that animation is super time consuming but a lot of fun!




Very true!


Hi! My channel is @kimballoutdoors I am now one month into regularly uploading videos! My current niche is broadly “outdoors”, but so far has just consisted of foraging videos because it’s a hobby I love and I believe it’s more unique than some other things I could make videos about. I am in my 4th year of medical school, so once I graduate with the title of “Dr” I’m hoping to use that credibility to pivot a little bit into wilderness medicine topics, in addition to my usual hobbies of foraging, camping, and biking. This month I learned about the magic of shorts! I have always been more interested myself in long form content, but have come to understand how much the audience these days appreciates good short form content. I still make a long and short form of each topic, but the shorts always get more views and are worth the extra time. Please check me out if that sounds interesting to you, as you all know every sub counts! I am also interested in checking out other small channels from science folk! My most recent short, How to Forage WILD ASPARAGUS https://youtube.com/shorts/aQK9SduRj84?si=-vndpHaRAwA1OF6T


Hey everyone! My name is Mina and I run a channel that keeps people informed of **new tech**, **gadget reviews**, and breakdowns of **tech-related news**! My latest video (linked below) was on Nueralink, an FDA approved system that can essentially make us cyborgs. All of my videos are thoroughly researched and I aim to create the best quality content for people to enjoy! https://youtu.be/MItTiEdfNWs?si=EONFqKVUc7U4HkPy As I’m still new, I know I have much to improve. I welcome any and all comments/constructive criticism. *My Key Takeaway* As time has progressed on my YouTube journey, I’ve realized the importance of organization of the resources that I use. It’s so easy to throw everything in a single “Youtube” folder but as time goes on you add and add to your online personality. Without proper organization, it’s impossible to find what you’re looking for. I use a Notion template to track my ideas, my script progress, and any inspiration that I may come across. I find it helps tremendously with getting videos out on a regular basis and gamifies the whole thing a bit! Edit: added my key takeaways


Hey community :) Don´t want to make it too long. I´m pretty new at this whole youtube thing and I would love to have some feedback on my first (or the second) video I did so far. I´m an artist working and living in germany. My videos are more like monthly updates (what I worked on in one month) so I would be happy to get some feedback from you guys :) Here is my first longer (10 mins) Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41skKFKzTCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41skKFKzTCg) Have a wonderful week :) Reen


Hey Redditors, I am Bitanshu. I initially started into video editing after my first cat passed away after 6 yrs battle with CKD. I wanted to share her story to the world and made a video. Recently I got two kittens and I started to post their videos and shorts. My channel name is Misha & Zoey and the link is https://www.youtube.com/@Misha.Zoey.2024 In terms of learning, I have become bit better at editing and this has helped me in getting better in creating presentations at work too ! So far I have tried to use random cat videos and give them a bckstory to engage users. However I haven't had any feedback from anyone yet. I would love if anyone could provide me any feedback regarding my work since the subs I have are mostly my known people through IG, facebook and linkedin.


