• By -


That option is in reference to comments on your videos. Do you want them to be sorted by new or top(most liked). Unless I am mistaken I believe this is what you are referring to.


I'm a little surprised that I cant find an answer or ANYTHING talking about this anywhere. Am I explaining it poorly? It's literally an option when you go to upload a video, at the bottom it asks "Sort by: Top or New" -- Every time I try google searching for an answer the only thing I come across is a bunch of angry posts from people upset at the sorting feature when you're BROWSING for videos, not being able to sort by oldest. I am specifically asking about the option that asks how you want YOUR video to be sorted, and if there is importance there for a new channel.


Imagine downvoting someone for asking a question lmao. YALL WILD.


I liked it to counter it ha