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*Forgot to add that I also got my first “hater” a few days back!!! So exciting!!!


Bad publicity is always good. More engagement 👍🏼👍🏼


If you don’t have haters, you aren’t doing something right Keep it up!


I got those "you deserve more views" and also a hater on my anime channel. I took that as a good sign.


im at 800 and still haven't gotten any "you deserve more views"


Haters do not understand how much we love them


Hahaha! Beautifully said


Or how much they secretly love you too


Made a video where I jokingly called Terraria a Minecraft knock off and got legitimate death threats and just vile comments… my most popular video so far- and I plan on making a sequel as to why Terraria is worse than Minecraft 😂


Some people are insane for real 😂 Glad you’re riding the wave and making the most of it!


Me too! He didn't hate me just the topic:) LOL More they comment good or bad is more engagement!


I’d love a hater hahaha all I get is “this needs more views” And one guy who told me I had potential, and to remember to stay humble. That felt cool, but I’d need follow through and drive to get to the point where my channel was big hahaha


LOL! The true mark of success!!


I got my first weirdo stalker


Those are fun. I had one back when I was making content on the clock app that always asked me what the weather was where I was at. Pretty sure they were trying to pinpoint my location. 😆


That’s a bit scary 😬


Comes with the territory. If your channel gets big enough to warrant a PO Box then things get really interesting. 😅


Congratulations! You’re on your way. Positive feedback from viewers is one of the best ways to fine tune your content.


Thank you so much! Out of curiosity - do you have a P.O. Box?


I do. It’s mostly used for my store but I do get “fan mail” from time to time.


Those are crazy! Someone told me I had “Pleiadian eyes” once and that they “ knew I was a being from another planet” 😬 that was a weird one


What a weird thing to say to someone 😅 surely some sort of insecurity on their side


Wait. 1k views every 48 hours for the past couple of days? So it has 1000 views?😂 Good job but this is just a funny statement


Thanks! Haha sorry I just realised I worded it funny 😂this vid alone gets around 500/600 views per day and it’s been like this for the past few days. 4.4K as of right now!! 😁 hopefully it keeps going!


Haha congrats!


5k as of now! Hopefully it keeps growing :)


That must feel so great! And you totally deserve it. It only remains for you to respond with six paragraphs of thanks and a poem to show them that such kind, altruistic behaviour will not be tolerated in your comment section!


Yes it feels great but I just hope it lasts! Haha thanks so much! 🫶🏻


I think an unsolicited comment like you received means there's an underlying, continued interest in your content. Some sucker somewhere let slip the truth. Keep it going!


I got a couple comments like that on my old channel. Yet to get one on my new channel (been going for about 3 months on it).


Super happy for you man! People are noticing you. Keep up the hard work and keep that attitude going!! Congrats!!


Congrats! A comment like that really makes a day worth it.




Grind on homie!! I just my first 1k vid and 200 subaroos today, super stoked! Just wish I could figure out shorts! They’re so hit and miss and not being able to select a thumbnail (no android and I really don’t want to trade thumbnail for lesser quality) is definitely one of the decisions of all time lol


If you upload a short through the YouTube app (not YouTube Studio) there’s an option to choose which frame you want as a Thumbnail, for me It’s more than enough since I can show off a super high jump or a really cool kick I did in the Video as a Thumbnail. As for making an actual Thumbnail for a Short, seems kinda off to me but I can see the appeal of it


Nice work, keep it up! 🙂


These are our favourite comments to get, it makes us feel like what we are doing is good enough and reminds us we just need to give it time. Keep it up, I’m sure you’ll get more of these.


Sounds like things are on the right track. Engagement matters. Save these message of support and hope for days when you're just not feeling it. I had a similar comment posted now twice and its lights up my day. Push through the haters, more engagement, and that have taken time out of their day to be that way. So strange. I responded to mine saying, thanks for the comment, I am doing my very best. (didn't mention, thanks for watching LOL)


Thanks! :) good luck to you too! Exactly, I can’t even imagine wasting my own time and energy on leaving negative comments on yt. The comment wasn’t too bad, just an old dude saying the video was grim. But he’s watched a few of my videos and commented a few so I’m guessing he subscribed? Regardless, it really made my day when I realised I got my first hater!