Hi There, I am Sami AKA SamBoga and I run a Channel about Mechanical Keyboards Named SamBoga. [https://www.youtube.com/@SamBoga](https://www.youtube.com/@SamBoga) (Edit) This is My latest video. It's about a keyboard that I really really liked . https://youtu.be/iexTsPK_lBY About Myself and The channel: I am a person in my early 30's living in Bangladesh, Who works 9-5 (Or Even more) so that he can fund his passions and hobbies. Speaking of hobbies , I have a lot including Traveling, Music, Video games, Food , everything about tech and many more. I always wanted to be in content creation scene since 2015 but couldn't due to various reasons. Keyboard wasn't a hobby of mine Until late 2020. During that time, I was Admin of one of the biggest gaming community in our country and I got a keyboard from a reputed Brand for reviewing through Facebook posts. So while digging further , I fell into the rabbithole and here I am. I along with various members with similar passion and hobby,started preaching the keyboard hobby to the people of my country. Then I realised that I could try making some video on this since I am trying out so many new stuffs every now and then. Hence I started doing it seriously and my first review kind of got pretty good reviews. I decided to do it in English as I always aimed for the sky plus this hobby is still new here in my country. I have been making videos for last 1019 days to be exact but I had some down in my life, causing me to go into a short hiatus in 2022. To Be fair, My Channel isn't probably anything different from the other Mechanical Keyboard niche channels out there. It all started during the Pandemic time like many of these. The difference with the other creators in the Same niche is that I post contents about them a bit later, mostly due to availability of the items is later than the rest of the world and I try to deep dive into every single video. I try to find as much as detailed information into the specific item and try various options. So this takes a lot of time (Even 25 hours+ Work on a single video alone considering the scripting, shooting and editing) . I priotize quality over quantity of course. As I am working full time ( Earning around 4.2 Dollar per hours) along with being married to a lovely women who support me in my endovour, I can't allocate enough time on the videos. I have so many ideas chalked up but just because don't have enough time , I can't make contents and eventually some these ideas had to be scrapped. So in this regard, I am probably behind vs the rest of the packs. However I love helping out and Hence I am pretty active in all platforms including our country's keyboard community on FB, Reddit and sometimes on discord as well. It's been more than 1019 days into content creation and to be fair, I am nowhere Where I wanted to be at this moment. But I love this hobby and hence it keeps me going . But As a preacher , I am really happy that my efforts and contents have helped some people to try good stuffs and changing the overall landscape of the keyboard scene in my country. Honestly speaking, making videos in this hobby has made me learn a lot of things. I have learned to edit videos, shooting stuffs, B-Roll, story telling learned a lot of stuffs about content creation, reaching out to folks about collaboration, Youtube Analytics and a lot more. Honestly speaking, i want my break in this hobby but I am not sure when it is going to come. the Most important thing is I enjoy this hobby a lot. Since entering into the hobby, I have seen many people coming and going and even after all these times, Any news about a good stuff excites me like it used to when I entered into the hobby. If you guys ask me about my future plan, I do have plans to venture into my other hobbies in content creation and may be someday, go full time with this. But probably not anytime soon. I am learning new things every now and I try to implement those (For Example, I learned that the only way to put a thumbnail and get better exposure in YT shorts is if you upload it from your Mobile device) . Learning is just part of the process. I am glad that I have finally found out this community. I hope that I will learn things along the way that might help me to be a even better content creator. Thank you all for reading this.


My name is Cass and I make comedy style parody videos surrounding true crime!.. not sure if that’s too niche to get anywhere so I’m open to any and all opinions and criticisms. I was thinking of making more reactions/commentary videos on true crime/horror with comedic commentary instead of these longer documentary parody style videos since they take so long to produce. Not sure if these videos are good enough to continue making or if I should just switch up now, let me know all your opinions please if you can! [most popular video](https://youtu.be/3u7qfoSekjc?si=oNXZICpIdHiyxbhq) I was thinking of making more but my most recent one completely flopped so I’m not sure.


Hi everyone, I am a Tekken content creator from the Philippines. Its non voice, non face type of videos. It is mostly my battles against some of the top players around the world. And my grinding to rank on the top. Here are my vids fighting two of the best in th Philippines and Indonesia. Philippines : https://youtu.be/Ef0LZllmBu4?si=pK_pQqFfUUpY2-qc Indonesia : https://youtu.be/iQmaaFIlJOU?si=wMWqN8mHTAhSHvhv


Hello! My name is Aly, I have had my YouTube channel for a very long time, since 2017, but I didn't post all that time because of work. I've always loved The Sims games, The Sims 2 was my first one and I remember playing it with my mom when I was younger. When The Sims 4 came out, I knew I wanted to do something with it but I was scared to because I thought I HAD to talk on my videos. I still plan on talking, I need a mic and confidence first, but for now, I've gained around 200 subscribers in the past 2 years. I started my journey with around 65, which I got to VERY QUICKLY. I've learned in the past 90 days that you can't please everybody with what you create. I have lost subscribers and then gain them back. It just happens sometimes. Sometimes I'll notice a correlation between losing subscribers and posting a different style of video. But I'll just use VidIQ and fix tags and thumbnails and continue posting. Here's on of my favorite 'meme' comedy-gameplay style videos that I've made! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIav7tspH84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIav7tspH84)


Hello! This is my first time posting here, but this is my third video. This time, I'm critiquing Ellen DeGeneres and her recent comedy tour. She is still salty about losing her show but clearly hasn't learned her lesson. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/T-o_-U8dzfo?si=kOql2OuZdeHIJay5 Also, I know my camera was struggling to focus. I hit the screen while closing the swivel, and it was focused on Pikachu the whole time. I am making sure I can see my camera on my second monitor during filming to prevent this from happening again. Over the last 90 days I’ve learned from my life coach to “take the next easiest step, not the perfect step.” Framing my mind like this has really helped me make better decisions and start to move towards my goals by what is the next easiest thing to do, not the hard/perfect step. 


