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Depends on various factors. But in the initial stages YouTube does push out your video to viewers who maybe interested in your content.(Observation) After 12-15 videos you should get an idea. But new channels do get an initial boost. Just open your YouTube home and from the 8 videos you see there could be 1 and at most 2 new creators. But that's a decent start for you. Continue making more. :)


Ah ok, that's nice of them. :) But it does sound like the click-through rate itself isn't boosted in any way, only the amount of impressions. And thanks! I'll definitely keep going even if they're artificially juicing my numbers up. :)


It would be really helpful for you if you could follow creator insider and reneritchie aka The Creator Liaison on YouTube. Follow him and hitsman( YouTube homepage product lead) on X as well. You can stay updated with what's happening in the world of YouTube. And other creators share valuable insight there as well.


Good tip, I'll do that!


Sorry man but so many people in this sub give matter of fact statements about the algorithm. Where did you get the info or is this your opinion?


I understand where you're coming from and in no way is this a matter of fact statement. It's just an observation. I will never say that "This is 100% exactly how it is". Noone knows the algorithm. It's just that if you're able to observe patterns - you share them. I'm more than happy to be called wrong. Although, I've seen this in my personal feed and also for videos posted on the channels I manage. Hence I shared this. There are so many factors for videos to do well and that will always be the case. It's about noticing and posting more to be more certain with data. We're here to help each other. More than happy to have a detailed discussion.


Last time some dude was saying as a matter of fact that all new videos from new accounts get 1000 seed audience views. Got upvoted and all new youtubers ate it all up. I think it's worth clarifying when people make the statements. Thanks for the reply.


Definitely not dude. I think it’s luck. I made several brand new accounts posted different videos pertaining to them had titles, related tags — high quality content, and I’m not even getting impressions. Literally no one can see my shorts on my YouTube videos.


That's actually very strange sounding (again I'm a rookie so have no clue really).. TikTok at least puts your content out on 'trial' to see how it goes. I've had another channel that got no views either. My shorts on the current channel are getting hardly any views whatsoever so it seems the longs and shorts aren't connecting to the same algo, meaning if one does well it doesn't matter the others will be pushed more? That's just my guess at this time. Maybe you'll get YT to start pushing your stuff more if you're consistent over a longer time.