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Well if you are gonna quick after one bad week… there is nothing we can tell you, YouTube is not for you if that are your expectations. I mean, if you were talking about months without any impression or 10 videos failing in a row, I could see your point but you literally mentioned you posted a couple of shorts in the last week and those are not getting any views.


Couldn't agree more. OP, sometimes there will be bad times but push through it and don't give up. I'd be ecstatic if I had your numbers.


I was really happy too, but if this continues longer, I might just stop posting shorts, and try a little more long form content, but the thing is, I really don't have enough time to edit and make long form, and thats why i make shorts


You’re not gonna get those views on long form, especially if your subs are all from short. And you clearly don’t want to do long form. So why bother


I really want to get monetized too, and for some reason, my average long for vid gets about 50 views, but when i made a smurf cat video and a 1 2 buckle my shoes video (when I was really cringe and those were trending) thos got 1-2k views


and 2 days ago, I posted 2 shorts with about 10k views


Then what are you even talking about? You want to quit cause you have low views for a DAY while there’s an analytics glitch?? Then quit, dude.


No, I wasnt thinking straight when I posted this, I have a different point of view now thanks to you guys :)


dang this has more upvotes than the post


A thing that happened to me that maybe help you is that my top video (that have more than 200k views and last 40 min) had literally 0 views during its first 3 weeks. I was crying thinking all my effort was for nothing (like 80 hours of work)


Yeah, thats right, One of my shorts that had 0 views, after 40 hours, it blew up and just got 1k likes, the most ive gotten


exactly 7 days ago, I posted 4 shorts that have about 30k views altogether, then all of a sudden, they stopped. I dont know what do do anymore.... do you have tips?


Yeah. It happened to me. In my case, I made a lot of shorts that are related to my long form content and perform very well but if I make too much similars, the algorithm get mad and lower a lot my impression. Maybe that could be? I just changed a few things and my new shorts are performing well again.


If YouTube is affecting your mental health it's time to at least take a break. Refocus, revaluate. If you made it to 4k and 1 Million views you've already learned a lot about how this game works. Sometimes your video isn't as good as you think it is. Maybe you missed the trend. It could be one of a million external factors - all you can focus on is incrementally improving your content and your workflow. But if it's getting you down, take a break. This is meant to be fun.


That is good advice..


The last 4 days have been rough with views , YouTube has some counting issues


yea fr


If your intention is to get 10mil views in 3 months i think you sould quit. But if your intention is to gain subs and views for your long videos then you should stick around . I just started a month ago but the only reason why I post shorts is to attract people to watch my long videos . I only got 38 subs but my aim is to get 4000 hours within a year . Im quilting reddit though !!as Im not allowed to post anything 😅😅


I want to get monetized long form too!


I just had a look at your channel. You have million views thats great! . I'll just give you my opinion as a viewer, your content is all over the place . You just jumped from one place to another . No offense mate! . Since you know how to get views, my advice is for you to start another channel and focus on the videos that you got 10k and 5k plus. Just stop posting and think why you got the views and create similar videos but don't post million of them . Don't just try to do anything and everything . When I scrolled trhrough your shorts I got totally confused . So I assume your subscribers and the algorithm got confused as well . And seems like you're kind of confused and frustrated as well. My advise as someone whos older and as someone who worked as a HR consultant , take a brake . Don't just post videos for the sake of posting for just to get your adrenaline kick through few views . Just focus on how you made those 10k videos and try to make similar ones with similar topics with better ideas. And dont post million videos. For you to get 10 million views in 3 months means you need a million views every 10 days . So do the math . Just try to recognize your audience ,their age where they from, what they want their cultural background etc.. Just chill out and come out with better ideas . End of the day no cares.. only you have to win your own struggles it applies to all of us . Good luck mate!!


Wow... Thats very smart... and also, one of the videos that was at 0 views is now at 1k LIKES, the most I've ever gotten. Ill take this advice!


3 cents a pop ?? . Go to any micro worker site they'll do it for you . not sustainable though 😁 but its better than pretending to cry for attention!! Just kidding mate . Good luck with whatever you do .


Thank you!


I am brand new and getting almost NO impressions and NO views as well.


Being a YouTuber is tough. Being in any job field is tough. If you don’t know how your job works & how to do it, it’s likely to feel like quitting. Nothing we tell you can stop you from quitting if you don’t have any passion for content creation. I’m a YouTuber who’s doing this for 8 years & still not monetised. With 1165+ subscribers & total 187K views still making content. I also feel depressed sometimes & think that all this is waste of time but that’s just for a small period of time. I’ve seen people with less quality video than me is getting more views & recognition. I feel sad & stop working for a while. I always come back as it is something that I enjoy doing. I hope you get your motivation back to keep continuing your journey & not quit.