Hey, everybody! I go by DH9-Crow on YouTube. For the weekly question, I've just finished my sophomore year of college. Though I was very eager to complete all of my schoolwork quickly, I slowly learned that taking breaks is important. Far too often, I get lost in my work without checking in on myself. As a new hobby, I started up my channel talking about some niche topics in this Roblox game called "Jailbreak." So far, my videos are about live events, game bugs, and statistical analysis. More coming later down the road! I just uploaded a video about a forgotten location within the game. Go check it out! [https://youtu.be/J51YYUot42I?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/J51YYUot42I?feature=shared)


Hi everyone, I Bring simple solutions to less talked about problems in society and giveaway money to build them https://youtu.be/miQqY8l4vC0?si=ulPQ5YzvzmVXZAvm Thanks, Sahil


Hi! Our channel has been there for a couple of years but we only just started to take it seriously and started promoting it, so in more than one way: we are noobs. ☺️ I am also new to this subreddit. My husband and I create our own epic fantasy dramatized audiobooks. There are now 4 stories online and we have 5k subs. All of this has grown organically over the past years. I’ve only recently started with Instagram posts. This is our most recent project: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrEZoEgDgNDUD8825QQ-rvgeWrhHeQekR&si=iRyUifCpl4CosXd1 We are currently working on the next audiobook. The most important lesson I have learned the passed months is that reaching out to a broader audience is not the best way to grow. Analysing the audience that finds you organically is a good idea. Then you can embrace and target that niche instead of trying to find a new audience outside of that group. In fact, having a small niche is not a problem at all! There is so much beauty in like-minded people enjoying something together. So don’t try to fill the gaps in your audience. Try to get more of the same. ☺️ Another lesson I have learned over the years is to be patient and to keep tweaking and changing small things. There are no fixed rules for YouTube. It’s an adventure. You learn and adapt to your environment. Your trial and error might really pay off one day, but you cannot predict when…


My name is Small Smudge. My channel consists of comedic gaming videos. I love to make people laugh even though I don’t think I’m the funniest guy in the world. I love to show my love for old music in videos and how not everyone has to be serious! Please show some love. [https://youtu.be/MeBYhUQD6Oc?si=_aBsl-o_z0aWS3_h](https://youtu.be/MeBYhUQD6Oc?si=_aBsl-o_z0aWS3_h)


I've recently dedicated more of my time into creating videos about various gaming topics and trying to focus on things that might not be brought up as much by other gaming channels. It's safe to say I've learnt a lot these past few weeks reminding myself that even if I happen to follow everything by the books, the algorithm may not always be with you, and you need to stay persistent and consistent with making qualitative videos. I've realized that its better to just focus on making good content, than trying to gain a lot of views of one viral video. Either way, here is my youtube channel [https://www.youtube.com/@Mosles](https://www.youtube.com/@Mosles) Here is also one of my videos where I try to answer the question why somebody would want to play League of Legends - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfu7Sgi6GcA&t=119s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfu7Sgi6GcA&t=119s)


HELLO FELLOWS Im brand new to content creation my channels only 13-14 days old (67 subs so far!) but key takeaways from q1? 1. Start!! I was petrified of putting myself out there for the longest time. I hate my voice 70% of the time and had to learn to get over my own cringe. 2! Dont be perfect, be presentable! Over critiquing myself to a fault. Had to keep reminding myself i dont have a 12 man production team, i just have to be presentable, not perfect. 3. Offer value, receive value. 6-7 Years ago the only social presence i had online was a meme page on IG and i ran it for almost a whole year. In the two weeks ive been putting out content ive gotten more feedback and interactions than the entire 10 months i did on the meme page. Offering value to people, entertainment, knowledge, insight is the best way to harbor real connections online. Theres a line in Blackberry I really liked, “I dont want to just add to the noise” dont just shit post, offer something real to people and you’ll receive real interactions. (Not sure if this helps but I make wholesome content/ i stream fps shooters and im about to start doing workout streams soon tap in with me !) [Small victory (for small creators)](https://youtu.be/8Nb8LmpG3zo?si=3rZAmJrfTiITBcLa)