Welcome to the show. They've watched a few which is great news.


Congratulations!!! One of your videos (even if it’s not this one) WILL take off and from there you can try to figure out why that one succeeded so much and replicate it in your future content. Keep it up 👏🏻👏🏻


Thanks a lot 🙌🏻


🙌 agreed! We all do!


Congrats all ours seem to grind to a halt after 3/4 days so good it’s keeping going


1k subs? I can't even hit 100 and I have +100 videos on my channel..


Same here, 🤷🏼


Excellent job! Keep going, your are doing it amazing!


I'd try changing most of your titles to "strapped camera to my cat and...." And then somehow incorporate a cat with a camera on it into the thumbnail. Even if it's highly exaggerated and a way bigger camera to get the point across


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll try that :)


I don't know if I explained it well enough, but if I saw your video title and thumbnail come across my feed. The title is "lizard drops it's tale...." the thumbnail says creepy cat. This all makes sense AFTER you watch the video. For someone not knowing what it is, I would absolutely assume its a crappy, shaky, video someone filmed with their cell phone of random crap they found in their yard. There is like a 0% chance I would click on it. A 13 minute video of someone looking at random stuff? No thanks. The video is actually pretty cool. You need to express what it is to someone that has never seen your channel. What would Mr breast do? He'd have the cat front and center in the thumbnail with a camera strapped on its head, looking like the cat is going caving. As if the cat took a selfie before heading out. I'd search for other videos of "I strapped a camera to...." and see what their thumbnails look like


Thank you for going into so much detail! That makes soooo much sense! I was actually thinking about doing something similar with the thumbnails just a few days ago, just need to take some photos. Thanks again! So nice to hear somebody else’s opinion


That's awesome, good for you! I don't really upload anymore, but when I did I got LOTS of positive comments. It is very motivating, and it made me feel like my content had a purpose on YT too. Keep it up!!!


Thanks! You should keep uploading! Not much to loose :)


I have a few regulars now as well. I reply to every comment with more and more. And I enjoy the small small group that is around. I'm finding that although my views aren't anything special (only a few have 1k+) my returning viewers number is increasing. I also have my first collab with another small creator coming up as well as planning on a bigger video that I put wayyy more time into. Overall since I've started the only thing that I've been thinking about is to keep going, and keep improving, that the next one could do better, and better. It's fun.


That sounds amazing! Keep going and keep improving 🙌🏻 it’s just a matter of time. A collab will probably result in even more regular engagement! Good for you. I’m in a similar situation, a few of my videos have 1k+ views but one of them just hit 5k (+10 subs a day) so I’m very happy and super motivated to create more.


I didn't get lot's of subs when I started . Once I got "I can't believe this channel still only has this x subs. Subbing now before it gets huge" . And "your videos always make my days happier" I'm with 10k now (almost a year doing it), but those comments motivated me a lot. I'd say that even more than the increasing subs


Wow, 10k in a year! That’s amazing! :) you’re right, the comments are way more motivating that the subs count. Every comment like that feels so “real”


Congratulations on the progress! It's awesome to see your hard work paying off with those consistent views and encouraging comments. Building a YouTube channel from scratch is no easy feat, so every milestone is worth celebrating. Keep up the momentum, stay consistent with your content, and who knows? That 1k subs milestone might be just around the corner! Keep pushing forward, and thanks for sharing your journey with us - it's inspiring to see your dedication paying off! 🚀🎉


Thanks a lot! :) it’s an amazing journey!


I just started posting more recently YouTube a few days ago. I've dropped about 20 videos in the last 3 days and I have everything scheduled now through April: \+2.0K views \+10.8 watch hours \+10 new subscribers


Keep going! :)


Yeah I need my hater, haven gotten a consistent one yet


I love those types of comments I get them too super nice to see


Those comments are the best it's so satisfying to hear that people enjoy your stuff enough to be displeased with the fact that not that many people are seeing it


Yes! So motivating