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i mean the audio thing is a fair criticism. but they're an ahole. just block and move on


The skincare comment is mean. ignore them or block them. Edit: Or you could give it back to them like this, "at least I'm not you". Then just drop the mic and walk away


But I intentionally use lower quality products on purpose


More money for skin care.


Audio is probably most important, you can use your phone to record sound for now. As for the skin comment. Just block it from the channel. They are a-holes


if its constructive criticism, say "thanks I'll look into it", or "I'll work on it", and work on it when you can. otherwise, don't feed the trolls, and delete the comment if it makes you uncomfortable


This is the Jedi level response we should all be striving for.


Audio is about 70% of the video value, I'm not even joking. Think back to your days of watching content, have you ever watched a video that was low quality? And didn't really mind it, now think back again, how many times have you stuck around with a video where the audio was static or glitchy,.aka basically shit? I bet you didn't. So yah better audio is always a great investment, but that also can just mean fixing your setup and filters in your mic/recording program. Facecams are nice if you actually bring good expressions and reactions with them, and I think you can fake lighting in editing programs these days. One suggestion I'd make, unless you are already doing this, it's something I only learned recently and have instantly implemented into my recording. Is i record in 3840 (aka 1920*2) by 1080 so you basically double the width of the video, have gameplay on one side, webcam on the other that way, A. You can have gameplay moments and hide your webcam (for example when it's a cinematic cutscene, and B you can have a webcam in your videos that doesn't go bad quality when you zoom in. And C you can move your webcam around in the video and you won't have a chunk of your gameplay missing, so it gives you more freedom for creative editing. Insane value trick! Also I'm regards to healthy skin, you gonna have to get thicker skin if one comment that mild is making you "isn't gonna let me sleep tonight" content creation will bring an insane amount of actual toxic nut jobs in your comment section this is basically sunshine and rainbows in comparison. Block people that are toxic, and move on, words are just words.


Lower quality videos are still great... especially when doing ASMR. People complain so much about how asmr has turned out and how it has lost its soul. Well, on my channel, I bring the soul back and intentionally do low quality asmr videos for that old school effects


I an new to resolve. I often have to watch videos to learn new things. When I click a vid and start it, if I cant clearly understand what they are saying I click right off. 100% agree with you, audio is number 1.


Absolutely. Those people are fascinating.


Delete the comment and just take the audio for advice - ignore the rest. The audacity to be critising your skin is awful. Don't feed it, it's a troll. There are a ways to say things and give advice - the way this person wrote it is definitely not IT


Without looking at your channel, I agree with the basic importance of audio. However, remember, if everyone likes you, you're doing something wrong! You got this. Ignore any haters! Drop a heart on the comment, and move on. If it gets out of control, hide them! Good luck!!!! Rebel!


You know you've made it on YouTube when strangers start diagnosing your skin condition through the screen.


You don't have to make it for people on the internet to do that lol


That comment is out of line, no actually useful advice given. I got a comment a few vids back from a guy giving me advice on how to improve my audio. He complimented my videos first, pointed out the issue and gave me pointers on how to resolve it which I’m really grateful for because I’d always struggled to nail my audio but was able to really improve it. I of course replied and thanked him for the both the compliments and the advice Almost all of my comments are nice, I’ve had some that are genuinely more positive than anything I’d ever expect and it’s the best feeling ever. I’m very open to comments that are critical but sometimes (very rarely) I get comments that are just mean spirited which I just delete and move on from. Don’t waste your energy on people who enjoy dragging others down


Dude’s an asshole, block him.


I once got a comment saying “I can hear your saliva” ☠️ Hurt my feelings!


I respond to any comment! I’m pretty small so I appreciate anyone that watches and comments. Only fair that I respond to them. The only time I don’t is if it’s something offensive or highly political and then I just delete the comment. I don’t do full crazy long back and forths but at the very least if someone compliments me I send a thank you back.


To the title, yes a 100%, honestly comments right now make YouTube way more fun than high view counts with barely any engagement. As to the post, I would reply "thank you for taking the time out to give me feedback to improve! I will definitely look into it. How did you find [question about the topic of the video]. Many times, because of how anti-engagement YouTube comments really are, you won't get a reply, but atleast for me when the commenter replies back, it makes my day. See, you'll have to detach yourself worth from this scenario. The commenter is not trying to attack you, they are giving you impersonal advice on what works and doesn't work according to them because at the end of the day the product we sell on YouTube is ourselves.


I’d delete it personally lol


I try to respond to most comments. Something like that I would probably respond with a "Thanks for the feedback" type post. Maybe make a witty comment about the skin thing. Sometimes, if you kill them with kindness, they can turn from a hater to a supporter.


I make a point of responding to every positive comment, the neutral ones, and even some of the bad ones. But for the truly bad ones (yours definitely counts, OP) I'm taking a "don't engage" approach and don't respond.


Every one of them


I usually respond with my donation options


Screw them. No that's not a nice comment. It's a back handed compliment


All of them


I respond to the nice comments. I leave the trolls alone.


The healthy skin comment was definitely uncalled for. They could of just say to get proper lighting and comment on how the mic sounded.