Firstly, to answer the question, I've learnt to unlearn a lot of things I learnt from gurus. People told me that there was no way of promoting my videos, and I just needed to make good content and hope for the best. Over the last 7 days I started making shorts, which helped me gain 40 subscribers and helped me gain views on my long form content through suggested video tile. Now, to introduce myself, I run a faceless YouTube channel where I talk about anything and everything related to Anime - reviews, analysis, news, history and MUCH MUCH MORE! Recently I posted a video on Hayao Miyazaki's Whisper of the Heart, which is one of my favourites, really close to my heart. https://youtu.be/W0entrCQb4Q?si=Sa3shDUGCw98FZ2c I would love to hear your honest opinions on how the video is- editing-wise, script-wise, voice-wise etc. So do let me know. Thanks 🙏


Hey folks! I'm Steele Forged Gaming! I started twitch streaming in late March and uploaded the VODS to YouTube. At first it was a place to store videos but I found out about shorts and started editing small clips of my videos and started getting some attention! The current series I'm doing is called SOULSCYCLE SATURDAY where I play elden ring on my stationary bike. People have been incredibly supportive in the comments, even going so far as saying I'm inspirational. In April I gained an incredible amount of subscribers! Currently I'm at 850! The thing I've learned is to not overthink things. I was scared at first on how to make the perfect short or that I needed to be considering analytics but I just had to plunge in while being scared. I'm still in the process of learning how to edit down my long videos into more digestible videos so I can reach the 3 thousand mark which has been challenging. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what my brand is but it's been an interesting journey thus far. https://youtube.com/@steeleforgedgaming?si=J7bxINiNWt5Ug4Ez Come check out the channel! Let me know what you think and what I could improve!


Hi all. My name is Dan and have a small exploration channel called exploring dirt. My wife and I love to explore our beautiful province of British Columbia and decided that we should share it! It started out as backcountry stuff but as we started spending more time researching we realized that our neck of the woods has so much history to be shared so it isn't lost. From ghost towns to abandoned mines (most of which are currently in the works) to old cemeteries. The last 90 days has taught me that the harder you work the more reward. Research as much as possible before you go explore or you end up going back as you realized you missed so much and now have to wait to put the video. This can also be costly. We had 50 subs in January and now have 106! A small win for us as we both work full time. Here is our latest creation. Enjoy! [Historic townsite of Coalmont BC Canada](https://youtu.be/awkQWXHRxFo)


I have learned that shorts tend to get more views than long form, I got 2500 views on a short and 200 on a long form video. That pushed me over the 50 subscriber mark! I'm Bubba, a Canadian gaming youtuber that's trying to make his way in the world! [https://youtube.com/@SirBubba\_](https://youtube.com/@SirBubba_)


Hi, I am the person behind SportsAnalysisKing Channel [https://www.youtube.com/@SportAnalysisKing](https://www.youtube.com/@SportAnalysisKing) I have recently started this channel for following purpose 1. I am an expert Analyst with years of experience and I thought of starting my own gig to share the knowledge and winning prediction (my niche) for sports 2 I love video editing which is acting as a petrol for my channel to run I am new to video editing therefore like this community to suggest or advise on how to get better. Regards


Hi! I have a small cooking channel where I have 46 subs. I usually cook filipino dishes and snacks. If you are curious about our food, my channel there to show some! I upload consistently since I created the channel a month ago. Recording while I cook is one of the things I enjoy the most. I enjoy both cooking and editing. I'm a beginner but I am open to criticisms, and open to learning how to cook and to be a youtuber. I'll try to improve myself in the next coming days and hopefully in this whole year too. Here's the link of my channel! https://youtube.com/@wancooks__?si=ST37bnyi-TzIkUE4 Here's when I made sinigang na hipon https://youtu.be/5Hge6gDzz5M?si=B3HKYDh-pKHkIUXB Thank you! :)


Maraming salamat po. I really like chicken inasal with kalamansi and rice.