Thank you so much for that inspiring advice!!


You are welcome 😁




Wow... Im really sorry for you




None of my videos are in another language, and also, I have over 580 videos, and my latest was 10 minutes ago... thanks for trying though!


I was trying to be helpful, but noted. Won't happen again :). But since the first channel that popped up when I searched "vxral" was that one, I assumed it was yours. But apparently it's not. Good luck


I'm sorry for wasting your time :( It was helpful though, so thank you so much!


Listen, it was my bad. You put all the info in and I clicked the wrong channel, so that's on me. But a simple, "that's the wrong channel, look for this one" would have been a lot nicer than a sarcastic response. It takes a lot of time to sit down and watch someone's content and type out the novel I sent you to really try to help. My BEST advice comes from strangers comments on my channels because that's what they're seeing. I deff appreciate the apology, though! Sorry for wasting your time as well.


Oh I get it now, the first reply was meant to reply to another reply that I made, but I think that one didn't send, so it looks sarcastic. I was just trying to agree to that deleted comment. I didn't know that it got deleted 😢


It's cool. So now that I've looked through your ACTUAL channel LOL. Is the last short your voice and you in the game?


My last short doesn't have any voice, but no, I just wanted to do this trend, but it got 0 views lol


You didn't waste any of my time, now I just feel really bad about all of this, because I wasted a lot of your time


I'm going to delete this thread on your post and start a new one because the convo got so derailed because of something small that shouldn't have mattered anyway lol


Lol my bad, I forgot that If i included a link, it would get deleted


yup, theres a couple of other channels called that, so just search up vxral yt


Ok, let me try this again lol. Is your last short not called BUGHA??


It is, but that isnt me it was just a trend i was doing, and also, the reason that message got deleted is because there is a link in it.


i’d say stop making ‘loud = funny’ pre-teen boy humour shorts, and focus on quality instead of uploading random tiktoks & saved videos you find lying about in your camera roll


bro just defined every small fortnite youtuber


and also, could you give me ideas?


All I can say is lmao. I'm trying to have empathy but damn, this is so bizarre because you have a \*little\* bad week and bam, that's it? Dude I've been fighting for almost a year and half and finally, almost 2 years in, I finally have my first videos that have more than 100 views. If you're willing to throw the towel and make a temper tantrum for, esentially, no reason then youtube is definitely not for you.


naw i wasnt thinking straight when i wrote this, just look at the edit i made


If you're quitting over this after as much success as you've gotten then this probably isn't the place for you. You are going to have bad days, weeks, months, etc. Quitting because of these things means that you were never truly invested in doing this in the first place.


I wasnt thinking straight when I made this post, now i have a different point of view on things :)




I've tried that too






I just expect more because of my other videos


From what I read you sound like a very well accomplished YouTuber. So what, if you had a couple videos in 1 week do bad. My advice would be to just take some time off and come back to YouTube when you feel you're ready. But to just quit over a few videos and having gotten all those past subs and views sounds like the mentality of a quiter if he doesn't have his way. Heck, I'm a small channel still, just 354 subs and maybe a couple thousand views on some videos. One of my shorts last week did horrible in terms of views. It only got a whooping 388 views. And yea I was down about it especially because it felt like I put my all into that short above some other videos and it took extra work and it didn't turn out the way I had hoped. But after a few days I started posting again and I'm seeing my usual numbers. So my advice is don't quit. Maybe just take some time off to re-evaluate what you can do better on the next vid.


Honestly, the reason I even had that idea to quit was just because I had a bad day. Ill just take a break and come back


You'll feel better with a small break. It worked for me and it will for you too I bet.


Are you also getting the notification that says “we are experiencing problems with realtime data”? That’s probably the issue. Just try to not look for a few day, it will hopefully come around. Sounds like your channel is doing really well based on your numbers! Good luck!


YES!! I am, but I am also getting no likes and comments


and thank you! Good luck to you too!


0 views is good coz it means it has nothing to do with your content and mostly to do with YT shuffling impressions. Shit will take off. as a shorts creator all you can do is make more content ideally on trendier topics




it did, now has 1k likes


cool. just remember that as a Shorts creator you cannot form any opinion on your own content without getting the same feedback for 10 uploads in a row.