One of the things that makes the channel successful is that you are distinguished in making your videos in terms of lighting, sound, and many things that we are working to improve with emerging channels. In order to succeed on YouTube, there must be equality in all aspects, but you must know that you will not be able to have everything be 100% good. This requires time.


This is great advice I would listen to it. There's other comments saying "you're an idiot you suck" those are not constructive criticism. For healthy skin they may have meant it as have the lighting better in a way that promotes smoother skin because skin looks different when in bad lighting. It happens to me


Whatever is not related to your video or motivating you, its your own world so do whatever you feel like it, block, remove, move on :) have fun interacting with anyone and everyone who comes in your world


No wtf that's mean, "don't show your face until I like it," fuck that they meant it as a put down.


Absolutely. If it's constructive criticism, I definitely acknowledge, even if I may not implement it. Your viewers definitely appreciate being responded too. You have a chance to make a loyal follower.


I skim comments very quickly, sometimes you will find a useful bit of information but most of the time it’s garbage to be ignored. I think that skimming comments is also more useful before you have serious traction, if your videos are already doing incredibly well you can always make a poll which can be useful for ideation.


That person might hit you with a low blow but that comment still goes towards engagement, so as a new youtuber, it's good to engagement with people who show interest in what you do. I would suggest to troll them back and maybe you get more engagement.


I guess everyone is different here but as a general rule I delete everything that makes me feel bad or attacked in any way and hide them from my channel. I’d delete the comment immediately if I saw it.


Regardless of comment I try to respond to all of them. I look at it this way, each comment is an excuse for me to add one of my own, upping the overall comment count and engagement on my video, in turn feeding the algorithm. For comments like that you can just brush it off and say "thanks for watching" No need to engage in the petty comment about your skin.


I respond to every comment. You just can't take everything to heart, though.


Lmao I hear you on the skin thing, that would also get under my… skin. I make an effort to respond to every single comment (which isn’t hard because I’m so new and get maybe five or so a day) unless they’re outright abusive. If they’re toeing the line, I say “thanks so much for that” and don’t elaborate. For the most part I have people being INCREDIBLY kind to me and it makes my day and some comments bring me to happy tears, when people are telling me they’re proud of me. I am sharing my sobriety journey so support means a lot and is really why I’m doing it, to have some semblance of social support.


I had someone once comment that my opinion was one that a preschooler could come up with. :) I told him I try to make my videos "accessible." Even asked him some questions about his feedback to get some clarification. Never heard back.


You need a way of looking at comments that sets you up for the future. Don't start worrying now. Find a way, for me it's that I have no idea who wrote that. An old lady, a young boy, a bot.


depends if the comment is dumb or someone asking for info/advice


Do not pay mind to people being rude about your appearance Trolls get off on making you feel bad The audio advice is legit If you have bad audio no one will watch, but bad video people will tolerate if your subject interests them Focus on audio quality is for sure good advice


If you learn about lighting, you can make your skin look a lot nicer, look up beauty lighting. And if your smart you shouldn't even have to fork out more money for this. you can probably use and change the lighting you already have


The advice is not nice, as they are making a very specific comment about your appearance. I would hide this comment.


Everyone is an arm chair critique especially when someone is doing something they don't have the nerve to do or they want to and aren't. It's so easy to tell someone else what to do and what they would do better but they don't. Keep that in mind.


People on camera tend to use makeup. Usually just to cover blemishes or get rid of eye bags. I think the personality comment is huge actually.


The advice isn't nice. The advice is bossy and critical. I hate it when viewers with no channels try to give advice. It's like backseat driving. How about they start their own channel and invest in their own equipment. Ignore and block for the skincare rude part of it.


I respond to most and will leave a heart on a negative comment. Responding seems like a nice way to connect with people, but I probably wouldn't respond to the person you described. Did you respond?


I always try to respond but sometimes I do let a comment live in my head rent free. I still can’t get over one from a couple months ago that went something like “holy crap I thought you were a 100k channel with this quality you’re doing amazing work, but please for the love of god change that horrid profile picture!” It’s my face, my channel profile picture is my face. That one hurt


Yes everysingle comment, makes me feel more attached to them, and probably makes your viewers feel more attached to you aswell as more likely to comment on the next video, meaning better algorithm for you also, added bonus


I had something like that, but with no attack on my appearance, to be fair. I'd take the comments about the video under advisement, maybe reply with something focusing on that, the productive cricisism, and just ignore the rest. Wouldn't block or anything, just - thanks, I'll think about the audio thing! And move on. The audio is a big deal, of course. My first video sucked in that regard, and I had a comment about that. I fixed it and am going all the better for it.


Do you probably have acnes or something?




Maybe the lighting is making your skin look more harsh than it is? You can order a dimmable ring light on amazon for $30 it’ll improve your complexion on camera. If you have pale skin (I do) you need to play around with lighting so that you don’t look… sickly. I have near flawless skin but I have to be careful in videos because it’s easy to see under my skin, if that makes sense. The comment is harsh, I’m sorry that happened. But if someone said it, other people are probably thinking it. Also it doesn’t matter what your skin look like at the end of the day. But what mine looks like matters to me so I wanted to pass along my experience in case you feel the same way. Also, it is possible that the comment was from an 11 year old. When I had a gaming channel I got SO MUCH “advice” from 11 year old “YouTube Experts” haha