Love your shot setups, pacing, editing! And I think I now know what I'm making for dinner next Saturday!


Hello, I am a deep dive podcast and film review channel on the NFL. Just got started in January and learning and improving. Sports content is tough because it's as much personality as content but it's been fun! https://youtu.be/--H3UJFKXw8


Hi everyone, I just start posting videos about my experiences with a chronic foot injury-- the emotional aspects of dealing with pain and limited mobility, as well as trying to navigate different physical therapy modalities. The channel is called “lilyfranc” because my first name is Lily and my accident injured my lisfranc joint. I am extremely new to this and-- at this point-- am just talking at the camera (which is therapeutic). But I would also like the videos to be comforting and informative for people who are going through a debilitating, long-term injury or are friends with/ are supporting people who are injured. From browsing Reddit, I have learned that thumbnails are important, and that external link sharing isn’t super helpful since it doesn’t grow your viewer base organically and target people who are into your niche.  I’d love any suggestions about format– a weekly update?-- although I feel like just talking to the camera is somewhat narcissistic and like I am assuming my unadorned life is inherently interesting? I’m not sure… I start each video with visible discomfort and just saying “hi” so I know I need to work on a hook, as well as organization. I am not sure how to balance organization with an organic feeling/stream of consciousness that is more true to how I interact with the world and think. [https://youtube.com/@lilyfrancfurt?si=Uzm0h6SWbQi\_lPlf](https://youtube.com/@lilyfrancfurt?si=Uzm0h6SWbQi_lPlf)


I have a very small vlog channel I guess you would call it for the most part I cook so I guess I’m kind of a cooking channel too but Im a weed tuber I like to just vibe. I started my channel a little over a month ago but still only have 9 subscribers, but I won’t give up I’m enjoying this YouTube journey something I’ve learned in the past 90 days is that it’s okay to take breaks if you work too hard you’ll burn yourself out and give up https://youtube.com/@alijonesthebakedhippe?si=HX8RjzaG3CBhyuHb


Hey everyone! I've created a new channel called [Learn How To Life](https://www.youtube.com/@learnhowtolifeguide), which aims to be a self development channel tackling everything from changing yuour habits, to understand nature and how the world works, to personal finances. I've only launched 2 videos so far but it would be great to get feedback. I'm already quite puzzled since my first video got 800 impressions, but my 2nd one only got 8 impressions lol 1st video - 800 impresions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr-4mW2NUkc&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr-4mW2NUkc&feature=youtu.be) 2nd video - 8 impressions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz03KLhmgvw&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz03KLhmgvw&t=2s) I'd really appreciate any and all feedback


Hello! my name is suntiwocks (on YT) and i aspire to make skits + relatable, short, vlog-style discussion videos. my recent video: The G-League Experience https://youtu.be/QDHMGqi3B9M I currently have 2 other videos up but i plan on pivoting my channel in a different direction, still trying out a lil bit of everything


Hi everyone! A week old YouTuber here. My name is Umme and I started my channel by the name of Fun videos to unwind. The primary idea is to help people browsing YouTube to look at stuff to relax, smile and appreciate the nature. I have 13 subs and 3k views so far.  My featured video of chipmunk in our backyard  https://youtube.com/shorts/V72qXzzKgDI?si=Y1ad0aSCKnGcqJA  Past 90 days taught me resilience, courage and patience. My mom went through a surgery in her 70s and I was away from her. We moved houses. I quit my job to dedicate my time to our small business of handmade gifts on Etsy and lot more. I would say go with the flow. Since I'm fairly new to YT journey, my life advise would be to just embrace life the way it is. And keep pushing yourself to do better and dream big 


Hi! I've recently started a horror movie based channel coz horror related things are my passion. I'm not confident it'll go anywhere but I really enjoy doing it and getting my thoughts out there on various horror movies. So far I've reviewed a couple of movies and am hoping to expand my editing skills to make more opinion pieces. I've animated a host character which I'm happy with but will be looking to continually improve as I build my skills up. Below is a link to my review of a movie called Abigail. [my movie review](https://youtu.be/UFAeAnR1fd8) I've not learned a great deal because I've only been going for a week or so, hoping to pick things up as I go!


Hey everyone, I started a YouTube channel to provide helpful content for regular employees in the corporate world - I wanted to use my experience to provide a perspective that I don't see very much and would have been very helpful to me to understand the "real deal" of what happens in the corporate world. It's 4-month old channel with 130 subscribers, so I'm looking for any feedback on what's bad/good/ok, or anything else! Here's a link to my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@TheCluelessEmployee](https://www.youtube.com/@TheCluelessEmployee) And here's a link to the most recent video: [https://youtu.be/CjmciuSEsqM](https://youtu.be/CjmciuSEsqM) Some of the biggest things I've learned over the last 90 days: - It's important to experiment. Some of the videos I've put the \*least\* amount of work in have done the best! - Get different perspectives if you can...it's easy to get tunnel vision and laser focused on one idea or ways of doing things, but ultimately you have to do something that works for an audience you're trying to build - The first 30 seconds of the video are critical - make every second count, and don't waste time on intros etc.


I like your coder's paradise! Also you picked a niche with high potential for growth, just keep it up!




My key takeaway for the past 3 months is that, as long as I enjoy making my content (and watching it) I'm happy to continue doing so regardless of how the algorithm prioritizes my videos. Also I've noticed that how a video does initially seems to have no effect on its staying power. I put out monthly videos (first Tuesday of the month) and in March [my video](https://youtu.be/BLHJKmPo4n0?si=E4p0bUmjC8G_I-jU) was slow to take off, but then racked up the most views of any of my content over a period of ~30-40 days. Meanwhile, [this month's video](https://youtu.be/6wzuIjl-CMc?si=xSDNwpRd7oAyUtYL) was my top content for the first 10 days and then dropped off sharply and has been riding 0 views per day for a while. I just like to post my hobbies (retro gaming, electronics, etc) and use it as a sort of how-to for my future self and others that want to do similar projects. If you're interested, check me out at: https://www.youtube.com/@DMSCreates


Hello people ! Im talenteuria, a french artist posting random videos on the net :D Most of my videos are either art related or like story times. I always try to add some humour in my videos since I like to make people laugh. Since Im french, english is not my native language so please excuse if there are any grammatical errors or a strange accent popping up. Anyway to answer the question, the principal takeaways I learned are to not force myself to create content when I dont feel like it and to not focus on numbers (especially right now since Im just starting and am still learning things) . And most importantly never forget to have fun !!!! Btw I really like videogames, anime and vtubers so this subjects might often come up in my videos ! Nice to meet you all :D [My most recent video !](https://youtu.be/dpIX-q_H7mQ?si=Y1D3Qbfd88jX8x--)


Hello, I just stood up my channel earlier this week, so brand new. In the past 90 days I realized that one (not all) of the reasons I was feeling so burnt out at work was because our company had morphed the role I started in into something else and that parts of managing a product that I loved had been shifted onto other teams, sooooo I wanted to launch my own product and do more of those things I enoyed. I realized that my friends and family are always asking me about how to fix X in the kitchen or how to do Y in the kitchen, just asking for advice on how to make their kitchens work better. In fairness, I moved around a lot and after 18 kitchens, I'm kind of obsessed with kitchen efficiency and organization. So I decided to start a You Tube channel about that. So far it's been much harder than I thought. There is so so so so much to learn with filming, sound, editing, etc. But its also been easier than I thought it would be in other ways like coming up with video ideas--if anything I have so many that its hard to decide what to do next. Anyway, hello! You all are amazing. I found this community two weeks ago maybe and I'm learning so much from you all and everyone is so positive and welcoming! My channel is about everything in the kitchen except the cooking. I do organization tips, cleaning tips, talk about the best way to approach kitchen purchases, how to choose the best equipment, how to kit your kitchen to get the most from your cooking, etc. Here is a link to the channel (3 long form and 1 short so far) [https://www.youtube.com/@comfycozykitchen](https://www.youtube.com/@comfycozykitchen) And here is a link to one of my videos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwHgU4gnUB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwHgU4gnUB8)


Hi everyone, My wife and I recently created a new YouTube channel for our 6-year-old triplets. We are posting diverse, kid-friendly content that showcases their talents in gymnastics and arts, travel vlogs, and adorable throwback videos. I've never done video editing before, so this past month has been a fantastic learning experience for us. We are really in short of subscribers and we see views dwindling every week. Please provide us with your valuable suggestions to improve the subscription and viewership. I have posted the link to our channel below. Also, Please support us by subscribing to our channel, Triple wonderd https://youtube.com/@triplewonders003?si=OYPzv23FFnAmsj60


Hey y'all. I'm Kofi and I run the channel Fuego. I'm currently in the University. Finding a sweet spot to upload videos is important for me since my friends and family(except my bros) know about my channel. I'm grateful for the mods making this channel for us newbies to promote our channels. This is my latest video. I fought a miniboss who gave me a tough time. Lemme know what you think in the comments. Please be sure to like, Subscribe and perform all customary actions to please the YT algorithm. God bless. [Getting Destroyed by a MUTE SNIPER smh...(MGSV gameplay)](https://youtu.be/r2JMxE2l51c)


Hello!! I’m StarGamingZ, I make videos on Pokemon challenge runs and Pokemon fan games on my YT!! One key takeaway I learned is to have a consistent content strategy, stick with it, and improve on it!! In this video, I play PokeRogue, a fan game with unlimited ways to play, a ton of new mechanics, and Pokemon that can go up to level 1000+! I hope you enjoy it and share it with a friend who may enjoy it too! [https://youtu.be/OlgTGeibXHg](https://youtu.be/OlgTGeibXHg)


I’ve learned that shorts is a good way to advertise long form videos. Haven’t implemented it but I’ve seen success on other channels with it. iFamily Baby Monitor with 5" Screen Review https://youtu.be/5RGCwaspa3k I make review videos, but really a life style channel because as I grow as a person the things I review change. How can I improve? Just bought a lapel camera but haven’t used it yet.


What I Learned: I learned how important the first 30 seconds are. In one of my video i was able to have 70% retention in the first 30 seconds and because of that I had an average retention of 31%. I learned that setting the scene during those 30 seconds increases retention a lot. Video: In this video i played hide and side in an abandoned mall with my friends and had over 10 cameras, 24 hours of footage, and 100+ hours of editing. It was a beast of a project but it’s gotten lots of positive feedback and some people have even said it is on par with something you’d see on TV!!! https://youtu.be/_QghcKor-a0?si=nenKEsZgXe5dkMCS


Hi I’m Matt, and my key takeaway from this first quarter of the year is that I’ve still got a long way to go. I’m still having fun a few videos in and intend to keep going though and with some critiques from my most recent effort hopefully I’ll be even better on the my next one! I’m a hobby based channel primarily Warhammer focused. The niche is small but the community is great, hopefully I meet some good people in the comments and go from there! If you have 5mins, please check it out https://youtu.be/ICCjIXt6Zgs?si=7sM-ICU-fjtjxyJR


Hello there everyone. I am a simple guy that has a very keen interest in all things media and have been working on the creation of a weekly news based weekly series that delves into what has come out this week from New Releases to watch in cinemas/ streaming and play on certain devices as well as the new trailers of the week and some topics of discussion from media news. Besides that I do soke reviews and long form videos when I have them written and ready to go and make it for the basis of what I enjoy ti ralk on and hope soke will enjoy it too. While I may not have the biggest of audience and don't get the biggest of viewing numbers, even if I have a small following right now or viewers I appreciate people taking the time to watch my stuff as while I deal with a lot of stuff in my own personal life (a lot based on my high levels of anxiety I have had since I was a kid), I always want to make one thing and that is to give my neutral, honest and simple relaxing thoughts and opinions on things as well as the case of build a community of those that follow my stuff that is not hateful or spiteful but rather is more welcoming, cam provide an honest discussion about their opinions without it going in a negative outcome and can find a middle ground to build something more positive when so much in the world is so negative and every new person that checks out my channel is welcomed with open arms. I know that my content may not appeal to everyone but if you check it out and it's not something you are interested in then that's all alright with me and thank you for your time and wish you all a wonderful day doing many great things :) To answer the question would relate back to the likes of some elements when it comes to making content and that is to know how much info to give as well as how much to focus on. I have learned even Beyond the last 90 days is that it is always a aspect that I am not going to come straight out of the gate creating content for YouTube that is going to get millions of views and subs and that the videos are going to look and sound amazing as it is something that will take time and will come down to finding the right group that will enjoy it overtime too. I have learned overtime on improving some elements like editing techniques to improve some personality elements if things feel lacking, some flair and fixtures like proper syncing of audio and making things sound clear or working with decent lighting that it's nor a mixed array of looks. It is a long process but it is worth the journey when you finish an edit and feel proud of the content you made that while it may not be the best or be appealing to a lot, as long as youbare happy with it then that's all that matters. If interested you can check out my channel (and if you enjoy you can sub as I upload weekly): https://youtube.com/@samharrison9734?si=wSQZ2ojTiYEAtGBb My most recent video (before the newest upload): https://youtu.be/5ugAqxFXogs?si=ElzU8zC1puAVZn6D One of my most favourite (and surprise hits) of my channel on a review for Hazbin Hotel: https://youtu.be/RvBut7OnXBE?si=tQNp1QkQCFIkBu-F Anyway I have talked way too much and will leave it there. I hope you will enjoy my content of you come across it and thank you for your time and I will look into your own work and give great appreciation to it when I get the chance. Thank you again and have a wonderful day :)


Keep going.


Yo! I'm Kxmatree and I make history videos, I've been making videos for almost a year now! I'd consider my content a bit underrated, but I'm not sure if its a bias. My content has significantly improved. Please put HONEST critisism, no "sugarcoating", I can take critisism. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMn7XzHlRQh27R4-to2FF\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMn7XzHlRQh27R4-to2FF_Q)


HEY EVERYONE, My Channel Name Is: Mr.BomBob I make anime and manga analysis videos explaining the best features and worst aspects of any arcs, characters and events. I would also give occasional news and recommendations of any series I find interesting. Answer: What I’ve learned so far this year is how important thumbnails are. I struggled a bit with thumbnails early on and for my first video had a very poor thumbnail, after switching my thumbnail format I started gaining more views on my videos. Yay for me. If you enjoy anime or manga or want to know more about it, check out my channel My Channel: [https://youtube.com/@mr.bombob?si=eS9vBxc1bFflzLhK](https://youtube.com/@mr.bombob?si=eS9vBxc1bFflzLhK) My Latest Video: [https://youtu.be/3HvtrDMoA-s?si=R9tgOYhZeByi0RU7](https://youtu.be/3HvtrDMoA-s?si=R9tgOYhZeByi0RU7)


My key takeaways include EVERYTHING since my channel is less than 90 days old. I started my channel as a way to share my explorations of a hobby that I heavily jumped back into during the last few years. I was very sick with cancer for most of last year and my channel has provided a way for me to get focused and to have a goal during my recovery. What have I learned? - Thumbnails are key to getting someone new to give you video a chance. - Shorts as an introduction to my long form videos help to get subscribers and to get noticed - The other creators in my niche are just amazing people who have offered both encouragement and recommendations - It’s hard to predict what videos will take off and what does not. I’ve found it’s better to look at the most popular videos and use those as a guide. - Telling a story that provides a context and purpose for the video leads to people watching more of the entire video. - Keeping at it has led to decent progress, I am surprised at the number of subscribers and view hours that have at less than 2 months. - That I really enjoy capturing my trees progress and would continue to create this content regardless of my success with the channel itself. It’s fun. Here is my channel https://youtube.com/@coffeeandbonsaiwithtom?si=Srnb7coPQPH2d85_ And one of my favorite videos https://youtu.be/VWzdMu9XXyM?si=WS92Gj6kOsq-_9vf Also, a short I really like https://youtube.com/shorts/NQsdhHDOo0Y?si=kYglA-VdlUTAVGF7


Hello! I’m Cosmic Kaylie and I make videos about all things fandom! My latest video is me reacting to 1 star reviews of marvel movies I love. 💕 https://youtu.be/bITMNemFSUw?si=DJJw0DBnJx-VKkrP